
Kenshin Tanaka: The Summoned Hero of Brighthold

Kenshin Tanaka, a college student with dreams of wealth, is unexpectedly summoned to the kingdom of Brighthold, where he must navigate a dire situation to save the realm from impending doom.

SM_still_plays · 奇幻
15 Chs

Shadows and Strategies

The morning light filtered softly through the thin curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Elara, in a translucent white dress that clung to her form, stood by the bedside, a smile playing on her lips as she watched Kenshin sleep. His hand was outstretched, reaching toward her pillow, even in slumber. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as she placed her hand on his, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers.

Kenshin stirred, his eyes fluttering open to find Elara beside him. He gave a sleepy grin, his usual flirty demeanor returning as he said, "Morning, Elara. You look like an angel."

Elara giggled, but her eyes held a deeper emotion. "You need to get up. Varrick is waiting to train with you."

Kenshin groaned, stretching before sitting up. "I don't know how he keeps up with me. The man's like a beast."

"Well, you're not far behind," she teased, leaning in to plant a light kiss on his forehead before pulling away.

Kenshin chuckled and got out of bed, his playful banter with Elara lingering in the air as he dressed. The lightness of their exchange was a brief respite from the heavy burden he knew was waiting for him.

The training grounds were quiet, save for the sound of steel clashing and grunts of exertion. Varrick and Kenshin stood facing each other, both drenched in sweat, their weapons locked in a test of strength. Varrick's eyes were intense, studying Kenshin's every move.

"Your Aura is growing stronger, but you still need to control it better," Varrick instructed, his voice calm but firm.

Kenshin nodded, pushing back with all his might. "I'm trying, but it feels like it's alive—like it has a mind of its own."

"That's because it is," Varrick replied, stepping back to disengage. "The Aura is tied to your spirit and will. You must master it, or it will master you."

Kenshin took a deep breath, closing his eyes to focus. He could feel the power within him, a swirling force that seemed to respond to his emotions. Slowly, he steadied his breathing, concentrating on channeling the Aura into his blade. The weapon began to glow faintly, the energy coursing through it like a living thing.

Varrick nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, imagine that same control applied to the battlefield. You will lead the charge, but the Aura will give you the edge."

Kenshin opened his eyes, the glow fading as he relaxed. "I'll need more than an edge, Varrick. I need to be sure we can win."

Varrick sheathed his sword and placed a hand on Kenshin's shoulder. "Then let's ensure we do. I'll gather the army and move toward the Adrith border. We'll be careful, discreet, and ready when the time comes."

Kenshin met his gaze, determination burning in his eyes. "Don't let them see you. We can't afford to lose any element of surprise."

Varrick gave a firm nod before turning to leave. "Consider it done."

The journey to the capital was somber, the carriage ride filled with tense silence. Kenshin sat with the dukes, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. Elara was beside him, offering silent support as they approached the palace.

"I have to ask," Kenshin began, breaking the silence. "The crystal—how was it able to broadcast across the kingdom like that?"

Duke Eldran, the oldest of the group, answered. "It's ancient magic, passed down from king to king. It's used for major announcements, coronations, and the like. The crystal itself is hidden deep within the palace, safeguarded by powerful wards."

Kenshin nodded, absorbing the information. "And the courtiers—how are they recruited?"

"It's a mix," Duke Eldran continued. "Some are recommended by nobles, others pass tests of knowledge and loyalty. It's supposed to ensure the best serve the crown."

Kenshin frowned. "That's a flawed system. We'll need to manage it better. This kingdom can't afford more weak links."

The dukes exchanged glances, recognizing the weight of Kenshin's words. The capital came into view, the palace looming in the distance, a stark reminder of the responsibilities that awaited them.

The palace was a sight to behold, even under the shadow of recent events. Queen Isolde and Princess Seraphina stood at the entrance, flanked by the Prime Minister and a few courtiers. As Kenshin and the dukes dismounted, the queen stepped forward, her face a mask of calm grief.

Kenshin bowed deeply. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry I couldn't save the king."

Queen Isolde shook her head, her voice soft but steady. "It wasn't your fault, Kenshin. He fought bravely. I only hope he finds peace now."

Elara moved to embrace Seraphina, who burst into tears, her composure crumbling in the face of her friend's comfort. The head maid, an older woman named Lady Miriam, gently guided them inside, leaving the others to their grim business.

Kenshin watched them go, a heavy feeling settling in his chest. He turned to the Prime Minister, who bowed respectfully. "Kenshin, I presume you have plans to share with us?"

Kenshin nodded. "Yes, but first, let everyone rest. We'll meet in the morning to discuss our next steps."

The Prime Minister inclined his head, signaling to the others to disperse. Kenshin lingered for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the palace grounds. He could feel the weight of the crown pressing down on him, even if it wasn't yet on his head.