
Chapter 548 – One Lap Around the City

Another month passed, and Nick was preparing everything for when he had to leave.


Only five more months.


However, Nick also knew that something dangerous would happen within those five months.


It was very obvious that the Parasite wasn't the happiest Specter and that it would try to find a way to get rid of Nick without breaking their agreement.


As long as it could get rid of Nick, it would gain access to Crimson City again.


Naturally, Nick could stop this from happening by going through with his threat and killing the Parasite.


But that was extremely risky.


If Nick committed one mistake, the Parasite would see him, and at that point, it would immediately tell the entire world about his ability.


That wasn't worth the risk.


Yet, there were other ways to deal with Nick, and Nick was quite sure about what the Parasite would do next.

