
Kalulu The Clever Hare and Njobvu The Great Elephant.

Kalulu the clever hare who lived in a village somewhere in Eastern province he had a friend whom he trusted very much with everything including all his secrets, his name was Njobvu the great Elephant. The two buddies used to play with each other, go together to parties and even spend quality time under the bright stars and moon.

One day Kalulu asked Njobvu to take care of the garden of carrots and cabbages on his behalf since he was to go and visit his mum in another village within the same province. Njobvu agreed and promised to take care of the garden on Kalulu's behalf.

So Kalulu started off on a long dusty tiresome journey to visit his mom which took him one and a half day to reach. He was welcomed with hugs and kisses on his checks and a traditional drink was prepared for him. Kalulu's mom and the rest of the family enjoyed the visit. Meanwhile at home Njobvu was not keeping his promise. Njobvu being self-centered eater that Kalulu did not know about because Njobvu never showed that behavior to him because he was afraid of losing the only friend who trusted him.

Njobvu ate all the cabbages that Kalulu planted in the garden and left only countable carrots while he ate the rest all by himself. When Kalulu came back from his mom's visit he was shocked to find all the cabbage eaten and only a countable number of carrots remaining. Kalulu was so disappointed with a friend who he thought he could trust. Because of what happened Kalulu never trusted Njobvu again with anything and as days went by the relationship continued to grow sour until eventually their friendship ended due to the hidden lie that Njobvu had which caught up with him.

The two moral lessons from this story is that never make a promise you can't keep and No lie can be kept hidden it eventually comes out.