
King Of All Bijuu: Mystery & Chaos

Synopsis John Wodwick Alver finds himself reincarnated after his death. While most would panic or be confused, John is different. He belongs to the Alver, the strongest, largest, and oldest clan in all of existence. This clan is so vast that its bases can be found hidden everywhere, visible only to its members. The Alver clan connects all races, gods, and beyond, serving as protectors of all creation and the only beings who can interact with gods like old friends. From a young age, John was already very powerful and traveled across all existence. At 19, he died after defeating an enemy that he considered as an ant, though his death was part of his plan to experience his clan's reincarnation ability. Reincarnated and regaining his memories at the age of 16, John finds that his powers have regressed, and using them casually could be fatal, but his true strength was an affected and can be use as usual. At 19, John ventures into the city and discovers he has been reincarnated into the world of the anime "Danmachi." This marks the beginning of his journey through countless fictional worlds from his previous life and various other realms. Disclaimer To avoid copyright issues, I must clarify that all illustrations and pictures posted here are not mine; I downloaded them from Google and Pinterest. The same goes for any anime and fiction referenced in my fanfiction; they are not my creations. I use these as material for my story. Please don't expect too much—I'm a novice writer, and my English relies heavily on Grammarly for spelling and grammar corrections. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it. Warning I write for fun and as a hobby. I release 1 to 2 chapters every week, or more if I have extra free time.

Alfon_Soultan · 漫画同人
76 Chs

Calm Before the Storm part 1

"Excuse me, sorry, thank you, coming through, excuse me, thank you," Luciada walked through the crowd heading towards the center where this commotion originated.

As soon as Luciada reached the center, a horrified and worried look formed on her face.

In her eyes, she saw the fallen body of a man she had known since she arrived in this world, and this man was none other than John.

"John!" Luciada shouted and ran towards him desperately. When she arrived at John's side, the nanomachine comms kicked in, calming her down and regaining her composure.

With practiced movements, Luciada conducted a diagnosis on the spot. She immediately entered her focused state, and her aura shifted. Everyone in the scene noticed this.

The crowd wanted to watch, but the nurse at the scene shooed them away.

"Hey, why are you pushing? I want to watch," a random guy said, annoyed.

"Sorry sir, but you're blocking the fresh wind from reaching the patient," the pink-haired nurse said in a tone so cold that every man present shivered in fear.

"Cough! Sorry, I forgot that I have some business to attend to," the random guy said, and hurriedly retreated.

The surrounding people also made excuses and hurriedly left before they could anger the scary nurse.

While this was happening, Luciada was still immersed in her diagnosis. The result was that John was only exhausted and needed rest.

Luciada breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Luciada, is he okay?" the pink-haired nurse asked.

"Yes, he is," Luciada said with a gentle smile noticeably different from her previous smiles.

The pink-haired nurse noticed this and smirked. "Miss Luciada, is he perhaps your boyfriend?"

"No, but there is a chance in the future," Luciada replied.

The pink-haired nurse was stunned to hear her reply. She didn't expect Luciada would respond like this. She shook her head to regain her composure.

"May the gods bless you then," the pink-haired nurse said while forming a traditional hand sign from her village.

"What does the hand sign mean?" Luciada asked.

"We use this hand sign to bless an upcoming couple, back in my village," the pink-haired nurse explained.

Luciada's beautiful face blushed in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the pink-haired nurse smirked evilly. In her mind, she was already writing a black-bellied recipe for matchmaking. However, before she could go further, a nurse with black hair and glasses approached and then smacked the pink-haired nurse on the head without alarming her.

"Ow! What was that for, Clore?" the pink-haired nurse protested.

The black-haired nurse with glasses, known as Clore, replied in a monotone voice, "Stop playing around, Gesfain, and help her carry the man inside."

The pink-haired nurse named Gesfain protested but was shut up by Clore's single word, "Salary."

"Sorry, don't take my salary," Gesfain said while kneeling on the ground, begging.

Luciada giggled when she saw this scene.

"Stop, you two. Can you help me carry him to the tent?" Luciada asked.

"Is there still an empty tent, Clore?" Gesfain inquired.

