
Chapter 39 – Nornheim (1)

(Asgard – 15th July 2012 -The Royal Palace of Valaskjalf)

The heavy chains clinked against each other, echoing off of the hard walls of the throne room as everyone stared silently at the figure walking towards the throne. Loki gave a flamboyant smirk and winked as he passed the Lady Sigyn who did not respond beyond a sad look at her old friend. Loki's brief smile turned into a grunt as the Einherjar guard behind him shoved him forward forcing him to keep pace with his large and impatient escort.

"Loki." As he was forced to stop in front of Hlidskjalf, Odin's seat of power, he turned and looked at Frigga who had a sad solemn look on her face.

"Hello, mother." Loki plastered his best confident expression on his face while turning to face the witch-queen of Asgard. "Have I made you proud?"

"Please, don't make this worse." Frigga implored her son, looking at him with pleading eyes wanting her boy back.

"Define 'worse' mother" Loki quipped back raising his chained hands as evidence, but the look on Frigga's face only deepened.

"Enough!" Odin declared striking Gungnir causing the already silent hall to become even more silent. "I will speak to the prisoner alone."

The king's order was immediately followed as the large crowd that was gathered in the throne room quickly filed out of the hall. Frigga lingered for a few moments looking at her child who was so very lost, she turned from him and gave her husband a quick glance before she too departed. Loki merely watched her go, a resigned look on his face as she departed.

However, as soon as he heard the doors of the great hall close and all that remained was him, Odin and the guards holding his chain Loki straightened himself up. With great grace, he stepped forward to stand proudly and defiantly before the Allfather, bringing his chained heels together causing a sharp metallic tone to ring out. It was then that the god of mischief started laughing as if he was a child again being punished for stealing from the cookie jar in the playroom.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Loki declared stretching out his chained hands an amused smile on his face.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes?" Odin asked. His own voice was dry and solemn, finding nothing amusing at all about the situation. "Wherever you go there is war, ruin, ….. and death."

"I went down to Midgard to rule the mortals of that realm as a benevolent god," Loki replied, his voice becoming snide and cold as he sneered up at Odin. "If that is a crime then surely Kal should be in chains beside me."

"Although we occupy the nexus of the realms and are tied to the great cosmic powers of the universe which flow through us, we are not above other races Loki," Odin responded to the claims of superiority and ignored the attempt to drag him into a debate about Kal's recent actions on Midgard. "We are born, we live, and we die, the same as them."

"Give or take a few thousand years or more." Loki quipped back, refuting his denial of their supremacy over the mortals.

"All this because Loki desires a throne." It was Odin's turn to retort and his quip earned a deep snarl and sneer.

"It is my birthright." Loki declared grandly, raising his head as if trying to look down on the Allfather who sat above him.

"Your birthright was to die as a child!" Odin leaned forward, his voice booming now tired of the schemes and twisted words. A snide smile appeared on the Allfather's lips as he leaned forward determined to put Loki in his place as he spoke softly now. "Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here to hate me now."

"Oh please. If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake just swing it!" Loki responded rolling his eyes having long since grown bored of hearing Odin lecture at him. "It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just….no, actually that's it. I just don't love them."

Odin leaned back into the high throne of Asgard releasing a deep breath and shaking his head at his wayward son. He knew what the law demanded, he knew what was needed. Loki was not like Thor; a chance of redemption could not wash away the sins and harm already done. Yet, he hesitated; he knew the law but the punishment for the crimes Loki had committed was not one that he had the strength to deal out to his own son.

"Frigga is the only reason you're still alive. Your mother has begged clemency, the first time she has ever done so for any prisoner and so I have granted it." Odin spoke formally again, looking downward. This was the excuse he and his queen had created to spare his son the axe without the Throne appearing soft. "However, you will never see her again. You'll spend the rest of your days in Asgard's dungeons."

Loki felt the chains he was wrapped in become tighter and felt a yank on them from his guards causing him to take several steps back. However, the imprisoned god moved no further; he shrugged off their attempt and strode forward again. The chains strained against him as he leaned forward a mad rage and snarl on his face as he looked up at the one who raised him.

"What of my so-called brothers, Thor and Kal?" Loki demanded venom practically dripping from his mouth as he spat the words out like they had a foul taste. "Do you expect me to sit and rot in a cell whilst you make that oaf Thor KING?! What will you do? Hmmm? USE Kal as a weapon to show strength, hiding your own frail dying body?! I see with the same eyes you do the Odinforce is diminishing in you, old man! How long until someone more worthy claims the power of the Allfathers for themselves?"

"Silence!" Odin declared standing up and striking his spear so hard on the ground that the floor and several steps in front of him cracked "Your brothers must strive to undo the damage you have wrought. They will bring order back to the Nine Realms, restore the peace you broke …..and then yes, Thor will be King with Kal at his side to aid him."

"We shall see." Loki spat on the ground as his last act of defiance as his guards finally were able to drag him from the throne room. Before he left and the doors shut, he managed to turn his head one final time before disappearing from the Allfather's sight "WE SHALL SEE!"

