An admirer of martial arts in general is randomly transmigrated into the body of Miguel Diaz at the end of the school fight. In a situation that does not amuse him our neo miguel decides healing is his first priority and then he would go on a warpath against his enemies as he resolves himself to reach the peak of combat sports leaving behind a legacy of the likes of the greatest fighters of all time
"Hey look it's Rhea and is that Lip?." I hear Kyler say and watch as he walks towards me with his fat friend, I believe his name is Brucks or was it Brooks. Doesn't matter really.
"Man, I thought you was dead broo!!!" I hear Kyler and I internally roll my eyes at his ridiculous slang. I swear these people make themselves sound stupid by just opening their mouths. I mean would it hurt for you to speak normally, without sounding like a fuckin retard.
"Kyler.." I say without much fanfare with a neutral tone in my voice.
"Look at you acting all cool." "yea looking all cool" I hear the idiot say and then get the urge to curb stomp the fat bastard for repeating the same shit like a half way decent minion.
"Man.. Lip, I thought you left school dawg. You completely took me off with the new hair" Kyler continues to say in a mocking way.
"Yea the hair completely takes the attention from the lip." I hear the fat bastard say, and they continue to jeer mockingly.
I notice 'Eli' pull his hand up and try covering his scarred lip. It is quite clear that the only reason they have to balls to act like complete cunts is because they think that can smell weakness from the both of us. I narrow my already frosty eyes, my lips thin down to a line and stare impassively as these fools are nothing to me. They immediately freeze up for a second noticing my gaze, but just like npc's with no survival instinct they ignore it and continue laughing.
"Quiet!! Line-up" we all hear the clear sharp tone of Sensei Kreese. That shuts up the fruit flies and they obediently line up. Correction, seems like they do have some self-awareness after all.
"All right, let the games begin. Let's see…you!!" he points out Kyler. Kyler walks forward looking all smug and confident.
"Sensei silver, why don't you pick out his opponent?" Kreese says to Silver with a nod.
Silver nods his head minutely and starts observing the current students of this dojo. I watch his gaze pass by 'Eli' and then rest on me. I give him back an intense gaze essentially willing him to pick me.
With a small upward tug on his lips he says, "Why not the current champ? Sure, he is coming out of an injury. But, I think this would help him remove some of that ring rust."
His motivations are quite clear at this moment. While he mentioned that he was impressed with my recovery, he still wants to see why Kreese wanted to spend all that money on me, and wants to check whether I was worth it or not.
'Good, I'll put on a show with the right amount of cockiness, showmanship and efficiency that would put me on as the official face of the dojo'. I consider to myself.
I walk forward from my position next to Hawk and proceed to the opposite side of Kyler and face him with an impassive face.
"Don't worry, Rhea. I'll go easy on you." He says in a mocking tone.
I ignore the troglodyte and get into a fighting position. He then gets into a position that is lower to the ground. Clearly, he is planning on taking me down to the mat and if I remember correctly he should be capable of it since the dude is the star of the wrestling team. Looks the wrestling team will not have their star back as I am going to completely wreck his confidence.
"READY….AITS" I hear Kreese call out.
Immediately I drop from my stance and put both my hands into my pockets as I came here in regular work out clothes and did not have to chance to get into my Gi as I was late. I put a cocky smile on my face with a come at me look on my face.
Kyler falls for my provocations and rushes at me with a couple of deeply telegraphed punches. I dodge and weave away from him and make some distance from him. I continue keeping that smug look on my face essentially treating him like he is nothing.
This just further blinds the moron to his rage and he charges at me like some kind of fury driven animal. He attempts to tackle me into the ground assuming that I still have weak legs.
I quickly get into a stance and release a sharp kick without much power into position that is in between the top and the side of his head. He backs away right after contact and seems to be disoriented.
'Bullseye' I think to myself in satisfaction. A quick sharp blow to that portion of the head can be very disorienting. I am pretty sure the world is spinning right now for Kyler. I knew doing some research of the body would be worth it.
"It seems like you have forgotten what happened the last time you tried your bullshit with me. You think me weak, and helpless. You think I am nothing now due to my accident. I will show you the true meaning of fear." I say to him in an emotionless tone.
By this point, it is quite clear to everyone in the room that I am leagues over him. Regardless, the dumb fool recovers from his disorientation and then proceeds to charge at me in hopes of bringing me to the ground.
'Fool…Just how many times do you think I have been dropped to the mat by a master? Compared to him you are nothing'. I think to myself in mockery.
I instantly transition into a defensive stance, providing my body with the best balance as possible. As Kyler collides into me, I take two steps back and use my own power stop his momentum without much effort. While he is slightly distracted from the fact that I stopped his charge. I grab the idiot's head that was positioned towards my stomach and then drive my knee hard into his face. The room echoes from multiple cracking sounds as Kyler is driven back and drops on to his hands and knees. Blood spurts from his mouth and teeth. Looks like several of them are broken. I believe I put a bit too much power in that knee. He moans in pain as he brings one his hands towards his face. I am surprised for a moment that this guy is still conscious in his condition but then I remember that humans are a lot more durable in this world, and that includes this guy here as well
"Finish him". I hear Kreese say like that guy from Mortal Kombat.
I walk towards Kyler and hear him plead, "Please" with a mixture of tears and blood running down his face. I wanted to beat him up some more but it seems like he's already given up. Moron not giving me the chance to teach him true fear. Guess I'll save that for Robby.
