
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · 奇幻
21 Chs

New city

Bella Seo or simply known as Bella in the world of heroes is the best healer of Asia. She's the best hero of all heroes and fights for pure justice. 

She's so pure that Ray had to accept her as the best but deep inside his heart, he knew no human can't be that pure. So before a year of his death, he followed her everywhere for half a year to gather much evidence to list her on his killing list but he failed. He blamed it on his aura-less body and gave up on it. Because without any aura, it was impossible to find any flaws. 

   But, I think I can continue my research on her. Starting with examining her powers. 

The green flow of aura went inside his body and immediately fixed every wound inside his body. He was all healed.

   It was the right choice to break my hand before sleeping. Or she'd figured it out. My instincts are super useful. 

"You're all healed. Now move your hand and tell me if everything is alright."

Ray moved his right hand a little to see how powerful her healing powers were and said, "Aunty, you are really great. Thank you so much for healing me."

At that moment, the little kid became angry and said, " Why are you taking care of him instead of my mother? Did you know he was the one who sent mother to jail?"

Bella smiled at him and said, "You're going to study with me from now on. My brother-in-law ordered me to do so. Now, let's go and let your big brother have some rest. He's tired, can't you see?"

"Huh! If he was an aura user, none of this would've happened." 

Bella frowned at his ridiculous way of talking so she grabbed his arm and dragged him out of his room. 

Little did he know that only hell waited for him for the next 6 months. 

   'Goodbye, you little shit.'

He smiled and bid him goodbye. 

"Now. System, did you analyse her aura?"

A red screen appeared in front of him that time and said, 

[The system has successfully analysed the target's power.]

[The target has the opposite order of power than the host. The host has black aura when the other mutants hold aura within their body.]

[The target has S-class healing and A-class charm.]

The word charm caught his eyes and he realised something very important. 

'Charm is a type of magic that hell sereni has. They can sing so beautifully that they drag the hell prisoners into the pool of lava. They can charm people with just a smile and a small sound from their mouths. And that small sound can trigger thousands of prisoners to break down mentally. The sereni has SSS+ type skills but this lady has only A class. 

That means, all the people who committed suicide from the hero association were all her fault. All the sudden deaths of so many heroes who were a little mad at her, who challenged her at the battle and those who held grudge against her died, their deaths were all connected to her. 

'Heheh… I guess nobody is as clean as water. You are the worst type of hero and I welcome you to my list.'

After his breakfast, his father came to see him and told him that he already prepared his transfer to a school near his grandmother's house. 

Moreover, he talked to the families who bullied Ray and demanded a full charge of medical and the money they stole from them. 

He also complained to the parents of Rokang and Rika that their children almost baked him alive. It was the day they saw hell in their parents' eyes. 

"Ray, I got your money back. Let's head out."

Ray looked back at his house and saw his elder brother looking through the window. He was hiding beside the window curtain but Ray caught him peeking.

He smiled at his miserable brother who was biting his nails and went inside the car.

The place he was heading to was Incheon. It was also his home back in his previous life for 4 years after he came back from Germany. Those days in his high school life were so memorable so he thought about going to that school again.

In order to do so, he had to finish middle school all over again. 

The driver drove the car all over to Incheon city and took a turn in a peaceful neighbourhood full of normal people. There wasn't any hero's residence so people were living a totally normal life away from the touch of aura. 

Even if any heroes were born, they walk away from this place because there is nothing for them to do there.

But in reality, it was the place for all the villains who live among humans wearing fake masks to hide their real identities. It was the home of the villains. 

The car stopped in front of a huge but old house of the neighbour. The design looked like traditional Korean houses with wooden designs and pictures. 

It was one of the oldest houses in the neighbourhood, the Li house. 

Because all the children of the house were born with aura, they moved out of the house leaving the mother all alone. The old grandma of Ray was always alone with her servant so it was the perfect place for Ray to level up and grow up. 

The door to the house opened. 

Ray entered the garden and saw an old lady sitting in a wheelchair with her servant behind. She was happy to see his grandson after a long time but she was also angry to see his son. She said, "What kind of father can't even take care of his son. It's a good thing that he left the house. You people aren't humans at all. Now, leave this property and never come back."

Adam Li bowed his head and said, "Forgive me, mother. This time, I will discipline my wife and visit you every week." He looked at Ray and said, "Son, I'll come to see you every week. Don't worry, okay? Please look after your grandmother."

Ray smiled a little and replied gently, "Of course, father."

After that, Adam Li left the house after leaving Ray's bags in the garden. The grandmother took Ray to his room and said, "This used to be your grandfather's room. He died 24 years ago when Adam got married. Your grandfather was a strict man without any emotion. But he was also kind and lovely inside."

"So why are you giving me this room, grandma?" Ray asked. 

"It's been 24 years, son. And you are the only grandson who will live in this home from now on. So I want you to have this room. Take care of it, okay? I'm going to take some rest. I'm feeling a little tired."

The servant took her out of the room by leaving the door closed. Ray became alone all over again inside a huge wooden room with old pictures and old furniture. The room had an old mouldy smell that Ray felt so refreshing.

" This is pretty awesome. Even the windows are round and the bed is on the floor."

He opened the window and saw the backyard view and the boundary without any surveillance cameras. So he felt relieved and said, "I won't have any problem practising my skills at night. But the problem is that servant."

'When I walked inside the house, she tried to use some kind of magic that my system avoided. She cast her magic on me multiple times to check if I have any aura but to make sure, she did that so many times. I was holding my anger because grandma was there but I can't take unnecessary steps. Since their aura and my aura is different, they won't spot it no matter how much they try. The result will be zero.

So, it will be a bad idea to kill her because she also could be a villain. I need to check her identity tonight. But for now, let's organize my belongings.

I have school tomorrow.

The servant Alisa's POV:::

The day dawned quickly and all the lights turned off as soon as the clock reached 11 PM. 

She put her ear against the door to hear if Ray was sleeping or not and after that, she went to her room and closed the door.

"Hello, boss. The grandson Ray Li has come to the Li house."

*Hm? That aura-less boy? Did you check his body?*

With an emotionless tone, she answered, "No sir, the boy doesn't have any mana. It was just lady Bella's mana that fixed the boy's broken bones this morning."

The person on the phone laughed out loud and said, *Then the medicine seemed to work perfectly. Anyway, keep feeding him the poison so he won't break through the barrier. Also, increase the dose for our old woman. She needs to die soon so we can take our next step.*

The woman said yes professionally and switched off her phone. 

    'So this is exactly what is going on inside the house. She's a tank member who holds a grudge against the Li family. Plus, the man she was talking to sounds familiar for some reason.'

'But before that, I need to make her drink the poison before she feeds it to grandma. It seems like there's a huge history behind the Li family that has a connection to the Tank.'

Ray again went back to his room and went inside his blanket before she checked on him again. 

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