As the doors closed Odin felt his legs give out and he collapsed back onto his great throne, his grip on Gungnir slackening as he felt the strength leave his body. He cursed under his breath that Loki had seen through the charms and spells he and Frigga had placed upon him in order to hide the dangerous truth. The power of the Allfathers or as many knew now by the Odinforce, the ancestral strength passed down from one king to the next with each enhancing it, was ebbing within him.

Its diminishing was also causing his great lifeforce to begin to fade, he truly felt it now; the aching of his bones and the tiredness of his joints. Old age was finally on his shoulders. Odin doubted even giving up the throne at this point would stem the tide that was already washing him away. No, all he could do now was place Thor on the throne as soon as he could and transfer the last vestiges of the Odinforce to his son who was likely already receiving it.

Once that was done, he would use the last few years he had to reveal the truth about his past and of the terrible shame he had to imprison, precious little time to pass on the spells he had used to seal that evil, that failure of his away from innocent people, to ensure that Asgard would endure. His final task would be to try and correct the mistakes he had made with Kal, to affect a reconciliation before it was all too late.

Thinking of Kal caused Odin to send a small prayer up to his ancestors, asking them to watch over both of his sons that were now marching off to war to try and restore the peace that all true warriors strove for.

(Nornheim – Battle for the Well of Urðr – November 11th 2013)

Haki Hrodgeirsson had thought that joining the army would have been a great adventure just like the stories he had grown up hearing about the great Asgardian warriors of the past. He had also thought it was his chance to see some of the great realms that he had only ever read about as well. So, when the army had come asking for recruits, he had signed up in an instant despite his mother pleading with him not to go.

He was now thinking he should have listened to her.

The great field of Urðarbrunnr in which the ancient Keep of the Norns lay was supposed to be amongst one the great sights any being could behold in the universe. It was a sight that Haki had always imagined himself seeing one day but was not regretting ever hearing of the great field. As the screams of the dying and the heat from energy blasts raining down around him assaulted his scenes.

"HAKI, YOU HAVE TO MOVE SON OR YOU'LL BE K-" The screaming voice of his commanding Thegn sounded out near him, but as Haki turned to look at the man there was a sudden blast of energy engulfing the Thegn's position.

As Haki opened his eyes, he almost let out a very un-warrior-like scream as he saw all that was left of his commander was a still burning severed torso. Haki scrambled out of the makeshift trench he had been squatting in, only to find himself in a landscape that looked like it belonged to Helheim, not the home of the Norns. All around him there were warriors like him battling monsters, large, huge trolls intent on conquering the great realm.

Haki ducked under the axe of a very large troll that roared as it missed him but it was soon blasted away by an advancing Einherjar that charged over the beast's corpse. Haki jumped over a small crack in the ground only to find himself slipping downhill when he landed on the other side finding the ground slick with blood. He tumbled to a stop as he struck the corpse of a very large dead Troll, his armour becoming sticky as he lay in the pool of the monster's blood.

"General Tyr!" Haki looked up and although he couldn't see the source of the voice calling, he could see the person he was trying to get the attention of.

General Tyr was standing only a few feet away from Haki and was clearly responsible for the sea of corpses that Haki found himself in. The General looked magnificent; the blood on his armour somehow only enhanced his appearance as he swung his sword around with a skill of a thousand mortal lifetimes. The long, elegant blade tore through several trolls trying to attack him and a second flick of the sword caused another troll's head to fly from its body.

"What is it?" The General called out as he headed butted the last of his nearby opponents as he then plunged his blade down into the monster's throat. "I am a little busy at the moment."

"Apologies sir," As the figure of a large berserker commander suddenly appeared in Haki's vision gripping his enchanted Berserker Staff in one hand, dark troll blood dripping from it. "The left flank is collapsing; the centre has been pushed back and Commander Solvi is dead."

"Great, just great. Tell the right flank to hold their position. Take two companies from them and reinforce the centre. We will hold until Kal and the Lady Marvel return from dealing with their fleet in orbit." Tyr ordered as his eyes quickly swept over the raging battlefield with a grim look fixed on his face that told Haki that the situation was far worse than the General's calm voice led him to believe.

"Yes sir!" The large berserker warrior declared placing a hand quickly on his chest as a salute before running off to relay Tyr's orders.

"No point hiding down there son, trolls will be sweeping this position soon." Tyr's calm voice sounded out clearly although his eyes never left the battlefield. Haki knew he was talking to him.

"I wasn't hiding sir!" Haki declared quickly not liking that Tyr might think him a coward. "I merely slipped down the slope. Um, sir."

Tyr let out a short chuckle at the young man's defence of his honour, remembering when he too had once been concerned so much about not appearing scared. He turned to look at the young warrior and the grimace on his face only grew as he saw a boy old enough to sign up for war but still far too young for one. 'They are always too young no matter how old' the sad thought caused Tyr to let a low resigned breath at the sad truth.

"What's your name, son?" Tyr asked, returning his gaze to the battlefield watching a large group of trolls heading towards their position.

"Haki son of Hrodgeirs, third battalion under Thegn Cnut, sir," Haki reported. He couldn't help but straighten himself as he replied, Tyr noted, a clear indicator that the boy was still green.

"Well, Haki son of Hrodgeirs, of the third battalion. Prepare to defend yourself and make your ancestors proud." Tyr addressed the boy in the most confident voice he could manage as he swung his sword readying for battle.

