
Kings Without Desire

The scene is black if it's a video, the words on the screen say "God made this video or movie, I just helped."

One day, in a kingdom full of fairies.

One fairy tried to stand out, the oldest princess, but she was a girl, nobody wanted to pick her and they only wanted boys to rule,

So, in her rage, she killed off all her little brothers.

She had two little sisters, them being 14 to 17, the 17-year-old sister saved her 1-year-old brother and ran off with him to another land with her younger sister.

They lived in Mooningdale, this is where our story begins.

(one day, in Mooningdale, which is 15 years later...)

One of the sisters ran into work, tired and flabbergasted.

She ran to the receptionist and says "Am I late?"

"No, you are never late. Sign these, you know you need to, to prove it."

the receptionist man says as she quickly grabs his papers leaving him sitting there, staring at her with a dead look on his face, like, he was bored or just didn't care.

"I wish you'd do something, I don't know, different, like come late. Get fired, I don't care. Make me be shocked." he says nonchalantly.

"What?! No, I can't be fired, I have two kids! Well, had." she says, referring to how "One of your 'Two kids' is in Mooningdale state Academy for gifted Fairies, and you have a 16-year-old. You aren't getting any younger, you came when you were 17, right? You should be...45?" he says, "No~, I'm..." she looks left, then right, then leans into his face and he says "Personal space, ma'am." then she leans backward ten inches and whispers "33."

"What, ma'am. I can't hear you," he says, looking at his phone, and turning on music.

"thirty-" she whispered, then the music blasted at 100%

"Thirty-three." she says a little louder, "What?!" he says, putting his earphones in.

"Why are you putting in your earphones if you want to know my age?!" she says in anger, yelling at him.

"I don't care about your age. you brought it up."

he says, "No, I did not, you brought it up!"

she says in anger, then "Ms. Welch, come to the board room." her boss calls.

"Coming!" She says and then she runs out of there saying "I'm not finished!" he responds "Could care less about that, but okay!"

In the board room, he runs into the glass window on her way, then does it, again, then tries to open the door by pulling, then her boss, embarrassed, covering his face says "Melrose, Ms. Welch, please, push the door open!"

She gets confused and asks "What?"

"Melrose, push the door," he says in confusion.


she replies and does and it opens, to her surprise and embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry," she says as she opens the door, "I forgot how to open the door." she walks in there saying that and then sits on the last chair available as they're all full except for two, one she chooses the sit on.

"That chair is for Mr. Rose, take the seat next to Ms. Powers." Her boss says, she gets up and goes and sits in the empty seat next to Ms. Powers.

"Mr. Rose will be here to show his presentation, and I hope it is good." the boss says.

"Agreed." she burst out, all of them looks in her direction, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, then." her boss says.

then Mr. Rose shows up,

"Hello, I was so busy with the kids, one of them pooped on my shoe and then I had to clean it, then I got Pink eye, I think, don't touch my eyes by the ways." Mr. Rose says as he sets up his work and puts the projector on the far end of the table, where his boss sits.

"Boss, I had the greatest idea." Mr. Rose says "I know, just tell us, cut to the chase, you pro-viewers always give us words when I just get so anxious and want to know what I came for." the boss says,

Mr. Rose: "You're referring to your YouTube addiction-"

Boss: "Mr. Rose, I told you, stop giving out all my business!"

"Yes, sir, and your mickey mouse clubhouse underwear!" Mr. Rose says, "You wear mickey mouse clubhouse underwear, sir? My son used to wear that all the time when he was 4~ LOVED THEM!" Melrose says to her boss, "You know what? You're lucky you're my nephew!" the boss says, totally embarrassed and angry.

Boss: "Please, don't talk about-" He cuts himself off.

"As an underwear company, I want to cater to your kind of man, uncle Whistle Flute!" Mr. Rose says.

"Mr., please, stop." His boss, Whistle flute says embarrassed even more.

The room is silent.


"UNCLE WHISTLE FLUTE, ATTACK!" one of the men in the room says then the man who said it clears his throat and laughs.

"God made this story and used me to write it." If you can, put this in captions, if not, put it as narration.

Whistle Flute is not happy.

"You guys are so funny, especially you, Claud." Whistle Flute says.

"I like the name, Whistle FLute's good for music." another male worker says, and since he's right next to him, the boss nearly attacks him, and then the man who said it flinched away and got up out of the chair, causing his boss to hit the floor and chair.

The board room is awkwardly staring, trying not to laugh.

"I'm sorry for that, "gentile-men" and fancy fairies." the boss says as he tries to get up.

"gentile-men" is their way of saying "Gentlemen."

Boss: "Man, I wish you'd... Guys...get to the point."

Mr. Rose: "YES! POINTS!"

His boss is caught off guard, as well as the others and they suddenly look in his direction.

