
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · 奇幻
21 Chs

Death of the sinner


It leads humans to their peak of destruction. It can make a person harm another person, insult a person or worse, kill a person. 

All humans are built differently so their way of vengeance is also different. Some of them might be bittersweet or some of them might be funny based on their personality. 

But when a person with no emotion walks down the path of his revenge, it becomes dyed in violent red.

"One, two, three…Where is the fourth one?"

A man with bleached tousled hair looked at the hostages he tied inside his hideout to ask them some questions. 

His eyes were emotionless.

"Hey, are you mute?" The man asked again.

The hostages were interrogated by a serial killer who killed so many police officers and innocent citizens. He was a mass murderer and a hacker who stole more than 80 million won just for fun. 

Well, that's how the public knows about him.

One of his hostages frowned his eyebrows and said, "Like hell I will tell you. Wait until the special force comes."

The criminal looked at his prideful expression and as always, the criminal had no expression on his pale face.

  'Time to stop this game.'


He loaded his gun and immediately fired at one of the hostage's forehead. He was pushed by the bullet force and his tied-up body fell on the floor.

The red hole on his body started to leak out blood. 

A police officer died.

The gun was still emitting smoke through the hot nozzle but he again placed it on another hostage's forehead. The hot nozzle made his skin burn but still, the hostage kept his expression cool.

The criminal still had no expression on his face despite the horrifying situation that was occurring in front of him. 

"You're a tough fish. I will let you live if you spit out who is the boss of Tank."

The hostage laughed out loud and said, "You criminal bastard stands no chance against Tank. Do you really think you can reach our boss even if you get your hands on this information? Keep dreaming."

But his expression didn't change at all. His eyes were dark and empty.

  Useless. They are all, useless.

He closed the door to his hideout and wiped the red blood off his knuckles. 


"Police!! Freeze!!! Put your hands up! Right now!!"

More than 10 police officers were pointing their guns at Ray but he wasn't even reacting to the deadly situation.

"Hey!! Show us your hands!!"

But Ray chose a different strategy. Right after he wiped the blood, he started to run towards the dark abandoned factory in a zigzag pattern to blend in but the police were all ordered to shoot and kill on the spot this time. So they start to shoot at Rey aimlessly.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

A bullet pierced through his upper abdomen and injured his liver. He ran out of luck.

   Tsk! I can't believe I just got shot!

He covered his wound and took out his rifle to fire at the policemen. He was almost cornered by them.

"You bastard! Do you really think a normal human like you can go against 12 of us? We're from the special task, the elite. I was pretty excited when my boss told me about a special mission. So I prepared myself to fight with the villains. I even polished my sword for that and it turns out that I was assigned to a rat exterminating mission."

He took out his sword and the sharp part of the blade started to glow like radium. It was Aura. 

Aura is a supernatural energy that exists inside only a small amount of the population. It helps to increase human body strength and cast various types of attacks with the assistance of various types of weaponry.

They are called heroes.

But there's always a shadow under the light.

The existence of villains began at the very beginning of the aura manifestation in the human body. People who love to walk down the path of injustice are all considered villains. They are cruel, murderous and they are monsters who enjoy the fall of everyone. In order to stop them the international associations came up with a plan in 1933 to balance the good and bad.

Thus, the organization was created to provide the heroes with the highest luxuries and so much more to capture the villains and protect the country from getting destroyed.

Even though there were villains with superpowers, they were no match for Ray. A villain with no power was powerful enough to kill a hero or villain. 

He was the symbol of darkness.

But sadly, those days are finished. Because

"Ke, ke, ke,ke,ke !Come out you little rat. The god of sword is here. I will make sure to give you a painless death."

The voice of the A-class hero, the god of swords was echoing through the abandoned factory.

But deep inside Ray's heart, it was calm as always. His blood was leaking through his bullet hole but his expression was dead. 

  I really am a monster.

He sealed the wound with a piece of fabric and took out his rifle to fire at some random police officer to decrease the unwanted crowd.