I know that my fight against this guy did not truly show Kreese nor Silver that I have been fully healed, I was unable to show any powerful kicks and the only kick i showed was weakened in order to mess with this fellow. Now I have to finish this guy off with something that would let everyone know that I am not to messed with.
I stop a bit away from Kyler. I dash towards him, gather some momentum, spin, jump and twist in a circular motion, my forward leg passes him by but the following leg viciously lands directly onto his cheek. I land on my feet easily and look down on my unconscious opponent.
"A 540 tornado kick.. you have been practicing I see. Well done Mr. Diaz, it is quite clear you have come back stronger and sharper than ever. You are a truly our dojo's King Cobra." I hear Kreese say in a proud tone.
I smile and look towards Silver. He doesn't say anything but nod his head in acknowledgement.
"Now someone pick him up. Looks like he wasn't much." Kreese says.
I walk towards my spot next to Hawk. "Good job man. I wish I could've kicked his ass" I hear him say.
"You'll get your turn" I tell him back. He just nods his head and looks excited for getting his own turn.
I look around and notice a dark-haired and athletic girl looking intensely at me. I tilt my head slightly and raise one of my eye brows in a questioning manner. She gets a bit startled at being found out and immediately turns her eyes away with what seems to be in a flustered look.
"You've been here lesser than maybe 10 minutes, and you already have a chick's attention. Nice man!!."
"I don't have her attention." I fight back without much heat into it.
"Yea right…I mean look at her, clearly she is giving you do-me eyes." I look back at her and notice that she is still taking peeks at me occasionally and then immediately looks away when caught. 'heh.. that's sweet I guess' I think with a small smile on my face.
"Shit!!" I hear Hawk say out loud.
I notice him looking somewhere else and I follow his gaze and notice Tory looking murderously at me and then towards the girl, Sarah I believe.
'Oh fuck!!.' I think to myself in some horror. Looks like I may have to make it up to her for not telling her about my arrival and this blunder. I look towards Sarah and just give her a pitying look that she does not notice.
I was right to pity her. Tory went berserk on her ass. The fight ended with Tory kicking Sarah hard in the jaw with one of her teeth flying, and landing in front of my feet. I'm in a bit of a conundrum at the moment. I know I should pick the tooth up with a tissue or something and give it to the poor girl but that would piss Tory off more. Why did I think that this girl's anger issues would be solved with the help of government sanctioned counselling? I decide to get Hawk to do it. He agrees after a bit of pushing and gives it to the girl. That should distract her from me and maybe turn her attention to him.
Kreese decides to add her to the team. While she got her ass handed to her, she just did not make it easy for Tory. Her natural athleticism and aggression seemed to warm the old man's cold heart.
Tory gives me a significant look basically saying that we would be talking later and then takes her spot again.
Kreese walks around and then picks the fat bastard to fight next. By now quite a bit of wind had been driven out his sails. I guess watching his friend get his ass beat has made him quite meek.
'Ah he is one of those guys…the type who would stand around and agree with the bullying but one of the first to back off when the leader gets his or her ass kicked. Fuckin coward.' I think with some amusement.
"He's mine" Hawk calls out in determination and anger. He goes forward takes off the top of his Gi and prepares to fight.
'I should ask him again where he got that awesome tattoo. I know that he mentioned it once. Maybe I should go along with him and get a nice King Cobra or something like that' I consider, totally not worried for Hawk's chances again the fat fuck.
Kreese gives the signal to start and what happens next was brutal yet beautiful to watch. Watching Hawk systematically take apart his prey was something special to watch. I watch him bring the poor fat bastard to the ground, then transition on top of him and then repeatedly punch Brucks in the face as he tries to cave his face in and I can feel all his pent up rage being unleashed. I was a bit worried that he may end up killing the guy, but then toss that worry aside when I recall this world's durability.
I notice hawk stop punching and then get off him and proceed to spit down on him.
'That's nasty man'. I think to myself. I notice a disturbed look pass through many of my fellow students. Tory herself looks quite uncomfortable with what just happened. I guess watching this level of brutality from another perspective may disturb a lot of folk.
I do admit that it was quite the devastating beatdown, and many pansies would argue that it was going too far, but they don't really know what it was like being put down all the fuckin time and finally get the opportunity to make them pay. I only got a few opportunities to kick the ass of my bullies in my old life and those experiences were quite euphoric. Sending them the message of the fact that I refuse to simply take your bullshit works wonders. I'm pretty sure both Kyler and Brucks may never look at another person wrongly ever again.
I smile to Hawk and give him a nod in respect as he walks towards me. I give a look towards his bloody knuckles and say, "Make sure to ice them properly." He just nods in acceptance.
"Good job class, someone get him out of here, well, that's it for today. Class Dismissed. Diaz stay back." Kreese orders. Everyone decides to leave. I notice Tory give me a look and then go towards the back room.
I walk towards sensei's office, take a deep breath, mentally poise myself and then enter.
'Time to party with the old snakes'.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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Now, this is for people who told me to add baki related stuff. Look i dont know anything about baki as i have never watched it. i dont know anything about it other than its an anime about fighting. i may eventually watch it but not any time soon as i have other things to watch and life to deal with. whether i would add stuff from there, well we shall see. i would have to check how realistic it is. balance related stuff and all that and then make a decision.