
Kazuo's Pain

"Now that you are done, Kazuo-chan… shall we go?"

"Yeah, yeah old man…"

Takumi and Mikoto stared at each other, surprised at how Kazuo talked to the Sage but did not say a single thing.

They sauntered to the main gate in what felt like a long and dreadful walk in silence.

"You three remind me of a trio I once trained," said Kazutaka with a stroke of his beard. "Ah yes, Asuka-chan, Hideo-kun and Shin-kun. They were exactly like you."

"Really?" asked Mikoto as her face lit up. "That's so cool! Asuka-san graduated top of her class and she is the strongest kunoichi in the village."

"Not just kunoichi, young lady." Kazutaka smiled, raising two fingers. "She is the second strongest shinobi in this entire region. When she returns from her mission abroad, I will formally introduce you."

Mikoto beamed with joy. "Thank you so much, Lord Sage!"

"I'm guessing that means I'm Yamazaki-sensei," said Takumi, fixing his shades.

"Affirmative..." said Kazutaka. "Actually Takumi-kun, you might be more intelligent than Hideo-kun was at your age but do not mention that to him."

Mikoto and Takumi chuckled and the Sage joined them.

"Wait..." Kazuo held his chin. "Which makes me Shin? That annoying masked ninja!"

"Ah, indeed." Kazutaka grinned whilst stroking his beard. "You already met–"

"No way!" Kazuo yelled, shaking his head. "I'm nothing like him!"

Kazutaka burst out in laughter and Mikoto joined.

"If Shin-kun were here, he might have said the same thing. You two are more alike than you think. In his youth, he was just like you… Kazuo-chan."

The group carried on with small talk and in no time, they had made it to the main gate. The new Lightning trio got their passports cleared, and readied to exit the village.

"Farewell, Lord Sage," said Takumi with a bow.

"Bye, bye." Mikoto beamed from ear to ear as she waved a hand.

"See ya, old man."

"Safe journey!" Kazutaka waved back at them. "I hope to see you soon."

After those words of goodbye, the trio darted into the forest with Kazuo at the lead. The greater part of their trip was rather quiet and all they heard were the sounds of nature. Kazuo tried breaking the ice a few times but to no avail. Mikoto was still furious at him and Takumi ever so indifferent. All of a sudden, a dozen bandits appeared from the surrounding bushes and ambushed them.

The leader of the brigands appeared to be the spiky-haired guy that had faced off against Rohan from before. "Wait a minute, I remember you. Purple-haired brat!" he said with a wide grin. "Where is your samurai friend?"

"You!" said Kazuo, furrowing his brows and took a defensive stance.

As the bandits drew closer, Mikoto whispered to Takumi. "Maneuver seven?"

Takumi nodded and whispered back. "I'll create the distraction," he said dropping and dropped a spherical object onto the ground.

As the ball made contact, a white cloud exploded and Kazuo coughed, wafting the air around him. Not again, he thought, trying to see through the smoke.

"Haha, a smoke bomb?" One bandit snickered. "This will be easy pickings."

"Come out now, kids!" said the leader, "We aren't gonna hurt you."

Silence filled the air once more and vision was still obscured by the smoke. Suddenly, a yell like that of a dying animal startled everyone. A bandit was down. Grown men screamed and as the smoke cleared, Takumi appeared holding a kunai and Mikoto with her fists. Two of the bandits had their throats slit while three more lay unconscious.

A dazed Kazuo stood frozen in the exact spot, trying to figure out what had transpired. Unlike his counterparts, he lacked the extensive fighting experience.

Seven bandits remained and, realizing these were no ordinary teenagers, drew their weapons. One of them rushed towards Kazuo with an axe. "Hah… eat shit!"

Kazuo saw the axe swing towards him and snapped back to reality. His body moved on instinct. As he ducked the overhead swing, the blade missed his head by a whisker. He counterattacked, tossing two shuriken at the bandit's arm.

"Aaahh!" said the bandit, letting go of his axe. "I will kill you, you brat!"

