
King's lover from future

She got into accident after she wake up she found herself in past time .She say to herself where I am and who are these people.

Kiran_Bhigchandani · 历史言情
6 Chs

why are you here

How can be this possible.Then she remember the thunder storm on pond side and she got hit on her head and she was blank out ,and after that she was here . Oh no i have time travel in past and the horse also had time travel with me . God what is this ?

I have to go back to future but how I don't know. Hayden start crying because she don't know what to do and how to tackle the situation .

Some one knock on door and then Hayden stop crying and opened the door. A elderly woman hug her and why are you here .you should not be here. Hayden ask her do you know me. Woman replied yes you are daughter of minister of state .

Then Hayden said take me to home right now.Hayden think she has to survive to go back to her parent any how .So when elderly lady said yes then it better to escape from here first of all . I will thick of solution later .

Lady take her out of palce.She saw...