
Neither Clone nor Paradox

"What are you-hey!"

Before Zhen Liu could fully comprehend what the hell this crazy boy was telling him, his left hand suddenly jerked itself forward in order to grab the aforementioned boy's wrist in order to pull him forward.

Zhen Liu could actively feel [Chaos] leave his body in order to do...something with this guy popping out of his head. He just wasn't sure what.

Well, other than the sigh of relief that came out of the guy's mouth once his hand finished doing whatever it was doing.

"Much obliged. Now, can we stop all of this vamping and just yank me out already? It's surprisingly cramped in here."

"Is...is that jab at me having a small head, or a comment on the amount of knowledge crammed in my head?"

"The fact that you seem to be sharing this space with an active spirit-body kaijin," the strangely knowledgeable man retorted. "I'm actually surprised this hasn't drove you nuts."

"Meh, you get used to it."