Now more than ever, Kazuo needed Kazutaka's taijutsu lessons. He saw the bandit rushing in his direction with clenched fists and took the defensive. He dodged two successive punches with ease, however, the third blow to his cheek sent him flying. A cracking sound echoed as he hit his back hard against a trunk. It was lights out.

Meanwhile, Mikoto and Takumi had taken out three more bandits. She panted as she fought against two of them whilst Takumi had the last one.

"There is nowhere you can run off to now, girl," said the leader, tossing a kunai between his hands. "It's two on one, and your little punches won't work on us."

"We'll see about that!" Mikoto grinned, rushing forward with her knuckles.

Baka (Fool)! The leader dodged Mikoto's blow and his subordinate restrained her arms. "Too slow," he said, grabbing the kunoichi's trousers.

Takumi, who barely had his own head above water, observed as his comrades were about to meet their demise. I've got one kunai… He thought, dodging a kick. Who should I rescue?

"Oh…" said the bandit leader, salivating as he gripped Mikoto's waist. "I'm gonna enjoy this." He reached for his trousers and before he proceeded further, he got kneed on the groin. "FUUUCKKK!"

Mikoto was not yet done! She jerked backwards and head-butted the other guy on his nose. As the bandit held his bleeding nose, she knocked him out with another blow to the face. She cracked her knuckles and turned to the leader–whimpering on the ground. "You're dead," she said with a blank stare before pummeling his face.

Meanwhile, Kazuo woke to see a huge man raising an axe before him. In a flash, he rolled backwards and avoided being chopped in half. As the axe got stuck in the earth, he shoved a kunai into the bandit's gut and blood pooled from the wound.

The man roared in agony and placed his hands on Kazuo's head.

"Arrgh!" Kazuo felt his skull being crushed and shoved the blade deeper.

Suddenly, another kunai stabbed through the bandit's jugular and he released his death grip. A gush of red spewed from his neck and he tried covering both wounds before plummeting to the ground, dead.

Drenched in blood, Kazuo fell down on his butt. That was close! He let out a huge sigh before turning to face Takumi. "H–Hey, man... thanks," he said before lying on the ground.

Takumi raced to Kazuo and stretched his arm. "Need a hand?"

"My head's spinning." Kazuo raised himself with Takumi's help.

The boys stood and went over to Mikoto, whose hands were now red. She got up from the bandit leader whose face looked bloodied and disfigured.

"Sheesh," said Kazuo, cringing at the look of the bandit. "I wouldn't wanna be him."

"Are you alright?" Takumi asked Mikoto with concern in his tone and she nodded.

"I'm fine," she said, a tear trickling from her eye and paused. "T–That was so scary!"

"I'm sorry about that," said Takumi. "Everything occurred so fast."

Kazuo rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah… sorry Mikoto."

"Thank you guys," said Mikoto, looking at her hands. "I could hug you, but…"

"There's a river nearby," said Kazuo, removing his haori.

"You can go on ahead, we need to tie these guys up," said Takumi.

Kazuo left for the stream and washed himself. When he was done, he returned to his comrades and they resumed the journey. "So, guys…" he said after several minutes of them walking in silence. "You learnt how to fight like that from Hideo's lessons?"

"Affirmative," said Takumi.

"Yeah," said Mikoto with a slight grin. "He taught us everything we know."

"Sugoi!" Kazuo's eyes sparkled as he applauded them. "Did you want to be ninjas?"

"I don't know about him but… my aim is to be the strongest kunoichi in the region."

"What is your goal?" said Takumi, facing Kazuo.

"Nah, you go first, man."

"Fine." Takumi fixed his dark shades. "Have it your way then."

The silence resumed.

"Well…" said Kazuo, moments later. "I know what I don't wanna be. Everyone wanted me to be like my old man… and that's not me."

"Is that why you came to Kaminari village?" Mikoto asked. "To run away from it all?"

"It wasn't of his own volition," said Takumi, pausing. "He was–"

"Exiled… and now I'm going back."

