
Caught in the Storm

Selai followed Uli out and grabbed her from behind spinning her until she got dizzy and started hitting his chest. Uli gently held her by the neck and kissed her gently. Uli got lost in his lips ministrations and could not feel her legs. They sunk down on their knees on the sand until Selai came up for air and apologized to Uli for embarrassing her.

Quasi had just return from the bathroom to witness Selai and Uli's PDA on the beach from the kitchen's window. he was so caught in this view that he poured salt into his tea instead of you know... ( 🙈 dude watch what you do). He spluttered the tea on the table, giving himself more work. He felt a maelstrom of emotions for this couple that he wished he was Uli's husband. He decided to take his boat for ride to calm himself. He had heard reports of a brimming storm but he ignored hoping to beat it by getting back soon.

Quasi was enjoying the lulling rocking of the boat, thereby slept. All of sudden he opened his eyes and realised the air was still, the waves were silent, no sound of birds twittering and he remembered the report.

He put the engine on and steered the boat towards home. Then he felt the wind lashing at him, the waves rocking the boat at it's sides as it sped to reach the shore. Then the rain set in, he couldn't see anything because the atmosphere was dark and highlighted with streaks of lightening here and there coupled with sounds of thunder that shook the boat. Quasi realised he was in deep trouble, he wished he had stayed on land to deal with his emotions. He only prayed for the storm to pass.

A large wave knocked the boat Quasi lost his balance , hit his head hard and lost consciousness.

Uli was at window watching the storm hit their town. It's picturesque when you are safe and dry. Nature combatting each other, the seas roaring their might, thunder and lightening portraying their magnificence, the wind shaking plants to bow before them, those that couldn't lost their place at the shores of the beach.

Selai came to sit by his enjoying their storm silent intimacy. He pulled further from his wife and put her legs on his thighs to massage her swollen foot. Uli reclined further into the couch to enjoy and relax her husband's ministrations. Selai felt the knotted muscles and massaged them. He enjoyed times like this where they could just sit without talking and have a good time.

Their moment was interrupted when his father in law came hurriedly informing them about Quasi's disappearance and could possible caught in the storm. ( A/T: which we already know right?😕)

I will be writing as I get inspired to do so. hope you enjoy this chapter.

elegentcreators' thoughts