
Kara Cahill (The White Wolf)

She had to keep her true identity hidden and trust only a few people. But some secrets are always meant to be revealed, some fates are not meant to be changed. Can Kara Cahill accept her fate and let the prophecy run its course? ■■■ Out of the woods, wolves emerged, snarling and growling. Kara sighed. "Without knowing who I am, she made this move. I wonder how it would be if she knew who I truly was." She whispered to Klaus and stepped out. The snarling wolves' sound covered whatever she was saying so she couldn't be heard.. "You will not treat me like a fragile glass." He nodded but grabbed her hand first and said, "I've seen what you can do. Changing into a wolf partly. You will teach me when this is over." Nodding she replied. "Okay. But you'll tell me about anybody who is a somebody in the pack and out." "Deal, now let's kick some wolf butts." He grinned and they were back-to-back. The first wolf attacked and Kara slammed her arm into its jaw. It bite her and drew blood. "No more nice new girl." Her eyes flashed white for a second and she attacked. Her speed could not be matched and the onlookers couldnt look away. She slammed jaws and her nails left marks on the faces of some of the wolves. She was a sight on the field. Careful not to kill anyone, Kara pushed the last person the the ground and stood snarling. Klaus howled and patted her on the back. "Mad skills you got." His smile was wide as his eyes twinkled. Mara clapped dramatically and narrowed her yes at Kara. She sneered. "I agree, you can move... against amateurs."

Darkstorm17 · 奇幻言情
41 Chs


Kara stared at Reginald's back as he walked in front of her. He wasn't saying anything. Even though he was walking with a cane, he was still tall. He led her to the room she had fought Dimitri. Kara paused by the door.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

He ignored her and walked to another door. He gestured for her to come. With a sigh, she entered the room.

"Do you know what is behind this door? Can you feel it?" He asked, straightening his back.

Kara raised an eyebrow. "Nop, not getting anything from it."

"Hmm." Reginald moved away from the door and stood in the middle of the room, in a way it was more like a hall. "You'll go through the door if you can move me from this spot with your ability."

Kara closed her eyes for a minute. "I thought the whole point of this training was so I could use said ability. How am I supposed to move you if I don't know how?"

"You froze Destiny's feet."

"Not on purpose. I wasn't thinking about it..."

"Then don't think. Do."

He raised his hand and water fell on her from above. The look of shock on her face almost made him laugh.

"You'll continue to get drenched if you don't do what you are meant to do." He told her.

Gritting her teeth, she made a move to leave the room and something pulled her back to the spot she had been in. Looking down, she saw water snake away from her.

"We only have a few days for you to learn what it took Devilles at least 4 years to learn. Take this seriously Kara. A storm is coming." He said, tapping his cane on the floor.

"What storm?"

"Focus Kara."

Water hit her from the back, propelling her onto her chest. She growled in anger.

"I did not request for the wolf Kara, give me your ability."

Water came on her from above, the weight of it knocking her head to the ground.

"Stop it Reginald." She exclaimed, trying to stand up.

"That is Uncle Regi to you." He grinned at her.

She couldn't believe it. He was enjoying himself. Kara rushed at him in anger only for water to slam her into a wall. Groaning, she held her head to stop the dizziness.

Reginald crouched, making sure that he was at her eye level.

"You aren't even trying. I know you can beat most people in this Sch but that is not realistic. Oakley prepares students for the human world. Those who want to work there. But our world is much harsher. Yes, Dimitri is a good fighter and you beat him, can you do it again when you are not consumed by rage? Frederick will have you flat on your back in less than a minute and I'm sure you know that. Your wolf strength and your ability are acting separately." He stood up and tapped his cane. "You need to make them one. And to do that, you need to master your ability the way you mastered your physical strength. Control is the key."

Kara glared at him. "Then explain it to me. Being a wolf is easy, it's mainly physical like you said. The claws, ears and tail come out when I just think I want them out. But this ability... this is different."

Reginald stared at the other door momentarily, leaning on his cane.

"Get two buckets of water from the kitchen." He ordered.

Kara grumbled but did what he asked. She found herself unconsciously making sure Ryker wasn't in the area she passed. She came back and Reginald gestured for her to sit in from of him. He was sitted with his legs folded.

"Put each hand in a bucket and close your eyes." He instructed.

"Now that I think about it, I've actually frozen things. A crystal ball looking thingy, my entire room and so on. Do those periods not count?" She asked with her hands in the buckets.

"No, because you didn't do them on purpose."

"I did. When I was showing Liv."

"Then show me."

She paused before bringing her hand out of the water. She tried to imagine how she had done it that day, tried to get the feeling. But nothing. Not even a snowflake.

"Hands back in the water."

Without arguing, she did as she was told.

"Close your eyes. I want you to focus on how the water feels." He instructed and began walking around her. "When you are inside water, you feel nothing but you know it is water. Electricity and ice have something to do with water, if not everything. To channel that, you always have to have the feeling in your heart. Devilles are superior because they don't separate themselves from their ability, they are their ability. It flows through them. That is why Shadows are powerful. They are one with their shadow. But the others, they have forgotten how to be one with it. A water weaver can still drown, fire bender can get burnt to death and so on. They have forgotten the way."

His voice was hypnotic. Kara flexed her fingers and felt nothing, almost forgetting her hands were inside a bucket of water.

"The wolves have also forgotten their way unlike the free spirit. The wolves have gotten arrogant, thinking they are the pure kind, as pure as humans. But over the years they have separated themselves from the wolf, thinking themselves human and wolf. They forget that they should remain true to themselves. That was what the Devilles were, they were true. They understood life as they understood death. They sympathized with the rain and listened to the water. They paid attention to the trees and..."

Kara opened her eyes to see what had stopped him. He gestured to her hands and she saw they were frozen in the bucket. A grin came on her face.

"That wasn't so hard." She said with confidence.

Reginald walked towards the mystery door and gestured for her to go through.

"You think I am ready." She said and went through the door.

It was a freezer. A closet freezer or whatever those were called. Everywhere was freezing that she shuddered.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked and turned to look at him.

Reginald stood by the door.

"Melt it." He said and slammed the door shut.

Kara rushed to it just as she heard the bolts being locked in place. She banged the door.

"What in fridges? Are you trying to freeze me to death? Open the door." She screamed but no sound.

She kept banging till it hurt and had to stop if she wanted to still have her hands working. Kara rubbed her arms. She should have worn something thicker. How did she not see this coming? Everyone she had encountered so far was crazy. Weird boy shows up and claims to be her mate. Now her uncle wanted her frozen soulless body.

"Melt it."

How was she supposed to do that when all she knew to do was freeze things? Even that she hadn't mastered well.

Ice 102, how to melt ice? Could he not have taught her that before locking her up. Was this even legal??? Kara groaned and walked deeper into the room. The shelves were frozen with meat and food stuff in general. She caught a reflection of herself on a surface and saw that her lips were turning blue.

How long had she been locked in?