
Final Exams

After the internships, when everyone was back in class they started discussing their internships. Kat just sat silently while listening to everyone's conversation. Her head was down but she was awake. She heard everyone praising Endeavor. It pissed her off. But if she said anything she might get herself and the boys in trouble. She kept her mouth shut and waited for Aizawa to enter. As he talked about the final exams Kat wasn't worried. She was smart enough to pass the written exam since she tied with Momo for top scores. But she was a little worried about the physical exam.

"Mrs. Misaki might make it harder for me than the others. That would be really annoying."

After class as Kat was about to walk out when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Uraraka.

"Uh hey. Would you help me study? You're really smart and I need all the help I can get."

Kat didn't really expect that. She was just going to go home and train with her sister.

"Um sure. We can study over lunch whenever you're free."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'll text you. But I might not have enough money for lunch."

"It's alright, I'll pay for everything. You can repay me by passing."

Kat walks away blushing. No one has ever asked her to study. It was her first time going out with someone apart from her mom and sister. She wouldn't show it but she was nervous. On her way to lunch Kat ran into All Might. He was in his big form and he was coming out of a meeting. It was then Kat realized she was lost again. Even though she was at the school for a while Kat couldn't find her way to the lunch room without getting lost. All Might looked down and saw Kat. He hadn't really talked to her since she got to UA. She looked up at All Might and kept a straight face.

"Shouldn't you be at lunch, young Hiromi?"

"I told you to just call me Kat. And I was trying to find the lunch room but I always get lost."

Kat turns around and begins to walk away. She has always looked up to All Might but she was a bit shy. She could tell he didn't want to speak to her so she decided to leave him be. She couldn't tell why he was avoiding her but she will find out. She will impress him so that he can pay attention to her.

After studying for days the final exams were finally here. Kat had helped Uraraka study over lunch and she felt like they were both ready for the written exams. After they were done everyone felt like they did a good job. Kat stayed in their seat while everyone was talking about how they did. She heard them talk about fighting robots but she felt like that was too easy. After class everyone got into their hero costume and went outside. The teacher revealed that they would be fighting them. Kat knew it was too easy. Luckily, fighting the teachers with a partner wouldn't be much harder. When they announced the names of partners Kat could feel her heart drop. The other students noticed it too and Mina spoke up

"Mr. Aizawa? Why doesn't Kat have a partner?"

"Remember what I told you guys on the first day? The world is unfair. All men aren't created equal. Kat has proven that ordinary tests won't challenge her. Because of that she will be having a different test with a different set of rules. That way we might be able to challenge her a little bit."

All the students in the class looked in Kat's direction as she looked at the ground. She was obviously mad. They couldn't tell what she was thinking until she spoke

"DAMMIT! I was hoping that she wouldn't say anything and I could get by easily with the cover of my teammate. NOW I ACTUALLY HAVE TO PUT IN A EFFORT. This is so damn annoying. It's been so long since I genuinely activated my quirk in YEARS now I have to. I will destroy that old lady when I see her."

Everyone in the class had such a surprised look on their face. They couldn't tell if Kat was just being cocky or if she genuinely didn't see the teachers as a threat. She saw the look on their faces and knew she said something wrong. She gave a nervous smile after realizing she spoke out loud. The teachers continued talking as Kat planned out how she would pass.

When the teachers were done speaking Kat got pulled aside to talk to Aizawa. He told her the rules of her exam and when it would be taking place.

"You will be fighting against all the teachers after all the regular exams finished taking place. The teachers will be wearing the weights but we will all be working together to fight you. Don't expect us to hold back"

"I knew you wouldn't make it easy but you really believe I can take on 7 fully trained hero's? You might be overestimating me."

"Your mother has told us about how hard you trained. Plus we know about your quirk. So I do believe that you will be perfectly fine fighting all of us. In fact even if we didn't hold back I fully understand that you would still end up winning."

Kat sighed. When she walked away she tried to keep a cool face. She would be fighting against All Might. That was her biggest obstacle. Lucky for her she had a plan. She figured out how she would take down all the heroes without revealing her quirk to her classmates. On the day where Kat was supposed to fight, there were two people watching. Bakugo and Midoriya. They were still healing from their fight with All Might and Recovery Girl invited them to watch. Kat started inside a building of a make build city. She was leaning against the wall as the test started.

"3...2...1… Katana Hiromi's fight test has now begun."