Al-Husain is a 27-year-old man who is a man who is cold except for his family and first love. Kanaya is a tough 24-year-old woman, who is a hard worker and is searching for his true self for the truth about his birth parents. What would happen if Al had realized that his first love was Kanaya, let's continue with this story!
"Assalamualaikum doctor Rabia how are you? You didn't think we could meet again?" Kanaya said smiling sweetly.
"Waalaikumussalam, deck, just call him brother. After all, this is not a hospital," replied Rabia smiling sweetly.
"Yes brother, thank you for helping mama," Kania said smiling sweetly.
"I am only an intermediary from Allah, and what helps Mrs. Rahma is Allah and prayers from all of you," said Rabia humbly.
"You are a good boy," said Rahma with a sweet smile.
"Hmmm, Rey has been looking at Sis Rabia all the time but don't dare say hello?" asked Aira ignorantly.
People's eyes immediately fell on Ray, while Ray was holding his arms busy with his cell phone to avoid strange questions from his mischievous sister.
"No, I was just daydreaming a little earlier," Ray said while pretending to be busy checking messages on his cell phone.
"Brother has been caught red-handed still pretending," said Aira excitedly.
"Yes, this brother...., Sis Rabia is beautiful, isn't it, Mr. Al?" Kanaya asked Al.
"Of course, the dear, but you are the most beautiful to me," Al said without looking away from the others, Al only looked at Kanaya.
"Just an excuse, bro, just tell me if you like my curvy little brother?" asked Ray.
"Yes, I like it, even I love Kanaya, do you like Arka's brother or not?" asked Al back.
"I...., I..." Ray interrupted.
"Sorry, this spirit is so late, let's go home later, mom and dad look for it," said Rabia quickly.
"But sis..." said Arka cut off.
"Om, Auntie, we are all excused to go home first, assalamualaikum," said Rabia who had dragged the sleeves of Arka's long coat that Arka was wearing to force her to go home.
"Yes dear, be careful on the road waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," said Rahma smiling sweetly.
"Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh", answered Kanaya, Al, Aira, and Jalal.
Meanwhile, Ray just stared at Rabia's back which was starting to move away.
"Earlier, Brother didn't dare to speak, now I'm sorry, Sis, Rabia has left?" Kanaya asked.
"I already said deck," said Ray wearily.
"Be patient, mate, he just goes home to his parent's house, not into another man's arms," Al said giving advice.
"Ray, Papa wants to have a serious talk with you. Papa knows you still haven't forgiven Papa...., but son you should fight for it if you love him," said Jalal.
"Yes... Pa... Ray has forgiven Papa," said Ray who then left the place.
"Rey just needs some time alone," said Rahma who understood his son's feelings.
"Rahma, will you forgive me too, please forgive me...." Jalal pleaded.
"Yes, mas I have forgiven you, but I can not go back with you," Rahma answered doubtfully.
"But why? is it my fault too much?" Jalal asked.
"No bro, I need some time....., think about this. Which might make me disappointed again later," said Rahma who then followed Ray away.
"Papa's daughters....., will you also leave Papa like your Mama and Brother? Please forgive Papa?" Jalal said regretfully.
"No Papa Aira will always be with papa and will not leave papa by Allah's permission," said Aira who smiled sweetly as she hugged her father.
"Kanaya also loves Papa and has forgiven Papa's mistakes after all this is fate," said Kanaya who then hugged papa and his twin brother.
"Hmmm.... omg, sorry can I join you in the hug too?" said Al who honestly wanted to melt this sad atmosphere.
"No, you just want to find a chance to hug my youngest daughter right?" asked Jalal who forgot his sadness for a moment.
"Hehehe, I don't know," said Al, grinning.
"I have indeed set you up with my daughter, but you can only touch her later after the consent is granted," Jalal said firmly.
"Ok uncle, ready to carry out," said Al who acted like a soldier reporting.
"Cie..... who's about to... going to get married?" said Aira who teased Kanaya.
"What's the matter, aren't you still taking Papa?" Kanaya asked again.
"Yes, son, three months at the most," Jalal replied.
"What, uncle... it's been so long, why not tomorrow?" said Al protested.
"No, no, no... it's too soon, why don't you delay it until Kanaya finishes her master's degree, papa?" Kanaya asked with a pitiful face.
"It can't be that long dear, Om, I agree in 3 months," said Al, who smiled sweetly at Kanaya's face, which was sullen but looked very cute.
"It's true, son if you wait for your doctorate to pass, poor Al, he's almost in his thirties," said Jalal.
"Yes, uncle, but I'm only 29 years old, how come I haven't reached thirty yet". said Al who defended himself.
"It's the same name, almost three heads, Al," said Aira lazily Al.
"But, but..." said Al who was cut off.
"There are no buts, what is clear is Mr. Al is old," Kanaya said firmly.
"You can't be like that, son, he's your future husband," said Jalal advising his youngest daughter.
"But our Papa is not engaged, that means Kanaya is not yet his future wife, Mr. Al," Kanaya said firmly.
"Uncle tomorrow night, Al and Al's parents will come officially to propose to Kanaya," said Al with a serious face unlike before.
"What the hell, why even tomorrow?" said Kania who regretted the words he had said earlier.
"How come you are fickle, Aurora, you were the one coding for Al to quickly propose to you. Why are you confused now?" asked Aira.
"Yes, I just said that so that Mr. Al will give up, instead of coding, it will be accelerated like this," said Kanya angrily.
"Enough... already..., Al tomorrow you just come, we will tie you up first, the sooner the better," said Jalal supporting Al.
"Thank you, uncle," Al said with a happy smile.
If Al is very happy, it is different for Kanaya who feels that she is not ready to be tied to this very sacred relationship shortly. Even Kanaya looks gloomy not because she is not happy but because Kanaya is quite afraid that maybe Al will be able to tie her up and get bored after that.
Kanaya doesn't want to be like her mother, who has been abandoned by her father, even though it's all to save her twin sister, but Kanaya understands the pain that her mother has felt, it's better like Uma and her father, my story is that they are better and happier because you are very adults and religious understanding can guide Uma, while Kanaya is still childish and Al is like the same.
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