"There is still one in the eastern section," Clore replied.

"Let's go then," Gesfain said, carrying a stretcher she took from a nearby tent.

Clore, Gesfain, and Luciada carried unconscious John toward the empty tent Clore mentioned.

On their way, many people turned their heads to the beautiful trio, creating a small commotion.

A guy hit his head on a wooden pole.

A man accidentally dropped his walking stick, losing his support while injuring his broken leg.

Two guys who were about to punch lost the direction of their fists, accidentally hitting a bystander, and a brawl erupted as the bystander sought revenge.

A man who was just drinking his hot tea didn't pay attention and accidentally poured the tea into his groin, receiving critical damage.

The girls who saw this scene shook their heads and rolled their eyes.

The beautiful trio, the center of attention, remained oblivious to their surroundings.

Soon they reached the empty tent.

The beautiful trio laid John on the bed.

"Thank you for your help, you two," Luciada said.

"No problem. Just call us if you need a hand," Gesfain replied.

After saying goodbye, Clore and Gesfain left.

A few hours passed, and the sun was about to set.

I groggily opened my eyes and found myself inside a tent. Right beside me was a sleeping Luciada. I looked around the tent and discovered it was a large tent with 20 beds separated by fabric walls.

The tent was empty; only Luciada and I were there.

Luciada, who was sleeping beside me, began to wake up. It must have been my movement that awoke her.

She groggily opened her eyes, and when her sight landed on me, her sleepiness disappeared. She immediately jumped towards me and hugged me.

"Luciada, isn't this a bit too close?" I said while patting her shoulders.

"I know. Just leave me alone like this for a while," Luciada said with a cracked voice.

Hearing her, I knew she must be crying, so I didn't say much and just gently caressed her silky brown hair to calm her down.

After a few minutes of crying, Luciada finally calmed down and began to recount what had happened and what she was doing in her mission.

"Thank you for carrying me and for your care," I said with a sincere smile.

Luciada only gave me a bright smile as her response.

"So, you were assigned as a doctor? I didn't expect that. I thought you would only be a carrier or a cleaner," I said.

Luciada giggled and replied, "Did I surprise you?"

"Yes, you've surprised me."

"By the way, Luciada, has the second night battle already begun?"

"Yes, it did," Luciada confirmed.

"It can't be helped then. Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

"Are you asking me for a date?" Luciada said with a gentle smile, though if you looked closely, you'd see a slight blush.

"What do you think?" I said with a teasing smile.

My teasing didn't work, though.

"I agree. I'll meet you in the Plaza de Memoria at 7:09 am. See you tomorrow," Luciada said. After saying that, she stood calmly and walked out of the tent, treating my words as if they were nothing, though deep inside, she was interested. This was her first time going out with someone, after all.

Outside the tent, Luciada was smiling, happy that she would experience for the first time the so-called date she had only read about in books.

She was like a radiant bloom in a glasshouse, flourishing in the embrace of a tender and protected world.

Everything that was happening to her right now was new to her: no powerful servant, no protection. Anything could harm her now, and most likely, no one would know her true identity as a Royal in a galactic empire. It was like she was living a new life, devoid of any connection to her royal identity.

In a happy mood, Luciada left while humming a tune from her homeland.

Everyone nearby who saw and heard her melodious humming was mesmerized and forgot what they were doing. There was even a guy who forgot he had a broken leg and accidentally dropped his walking stick, making him stand on his injured leg. At that moment, the poor man knew he had messed up.


In the background of Luciada's humming, well-timed screams resounded, creating a beautifully synchronized backdrop.

I shook my head after seeing the scene outside with my magic sense.

My body collapsed on the bed weakly. My body was not fully healed yet, and I needed more sleep.

With that in mind, my eyes slowly closed, and my consciousness drifted into dreamland.



Blue Rose City

Rosengar is the name of the castle resting at the center of Blue Rose City.

In the Captain Commander's Office.

The office of the Captain Commander exudes a strong sense of Far East culture that resembles the Japanese culture on Earth.

The floor was made of wood; on the other half of the office was a raised platform covered in tatami mats, and on it rested a traditional Far Eastern low table.