Mr. Rose: "I want to show you a new pair of underwear, I present -- Needle wear!"


his boss says, "You gotta be kiddin'." his boss tells him in utter shock.

"You see, humans can keep up their underwear, but what about fairies? We need...NEEDLES!" Mr. Rose says, shocking the whole room but himself.

"What, boy?" The boss says,

"This...this is worse than my name." the boss says, aloud.

"Did you say needles?" Melrose says.

"You see, if we stick needles in our bodies, it will keep our underwear up!" Mr. Rose says to her.

The board room besides:

The boss, Melrose, is in shock, and Mr. Rose laughs at his idea, thinking it's a joke.

They're still waiting for the real presentation.

Even the boss.

MS. Powers says "We're still waiting for the real presentation."

He says "What do you mean?"

"Wait, what?" The boss says, "This is the real one?" Whistle Flute says in shock.

"Good luck!" The man who sits next to Melrose says,

"Thank you!" Mr. Rose says in confidence, "No, not good luck, you know- do you realize that if- If I stuck a needle in you, would it hurt?! Would you bleed?! Don't even think of another, I think it'll be- Stupid, stupid, stupid!" his boss says in frustration.

"I'm glad to have messed with you, now for the real presentation." Mr. Rose says, "I present..." he says, as he pushes a button on the projector, then says "THE SUPER WEAR!"

"What? Butler? Batman? Superman?" the boss asks in confusion and worry,

One man in the room states "Ahhh, Super Butler..." then he sings to Melrose "SUPER BUTLER, THE BUTLER TO SERVE THE DAY!" in the "The green giant" tune.

The boss shakes his head then ignores him,

"It's a special, more advanced underwear, this underwear tells time, brushes your teeth, washes your family and friends' wings, but don't forget your own!" he says, flipping the photos to whatever fits what he's saying.

"No more using your mental powers to pick up the remote, wasting all that mental energy, just use your underwear, there's a remote control that you can have in the box, press a button, and Wella, it flys to you!" Mr. Rose says as he shows another clip in glee,

Melrose: "The remote is still a remote? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of-"

Mr. Rose: "Say nothing, keep your job." he says, trying to get her to shut up so the boss doesn't see the one flaw he feels he made in the making of this.

"The software is a chip, soft, comfortable, and livable." Mr. Rose states shaking his body.

"Wow!" Melrose states, the boss looks at him in happiness, "But wait, there's more!" Mr. Rose says, getting high off the admiration.

"Holographic technology is in the minds and dreams of humans, but we got it first!" Mr. Rose says, "Usually, it takes years of skills to reach this level of power." Mr. Rose lies.

"Doesn't it only take months?"

Melrose says.

"Well, 11, but it's almost a year!" Mr. Rose says, "Why not use this, instead? Instant hologram!" Mr. Rose says changing the picture in glee, with jazz hands.

"You have shamed me too many times before..." the boss says, "And as your uncle, I've waited for something I liked."

The boss says in shock, looking at him, walking up to him slowly.

"But..this!" the boss says as if he finally did something right!

he says, Mr. Rose looks at him like "Please like this!"

"This is BEAUTIFUL, I'VE WAITED SO LONG TO SEE YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING USEFUL, AND NOT POTENTIALLY MURDEROUS!" The boss says, he turned around to walk in circles saying this.

"Really?!" Mr. Rose says, "Yes, my...my son!" the boss says and runs to hug him,

Mr. Rose: "This is weird, please-"

Boss: "Let me appreciate the one good pair of underwear you built, my son."

Melrose claps for them.

"Yay!" she says in a girly way, "melrose, stop." the boss says, not wanting the feeling to die.

"Okay, boss," Melrose says and puts her hands on her lap.

Then, one of the employees, a male, gets up on the table and dances on it, "YEAHHHHHHH!!!"

he screams. Melrose is in shock, the boss lets his nephew and runs over to the rogue employee and yells "GET DOWN, FLY-FOR!"

Fly-for runs off the table and out of the room, or at least tries to, he hits the glass, which shocks his boss into stopping running at him in shock, he pushes the door, then he realizes he needs to pull, so he does and runs out, the boss is just shocked, then the boss slowly shakes his head, then the boss runs after him in rage.


The boss yells on his way out.

Melrose: "Another day at Underworks." Melrose laughed.

Melrose went home after work, exhausted after thinking of Underwear ideas...

"I am through with underwear ideas, like so through, I will never look at- Can't say that," she says on her way in the house.

"Melrose!" Morose says, "huh?!" Melrose yells.

"Good, You're home!"

Morose says as he runs out of there to Melrose to hug her,

Morose: "How you doin', mom?"

"Great." his mom says,

Morose: "I love you, mom."

Melrose: "Love you, too, Morose."

