

early morning after williams finish washing up and ate breakfast sebas suddenly came to his behind and whispered "master there's a another group of people outside and wish to have a talk with you"

"hmm let them in"then he cameback to his bedroom to change into a appropriate attire, *https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/32299322321086068/* [reference only]

coming down to the receiving area he saw many people in vary in ages majority are middle age some are already in their early 60's seeing so many people who terrified he was even more happy cause just this along can make so many people feel terrified but what what about those things in the system mall that i can now buy anytime, anywhere.

hearing a footstep that's coming towards them they straighten their posture like a newly recruit soldier.

soon they saw a young man with majestic aura around him seeing this man they know that they finally met the person that terryfies them all.

they all shouted "hello mr.reid" hearing the shout williams couldn't help but feel what the kings would feel whenever they enter a place with poeple shouting whenever they appeared.

nodding to these people then sat down at what looks like a throne then motion to the other's to sit down to after sitting down he calmly said "so what pleasure do i owe this visit people?"

hearing this the current richest in the room stood up and bowed and said "hello mr.reid you may not know me i may introduce my self first i'm bruce lawrence the current president of lawrence group ingage in investments we're here to deeply apologies for what happen the other day night we all came here in hope of asking for forgiveness"

hearing bruce's words the other 30ish people all bowed in unison to williams and shouted "we asked for forgiveness".

"before that i'm still not clear on who and why am i targeted"calmly said

"first sir at first we all wish to visit you but someone approach us and instagated to target you it's the thomson family their family existed for hundreds of year in the capital as for the reason why we don't know we did what we did cause we are also treatened by them"

hearing the words of bruce he made a thoughtfull face in front then decided "well since that family made a move against ill visit pay a visit to them first".

then he added "as for the offence that each and everyone of you ill think about it later it will depend on the choices your backer will made whether some of will cease to exist or continue exist and it will also depend on where you will put your faith onto"

hearing williams word some were worried about the outcome some were somewhat angry now that they bowed to him and yet he still did not give a face to them atleast they're still a member of the upper class of the capital.

some no longer control themselves "boy don't go too far with us we already apologies and bowed to you and yet you will still not stop it? what do you wake us for we're still an upper class people in the kingdom"there are 5 to 10 people who agreed to this sentence.

hearing the words of one of the old man in the room he got serious and said "did i start this farce? am i the one who started this mess? am i the one who made the bad call in this mess?"

when they heard all the questioning that williams made they all had to shut up cause they can't refute it cause he's right in this mess he's the victim now he's just taking revenge on them.

when the old person who made the sentence earlier also had to shut up cause he knows that the young man infront really didn't do anything to them it's just their greed bested them so they didn't make any preparation to investigate cause the other party's offer was too much to decline so he just sitted back cross his legs not giving a shit about who williams is.

"now you all have nothing to say right? then ill start to the 10 of you"

hearing this the 10 people specially the old man heard this he was now scared you know even though they're wealthy there's still gap with the chavez family who is one of the top 10 family's but that kind of family was still brought down by this guy in just a few minute but what about them i'm afraid it will on takes a few seconds so they no longer mind their image as majestic upper class person and knelt.

"mr.reid mr.reid mr.reid plss wait please anything but that please let us go please"

seeing the pleading people who knelt down the other people in the room sucked a cold breath and somewhat tremble then got thank full that they did not agree to what the old man said earlier so they can escape the catasthrope this people are going to face now.

looking at the pleading people he ignore it, he's not a saint at first he already agreed to their entrance to the manor and say their defence for what they did but this people not only did not repent they are still look arrogant in my own home my own territory then let the saints do their parts and pray for this people.

he took out his phone intending to call someone just to show that there is people working for him but in reality it's just white whos doing the work but what can he do he still did not intend to exposed white to the outside world cause the technology involved will make the hidden predator show it's fangs to the outside world.


*master what can i do for you*

"through surveilance i know you can see the ten people kneeling here right?"

*yes master*

"well just like the other day make them bankrupt"

*ok master*

the ten people were full of despair, regret and anger to the thomson family cause of what they are going through now.

then they all look at williams feeling scared then a few minutes later the ringtone that they wish will never appear or make a sound still sounded to their ear for they know what comes next not answering the phone they now grovel at the feet of williams.

"sir williams just this once please let us go please we will give you everything but please don't send us to the streets to become a beggar please.

"please forgive us mr.reid"




hearing the pleading of this people then change his mind cause he still has plans for this people reducing to puppet that he can use now will bear no fruit for him to eat.

so he nodded and said "i can forgive you for the last time and this goes to you people too"

when they all heard this they all beam with joy but in the next second they froze in shock.

"but i will take 51% share in each and every one of you"

there still some who wish to complain but the word of williams already said it all either obey or be exterminated.

thinking of this they had no other choice but to obey and asked the lawyer in their company to bring the contract to their location.

"but i will not treat you badly ill buy your shares at the market price and from now on you all are my people"

hearing this they just gave a wary smile.

soon the lawyers came one after another with the share transfer document and they each put their signature and gave it to williams with both hands and with bleeding hearts.

after all this williams said "alright now everything is done you all go back first and wait and make preparation for each and everyone of you will eat the meat of the thomson family" when he said this he looked at the faces of this people who has a depress look at first then beamed with happiness for they each know how much wealth that family has being pass down for hundreds of years surely it's wealth will be a massive one and just their title alone the wealthiest family in the kingdom indicate their wealth

thinking of these they all bowed to williams happily and went to their separate ways and started to make preparation for they know that it will be base on it's nature eat all you can theme such a massive meat it's kinda impossible for one person to possess it so eat all you can.

seeing the people leave one by one with a happy smile on their faces he knows that controlling this family's is an easy one but he didn't think that it will be this easy soon he gave a call to richard and the other to tell what he told these people.

they did not doubt what williams said and they all started the preparation and banded together as the people who has the best relationship with williams they know they will soon rise but with this speed they could not calm down for a long time so they banded together to get the biggest piece than those defeated people of course the biggest piece will be in williams palm as the initiator how can he not get the biggest share of it.