At the table sat a middle-aged man in seiza. This man was Yuzu Senjura, the Captain Commander who led the entire knights of Blue Rose City. Only the Goddess of this city and the princess could order him. He was a monstrous figure for hundreds of thousands of years and was recognized as the strongest man on the Continent.

Yuzu Senjura had long, spiky black hair that reached his waist, a triangular beard, a mustache, black eyes, and a slim, defined figure. He wore a white haori with gold accents and a red kimono, and on the back of the haori was a fancy-looking zero indicating the division he led.

(Yuzu Senjura image).

Yuzu Senjura was enjoying his tea in peace when suddenly a voice spoke from behind, where the huge window of his office was located. That window was now open, and a young man was sitting there.

The man had wild orange hair with red accents, a fierce and handsome face, and a lean, muscular figure. He wore simple clothing.

(The young man's image.)

"Old man, why did you do that? You're just making us look weak to other nations. Those fools might already have bad ideas," the young man said, his expressionless face giving no hint of his thoughts.

"I had no choice," Yuzu Senjura replied in a relaxed manner.

"Because of that fool?" the young man said, his expression unchanged.

"Indeed," Yuzu Senjura nodded.

"I've said this before, but that guy only brings trouble," the young man replied with a serious look.

Yuzu Senjura sighed. "I know, but my hands are tied due to our contract with the Hunters. The other nations are always watching us like vultures, the guild was the only one keeping them in check, if the hunters don't have that policy I long kick out the guild here."

The young man grumbled, "Those hypocrites. They're the ones who caused everything, and now they're blaming us for their ancestors' mistakes."

"Their ancestors refused the treaty three times," Yuzu Senjura said, reminiscing.

The treaty that the young man talking about was the World Treaty which the Hunters offered in long-distance pass, only a few countries accepted and signed the treaty and one of those countries was the Rose Dukedom. The Hunter's policy that Yuzu talks about is the Volume 7 Chapter 1 Number 1221 policy of the Hunters that says, Hunters must not interfere in any conflict between nations.


Country: Rose Dukedom

Age: 295,000 years

Population: 10 million.

Territory: 500,000 square kilometers

Capital City: Blue Rose City.

Military Rank: 2nd strongest on the continent

Cities: 1

Towns: 4

Villages: 30,000


"Let's deal with it when the time comes. By the way, seeing their faces was satisfying, don't you think?" Yuzu Senjura said with a smirk.

"Enough chit-chat, How's the battlefield?" Yuzu Senjura asked while taking another sip of his tea.

The young man snorted. "Why do you ask? Didn't you monitor the battle with your senses?"

"I was meditating," Yuzu Senjura replied while taking another sip of his tea.

The young man's eyes snapped open.

"The first tide of the horde was large numbering in millions, and we defended with 500,000 troops of our own and some bombardment support from the Hunters. We had no deaths, but over 400,000 were injured. The second tide is smaller, and we are holding them off with 100,000 the battle was still raging as we speak."

Yuzu Senjura fell silent for a moment and pondered the situation.

"Deploy the first and fourth divisions," Yuzu Senjura ordered.

After Yuzu Senjura gave the order, the young man disappeared.

Western Gate, Midnight.

The sky was clear, revealing a dazzling stars, behind of that beautiful scenery was a massive Castle that envelops most of the sky's background. This breathtaking scene would captivate anyone who saw it. On the rampart stood a beautiful young woman with long silver hair. She wore a black gothic dress and had aloof demeanor. Her name was Alfia, the vice-captain of Hera Familia, and right beside her was her captain the Empress.

"Captain, the enemy's horde is weaker than yesterday," Alfia said with an indifferent tone.

"I know, but don't let your guard down. Something is watching us," Empress replied while looking at a certain direction.

In a far distance, 2,000 km away from the city. A humanoid creature with a huge body like a mountain and was looking at a certain direction with his glowing red eyes.

This creature is surrounded by a massive horde of Ambist numbering in hundreds of millions, all of the Ambist were bowing their head towards the humanoid creature with respect, This terrifying scene was both horrifying and grand, a foreboding sign of the looming threat that hung over the city.