
King of All Superhumans

Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.

Adam_Aksara · 都市
140 Chs

Old Tragedy Bore a Never-Ending Sadness

Stepping into the Shangrila Café, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the senses, as if the scent had intertwined itself with the very soul of the café. Warm, golden light cast a gentle glow on polished wooden tables and chairs, which awaited the day's customers. In the midst of this tranquil ambiance, I spotted Maria, Rick, The mask maker sensei, Almaria in her wheelchair and some third members, engrossed in what seemed to be a deep conversation. As my footsteps echoed lightly, Maria's eyes met mine. Her face contorted with emotion, she briskly approached and, with a burst of anger, slapped me.


Maria looked furious, "You have no shame. We saved your life and gave you power. Is this how you repay us?"