Tyr then lifted his blade, in answer to the confused look on Haki's face pointing out the large group of trolls who were now fully charging toward them, weapons raised high. Haki felt his bones shake and would have emptied his bowels if there was anything left in his body to do so as the vicious war cry of the oncoming horde hit them. He gave one last quick glance to Tyr who was merely standing with eerie calm clearly taking every moment he could to rest before suddenly slipping into a bracing stance weapon raised.

What followed was a mess of sound and confusion as Tyr moved forward like a cat pouncing on a mouse attacking the enemy who was attacking him. Whilst Haki ducked under a massive club aimed at his head shoving his spear forward, which to his surprise went right into the troll's chest. However, it didn't come back out even as he pulled with all his might, which is when the second troll swung at him.

Due to his panic and alarm at the vicious attack he was now under, Haki's brain failed to tell him to release the spear and duck as he had before. Instead, he stayed put trying to pull the spear out and merely raised his shield to take the blow from the large troll club. This was a decision he quickly regretted as he felt the shield and his arm break from the blow launching backwards, only stopping when he struck a rock.

Haki crumbled forward, the pain in his arm only matched by the pain exploding in his back and chest as he coughed out blood as crumbled to the floor. Laying against the rock Haki could do nothing but look up at the large troll who lumbered over to him, stinking of foulness. He realised that this was the moment his life was going to end as the beast raised his club to bludgeon him to death and there was nothing he could do. Haki closed his eyes and whispered an apology to his mother, whose image along with his little sister flashed before his eyes.

Then there was a flash of red and the soldier felt heat briefly touch his face before dissipating.

He opened his eyes and saw not the lumbering troll promising death but a shining figure out of the myths and stories of old standing before him. Prince Kal was hovering before him, shining as brightly as the suns of Asgard, sword in hand and eyes glowing red turning the attacking trolls into dust. Incredibly, the Prince of Asgard floated down and extended a hand to Haki which he took, raising him back to his feet, immediately feeling a surge of strength and power flowing through him.

Whether it was princely magic or just Kal's sheer presence Haki did not care as he was suddenly filled with confidence and might. The young warrior gave his prince a quick bow as Kal took back his hand and without saying another word rushed over to the troll he had slain and with a single pull retrieved his spear. The fear is now gone Haki charged back into battle screaming a war cry worthy of his ancestors wanting to prove himself to his prince.

"Well, you've gone and got him fired up," Tyr remarked walking over to stand next to his shining prince watching the young warrior rush off with the speed of ten men and start fighting like a veteran berserker. "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing," Kal said honestly, giving a shrug of his shoulders, surprised too at the young man's reaction. Confusingly enough for Kal, he had noticed the same thing was happening with any warrior he was getting nearby. Tired weary men suddenly became energised by his mere presence and young warriors leapt into battle with the skill and determination of veterans as he neared.

"Well, whatever it is, keep doing it," Tyr stated firmly. As he glanced at Kal and couldn't help but admire the prince next to him who at that moment reminded Tyr of young Odin, full of energy and power glowing just like Kal was now. "My Prince, we must stabilise the left flank and push into the Keep. I fear the Troll Lord Ulik may already be inside."

"The Lady Marvel has taken command of the left flank and is already routing the enemy. Take charge of the centre, General, and finish this. Push these foul monsters back into the abyss from whence they came." Kal ordered earning him a nod from Tyr who was more than happy to push to victory. "I'll fly to The Keep now and make sure it is secure."

Tyr gave his Prince a quick salute before he lifted his great sword to his shoulder and started running forward. When he crested a nearby ridge the General lifted his sword high in one hand and bellowed a large cry that echoed back off the cliffs of the far-off mountain.

"FOR ASGARD! FOR KAL!" Tyr's battle cry echoed back a thousand times stronger as he charged forward. It took Kal a moment to realise that the echo was the warriors of the valley taking up the cry as their own as they too pushed forward to victory.

Kal felt a strange sensation in his chest as he took to the sky and soared over the battlefield hearing towards the keep, he was trying to save, whilst thousands of warriors below cried out his name. His movement in the sky seemed to inspire them even more. As they all seemingly rushed to follow him forward, all wanting to be the first to join their prince in victory that grew nearer.

As Kal landed on the steps of the great Keep of the Norns he was greeted by the splendour of the place. Golden mosaics of past heroes carved into the wall, elegant statues made of gleaming gems, and a large door depicting the three Norn sisters in front of the Well of Urðr awed him. Less awe-inspiring were the several hundred trolls that swarmed him who were occupying the steps and trying to block his entrance, however, they stood little chance against him.

Kal more strode than fought his way through the trolls, as their weapons broke against his skin and his eyes flashed red as he moved. In truth, the fight lasted only a few moments as trolls, being the fickle creatures they are, started to flee after the first dozen he struck down, rushing down the stairs to escape his approach. He let them go as none posed a threat to him and they were merely running towards his army that was fast approaching the keep themselves and with their fleet gone they had no means of escape.

"Lord Ulik!" A very large ugly troll wearing black armour screamed out as Kal approached the inner sanctum of the keep, where the High Norns keep council and consulted with the Well of Urðr. "The Asgardians are here!"

