
Chapter 4

After Pluto's enigmatic metamorphosise, something deeply changed within each of the summons core. They now fully understood that this new Pluto, Emperor Pluto Anubis, was the entity they were brought to this world to serve and protect.

And so with this dramatic transformation came a complete change in the direction of their developing civilisation, with the construction of brick homes, followed by the construction of spotting towers, and along with the eventual introduction of summoned human people into the settlement, came the construction of educational institutions, that were to provide education of all levels and grades, educating the human populous, which was quickly becoming the majority social demographic of the new world.

After over two hundred and fifty thousand years of prosperous growth and development the civilisation became unrecognisable from it's days of old. Now populated and flourishing with a wide array of beings, which belonged to different races. Within this glorious empire only one thing is recognised as the definition of absolute law, and that is the almighty Emperor Pluto, who in all honestly may as well be a glorified God to the inhabitants of the Dark Empire.

The Dark Empire had reached a population size of 5 billion inhabitant, and was fully based on it's continent of origin, the Sothoryos continent. The Sothoryos continent had at some stage of it's millions of years of development, been surrounded by a transparent dome that shelters the entire continent, including of course the Dark Empire.

This was done so as to heavily monitor and restrict the entering and going of the Empire, with this subsequently leading to over 40 percent of the planet's other landscapes, outside of the Sothoryos continent, being almost completely unexplored and uninhabited.

The outer layer of the Empire was surrounded by courtyard houses and other low-class forms of housing, whereas the middle layer consisted of villas and a few mansions that were shared with the inner layer, the inner layer consisted of mansions and palaces, along with the prestigious Empire's castle, that was located right at the centre of the inner layer.

The courtyard houses range in size, but are generally considered the most modest houses among all those of the Empire. The villas are significantly larger than their courtyard counterparts, having included a terrace and double street frontage, the mansions on the other hand are highly exclusive in terms of their owners and residences, and as such are solely reserved for those of exceptional wealth and those of aristocratic linage.

The mansions have five storeys, that consist of several living rooms, bedrooms, a library, conservatory, theatre, study, and many more facilities. Palaces were also highly exclusive, being solely reserved for the highest-ranking government officials, such as the Emperor's legion of sorn devils and Valkyrie. These palaces were only second best to the Dark Empire's Emperor castle, itself. With an unimageable number of rooms, and facilities, live-in servants to maintain the facilities, and serve the lord of the manor, and so many other amenities that serve as to scream opulence. And at the top of the housing market was the Emperor's castle. The castle which has numerous surrounding towers and mottes, a curtain wall, a gatehouse, a great banquet hall, and so many more grand facilities. All of which making the castle easily the largest homestead in the entire Dark Empire.

The inner layer of the Dark Empire is home to the aforementioned Emperor himself and several chiefs, including Chief Geirahoo (female), Chief Geskogu (female), Chief Geiravor (female), Chief Gol (male), Chief Geirdrifu (female). With each Chief manning their very own clan, which mainly consisted of elves, druids, giants, chimeras, and clerics. The Chiefs each residing in their own respective mansions and villas for each of their respective clansmen. Other members of the inner layers included Chief Herfjotur (male), Chief Geironu (female), Chief Hleroguor (male), Chief Herja (male), and Chief Gondu (male), their respective clans mainly consisted of dwarfs, golems, dragons, and demons, with much like the other clans of Valkyrie chiefs, resided in their own respective villas.

The inner layer's climate maintained a constant state of the autumn season, with it's residences being constructed by diviners and royal scholars, using high-class magic. With residential prices being only acceptable for those who are both incredibly wealthy and of the highest social statues. Because of the inner layers unique autumn climate, the autumn winds have become incorporated in it's city infrastructure and regional layouts.