

Kassius the god of nothing, or that's what the others like him believe, finds dungeon that gives him meaning for his meaningless godhood, although it felt too early to be gaining it. If the gods who shunned him hadn't broken their word their fates wouldn't have come so obvious for there is no better motivation than betrayal. Now that there is no one left to worship him as a god what will Kassius become, will he succeed taking revenge or will he find a reason to let his betrayers live.

Mikro_Kissa · 奇幻
5 Chs


Jemin, the goddess of nature

'What was that feeling he exuded, why did it scare me so.' I thought to myself while waiting for Misa to wake up, 'I need to tell Rufus about this.'

I sat on the moss surrounding us, i kept looking at the spot where the hole to my secret dungeon was. I wasn't worried about him coming through the sealed ground any time soon, so i wasn't in a hurry to get in contact with Rufus, although i was anxious since there were several different entrances to the dungeon around my city.

What were those flames, they were so brilliant but they scared me to my core, they were unlike anything i had seen before.

"where am I?" Misas voice was low and laced with exhaustion.

"Don't worry my child, everything will be well now." I answered, trying my best to keep my anxiety from reaching my voice.

"Josh, where is josh." Misa panicked, she was trying to look around her.

"I am sorry child, but Josh and the rest who entered the dungeon are now resting, forever asleep." I tried my best to sound sincere, hoping that she would buy it.

Misa has always been an anomaly in my kingdom, she had a hard time trusting others and for some reason sometimes even me, her goddess.

"Come now my child, we need to get going."



Again my head hurts, it hurts so much, I can't open my eyes. This was starting to get annoying.

Slowly trying my best to open my eyes, I laid there, next to the brave soldiers ashes. Every amount of effort I put in my sight, didn't seem to work, almost like I couldn't see anymore.

Moving my arms felt like an impossible task, my legs were even worse. This was the backlash from using the flames too much. I was horrified at the possibility of someone else possessing a power equal to this, just the idea made me shiver.

Time passed as I laid there, not moving, not even thinking, until I had enough of laying around. Painfully I moved my left arm so that my palm was on the ground next to my chest, and I pushed. All my strength behind that one push was just barely enough to flip myself.

Sitting up was a horrendous task, everything hurt as I tried my best to get my upper body up, in the end i succeeded. Although now I was faced with darkness that i hadn't seen in my life before.

'Why can't I see?' I asked myself, confusion and anxiety taking over me. I needed to meditate, I needed to see the power within me.

looking deep into myself, I saw the golden flames of vengeance burn, but it was dim. Relieved by the fact that i had not lost the flames, I let myself relax. I wasn't in a hurry after all.

Days trickled by as i just sat there, in the darkness. I had come to accept my loss of sight, for i knew it wouldn't last, and it didn't. Slowly my sight returned, bit by bit.

I had gained enough energy to move again in those days, but thought it best to not try moving before my sight was back.

After my sight had completely returned to me, I started my search for an exit.

The narrow hallways and the low ceiling made traversing the dungeon annoying as i nearly hit my head on every support beam that wasn't imbedded into the ceiling.

Light wasn't an issue since I could see clearly no matter how dark it got, but the same couldn't be said when there was light. I chanced upon a very small hole that shone sunlight through it.

I had no reason for getting out yet, for i wanted to see what more travesties i could find in this place, and it didn't take long for me to find something very interesting.

Walking to a narrow doorway that had a heavy looking door made out of charred wood and metal slightly open. Pushing the door produced a loud screeching noise that echoed through the whole dungeon.

Having to nearly crawl through the doorway i made my way into an office of sorts. There a odd looking strip of cloth rested on a metal desk.

'Odd, I had taken that everything had disappeared after "that" happened.' I thought to myself as looked around the otherwise barren room.

Walking to the metallic desk, I picked up the strip of cloth. The cloth was black in color with weird golden veins going from side to side, on the middle the golden veins created an odd symbol that reminded me of an eye, but not quite. 'intriguing.' I thought to myself as i studied the patterns and the symbol.

Bringing the strip of cloth near my face out of curiosity, it didn't catch inflames. The flames in my eye sockets widened in surprise, 'this... how is this, wait.' I thought to myself as i realized that the strip of cloth wasn't actually black in color but dark red, it was covered in blood, dried blood.

It wasn't just any ordinary blood, but it was the blood of the girl who stole a portion of jemins power to manifest these flames, unknowingly she had created something that could withstand even that which was almost able to kill a god.

Something else caught my eye about the strip of cloth, i could see through it with ease. So going for the most logical and obvious choice, I put the cloth to my eye sockets and tied it around my head, and once again I felt clarity over the golden flames of vengeance.

looking up then down, I was mesmerized by how clearly i could see, like there was nothing blocking my view at all. Moving my hands in front of my face i nearly chocked, my hands were engulfed by the golden flames, but the flames didn't extend over where my skin ended. Inspecting my hands and then my legs, i could feel myself getting giddy from excitement, I for once felt in control.

Focusing my gaze on the metallic table and concentrating, the golden flames burst out of nowhere around the table and it melted, it didn't even last ten seconds before it was nothing but a lump melted metal. I smiled, I laughed, I giggled, I clapped my hands, I felt like a child playing with a new toy.

Raising the strip of cloth away from the golden flames in my eye sockets, I tried to see if anything was different, it was a mistake. Immediately when the strip of cloth left my sight the golden flames burst out of control, not just in the room, but in my eye sockets and body as well. The pain of it all was immense, I couldn't think, not even react before I fell to the ground in agony.

Everything around me was engulfed by brilliant golden flames, I could see my dark brown shirt had already been devoured by the golden flames. Trying my best to move my hand and get the strip of cloth back onto my eye sockets, that were now fully hidden by the flames, it took a lot of power and determination to fight off the pain but in the end i succeeded.

Once again laying on the ground inside the dungeon, I watched as the flames subsided, 'at least this time i didn't pass out', was the only thing going through my mind.

To my surprise the pain disappeared rather quickly as my mind got back its clarity, the strip of cloth was truly a work of wonders even for a god.

It only took minutes for me to be able to stand again. Inspecting myself I noticed that i was now completely naked, embarrassed by my state i looked around and sighed, I had almost forgot that there was no one around me to see me like this. 'Of course there's no one here you idiot.' I thought to myself.

Looking around once again I tried to find a way for me to move forward in my quest to search this place fully. To my surprise one of the walls was nearly grumbling. Walking to the smooth stone wall, I pushed lightly and the whole wall just grumbled to the ground. With nowhere else to go I went through the hole that was left behind by the grumbled wall, immediately getting surprised by the view that was waiting for me.