Ulik the Unstoppable, leader of the great troll horde and lord of his people turned to face the entrance of the inner sanctum, a snarl on his face. He moved over and gripped the head of the youngest Norn Urd, who had the appearance of a hooded young maiden, in one of his gigantic hands, however to his frustration the woman made no sound nor did the others. As he eyed the approaching shining Prince, he noticed that his elite warriors were recoiling in fear causing his snarl to deepen and tighten his grip on the young Norn's head.

"Stay back Asgardian filth or I'll crush her skull!" The large troll yelled, dragging the smaller Norn off her feet in front of him, despite the vice-like grip on her head she still made no sound.

Kal however merely kept walking forward staring straight at Ulik, his unwavering approach caused the other trolls to become hesitant, lowering their weapons as they looked at their leader. Ulik himself felt his confidence waver, taking a step back that his men noticed, as he knew he was no match for a Prince of Asgard let alone the Sun God Kal himself. However, he would not show fear in front of his men, he was Ulik the Lord of Trolls, and he cowered before no one, even a god of Asgard.

"I SWEAR I'LL DO IT!" Ulik cried, tightening his grip on the head of his captive who still made no sound, which diminished the nature of his threat greatly.

Kal kept walking; he was now fully in the inner sanctum, striding past several of Ulik's warriors who backed away, intimidated by his sheer confidence. As if to mock the Troll lord, Kal sheathed his sword.

"I AM NO COWARD! YOU DARE THINK ME ONE?!" Ulik roared his anger rising as he thought the prince's actions were directly mocking him as if he need not fight because he knew the troll would yield without a fight. "I AM ULIK! AND I WILL KILL THIS NORN WEAKLING IF YOU DO NOT ST-AHH!"

Ulik never finished his ultimatum as a bright flash of red light briefly engulfed the room and the Troll lord was suddenly without his left arm, which dropped to the floor along with his hostage. The Troll had no chance to mourn however as suddenly Kal was before him and lifting the now disarmed Troll up by the neck. He reared back his hand and struck once, the blow caused a sharp cracking noise as Ulik the Unstoppable Troll was knocked unconscious.

"I believe you." Kal declared casually as he dropped the unconscious troll to the floor. He then turned and offered his hand to the Norn Urd who graciously accepted, allowing him to lift her back to her feet. He then turned and faced the other Trolls in the room all of whom were staring at him wide-eyed and cowed.

"Anyone else?" Kal asked the silent room.

The reply was immediate as every single one of the large, massive beasts dropped their weapons to the floor and raised their hands in surrender. The action caused Kal to smile as he finally felt relief the keep was safe, the battle was one, Nornheim was secure, and the end of the war was in sight. He opened his mouth to address everyone only for a bellowing scream to cut him off.

"RRRAHGHHHHH!" Haki roared as he charged through the open doors to the inner sanctum.

The young warrior was rushing forward oblivious to where he was going and only stopping when Kal lifted a hand and stopped the man. Haki's legs powered on for a few moments but when his head finally registered that he wasn't moving he stopped his war cry and actually looked around. He looked down at the hand on his chest and realised that without it he would have careened out the rear exit. .

"Oh…" Haki chuckled uncomfortably as he looked around the room that was silent, noticing that he was in one of the most sacred places in all the Nine Realms "….so we won then?"

"Yes, we have," Kal said, lowering his hand and offering a smile. "You can rest now."

With their leader defeated the fighting spirit of the trolls outside immediately vanished and they too quickly threw down their arms. It however took far longer than anyone would have wished to round up the large brutish creatures and start shipping them back off to their own realm. Kal oversaw the operation from just outside the Keep of the Norns, a large command tent having been raised quickly to allow him to work.

He had no wish to offend the Norns by remaining in the hallowed halls which the trolls had defiled with their uninvited presence. The Keep of the Norns was not to be entered nor the Well of Urðreven gazed upon without the permission of the high Norns, even for a prince of Asgard. And in truth, Kal did not mind as he did not plan to remain. If they moved quick enough, they could reinforce Sif on Vanaheim and potentially end the war.

"Sir." Kal turned from the map he was looking at to face Tyr whose sword was now seethed on his back and had his helmet under one arm. Tyr gave a quick bow of his head and placed his helmet over his heart as he gave his report to his Prince. "The Lady Marvel has finished overseeing the departure of the trolls, along with the reorganisation of men and I have already stationed the remaining Einherjar to keep the peace. The rest are ready to march as soon as you command it."

"Perfect, General, thank you." Kal gave the man a genuine smile,the campaign would have been far longer without him and his loyalty. "Any news from Vanaheim?"

"Yes, Heimdall reports that Thor has finished securing Ria and has already moved his forces to Vanaheim. The battle apparently ended only a few hours ago. Barring further conflict, the realms are at peace once again." Tyr reported with a rare smile a relieved expression on his face that the war was finally over.

"The Allfathers be praised." Kal sent up a small prayer of thanks that the nightmarish series of battles he had left Midgard for over a year to attend to were finally over, and that his men could go home. He also released a small chuckle at the news after his prayer and gave the aged General a warm smile. "Just like my brother to show us up. We slog it here in the mud and muck fighting trolls whilst he swoops in and finishes the larger matter."