"What'd you do?" she asked once more.

"A lot of dumb shit… but I didn't mean any of it." An image of Kazuo's parents flashed in his mind. All I wanted was for them to be happy with who I am.

"I see." Mikoto raised an eyebrow. Probably worse than what he did yesterday.

"My goal is to be a renowned inventor," said Takumi, staring at the sky. "For that, I need to first get my Masters from the Artisan country."

Kazuo scratched his head. "I'm such an asshole, complaining about my old man–"

"It's alright…" Mikoto turned to Takumi. "Everyone at the school is like family."

"Indeed… she's right."

The awkward silence resumed and after a short while Kazuo spoke. "Okay guys, we almost there." He used his hand to gaze into the horizon. 

They arrived in Kaen village after the sun had set and the sky turned orange. Two samurai guards posted at the main entrance welcomed the trio and one escorted them to the royal palace. As they traversed the stone pavement, Mikoto notified the samurai about the bandits and he assured her that they would be arrested.

"What's going on? Who died?" asked Kazuo, staring at some peasants dressed in black kimono. Last time everyone wore black it was for Grandma Natsue.

"My apologies to be the bearer of bad news, young Lord..." The samurai paused, unable to find the right words to say. "But when the Shadow ninjas attacked, Lord Kazuma and the royal family were–"

"N–No, no way," said Kazuo in a mutter. It can't be… mom! He froze and trembled, turning pale. His eyes glazed and he fought the urge to cry but failed.

"My deepest condolences," said Takumi.

"I am sorry for your loss," said Mikoto, placing a hand on Kazuo's shoulder.

"There was only one survivor, though…" said the samurai. "Lord Kenzo."

'I wish I never see you guys ever again.' Those were my last words to them… to her! Kazuo thought, tears trickling down his cheeks. "Lord?" he asked, wiping his face.

"Yes, he was appointed regent by the council of advisors."

They continued in silence until the royal castle was in full view and the samurai turned back. Once inside, it was even quieter. The trio walked to the throne room and were welcomed by a dark haired boy about their age with a group of five elders.

"Welcome home, cousin," said Kenzo, walking towards Kazuo with open arms. "I'm sure you've heard by now…"

Kazuo dusted his white haori before hugging Kenzo. "I'm sorry… about uncle Keiji and aunt Kaori."

The two royals embraced, shedding tears as they thought about their parents.

"We have to do something about it." Kazuo sniffled. "We have to avenge them."

"Agreed, however, we lack the manpower to face them… They reduced our Royal Guard to five and we also lost General Rohan."

"R–Rohan-sensei?" Kazuo muttered, failing to find the words. They'll pay for this! 

"Sorry to disturb the reunion, my Lords," said one of the old men. He turned around to his companions. "What are we to do about Kazuma-sama's succession?"

"With the heir having returned, it is of no concern now, is it?" said the second one.

Another elder raised his voice. "What of his banishment? We cannot rule that aside!"

The palace erupted into chaos as the advisors argued amongst themselves.

"I DON'T WANT IT!" Kazuo shouted, his face turning red. A loud silence filled the royal chamber for a moment before he continued. "My parents knew this and heck…" He puffed hot air and paused. "The whole bloody village knew that I didn't wanna be daimyo!"

The elders resumed mumbling to each other until one said, "Lord Kenzo, it is..."

"And that's if he wants it too." Kazuo stared at the elderly group with folded arms.

"It would be an honour," said Kenzo, bowing before turning to the advisors. "May we have the room, please?" The advisors and guards left and he continued. "During the attack, I was in the family shrine and I came across a purple scroll, which I believe is addressed to you, cousin."

"Right," said Kazuo, turning to Takumi and Mikoto. "We're gonna check it out."

"Before you go, there is something else. I overhead some peasants say that the Shadow ninjas are after you. So, their next attack might be on Kaminari village."

"Shit!" said Kazuo. "Can we send a messenger bird?"

