
King of the skies: I reincarnated as a bird?!

In the Year 2222, all Humans in the Universe were forced to take part in a higher Being's Scheme, not as fellow Schemers but as mere Pawns. Pawns that can become much greater Pieces should they walk the right Path that is unique to them. Watch as our main Character and all of Humanity struggle to survive in a new and deadly Environment, where survival is all but guaranteed. (The cover does not belong to me; if you are the original creator of this image please comment and I will contact you personally regarding taking down the image)

RiCrease · 奇幻
14 Chs


Looking suspiciously at the massive bird before me, I tried to make some sounds to communicate with her.


I tried to greet it, yet only a chirp got out of my Mouth, and with my mother looking at me strangely, I decided to just wait until I am sure I can communicate with her before trying, to avoid any unpleasant miscommunication.

'Don't mind me'

I thought while approaching the Fish mama bird put down, taking small chunks of meat and swallowing them one by one.

'This is so slow!'

I thought after a few minutes passed and I barely finished half the fish.

'well, it's not like I have anything else to do. also, food should be quite difficult to get as a bird who is gonna feed her hatchlings, I should be glad I hatched first to get food first.'

I thought, sighing again in my own mind, with a bored tone.


after a few minutes, I finished the fish.

walking back to sit near my egg, I failed a miserable attempt at sitting and fell on my back accompanied by a System Notification.

[Food consumed! Elite Nutrition is taking effect.]

A warm feeling arose in my stomach, it felt like someone turned on a heat radiator in my stomach.

[Elite Nutrition Process completed! +50 EXP!]

[Apex Body is taking effect..]

'what? what is Apex body doing?'

I thought in surprise, did Apex Body have anything to do with consuming food?

[Apex Body Process completed! +10 Biomass]


I thought with a curious tone.

'System, Open the description of the [Apex Body] ability'

[Understood, Opening description of [Apex Body] ability]

[Apex Body]

[Apex Body is a semi-active Ability that allows its user to manually upgrade his Body using Nutrients and Biomass. there are 9 Grades for Organs and other Body parts in the Apex Body:

[Filthy] [Lowly] [Lesser] [Inferior] [Superior] [Elite] [Royal] [Grand] [Supreme]

[The Average Grade of a Living Creature's Organs is [Lowly] and may rise to [Lesser] as it evolves. some Creatures that are naturally more powerful than others may have Organs up to the [Superior] Grade]

Ignoring the whole grades thing, I focused on the first part.

'Oh, so that's what it's used for!'

I thought enthusiastically, this ability is way better than I thought!

'Well then, what am I waiting for? System! I want to use the [Apex Body] Ability!'


[Apex Body]

[Please choose a section to choose an upgrade]






'That's a load of options!'

I thought with a surprised tone.

'what should I choose first...?'

I thought hesitantly, every part of my body could be upgraded, and almost every upgrade is useful.

'I'll start with my legs and wings!'

I decided with a determined tone, these were the most important because I had a lot of trouble moving around.

'I'll start with wings first.'

[Wings (Lowly)]

[Empowered wings:]

[Empowered wing bones: 5 Biomass]

[Empowered wing muscles: 3 Biomass]

[Empowered wing claws: 2 Biomass]

[Dexterous wings:]

[Flexible wing bones: 8 Biomass]

[Flexible wing muscles: 5 Biomass]

[+1 wing claws: 8 Biomass]

'Great, more options!'

I thought with a gruff voice.


After some thinking, I decided to choose both upgrades for the wing muscles, which would cost me a total of 8 Biomass out of my 10 Biomass. Unfortunately, that wouldn't leave much for the leg upgrades, but the wings were very important because I use them for walking, flying, and protecting myself.

'System! I choose [Empowered wing muscles] and [Flexible wing muscles]!'

[That would amount to a total of 8 Biomass, Are you sure you want to proceed?]


[Understood, beginning upgrade...]

suddenly, a terrible pain overcame me. it felt like someone was tearing my wings apart while freezing and burning them again and again.


[The System is not responsible when it comes to learning about abilities. that is the host's responsibility, as they are your abilities. the System provided you with a short explanation about the workings of the ability, and that's all it has to do.]


after minutes of terrible pain, it finally subsided.

[+ 5 Strength]

[+ 5 Dexterity]

I felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water over me, the relief was immeasurable.

finally managing to stand up, I felt like my wings were much more powerful!

but what is this terrible feeling? like someone is gazing into my soul? turning around, I found mama bird looking straight at me with a very suspicious look...

'Shit! I completely forgot about her!'

I thought with slight panic, what if she thinks I have some kind of brain damage and throws me out?

Fortunately, that did not happen. mama bird looked at me for a bit longer and started to walk towards the eggs as if not caring, she seemed to be observing the golden-white egg I saw before, after examining the egg, I noticed there was now a small crack on the outer shell of the egg!

'Am I getting a sibling?'

I thought in a strange tone, in my past life I had 3 siblings, but we all lost contact with each other a few months before... well, this happened.