Morose: "Melrose, heard of what's happening in Riosa, the kingdom, Riosa?"

Melrose: "No." she says in shock, how did he know about that?

"Where did you hear of it?" She says in apprehension.

"At school, they had it on the T.V. thing we get, it's so cool, but the kingdom's in crap."

Morose says to Melrose in concern.

"What happened? Melrose says, seeming overly concerned for the kingdom of Riosa, the old kingdom's home of hers.

"Why do you care?"

He says in shock,

"I don't want to talk about it," Melrose says in fear for her kingdom.

"I just...I want to know." Melrose says, looking as if she's the queen and wants to know for her kingdom's sake.

"....The queen in that country treats the people so badly, she kills whoever she wants for fun, she makes the men become her slaves."

Morose says in deep concern, "Really?" Melrose says, a heart as heavy as a bowling ball.

"I think they should overthrow her."

He says, "I agree, but you know, that's tricky." Melrose says.

Melrose immediately heads for the T.V. and turns on the news to find that 500 men have died in Riosa.

"500 men are dead there?"

M<elrose says in shock, realizing that either her sister was evil or replaced.

"How? She's-" Melrose says.

"I cannot believe she'd do this," Melrose says, returning to her old royal accent.

Melrose runs outside, she sits outside on the front porch and holds her knees in a fetal position looking out into blank space thinking of old times.

Melrose looks at the ground in anger, she looks bottom left, bottom right, then Morose comes out and says "Are you okay?"

"I can't stay here."

Melrose says.

"Huh?!" Morose says in complete confusion.

"Morose, you're a prince." She says and Morose just looks at her like she's gone crazy and says "No, I'm not."

"I need to go home!"

Melrose stands up, in power, "what?" Morose says to her in shock.

She runs inside and grabs the phone, Morose follows.

She types in the phone number "606-677-1213." the phone calls her little sister, Rosetta.

"Hi, this is Rosetta!" Rosetta answered.

"Listen, we have to go home,e look at the news, the kingdom is in shambles!" Melrose tells her, to her shock.

"What?" Rosetta says, she's in her home in the bathtub taking a bubble bath with bath bombs, she's dropping them in during this phone call.

She quickly gets out of the tub to go get a towel, even tho she's in a swimsuit, and goes downstairs wrapping it around herself.

She grabs the remote but it keeps slipping out of her hands, she remembers this trick "I remember, grab a tissue!" she runs back to the bathroom, dropping her towel on the way shouting in shock and oops aww "OO!" and then picks it backs up and goes to get a tissue and gets one, runs back down and gets the remote with it and turns on the T.V.

She sees on T.V. the murders of the 500 men in her old home Kingdom and says "Oh no!" she was holding the phone the whole time.

"What is going on?!" She says in fury,

"She's gone crazy!" Melrose says on the phone.

"Are we going to move?" Morose says in shock.

"Yes, right now! Create Skype accounts for you and your friends!" Melrose says to him in fear packing their bags.

"Skype? They hate Skyping!!" Morose says in a panic, "I don't care, Wanna stay in touch!?" Melrose says finishing up with the pack and putting them outside in her car.

Morose is following.

"Melrose, tell me the truth, what's going on?!"

he says in fear, "I can't tell you again, just get in the car!" Melrose says, "Get in the car?!" Morose screamed, "GET IN the CAR!!" she says then she pulls him into the car, letting him go last minute, making him fall in.

"Melrose!" he says as she pushes his legs in the car, closes then locks his door, goes to the front, and puts the back seat in child lock while he's trying to get up.

"Child lock."

Melrose says.

"What?! Excuse me?! Child lock?!" Morose says in anger,

he gets up and tries to get into the front but she locks the front doors and pushes him into the backseat.

"What are you doing, Melrose?!" Morose says in bewilderment (which is a feeling of being perplexed and confused.) and shock.

"Sis, are you there?"

Melrose says, her sister already left for the car and is driving off already.

Melrose: "Well, I've got to go myself."

Morose: "What? NO! WHAT THE HECK?!"

They drive off at fast speeds, he nearly gets into a car crash, she nearly hits a bus, then nearly hits a lamppost, and nearly runs off the side of the highway, then goes onto a bridge that closes together, they fly into the high air and make it back down safely, "Do not do this in real life, kids." She says, "I know you humans would never survive nor do you guys have the cars, too." Melrose says

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING TO?!" Morose says in deep worry for his life and concern.

She ends up driving on top of a plane that's head heading to Riosa.

The wings touch the ground because the plane isn't running, when it starts, they start to ascend with them atop its wing.

And they were ascending as they were on the wings "MELROSE!!" Morose screams in terror.

"It'll be fine, I learned how to do this," Melrose says, she uses her powers to stick the car to the plane and builds a shield around the plane and car to protect the plane and car, the car from falling off, and the plane from breaking apart if it crashes.

