
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · 现代言情
110 Chs

Questions and Answers..

Shiha was busy with her food, while Ruihan was busy in, staring at her.

She felt the continuous gaze upon her.. She looked up, only to met her gaze.

She gulped hardly and extend one box to him.. "Here.. Have it."

"No! Thanks. I don't eat junk food."

Listening his replay, shiha pursed her lips.."ahh..After all you are The Great businessman. The King. How can he like 'this' kind of food. I think your meals might be from seven stars hotels or restaurants.. Am i right?" said shiha with an unkindly tone.

Ruihan grunted.. "ahh..Don't speak like, you can't afford it."

"who said i can't afford it? Of course i can. It's just i am tired of that food. After all, before coming here, i always had my three meals from 'Nine Den'."saying this she continue eating her food.

Ruihan who was listening her, raised his brow.." You mean 'Nine Den' the renowned food chain famous for serving the upper high class.. "

" Hmm.. Approximately around seven years i had my meals from there. Ammmnn.. When i took over my position in Tang corporation from than onwards i start the food from there. And before that also i used to eat takeaway.

But after shifting my headquarter here.. I decide to change the taste. And i was quite surprised when i first taste this, its delicious. And it's nothing to me. After all i am used have the restaurant food daily."

Ruihan was confused.. After a few seconds he asked.." used to restaurants food.. Do you know its harm full for health. You should eat natural homemade food. "

Shiha stopped her movement.. She looked at Ruihan and said.. "ahh.. I was not knowing that The Great President Sheng has a bad memory. I think! When we where lost in the forest I remember, i had said that i don't have a family.. Hmmm.. Not everyone are as lucky as you are. I can't wish to have a homemade food.. After all its not possible." saying this shiha gave a simple small smile..

Which almost hits Ruihan's heart.

Ahh.. Now Ruihan remember.. She had said that there is only her grandmother in her family.

"still, your grandmother is consider as your family. If you ask her to make the food for you, i don't think she will deny it."

"hhnn.. Mr. Sheng, means to say.. I should make that old lady to cook for me. Ahh.. She is old enough. How can i do that, when at this age she needs to take more rest. I can't burden her with my daily meals. Then also she sometimes cook and its enough for me."

Ruihan saw her.. She was speaking so easily and was so comfortable with him. 'why don't she hire someone?' he thought.

Somehow shiha read his thoughts..

She took a bite and then continued..

" ahh. Before you speak, let me say.. Of course i have a maid, Aunt Zu who take care of me and my grandmother. But more, i prefer that she take care of my grandmother. She is also in her late years. And i am still young i can take care of myself alone and i am used to it."

In last sentence one can feel her sorrow, emptiness and aloneness..

She continued with her food.. Ahh.. She is too hungry. Its more than thirty hours, she didn't had anything.

Ruihan was deep in his thoughts.. 'she carries a lot with her.. She pack a great story with her..'

Shiha was somewhat feeling uncomfortable.. He was staring at her continuously.. She took a deep breath and said.. "Don't look at me like that. If you want to eat that have it.. But stop staring.. It will hard for my food to get digest if you keep staring."

Ruihan immediately looked away.. Ahh.. She is too blunt..

After filling her stomach shiha clean the place. She made to cup of coffee and went to the balcony. Ruihan followed behind. She sat on the chair cushily..

Ruihan sat opposite to her.

Shiha took a sip from her cup and said.. "Hmm.. Go ahead with your questions.. I will answer all of them."

Ruihan looked at her.. He had a great difficulty.. He took a deep breath and said.. "you.. You really were not aware about my identity?"

Shiha raise her brow.. "hhnn? You mean when i saved your life?"

Ruihan gave a slight nod.. "hmmm."

Shiha chuckled.. "i knew it. This would be your first question.. But before that can you answer my question.

Did you really thought that I..I approach you with an intent to get the information of Sheng corporation?"

Ruihan paused in his movements.. But he want to clear everything.. So he said.." Not first.. But i would be honest with you.. Your sudden disappearance made me to think like that.. But the way you behave in the forest i believe that you are not some with a ill motives.. And when i learn your real identity indeed i get this thought but it was vanished soon when i did the background check on Tang Shiha.. I learned that Tang Shiha is not that kind of businesswoman.. She goes face to face.. But i was curious about your face."

Shiha gave a smile.. She get relief from listening his reply.. Indeed she don't like the underhand deal.

" when did you learn about my real identity? "asked shiha.

Ruihan gave a interesting smile and said.."Don't you think, you must me the one to answer my questions. Why are you asking questions to me."

"Fine.. I will answer your questions first. Then you have to answer mine." said shiha.

Ruihan nodded and said.. "About Mask?"

Shiha pursed her lips.. "ahh.. Actually.. When ever i want some time alone.. I wore the mask. So no one recognise me. When i don't want my bodyguards.. Or i don't want them to follow me i ware my mask for my safety. So I can stroll or amble freely. Otherwise i am damn sure i would be on the first page next morning if i go with my real face. That day.. As i said, i had a argument with my grandmother.. I was feeling down, so i went there to take a time alone.. And i bump into you. That's it. And at that time honestly i was not knowing you.. That you are the great Sheng Ruihan..

And i was not knowing you, how can i show my real identity to you. At that time we both were alone in the forest what if.. After knowing my identity you.. No one can say about other peoples intentions.. I can't risk my life."

Ruihan was like what to say..." You.. Do you think.. Ahh.. You think i am that kind of man hnnn.. And, i remember, i had said that i am the King of the business world."

"ahh..how can i believe. You just said it. Did you showed any proof that you were The King. I thought how can the Almighty businessman can come at the place like that. And i also remember, i had said that i am The Queen.. You also didn't believed me."

"ahh..I thought, you just paired it. I said The King.. So you replied with The Queen. So i thought you just jape on it."

Shiha giggled.. "Means.. We reveled our identity.. But we didn't took it seriously. Ahh.. And sincerely, i want to apologise to you. Last time i decide to come clean.. But something come up.."

Ruihan nodded his head in understanding..

Shiha stood up from her chair.. And stood near the railing.. The cold breeze passed her.. Her open hair were freely enjoying with the wind.." Now my turn. When did learn about my identity?.. Or.. How did you learn that shiha and Tang shiha are both the same."

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