
Chapter 286 – The Big Barrier



A huge barrier appeared inside the Inner City.


Surprisingly, it was only surrounding the Spartans' building.


The barrier was created by an Expert working for the city guards.


Right now, the Expert was holding a huge machine in his hands, and he was pointing it at the Crimson Sea.


The machine resonated with the megastructure that was the city, and the barrier extended towards the walls of the megastructure, completely isolating the Crimson Sea.


Naturally, Crimson Fungus City had ways to deal with Force Specters, and this kind of barrier was one of these ways.




The Crimson Sea hit the barrier and was stopped by it.


"Help!" one of the Newbies from the Spartans shouted as she hammered on the barrier.


By now, many parts of her skin had turned red, and on other parts, there wasn't even any skin left.