"I built a shield around plane and car to protect the plane and car, the car from falling off, and the plane from breaking apart if it crashes."

Melrose reveals to Morose, that this alarms Morose to be on a plane but makes him feel better that she's using her powers to protect them. Melrose is very scared and regretful about bringing her baby brother.

"Thanks?!" Morose states in a way that's revealing of the feelings I stated he had above of this moment.

The plane has some turbulence.

"The plane is going down, fix this!" Morose says as the plane turns downward, to fall and crash land.

So, Morose is told to "Calm down!" as she is in terror. Melrose uses her powers to fly the plane herself.

"How did you do that?!" Morose says after the plane begins to turn up, again, he is totally scared.

She says, worrisome: "I learned this in fairy plane safety school, I also learned to tell the others and to shut off all the powers of other fairies in the case they try to control the plane. Luckily, Fairies can't use their powers for far away things unless needed, so, one hour, or however long depending on the speed of the plane should do."

"Why was that even mentioned if you had it under control?!" Morose says, "You were panicking." Melrose replies in utter worry.

It takes six hours to reach their old land, Melrose begins to land the plane, then she states to her worried brother this: "I'm going to teleport the people on the plane back to Mooningdale, only because I know how and this country is not safe for them to stay." Melrose them wave her hands in a circling pattern twice, she lets the people go after 5 minutes, which means "I teleported them, they should be on the land inside the plane station."

"Are they dead?!" Morose asks, "No, they're not." Melrose states bluntly, "I see them, I learned this in fairy school for gifted teens." She says quite bluntly and awkwardly to her baby brother in the backseat of the car, which begs the question, why is he even on this trip in the first place.

"I ask this only in sheer confusion, but why the heck am I even here?" Morose asks in anger, worry, and shock at the fact she did all that.

"I needed you here, you are one of the younger boys." Melrose states, that he is confused even more and asks "I don't care about that! What does that have to do with this?!"

"You are a prince," Melrose states as she pulls the seat belt over her head and unbuckles his and her own at the same time using her powers, "But, usually the oldest is picked, fairies have a varying power level, some are stronger than others,

I had sixteen brothers, but, my parents stated that when you were of age, the oldest brother would give up his rulership to you and that only happens when one of the younger brothers is powerful, very powerful, but also too young to rule."

"I'm confused." Morose said, "Why does that matter?"

Melrose, stating in a worried, but as if she is obligated to state way: "Because out of all the siblings, our sister, the queen, is the most powerful one of all of us, but you, possibly, but she was never picked to be queen because of two things, her mental health, and her gender."

"You think I can beat that?!" Morose says, putting two and two together, "Wait, you know I was thinking of you beating her?" Melrose says in worry, "Yes, because I believe you now, because number 1, you frickin' put us on the wing of a plane, protected by nothing but your powers and flying ability, dragged me- shoved me into this frickin' car, and took us to a whole 'nother country!" Morose states enraged and shocked at the entire situation.

Morose, in shock: "How did-"

"The color of the plane means it's going to Riosa, that color is blue, for a blue rose." Melrose states that while they are still on the rose-pink (The color is called "Rose pink") colored planes with blue stripes.

"Pretty much, it's the whole country's favorite color." Melrose proudly states, then her smile turns into a frown as she looks at her disgruntled baby brother.

Morose: "How did you even know I was going to-"

Melrose: "I learned it in minding reading class, well, how to mind read, that is."

Morose is in panic and shock to learn all this and be in this situation all at once: "I have to save my whole country and- and- and-"

Morose: "My gosh, Melrose, what is the matter with you?!" He says banging his fist on the back of her seat.

"I'm sorry, Morose, but it had to be done, I love you and I love this country, I would never let it be in this state and condition knowing you were supposed to rule and not her," Melrose states, guilty of not killing her sister and letting him rule instead.

"I honestly should have killed her, not taken you away. I would have made you a great ruler." Morose says in tears and anger.

"I'm scared." Morose states in worry.

"I will help you rule, okay?" Melrose says to comfort him in his time of scare and fear.

"I'm not going to be able to do this by myself," Morose says in terror at the future.

"I know, I will help you," Melrose tells him and holds his hand.

"Where is Rosetta?"

Morose says to him, "I don't know."

Morose starts to pray to God about this: "Listen, I'm so scared, I'm about to be made helping my country but in the angriest- Scary way possible, please help me." God helps him pray and keep his faith up.

"I'm helping you pray and keep your faith up, I'll keep it up the whole journey, and I'll help you save this kingdom," God says to him in the most calming voice, and he is trying to keep him sane, too.

"God will help us in this journey, I am still scared about this whole ruling thing, but I am not afraid of this battle," Morose says in complete confidence.

End of Part One...

To be Continued in Chapter 2...

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