
Kiara Fried Phoenix: A Hololive Story

A normal person is hired to work at a new KFP location where the CEO Takanashi Kiara herself will be working at. It is a rather small location, but for some reason, none of the customers are normal humans. Read along and find out how he interacts with different people from the Hololive Production and how this changes him as a person. Thank you all so much for the support! A rewrite of the first volume is in the works

lightningstormtc · 漫画同人
96 Chs

Day 16: hOI!

Day 016: hOI!

YAGOO was standing on top of the HoloHQ, his short hair moving slightly with the breeze. "It's been a while, YAGOO," YAGOO tuned when he heard a voice, facing a person distinctly smaller than him. Her skin was a little pale, her eyes huge. Her black cap having flowers all over her caps. She wore a black jacket over a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants. She kept her hands in her pockets as she smiled at YAGOO.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Tem," YAGOO said, his lips twitching upwards in a small smile. "Where's Toby?"

"Oh, he's out creating his own dimension and playing the piano as usual," Temmie replied, imagining the snow white dog playing the piano as a familiar skeleton smiled behind him. "Anyways, I felt a huge burst of magic all the way where I'm from. Do you know what that was?"

"It seems that someone has come back in time in this area," YAGOO said. "I think we both know who it is."

"Do you know what happened?" Temmie asked.

"Not yet," YAGOO replied, shaking his head. "It just happened yesterday and I'm still gathering info."

"Huh, it seems interesting," Temmie shrugged. "Do you have any idea where it could have come from?"

"I don't have an exact location, but I did notice Dragonson go to a certain location," YAGOO said as he walked up to Temmie, giving her a KFP pamphlet.

"Huh, that name brings back memories," Temmie nodded. "How is Shade's little group going? Last time I checked, there were only four numbers."

"Quite of few of them have died," YAGOO said. "There are officially eight numbers, but five of them are proclaimed dead. The only ones alive now are Shade, Dragonson, and the fourth mask, known as Godslayer."

"I see," Temmie smirked. "Well, I guess I'll be getting lunch there tomorrow."


"Morning," Ryan woke up to see Lily sitting at the foot of his bed.

"Huh? How did you get in here?" Ryan woke up. He wasn't necessarily alarmed by Lily, since he already knew her, but she shouldn't know him by now.

"I woke up with this pamphlet on my nightstand," Lily summoned a KFP pamphlet. "I decided to follow the small trace of magic that lingered on the pamphlet and this is one of the places where it led to."

"I see," Ryan said. So that confirmed that the pamphlets were beyond space and time. How the hell did Nux manage to do that?

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really have to get to work. Maybe you can stop by sometime," Ryan said. "By the way, the name's Ryan Shade. What's yours?"

"My name is LemonLeaf, but you can call me Lily," Lily replied, a soft smile on her face. "Maybe I can come tonight. Something tells me your nightmares would be most delightful."

"I mean go ahead if you want to," Ryan cracked his back. "I'll see you later then."


Ryan sighed as he cracked his neck while he walked down the alley. He suddenly felt a tugging sensation behind a back. "Good morning," Ryan turned around, a smile tugging on his lips as he confronted Suisei.

"Good morning," Suisei said with a sweet tone. "Are you heading to KFP as well?"

"Yeah, I recently got a job there," Ryan ran his fingers through his hair. "What about you?"

"I'm one of Kiara's friends, so I wanted to stop by and see how she's doing," Suisei explained. "Would you like to walk with me?"

Ryan's smile widened. "It would be my pleasure."


"KIKKERIKIII~!!!" Kiara called as Ryan opened the door. "Oh, Suisei! I didn't expect you to come here so early!"

"Good morning Kiara," Suisei smiled. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. I see you've hired an interesting one."

"You know, I would usually argue, but after yesterday, I guess I would consider my life interesting at this point," Ryan grumbled.

"That's besides the point!" Kiara said. "Go get changed! We already have a customer!"

"Whatever you say, Tenchou," Ryan said with a small smile as he made his way to the clean, untainted break room.


Ryan opened the door to the break room just in time to see someone open the door. Ryan resisted the urge to sigh when he didn't recognize the person, signifying that events have drastically changed once more. The woman was short, about Gura's height. She wore a black cap with flowers designed all over it. She wore a black jacket over a grey hoodie, wearing grey sweatpants to top the outfit off. "Morning," She said with a lazy wave. "Name's Temmie."

"Hi! I'm Takanashi Kiara!" Kiara introduced herself as Temmie sat down two seats away from Suisei. "Did you get a pamphlet? I'm surprised that people are already getting them."

"Yeah, an old friend recommended me here," She said, placing the pamphlet on the table.

"That's nice," Kiara said. "What would you like?"

"Do you have any cereal?" Temmie asked. "Preferably Tem Flakes."

"Actually, we do," Ryan said, earning a confused look from Kiara. "I got it."

"Whatever you say," Kiara said as Ryan went to the back. He knew that it was dumb, but he was raised by his Mama Birb to do anything he can to satisfy the customer. He flicked his magic on for a split second, summoning the box of cereal in his hand before turning off his magic, walking out.

"I found this while scrounging around in the back looking for a Sakura fan," Ryan quipped, grabbing a bowl from underneath the counter. "Would you like milk with that?"

"Of course," Tem nodded. "What kind of monster eats cereal without milk?"

"People who are lactose intolerant," Suisei pointed out.

"Fair enough," Temmie shrugged as Ryan went back to get milk.

"Here you go," Ryan said, placing the gallon of milk on the counter.

