
Chapter 324 – Wish

'You fucked me, Wyntor!'


'You fucked my life!'


'And why?'


'You wanted to teach me a lesson, right?'


'You wanted to show me that my actions have consequences, right?'


'Great, but I already realized that when I saw how Horua reacted to the Dreamer.'


Nick just kept looking at the red wall with narrowed eyes.


'And then, you made it impossible for me to ever make things right!'


'You even made me believe that I maybe shouldn't have shaken Horua's body after the Dreamer tried to help him!'


'I thought that I might have gotten too worked up and somehow interrupted the Dreamer in helping him!'


'When, all this time, he was supposed to die!'


'You told the Dreamer to kill him!'


Nick remembered the conversation he had with the Dreamer.