
Kings Game (18+)

Travis is pulled into the ranks of nobility during a trying time, will he manage to survive the harsh circumstances that await him? Find out here! Disclaimer! This is an 18+ work! Do not read this unless you are 18 or older! Furthermore, this book touches on themes of sex, rape, abuse, and other such topics, if you want nothing to do with that, DO NOT READ! Thank you for your time.

Inker · 奇幻
7 Chs

Chapter 6: Uncertainty

'Shit, shit, shit! I just lost control of myself and took the virginity of a noble's daughter!' Travis thought to himself as a wave of dread hit him. 'Now that I'm thinking about it, isn't this basically an ambush? I mean, I was sleeping and she took advantage of my clouded mindset, so this definitely isn't my fault, right?' Travis thought to himself as he looked at Harriet's nude body.

"I-is something wrong?" Harriet asked hesitantly. "Do you not... Like it...?" She asked as a slightly disheartened expression came over her face.

"It's just... Is this okay? I mean, you're the daughter of a noble and... I just took your virginity." Travis said reluctantly.

"As long as nobody finds out, right?" Harriet asked.

'Is she planning to use this against me? This is a bad situation. What if she decides that I'm a threat to the inheritance and uses this against me?' Travis thought to himself. "We aren't going to tell anybody... Right?" Travis asked nervously.

Harriet put her hands on Travis' face and slowly pulled him closer to her own as they both began to blush a bit. As the space between them lowered to less than an inch, it felt as if time stopped for both of them.

'What's her plan of action? What's happening?' Travis asked himself, searching for a way out of his perilous situation.

'Will he... Be okay with me as his first kiss?' Harriet asked herself. After a moment, she closed her eyes and moved her head closer to his as their lips made contact. Uncertain as to how he should react, Travis froze in place, trying to figure out his next move.

After a couple of seconds, Harriet disengaged and pulled her head away as she opened her eyes, and tears formed at the edge of her eyes. "Sorry, I should have let you save that for someone you love... But... I... I..." She paused as she felt her throat close slightly.

'Wait... Why am I so worried? This is Harry, she doesn't think like that... Now I feel like an asshole...' Travis thought to himself as he looked at the girl in front of him that is now on the verge of tears.

"I love you." Harriet said as a tear ran down the side of her face. For a moment, Travis felt like his body had turned to stone as he heard the words uttered by the girl he had only recently found out is a girl.

'What?' He thought to himself as he attempted to process the information that was just presented to him.

"I... I don't care if you reciprocate my feelings, I don't care if you just use me as a tool for power... I just want to be with you. Please." She said as tears began to fall a bit more. 'I can not believe I am saying this... The amount of fear I feel right now... What if he rejects me? What if... What if he decides I'm not worth his time?' Harriet wondered to herself as she began to cry.

Travis regained his flow of thought, then pulled out and helped Harriet into a sitting position. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around her. "Did you do all of this because you didn't know how to say that?" Travis asked. Harriet nodded hesitantly. 'Now I really look like the bad guy... Man, I suck...' He thought to himself.

"I..." Harriet said, then hiccupped as she cried. "I was scared that... If I didn't, then you wouldn't..." She said as she hiccupped through the tears again. "Wouldn't want me..." She finished her sentence. Travis sighed, then pulled her into a hug.

"Look, you are great, but I would never be a good match for you. First of all, I was born into a poor family, plus, there would be dozens of people with better moral compasses and more approachable histories that would line up to be with you." Travis said.

"But... I want you..." Harriet said quietly as she tried to calm herself.

"I want you to ask yourself why that is. Is it because you have known me for years? Is it because you like the idea of me? What is the reason?" Travis asked.

"It is because... I like you..." She said vaguely through her sobbing. "I like the way you avoid fighting and try to resolve conflicts in as peaceful a manner as possible. I like the way you try to understand and help others." Harriet said as she calmed herself down. "Most importantly, I like how you seem to care about people, even if you are not close to them. I love you." Harriet said as she moved out of the hug and moved her head to look Travis in the eyes.

"I see..." Travis said, unsure as to how he should respond to that.

"As I said earlier, I do not care if you just see me as a tool for pleasure, or just want to use me for power, I just want to be your wife. You can have as many concubines and secondary wives as you wish as well, I just want to be the first and primary." Harriet said.

'This is way too much to process...' Travis thought to himself. "We should talk about this tomorrow, that way we will both be in the right state of mind to deal with such a decision, alright?" Travis asked. Harriet thought for a moment, then kissed Travis.

"Alright, but my mind will not change." Harriet said as she looked into Travis' eyes. Travis nodded. Harriet got up, then went to grab her clothes, got dressed, and quickly went to bed.

Well, complex emotional issues have been introduced, have fun with that, I suppose.

Inkercreators' thoughts