Another crack resounded loudly in the nest, and a beak emerged from a hole in the eggshell.




Many other cracks formed one by one, until finally;


The eggshell collapsed on itself and a massive hole was formed in the egg.

A golden bird that should probably look similar to me walked out of it, its gaze scanning the environment around it before finally landing on me and the mama bird.

At first, he looked surprised, and then his gaze focused on me.

"You! What are you doing here?!"

A disdainful voice resounded through my mind.

'He can talk?!'

I thought in surprise.It'sI called Telepathy, Moron!"

'He can read my mind?!'

I thought in shock.

"Once again it's called Telepathy, you fool! we are speaking with our minds! now tell me, are you also a reincarnator?"

'Um, I guess? we all went through the same process didn't we?'

"Hmm, I see. that's a bit out of plan, but no worries."

"I'll give you two choices; You can either Leave this nest by will or by force, what do you choose?"

He said with a strong sense of pride in his voice.

'Why should I leave?'

I asked with my brow raised in my imagination.

"This is my second chance! I am obviously the Main character of this world! It's Unacceptable for me to have an older sibling! no one, especially not a moron like you will stand in my way!"

He said with a prideful look on his face.

'I am not leaving, feel free to fuck off!'

I replied proudly, I wasn't scared! I was older than him and I had upgraded my wings too! there is no way a fresh newborn can defeat me!

Was what I thought until he said;

"Fine then, I didn't want to do this."

"Thorn shot!"

He said out loud, and just as I was about to mock him for screaming out stupid names when I felt pain in my abdomen, looking down, I saw a wound with a large green thorn in it and blood tickling slowly out of it.

[You have been hit, -20 Health]

'What the hell dude!'

I screamed loud in my mind.

"It was your choice, Now leave! before I shoot you to death!"

I looked hopefully at mama bird hoping for help, but she seemed to enjoy seeing me receive a beating.

I was losing blood, I doubted I could defeat him with his combat ability.

'I will remember this!'

I shouted in my own mind as I ran toward the edge of the nest.

'I will come to get my revenge!'

I shouted once again as he scoffed at me.

taking one last look at Mama Bird, I jumped from the edge of the nest with the intent to fly away, until an idea occurred to me...

'I don't know how to fly!'

Full of panic, I tried to flap my wings, to no avail.

Descending quickly, I could faintly see the ground already.

'System! I'm a bird! why can't I fly?!'

I asked the system with a tone of urgency.

[Skill [Fly] is missing. you possess the skill [Glide] instead allowing you to Glide.]

The moment I finished reading the System message, I forced myself to calm down.

I was already 150 meters above the ground.

I spread my wings without moving them, feeling the air pushing against my wings, I thanked the gods I also chose the empowered wing muscles option, or I wouldn't have been able to hold my wings straight.

I watched in horror as My body slowly descended toward the ground.

120 Meters

110 Meters

100 Meters

90 Meters

[Skill [Glide] has leveled up to level 2!]

Suddenly, my Body stopped descending and started gliding straight instead of falling!

'Phew, That was close!'

I thought with a relieved tone.

[-5 Health]

[Host is bleeding and is advised to clean his wound as soon as possible to stop the bleeding. until then the host will lose 5 Health every 1 Minute.]

'Shit! Curse this golden Fucker!'

I looked below me looking for a place to land, and noticed I was gliding above a massive jungle that never seems to end with a gigantic river flowing through it.

'This view is... beautiful'

This is the first time in this body I had ever seen something so beautiful, but I had no time to think about that, I had to quickly land as my wings were beginning to grow tired.

Locating a massive Tree with branches thicker than the trunk of most Trees Earthrth.

'This would do.'

I decided in my mind, I didn't have many choices. I approached the Tree branch and started changing the angle of my wings to slow down a bit, I managed to land on it.

Unfortunately, I forgot that I was gliding with the great speed that I gained by falling hundreds of meters, so I crashed my head on the trunk of the tree.

[You have been hit, -10 Health]

'Ouch, that hurts a bit'

I mourned in my mind. when a system notification appeared.

[Host is still bleeding, -5 Health.]

'Alright, Alright.'

I grunted, sitting up, I reached for the Thorn embedded in my Abdomen, to my surprise, it slid out quickly when I pulled it.

Though, I was not spared from the pain.

'Ow! Why does everything have to hurt?!'

I mourned bitterly in my mind.

[Object in wound removed, Bleeding rate reduced to -2 Health every 15 Minutes, Host is advised to sleep to heal his Wound faster.]

'Sigh, I guess that's it for the day'

Adrenaline was still running through my veins, but I was already a bit tired from everything that has happened, I was still a hatchling after all.

With the sun beginning to set, I decided to lie down and cover my body with my wingsIt'sIts a bit bitter that I, a newborn hatchling has to spend my first night in this world alone in this jungle, abandoned by my parents.

When I think of the cause of all of this, the image of the golden hatchling comes to mind.

'I will have my revenge!'

I thought in determination.

And so, The night began.