"Well, he was always one for dramatics." Tyr quipped back making a rare joke that had Kal smiling. However, after a few moments of laughter, Tyr's voice became serious again, and his voice became hesitant. "There is one other thing, my prince."

"What is it General?" Kal asked, finding the General's sudden change of state from happiness at the war troubling.

"It's the Norns sir, they have requested your presence …... within the keep," Tyr spoke hesitantly, his voice quiet as a cat, clearly finding the invitation a troubling affair.

Tyr, like all Asgardians, held a deep sacred respect for the priestesses who knew the future but also was slightly fearful of them both because of what they knew and their apparent ability to weave the fates of all living beings. Kal was quiet for a few moments as he turned his attention back to the maps and reports he had been poring over, most of which still had not been touched and needed attention. He then released a heavy sigh and decided that an invitation from the Norns was not something he nor any being could ignore.

"I'll see them now," Kal declared, straightening himself up, seeing no reason to risk an insult by delaying. "Start organising the men's return to Asgard as soon as possible, there is no reason to delay their homecoming of my vanity by making them wait to hear a speech…... they have earned their rest and reunion with their loved ones."

"Yes, my prince." Tyr bowed his head and turned on his heels swiftly departing the tent to see to the hard yet rewarding task of organising the army's departure.

Kal lingered for a few moments before he started his own journey back to the Keep of the Norns. This time he was able to admire the grandeur of the structure. It was somehow ancient and new at the same time, like it was suspended in time at the moment it had been finished. High ancient pristine marble walls stretched upwards into the heavens, with ancient runes and imagery etched into the surfaces. His arrival was clearly anticipated as the great doors of the Keep swung open at his arrival, and as he walked through the great hall, he took a few more moments to remain in awe at the elegant tapestries and mosaics.

It was the inner sanctum however that impressed Kal the most, now that the trolls were gone and not threatening the lives of the high priests, he was able to fully appreciate it. The chamber was circular and the walls were bare except for three images that adorned the walls, each one depicting one of the three high Norns. In the very centre of the chamber was the Well of Urðr itself, the scrying pool whose waters, when entered, provided clarity of mind and some said visions of the future.

As soon as Kal entered the room the door behind him suddenly slammed shut. On instinct, Kal reached for his sword. The room was dimly lit, now deprived of the ambient light of the rest of the keep. The only source of illumination now was the faint blue glow of the magical waters that sat idly in the centre of the room.

"He has arrived." The voice reverberated off of the walls, a three-toned sound, both young, mature and old all at the same time.

Kal relaxed his grip on his blade, taking a calming breath remembering that he had been invited and so had nothing to fear. The Norns may be enigmatic figures but they were not dangerous, well not dangerous unless one provoked them.

"Yes, he has," As the source spoke again Kal suddenly realised its strange nature was because it was not one person speaking but three, all with the same voice just at different ages.

"I take it that you are the Norns, keepers of the waters of the sacred waters of Nornheim and who some believe weave the fate of all," Kal spoke formally, but the darkness revealed no one to him.

"We are and we are not." The voices replied, causing Kal to frown.

'Great, cryptic talking, this isn't going to be annoying.' Kal thought to himself a smile on his face which suddenly disappeared when a face appeared in front of him. His hand went to the blade again but stopped himself as he recognised the hooded figure before him as one of the Norns. The one before him he guessed was Verdandi, the Norn who saw the present according to legend.

"He mocks us in his thoughts." The voices replied as the other Norns Urd seer of the past and Skuld the diviner of things yet to come stepped out of the shadows. "You doubt what we know, twice fathered?"

Kal shook his head slowly as he relaxed and cleared his mind not wanting another stray thought or misspoken word to risk angering the Norns.

"We have a gift for you, Kal-El son of ODIN and last of Krypton. Repayment of our debt." The Norns spoke and broke apart allowing Kal to see the Well of Urðr again which was now growing brighter.

"You owe me no debt; my saving of this keep was merely my duty as a Prince of Asgard. I need no reward." Kal replied feeling uncomfortable as he always did when someone tried to give him a reward for simply doing his job.

"So noble and honourable is Kal-El." The Norns spoke again with what almost sounded like mirth but was hard to tell due to the echoing quality of their voices. "However, that is not the debt we speak of. A debt is owed and must be repaid."

"What debt?" Kal asked confused twisting to look at the Norns as he took several steps towards the glowing waters in the centre of the room. "I have never encountered you before nor aided you to my knowledge."

"No, you have not…...but you will one day. One day you will be twice named and twice peopled. Father of All, one shall call you and the Allfather, shall the other know you by" The Norns revealed their unison dimming slightly as the aged creaking voice of Skuld became clearer, twin glowing orbs suddenly illuminating under her dark hooded face. "Far from here, when the present stories of these ages are nought but myth and legend, when what is now is past, you shall aid us and create a debt which can not truly be repaid."

