
Chapter 2

It was night already and we were all put in cage made for chickens I know this won't go on forever. "Amy are you okay, she said massaging my foots, tell me if it's hurt". I replied her "no ma, I'm not hurt let me check your back", I stand up to check her back but she hugged me instead and said "I'm sorry honey I wasn't able to protect you, pls forgive me". I raised my head and looked at her "crying again, you promised me you won't cry and I'm fine mom there's nothing to forgive about", I said admist tears. We looked up and saw the young prince with a key telling his bodyguard to open the cages he looked at me and said "I'm sorry but this is all I can do, run very far away from here", he points at the other cages "you're free to run if you want". I looked at him then helped my mom out of the cage, I looked at him one more time then we started running.

"If I didn't release them what will be their end"? He asked

"They'll will be sold into slavery or prostitution", replied his bodyguard.

"She's too young for that, I did what I have to do for my people", he said.

"Hope the general won't come after you sure"? His bodyguard asked.

"As long as the women are safe, it's fine by me ", he replied

We were running then suddenly we heard footsteps and horses coming behind us. I looked back and saw the general chasing after us

"Kill them all, don't spare any one of them", he shouted and then his men started firing arrows at us. I looked ahead and saw many women getting hit then fall down. The men came riding their house and started slaughtering women anyhow. God I just want to close my eyes for all of this to stop.

Suddenly my mom was hit with an arrow, she fell down and I fell beside her " mom, mom pls mom looked at me", I shouted as the general rode his horse over to us I looked up at him, he raised his arrow ready to shoot, he shoot the arrow and my mom sheild me with her body and got hit instead

"Mom", I shouted then we rolled and rolled over the cliff down to the flowing river

I all hope you're enjoying the story so far Like it ? Add to library!

Bolanle_Oyincreators' thoughts