
Chapter 6

Haruka's mind drifted as the lesson continued, his thoughts swirling with the weight of his newfound responsibilities. He had already graduated high school in his previous life, so the material being covered felt almost painfully simplistic. A quick study should be sufficient to keep up with the class.

As the teacher droned on, Haruka's gaze drifted to the window, watching the world beyond the glass. Once the final bell rang, he would venture out into the city, determined to uncover any criminal activities that needed to be thwarted.

Haruka's mind drifted as the lesson continued, the material feeling painfully simple. He should be able to keep up easily. When the bell finally rang, Haruka was about to head out on his own when Kara approached him.

"Hey Haruka, want to eat together? I can show you the way to the cafeteria."

Haruka paused, a bit surprised by the offer. "Thanks, I guess."

As they walked down the hall, Kara glanced over at him. "So, were you able to keep up with class?"

"I can," Haruka replied. "The accident only took my memories, not my knowledge."

"That's good to hear." Kara smiled. "If you need notes, I can share mine. You did miss a lot of classes."

"Thanks, Kara," Haruka said, a hint of appreciation in his voice. He still wasn't used to people offering to help, but Kara's kindness was unexpected.

Haruka and Kara arrived in the cafeteria, the bustling lunchroom filled with chatter and the clatter of trays. After ordering their meals, they found an empty table near the corner.

Haruka glanced over at Kara, unsure how to proceed. "So, Kara. Where did you come from?"

"Huh?" Kara looked puzzled.

"I mean, how's your life and all?" Haruka struggled to make small talk.

"Well, I used to live in a small town called Smallville. I moved here to National City when I started high school with my parents. It was pretty tough at first, not knowing anyone or having friends, but I got used to it eventually."

Haruka raised an eyebrow. "Wait, don't tell me you're a loner too?"

Kara flushed slightly. "Hey, at least I talk to people."

Haruka shrugged. "Guess we're not so different then."

Haruka and Kara continued their conversation, the cafeteria bustling around them. Kara spoke about her move from Smallville, and Haruka listened intently, grateful for the distraction from his own troubles.

Suddenly, Kara's expression shifted, her eyes darting towards the entrance. "Oh no, it's them."

Haruka followed her gaze and saw three boys strolling into the cafeteria. One was massive, with a bowl-cut and a menacing aura. The other two were smaller, but no less intimidating.

"Who are they?" Haruka asked, a sense of unease settling in his gut.

Kara's voice dropped to a whisper. "The school bullies. That's Russell, Davis, and Ethan. They've been making life miserable for a lot of us."

As if on cue, the large boy, Russell, spotted Haruka and a grin spread across his face.

Haruka tensed, unsure of how to respond. He had no memories of being bullied, but the way Russell approached him suggested this was a familiar situation.

Haruka tensed as the massive boy, Russell, approached their table. His heart raced, unsure of how to handle the situation.

"Well, well, if it isn't the punching bag!" Russell bellowed, grabbing Haruka by the shirt and yanking him up.

Haruka winced, the familiar feeling of fear stirring within him. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered.

Russell let out a booming laugh. "I heard you got amnesia. Let me help you jog your memory!"

Before Haruka could react, Russell slammed him down onto the table, Haruka's food splattering all over him. The bully and his two cronies, Davis and Ethan, erupted into laughter at Haruka's misery.

Kara watched in horror, her eyes wide with concern. "Haruka! Are you okay?"

Haruka struggled to sit up, food dripping down his face. "I'm... I'm fine," he lied, his voice shaking.

Davis sneered, "Aw, look, the girl is trying to help the little amnesia boy. How cute."

Haruka felt his face flush with embarrassment. It was clear these three had been tormenting the original Haruka in the past, and now they were taking advantage of his memory loss.

Haruka glares at the massive bully, Russell, refusing to show any fear. Despite not having his memories, he knows he can handle himself in a fight. This isn't his first rodeo.

"What is that look? Russell does not like that," the hulking boy growls.

Haruka's grip tightens on his metal tray. "Oh yeah? Then eat this." With a swift motion, he swings the tray, cracking it against Russell's head. The bully staggers back, his face contorted in rage.

Haruka tightens his grip on the metal tray, his eyes narrowing as he stares down the hulking bully. Despite the fear churning in his gut, he refuses to back down.

Russell barrels towards him, a roar rumbling in his chest. Haruka ducks to the side, swinging the tray with all his might. It connects with the side of Russell's head, causing the massive boy to stagger back, his face contorted in rage.

"You'll pay for that!" Russell bellows, lunging at Haruka again.

Haruka braces himself, but before he can react, Davis and Ethan join the fray, ganging up on him. Haruka tries to dodge their blows, but his weak body betrays him. He feels the blows landing, pain blossoming across his skin.

"Damn it!" Haruka curses, his frustration growing. He had been able to take down the robber at the bank, but these bullies are proving to be a greater challenge. His lack of memories puts him at a disadvantage, and he curses his weak body for failing him.

Haruka ducks and weaves, trying to avoid the onslaught of attacks, but the three bullies are relentless. He feels himself being pushed back, his strength waning. Just as he's about to be overwhelmed, a blur of motion catches his eye.

Haruka watched in stunned silence as Kara stepped in, her hands gripping Davis and Ethan's fists with ease. The bullies strained against her strength, their faces twisting in confusion.

"Stop this, all of you!" Kara commanded, her voice firm and unwavering.

Russell glared at Haruka, his eyes narrowing. "This ain't over, amnesia boy. Next time, you won't be so lucky." With a final scowl, he turned and stalked away, Davis and Ethan trailing behind him.

Kara turned to Haruka, her brow furrowed with concern. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you too badly, did they?"

Haruka blinked, his mind racing to process what had just happened. "I'm... I'm fine," he said, wincing as he tried to sit up straight. "How did you do that? You stopped them like it was nothing."

Kara's eyes widened, and she quickly averted her gaze. "Oh, um, I work out a lot," she said, her voice slightly higher-pitched. "You know, staying in shape and all that."

Haruka eyed her skeptically, but he didn't press the issue. He was still reeling from the confrontation with the bullies, and Kara's unexpected display of strength had only added to the growing list of mysteries surrounding his new life.

"Thanks, by the way," Haruka said, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "I don't know if I could have handled them on my own."

Kara offered him a small smile. "That's what friends are for, right? I'm just glad I was able to help."

Haruka felt a twinge of surprise at her words. Friends? It was a foreign concept to him, one that he had never truly experienced before. But the way Kara had stepped in, without hesitation, to defend him, stirred something within him.

As they cleaned up the mess left by the bullies, Haruka couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Kara. There was clearly more to her than met the eye, and he found himself intrigued by the mystery that surrounded her.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, with Kara guiding Haruka through the unfamiliar halls of National High School. Despite his lingering unease, Haruka found himself drawn to Kara's warmth and kindness, a stark contrast to the hostility he had faced from the bullies.

As the final bell rang, Haruka gathered his belongings, his mind already turning to the task that lay ahead of him. The Kamen Rider System had given him a mission, and he knew he couldn't afford to waste any time. Bidding Kara farewell, he made his way out of the school, determined to uncover any criminal activities that needed to be thwarted.

Haruka's steps were filled with purpose as he navigated the bustling streets of National City, his senses heightened and his mind focused on the challenge before him. The weight of his newfound responsibilities weighed heavily on him, but he refused to back down. He was a Kamen Rider now, and he would do whatever it took to fulfill his mission and protect the innocent.


Give Power Stones so I can continue to write this story. If it does not gain any interest, I will drop it.