Kal opened his mouth to ask more, to ask what they meant by naming him Allfather, a title only the King of Asgard could hold, a title Thor would one day claim as the trueborn son of Odin. However, suddenly felt that his right arm was being lifted up and a cup was now in his hand. He looked down and saw the young face of the maiden Urd smiling up at him, it was the eyes that Kal focused on, however. The face was a maiden yes, no more than ten summers old, but the young youthful eyes were ancient and held such weight that it stilled his tongue.

"Drink son of El and Odin. Drink and see what is to come." The Norns spoke again as one with Urd lifting Kal's arm and the cup up to his face.

Kal paused a moment before he drank the clear crystal blue water with the simple cup. The world suddenly became one of fog and sound, he was no longer in the inner sanctum of the Norns but seemingly nowhere. As he cast his vision around he saw nothing but mist billowing from all sides thick and coarse, blocking his vision and rendering him blind to the source of the sounds he was hearing.

"Will lose." The voice of Tony sounded close next to him causing him to turn and see an image of the man and Steve standing apart from each other.

"Then we will do that together," Steve replied with confidence earning a sigh from Tony as the images disappeared.

"ENOUGH MONSTER! YOUR RAMPAGE END'S HERE!" Kal's own raging roaring voice caused him to turn again.

The image that greeted him was himse. His armour was broken and discarded from his body, which was covered with deep bleeding wounds. His eyes were red, and his blood was trickling from them as he took massive, laboured breaths channelling all his remaining strength into one final action. The image of him suddenly shot forward towards some unseen danger and although merely phantom in nature the power it exerted shook the fog around him.

"I'm not him, Kara." The despondent voice of a young man sounded out.

As the phantom Kal streaked towards him it shattered into fog showing two people that Kal did not know but felt he knew somehow. There was a boy, more a young man really, with dark black hair and a handsome face, wearing Midgardian clothes leaning against something with anger on his face. The boy was joined by a girl about his age. She was slender and beautiful with golden locks and blue eyes that looked so familiar.

"I never said you were, Kon." The girl spoke softly, clearly seeing the boy's anger and resignation. "No one expects you to be da-"

"EVERYONE DOES! Everyone expects me to pick up after him, to carry the mantle BUT I CAN'T KARA! I CAN'T!" The boy suddenly rounded on the girl, tears streaming down his face as he then collapsed to his knees and the girl embraced him in a tight hug. "… I can't even pick up the sword…. I've failed him."

The images then faded before Kal could move closer. Something about the boy's grief touched Kal more deeply than anything he had ever felt. All he had wanted to do was reach out, hold the youths in a tight embrace and tell them both that it was all okay. However, there was suddenly an all-encompassing loud dark ominous voice that grabbed his attention.

"You should have gone for the head."

The voice was not accompanied by any images or phantoms, just a single massive SNAP and scream of rage.

Kal lurched forward and saw that he was again within the confines of the inner sanctum of the keep of the Norns. The room was illuminated again as the great doors that allowed entry were again open and Kal once more stood alone. As looked down at his right hand he noticed that the cup he had drunk from was gone, closing his hand into a fist he turned and departed.

He need not ask questions to the now empty room for he knew what he had been shown: The future.

(Asgard - 12th November 2013 – Royal Palace of Valaskjalf)

The celebration was deafening and somehow only increased with each step the horse she was on took closer to the massive looming palace in front of them. Carol felt her bones shake as another wave of cheering crashed through her, causing her to grimace feeling more uncomfortable than she already was. Her expression resulted in a hand being placed on hers over that was still clutching the reins of her horse.

Looking up she saw the eyes of Kal looking at her completely ignoring everything else occurring around him. Which was very impressive as there was a lot happening around them.

They were currently leading an impromptu victory parade down the Rainbow Bridge to the palace of Valaskjalf as a massive crowd trailed both in front and behind. Kal had delayed returning to avoid the spectacle of a public parade both for himself and Carol who he did not want to overwhelm with an overtly Asgardian welcome. However, despite the fact that there had been an actual official victory parade yesterday it seemed that the populace was more than happy to hold another one for their returning prince.

"They seem really glad to see you!" Carol had to yell over to Kal, as the crowd seemed to grow larger the closer they got to the palace.

"This is nothing, Heimdall told me they nearly cracked the bridge yelling yesterday when Thor led his own army back into the city!" Kal chuckled back at Carol; he was more at ease than her due to having grown up as the centre of attention.

Carol didn't attempt any more communication with her lover as they made their final approach into the palace quarter of the city. She hated to admit it but she was nervous. Punch a great big space monster? No problem. Go fight an interplanetary war? No sweat. Help a whole people find a new place to live, come on, she was Captain Marvel for heaven's sake. But go and meet your sort-of-boyfriend's royal parents in their massive golden viking palace? That was something that required a little thought.

As they entered the royal courtyard, she felt her mount naturally slow, evidently well trained to stop when it reached the quiet of the courtyard. She swung easily off the mount and watched Kal do the same, as he landed on his feet, he graced her with a wide smile. His smile made the small nervous fears that she had been feeling melt away knowing that as long as they stuck together everything would be alright.

"KAL!" Thor's voice boomed, as he appeared on the Palace steps suddenly bounding down them to wrap his little brother in a hug. "OH, IT IS SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK! YOU MISSED THE PARADE!"

