
Kingdom building system : my system has a bug

I was a prodigy in My past Life. I have written Many thesis and Research Papers on Engineering, Physics and Chemistry for which I have won gold Medals. One day While I was playing Pubg I fell asleep and was transmigrated to a new world. And guess what just like Other MC I have my mana heart which is the source of Mana Crippled by my Father who is a King and was exiled into a remote place. Yeah I received a system but It is non-functional and was only able to see the other talents and that's it. As I gave up and thinking about Alchemy , I received as a System which functions quite well. What!! My mana heart is Recovered. And Top of that I can extract Mana from dying creatures. I gain levels as I kill!!! Simply Wowww!!!!!! As I checked the inventory I was like WTF!!!! Grenades , Land mines and Missiles that too in millions in number and the number grows . I can Copy one talent as long as I kill the Creature and What's more If I copy one or more same talent they can fuse. This system is surely overpowered and pretty sure It has a bug.

Asta_utsugi · 奇幻
44 Chs

Chapter 28: Paige family dinner

As Nitish and the Bond Girls, Alpha and Envy, walked out of the arena, a sense of accomplishment and relief washed over them. They had successfully confronted Ayesha and her parents, and justice seemed to have prevailed. However, little did they know that a new challenge awaited them just around the corner.

Butler, a loyal servant of the Paige family, hurriedly approached Nitish, clutching an elegant envelope in his hand. "Sir Nitish," he panted, presenting the invitation, "Lord and Lady Paige request your presence for dinner tonight at their estate."

Nitish glanced at the invitation, a flicker of suspicion crossing his face. He had anticipated a trap, yet his unwavering determination to uncover the truth and bring about justice drove him to accept the invitation. Alpha and Envy exchanged concerned glances, silently warning Nitish about the potential danger that lay ahead.

As night fell, Nitish arrived at the opulent Paige estate, adorned in his finest attire. He entered the grand hall, greeted by the Paige family, who wore smiles that masked their true intentions. The atmosphere was tense, a fragile façade barely concealing the underlying animosity.

Ayesha, nursing her wounds from the earlier confrontation, sat silently, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and humiliation. Her parents, equally seething, sought answers from her about the events that had unfolded in the arena. Ayesha, unable to bear her own humiliation, directed her anger towards her parents, blaming them for allowing Nitish to humiliate her in front of those she had previously looked down upon.

The Paige parents, wounded by their daughter's outburst, reassured her that vengeance would soon be theirs. They revealed their plan to lay a trap for Nitish, emphasizing the need for caution and secrecy. Their faces twisted with anger, they confided in Ayesha that they suspected the Bond Girls, Alpha and Envy, were not ordinary guards. Their exceptional skills and mysterious identities suggested a connection to a powerful kingdom, possibly spies sent to gather information.

The revelation startled Ayesha, as she had never considered the true nature of the Bond Girls' abilities and origins. It dawned on her that her previous acts of cruelty and entitlement had not only invited the ire of Nitish but had also drawn the attention of a far-reaching network of spies and operatives.

As the Paige family strategized their plan for revenge, they couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. They had decided to join the rebel forces against the oppressive kingdom, and insider sources had informed them that the king was growing suspicious of their activities. The knowledge that they were being watched intensified their resolve to exact vengeance on Nitish, believing it would serve as a powerful message to their enemies.

Deep into the night, Nitish remained oblivious to the intricate web of schemes being spun around him. Unaware of the Paige family's true intentions, he engaged in polite conversation, playing the role of the curious guest. Yet, his instincts tingled with unease, sensing the undercurrents of deceit and danger.

As the clock struck midnight, the dinner drew to a close, and Nitish bid his hosts farewell. The Paige family's warm smiles masked their underlying malevolence, and Nitish sensed that their trap was closing in. Despite the risks, he remained steadfast, determined to face whatever challenges awaited him in his pursuit of justice.

Little did Nitish know that he was about to step into a dangerous game, where loyalty and betrayal intertwined, and the consequences of his actions would reverberate far beyond the walls of the Paige estate. The kingdom's secrets, the Bond Girls' true identities, and the impending clash with the oppressive king all converged, setting the stage for a thrilling and perilous battle that would test Nitish's courage, resilience, and commitment to the fight for justice.

As Nitish walked away from the Paige estate, a sense of foreboding settled upon him. The stage was set, the players were in position, and the trap was ready to be sprung. In the face of impending danger, Nitish would need to rely on his skills, wit, and the unyielding support of Alpha and Envy to navigate the treacherous path ahead.

Unknown to him, the destiny of an entire kingdom hung in the balance, and Nitish would soon find himself entangled in a web of intrigue, where alliances would be tested, loyalties questioned, and the true extent of his powers and courage revealed.