"We had been waiting for grandfather's response," said Kenzo. "I'll write to him."

"Yeah, we need to notify the Lord Sage and everyone," said Mikoto.

"It would be ill advised for Kazuo to return to Kaminari village." Takumi, who had been silent all along, joined in. "They're after him, so his best bet is to either wander the land or stay put somewhere they would least expect. The latter, of course, isn't an option because many regions hold enmity towards us. Also, as a prince and the Sage's grandson, he would make for quite the ransom."

"The Artisan is right, cousin..." said Kenzo, noting Takumi's jacket. "A wise course of action would be to wait and hear from Kaminari first."

"By the way, the name is Takumi. Ironic... I know." He offered his hand and shook Kenzo's before glancing at Kazuo. "Your cousin here hadn't introduced us."

"Hajimemashite (Pleased to meet you), Takumi-san." Kenzo greeted him and turned to the blonde kunoichi. "And the lovely miss…"

"Mikoto," she said, blushing with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Kenzo-sama." 

After the introductions, the trio said goodbye to Kenzo and left the palace. They walked a short distance through an orchard behind the castle to a flowing river.

Across the bridge, a torii gate hid behind a dense pine forest. Carved on the gate were the characters: 稲妻 (Inazuma). As they passed through it, they saw a wooden structure with a thatched roof. Painted above the door was a black sigil of two triangles facing each other–the Inazuma family crest! 

"Whoa, this place looks old," said Kazuo, getting inside the shrine. "So, this is where Kenzo always spent his time… could never be me."

"Purple scroll? With all these books? That'll take a while." Mikoto sighed before she turned to Takumi who had started searching. "Oh, it's on!" she said and rummaged through the shelves.

It took Takumi about fifteen minutes to find the scroll and he called the other two to view its contents together. He rolled the scroll open, and they read it:

To the violet flower whose blood flows as Raijin's

I bestow upon you the power of Lightning

Kneel before the Legendary Sage of old

And receive my might before the hour of the night

For Darkness gathers in the fold in preparation to fight

You whose brightness makes even the Shadows cower.

"So many rhymes!" Kazuo scratched his head. "What does that even mean?"

Mikoto, lost in thought, recalled the daimyo's words. "Kenzo-sama said this scroll is about you. I'm unsure about the rest but I think the violet flower refers to your hair."

"Oh." Kazuo raised his eyebrows. "I see."

"Power of the lightning, where the Legendary Sage once stood." Takumi muttered as he paced back and forth. Where then would a Sage be? Of course! He searched the rooms and turned to Kazuo. "Does this shrine have an altar?"

"Man, the last time I came here I was too young to remember."

"The power of lightning? Hmm… light," said Takumi, gazing around and he saw a dim orange rays passing through a window. That could be it! He followed the direction of the light and pointed at a cupboard. "Kazuo, help me with those books."

After the boys removed the books, Mikoto pushed the wooden furniture aside to reveal a small table, behind. On top of it stood a golden figurine holding a shakujō (monk staff). "The Legendary Sage!" she said, almost jumping into the air and turned to Takumi. "Nice."

Engraved on top of the table in kanji were the words:

Yin and Yang

The push and pull

As above so below

As within so without

Where there is Light, there will be Shadows

Takumi removed the table and placed it aside. When he stepped on where it stood, a squeaking noise from the floorboard sounded. "It's a false floor," he said.

Mikoto had also caught on as she punched the plank open.

Inside the floor was a long box with the kanji: 雷神 (Raijin–Lightning god) carved on it. Mikoto removed the wooden container with care and Kazuo opened it. Their eyes widened when they saw a chokutō (straight sword) without a tsuba (guard). The purple saya had a lightning design and a cloth wrapped around it. When Kazuo unsheathed the sword, there was a massive flash of light followed by a sharp crack.

The entire shrine lit up as Mikoto and Takumi were pushed away by a tremendous shockwave. A few seconds later, they saw Kazuo lying lifeless on the floor and Mikoto rushed over to him.

"He's not breathing!"