"Yes, yes, it's good to be home. Now please can you put me down?" Kal said between chuckles as his brother winded him with another squeeze of affection that could crush boulders.

"Apologies, brother. CAROL!" Thor declared stretching out his arms to wrap her in an embrace but was stopped by her hand coming to his chest preventing him from getting close.

"It's good to see you as well, how did the battle of Vanaheim go?" Carol asked, curious as all she and Kal knew was that Thor had beaten them to the battle and ended the last remaining campaign.

"Hardly a battle to be honest," Thor said, waving his hand in a carefree manner, reminding Kal of a time not too long ago, when he would have taken such an action as false humility from his brother. "Sif in truth had the situation under control. I merely arrived, defeated their leader with a quick blow and that was that, the rest surrendered."

"At least it was over quickly," Kal said with relief, as he had feared that the battle for their friend Hogun's home might have been a devastating one. His comment earned a nod of understanding from his brother, as Thor looked relieved as well. "So have you spoken with father or mother yet?"

"I have but only briefly. We did not expect you back until tomorrow so Father is busy in meetings until the morn and mother has retired for the evening to rest. So unfortunately for you, dear Lady Carol, you must wait another night for the 'pleasure´ of meeting our parents." Thor said with a smile, as Carol groaned, not happy that she had to stew in her nervousness further. "However, I do have good news."

"Which is?" Kal asked hesitantly, having troubling and usually painful memories of whenever Thor had declared he had good news in the past.

"Yes, I am under strict orders from the Allfather to celebrate," Thor said with a wide grin as he suddenly stood erect and looked commanding. "AND as we have yet to relinquish your command officially brother, I still outrank you. So, I am officially ordering both of you to join me."

"But -" Kal was about to protest that he needed to go to his room and at least remove his war-gear, but the Thunderer was having none of it.

"OH HO, NO YOU DON'T!" Thor declared, amusing Carol as he playful wrapped Kal in a friendly headlock and started to drag him along with him. "If I have to suffer a night of our drunken friends, so do you. COME TO MEDINA! TO THE TAVERN!"

Kal simply let himself be dragged along, giving up trying to resist Thor who looked like he needed this night as much as he did. Whilst Carol just shook her head at the brother's antics and followed behind, curious as to what an Asgardian night out looked like.

(Several hours and many, many barrels of Ale later)

Carol had drunk with Airforce pilots, Marines, Army Rangers, Spies, Kree special operatives, Skrull saviours and one very interesting duck, but as it turned Asgardians made all of those guys look like nuns. She was only lightly sipping her ale alongside Thor, Kal and the female warrior Sif, but everyone else was inhaling drinks. The large warrior Volstagg who had his daughter on his lap and was telling a very fanciful version of the time he saved Thor's life was a particular culprit.

The massive Asgardian whose stomach looked the size of the Hulk simply opened his mouth and it was like magic food, ale and even cutlery disappeared. Whilst he was clearly the worst offender, everyone else was little better. The other main member of their Party, the blonde pretty boy, Fandral seemed to be draining cups of wine like the liquid was a necessary component for his living.

"ANOTHER!" Volstagg declared draining his cup and suddenly he along with everyone else smashed their cups on the ground.

As Carol looked around seated next to Kal her eyes fell on Thor Kal's brother who looked pensive and not at all his usual boisterous self. Carol turned to talk to Kal about it but as she did so two things occurred. The first was that she saw that Kal was already looking at his brother with sadness on his face and the second was a very blonde young girl that she noticed that was standing in front of her.

The little blonde girl had wide eyes as she looked up at Carol who was feeling a little uncomfortable as the girl stared at her. She gave the girl a small smile and a wave of her hand hoping it would be enough. However, to her shock, the small girl took the action as an invitation, suddenly scrambling forward to sit on her lap.

"Ummmmm, hi there?" Carol said her hands raised away from the child not sure how to react to the child on her lap.

"Hi." The little girl responded looking up into Carol's eyes, with sheer awe lifting up a toy boat for Carol to see. "Do you like my boat? My uncle got it for me."

"Oh, it's very nice," Carol said unsure of what else to say and still confused by the little girl on her lap.

"One day I am going to have my own boat and I'll be a beautiful warrioress, like you and auntie Sif." The girl beamed up at Carol clearly idolising the woman in front of her. "I'll be a great hero like you, and I'll marry a prince of Asgard too."

The last sentence made Carol choke and spit out the drink she had been sipping, as she had been liking the praise until the mention of marriage. She loved her relationship with Kal and liked where they were going, but it was far too soon to talk about the "m" word. The girl simply laughed thinking Carol was being silly spitting out her drink, not seeing the look of panic on her idol's face.

"Okay, you. Off of the Lady Marvel." Kal's voice came to her rescue, taking the small passenger off of her lap using only one hand and smiling. "You are getting very bold Gudrun Volstaggdóttir."

"Uncle Kal! Put me down, I'm too old to be carried." Gudrun Volstaggsdóttir complained half-heartedly as she laughed with joy as her 'uncle' lifted her high into the air.

"Okay, okay Lady Gudrun the great," Kal spoke with great solemnity, placing the future warrioress of Asgard on the ground with a wide smile. "I release you, and as your prince command you to go and annoy your father."