"Thanks," Temmie poured the cereal in the bowl first (AN: Anyone who puts milk in first goes straight to the usual room) before pouring the milk. "Actually, I came here for another reason."

"What would that be?" Ryan asked.

"Not too long ago, there was a spike in magical energy," Ryan instantly stiffened when Temmie started to talk. "Does anyone know what the cause of that would be?"

'Aw shit, here we go again,' Ryan thought as he noticed Suisei perk her eyes up at him. "Actually, I'm completely human, so I wouldn't know."

"I see," Temmie obviously didn't believe Ryan, but seemingly accepted the answer for now.

"I haven't felt anything out of the ordinary," Kiara put a finger on chin.

"Me neither," Suisei said. "Maybe someone else would know. There are a lot of magical creatures out and about."

"That is true," Temmie said, standing up, the entire box of Tem Flakes completely empty. She smiled, tossing a couple gold coins on the table. "Thanks for the food."

"Huh, someone actually paid," Ryan said as Temmie walked off. "Feel free to come back any time."

"Why do you say that?" Kiara tilted her head towards Ryan.

"Did anyone pay yesterday?" Ryan sighed, looking at Kiara.

"Fair point," Kiara sighed in response, her shoulders slumping as Suisei giggled in the background.


Ryan sighed as he walked out of the break room. Suisei "left" a couple hours ago, but he knew that she was lurking around somewhere. "I'm clocking out, Tenchou," he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Kiara smiled. "You're doing great! I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet."

"That shouldn't be a gauge of performance," Ryan muttered to himself before raising his voice again. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tenchou."

Ryan whistled "Heart Challenger" by none other than his manager when his senses started to flare. He whirled around, crossing his arms as a gust of wind threw him off of his feet, sharp blades of wind cutting Ryan in several places throughout his body. As he crashed to the floor, he heard another gust. When he opened his eyes, Suisei was holding the pointed tip of her golden battle axe pointed at him, her blue eyes glowing with magic.

"You've been acting quite suspicious," Suisei said, a sweet smile on her face completely juxtaposing her murderous glare. "Mind telling me who you really are?"

"Wow, I never thought you would be so forward," Ryan chuckled before wincing in pain. "Damn, those cuts really hurt, you know?"

"You're taking this a lot better than I thought you would," Suisei tilted her head. "I admire your courage, but it's a shame that you wouldn't scream more."

"I'm just a fast food worker," Ryan heaved a sigh. "I'm a NEET who recently got a job. I don't know what you want me to tell you."

"I don't know about you, but that kind of sounds like bullshit," Suisei replied.

"I mean, you're probably going to stalk me either way," Ryan sighed. "How about this. We can go to my place and you can interview me over tea. How does that sound?"

"That's obviously a trap," Suisei replied, narrowing her eyes.

"Would you want to go to your place then?" Ryan tilted his head. "I don't think it would be a good idea to ask you for dinner, considering we barely know each other."

"Whatever," Suisei sighed as she dispelled her axe. "Let's just go to your place. It's closer anyways."

"Thank you," Ryan said. "Now, do you have bandages?"


Amelia heaved a sigh as she sat down on her bed. "Hey Ame," Gura said, walking over, plopping herself next to her.

"What's up, Gura?" Amelia asked, placing her hand over Gura's.

"You said you were going to tell me something yesterday," Gura said, her fingers intertwining with her girlfriend.

"I actually have a couple things I have to tell you," Amelia said, heaving a sigh. "It's just… hard to say it."

"It's okay," Gura used her other hand to twist Amelia's head so she was looking Gura in the eye. "You don't have to say anything. I'll be here for you no matter what, okay?"

"I can say it," Amelia said. "Well, the first thing is…"


"Ryan!" Kiara shouted as Ryan's lifeless body fell over, blood starting to pool on the ground.

"Holy shit!" Amelia took a step back. Everyone turned around just in time to see dozens of MILF soldiers walking out of the threshold, their weapons ready. Amelia barely had time to react before the opened fire. Calli leaped forward, twirling her scythe, but she couldn't block all the bullets. One by one, people started to fall over, dead. Amelia was frozen in shock, not noticing the grenade that fell before her feet.

"Ame!" Gura yelled, tackling the detective as the grenade exploded, causing both of them to fly backwards. They flew over the counter, Amelia hugging Gura as they hit the wall, falling down.

"Gura!" Watson gasped as she saw the deep wounds all over Gura, a massive chunk of her tail completely gone.

"Live on, Watson," Gura smiled, brushing Amelia's cheek with her hand before closing her eyes, her hand going limp.

"Fuck…!" Tears streamed down Amelia's face as instincts took over. She fumbled for her clock, twisting the dial.

"Take me back… please take me back…" Amelia begged as she stared to glow. There was a flash of yellow light, and then nothing.


"So that's how things went down," Amelia said, sniffling. "I… I just…"

"It's okay," Gura said, pulling her girlfriend into a hug. "I'm here now. I promise I'm not going anywhere, alright?"

"Thanks, Gura," Amelia said, hugging her back.

"What was the other thing you wanted to tell me?" Gura asked, pecking the detective on the cheek. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to, though. I can wait."

"It's actually more of a question, really," Amelia said, pulling away. She then got onto one knee, fumbling through her jacket pocket. She then pulled out the blue box that Ryan had given her the day before. It's now or never.

"Gawr Gura, my precious little apex predator," Amelia smiled as she opened the box, Gura gasping, her hands over her mouth as she saw the contents of the box, "will you marry me?"

hOI! i'M tEM!

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