But the moment he pointed his gun at, the nozzle was cut off like a piece of butter with a sharp iron sword. The remaining bullets exploded because of the spark but luckily his hands were unnamed.


The teeth of the hero were shining that made Ray think that he polished them instead of his sword. So he was flabbergasted instead of being worried for his life.

  After a long time, someone successfully made me think that it was funny. I appreciate his hard work.

"Hm? You're laughing?" The hero asked. "But it's too late. Since you're going to die, at least pray to god that he can burn you in hell easily."

He raised his chin and made a disgusting smile on his face. But little did he know that a grenade was on its way to destroy everything. 

It was tucked inside Ray's pocket.

6 seconds remaining…

Ray looked at the hero's face with a smile and said, "Thanks. At least I can smile before my death. But I will come for your boss's head. Tell him to be careful."

2 seconds renaming…

"What? The hero asked. "Are you dumb or somet…"


A shockwave of fire spread all over the place killing all the 12 police officers when they were all not on their guards. The body of Ray was nowhere to be seen but the pieces of his body were everywhere. 

In that messy gore situation, the hero wiped out the blood from his face and said, "Tsk!! He blew himself up. What a letdown…"

Even though he was the closest one near the explosion, not even a hair of his head was burned. 

A normal grenade can be compared to a mere blow of air to an A-class hero. So he was perfectly uninjured.

"Well, the mission was a success. I will enjoy the thick bonus now. It's time to book a hotel in the Maldives."

Just like this, the powerless villain committed suicide to protect his pride. The next day, the news appeared on television that said the hero, the god of sword, defeated the powerless villain who killed more than 23 police officers and 10 more innocent civilians.

It is a crime for a hero to kill a normal aura less human no matter how much crime he has committed but for self-defence, he had to do so and thus the case was withdrawn.  

So the reputation of the hero was protected and he received a big sum of bonus.

It was the end of Ray's long 32 years of life.

     But that's what I thought…

A huge figure with a red book on his left golden hand was sitting on a huge platform with a disturbing expression on his face. He was reading a book that looked like it belonged to someone's life. 

     That's right. That's my book that he's reading. My book of karma. And now, I feel like my body is burning from the chain that has been used to tie me up. It's a glowing red hot chain.

Ray Park was still alive somewhere after his death. But he was then being judged by a huge figure that had no face. It was filled with eyes on every inch of his body. Even his hands had countless tiny eyes that people with trypophobia would die after seeing that. 

It was a pretty disturbing sight.

*Sinner. You've committed so much crime and you have broken serious rules.*

The voice of the huge figure was so loud that it was enough to kill a human with it. But for Ray who has lost the sense of emotional feelings, it wasn't affecting him. He stayed still while staring at his red book that had his name on it.

*Sinner. The god's guardian angels have left the realm because you do not have any good deeds written in your book of good deeds. So they will not stand by you anymore. The 7th hell is calling for you.*

Ray looked at the being's face and saw the countless eyes on his face that made his stomach feel bad. It was too gross that he was feeling chills all over his body for the first time.

An unfamiliar feeling made him smile so he said, "Is that really a sin to kill those who also kill the innocents? Don't make me laugh! I did it for my revenge since god won't kill them even if I pray for a million years!!"

The figure smiled and Ray unintentionally saw the inside of his mouth that was out of any human's imagination. His body refused to process what the eyes just witnessed. So he puked out everything outside. 

*You dare to talk against the rules of god. It's not permitted to enter heaven if a human kills more than 30 people without any proper justification. Even if you burn for eternity, the sin will not erase from your book.*

Ray again looked at his face after making his thoughts straight and saw the disgusting expression on his face again. But this time, he kept his head straight and said, "But… I won't die until I kill those bastards!!! I can't!!! Even if you throw me to the pit of hell, I will crawl out and take them with me!! I'm not going to die alone!!! Noooo!!!!"

The judge shook his head and ordered the other hell guardians to drag him inside the 7th hell for eternity. Because his book of karma had an infinite amount of sin.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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