"Will do!" Gudrun said with a wide smile and jumped for joy as she turned and ran right over to her seated father jumping into his lap to sit next to her older sister Gunnhild.

"Thank you," Carol said, giving Kal a wide smile as she sighed with relief.

"No worries, and apologies for Gudrun," Kal said with a wide smile as he took a small sip from his drink. "She is too young to understand relationships fully, she thinks marriage is whenever two people are in any relationship."

"It's alright, she's a sweet girl," Carol said with a wide smile that hid her relief that it was just a mistake of a young girl and the whole of Asgard didn't think they were married.

Carol and Kal sat for a while looking at Volstagg and his many, many children whilst Fandral flirted with multiple women. It wasn't until Kal turned his head suddenly to look behind them to the entrance of the tavern that Carol remembered that Thor had left. As she turned her head she saw that Sif was standing in the doorway in a regal dress with a fur cloak, a worried look on her face.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Carol asked as Kal stood up guessing that Sif's unease and Thor's disappearance from the festivities were linked.

"No, it will be alright, I will return soon," Kal reassured her as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

Kal then quickly strode over to Carol offering her a friendly smile that the nervous woman returned.

"He's gone again." Sif sighed with a reluctance that Kal knew was more than worry over her friend. He felt genuine regret that the affection Sif had towards Thor was not reciprocated. "You know where his mind dwells."

"I know, I'll go speak to him." Kal sighed, releasing a deep breath before he turned to look at Carol one last time before leaving. "Take care of Carol until I get back, she might need help getting back to the palace if this takes too long."

Sif gave him a nod and smile that confirmed that she would do as he asked and watched as her friend departed. As Kal walked out onto the street, he pushed himself up off of the ground and gently soared through the night air towards Himinbjorg. As he landed, he saw that Thor was already observing the cosmos with Heimdall who turned to greet his other royal friend.

"Taking an interest in astronomy brother?" Kal asked in a joking tone with a wide smile that caused a smile to appear on Heimdall's and Thor's faces when he turned around.

"Just wanted to get away is all brother," Thor said with a small smile, but his few words could not hide the truth in his eyes.

"Funny that you mention astronomy," Heimdall stated, drawing the prince's attention as he pushed the great sword Hofund into the pedestal causing the aperture to spin and the great spire to lower offering a better view of the stars. "Do you both remember what I taught you of The Convergence?"

"Yes," Thor replied with a pleasant smile on his face as he remembered the lessons of their youth when the gatekeeper would awe them with tales of the cosmos and wonders they would one day see. "The alignment of the worlds and realms. It approaches, does it not?"

"The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began," Heimdall spoke with quiet awe and wonderment as he descended his platform, eyes fixed on the stars. "Few can sense it. Even fewer can see it. But while its effects can be dangerous, it is truly…"

"Beautiful." Kal finished Heimdall's sentence, his eyes wide as well as he walked to stand next to his brother at Heimdall's side.

"You can see it, brother?" Thor was surprised. He knew Kal's sight was great but to see a dimensional event like the Convergence was something else.

"Partly. I cannot see its entirety like father or Heimdall, but I can discern a part of it," Kal spoke with a smile on his face. In his eyes, a small glimpse of the wonders he could see was reflected back. "It is harmony and beauty that I can't describe, it's like I can almost feel the realms coming into alignment with each other."

Kal's words caused Thor to give his brother an appreciative and affectionate smile that he would share something so unique with him. However, both missed the raised eyebrow and the questioning look Heimdall gave Kal on hearing the prince's statement. Seeing the convergence was one thing but feeling it even partly was a sensation only someone like Odin with his powers should be able to do.

"I see nothing," Thor stated in slight sadness as he looked out at the glorious cosmos before them wishing he could see what his two companions could see.

"Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek." Heimdall's words caused both Kal and Thor to look over at the guardian.

A small chuckle escaped their lips as they laughed at the very truthful observation the watcher of the realms gave.

"How is she?"

"She's quite clever, your mortal," Heimdall replied with impressed honesty as he moved forward to the edge of the Himinbjorg to get an easier view of the realms. "She doesn't know it yet, but she studies the Convergence as well. Even…"

Both Thor and Kal looked worried as Heimdall suddenly trailed off, his body becoming stiff suddenly as he leaned his head forward. Kal had remembered when he trained under Heimdall to use his own great sight he had seen the gatekeeper only do this once before. It was when his mother had hidden a small statue with magic to see the range of Kal's abilities and Heimdall had strained his own sight to see if he could find the object.

"What is it?" Thor asked after a few moments looking worriedly at Heimdall whose eyes had contracted to almost slits as he raked his vision over the whole sky.

"…I can't see her."

(Author's notes)

Hi Everyone so this officially opens up the Dark World Arc, I really hope you all enjoyed it. So we are officially getting into the main heart of Phase 2 which means apart from a couple of chapters a lot of what is coming next is based on the MCU movies as well as a couple of the TV shows as well. So I really hope you will enjoy what is coming and what has already been written.

Shout out to everyone who has been reviewing or simply reading the chapters, it is a huge motivation for me to keep going :). So please keep it up.

As always please Review, Favourite and Follow as you desire.

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