
Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

"Welcome aboard the Dimensional Rift game exclusive train. This train will depart from the Level E Departure Station and head to Level D stations. Please ensure your safety while boarding in an orderly manner and abide by the train rules." "The train rules are as follows:" "1. Do not bring non-game items onto the train. (Underwear is the exception)" "2. Consumption is mandatory. (All train staff are unpaid volunteers)" "3. Do not turn on the lights after they are out. (Except for those who are exceptionally talented and courageous)" "Additionally, the train encourages various leisure activities such as sneak attacks, brawling, and predation. Players are free to choose." "We wish you a pleasant journey."

Haiyan Mountain · 灵异恐怖
459 Chs

Chapter 410: Surprise or not?

The short-haired female player traveling with the white-haired player clasped her hands together, sealing the entire cockpit. This caused two crew members, who had already rushed to the door, to turn around, one of them blowing on the palm of his empty hand. Tiny balloons the size of fingertips flew out from nowhere, enveloping the white-haired players while also bursting like bombs!

"Haha! I just love this scene!" the bomber crew member laughed loudly.

The captain, who ambushed the white-haired player, hurried to the door and reached out to touch the wall. The decorative fabric covering it peeled away in strips, wrapping around the players who were shrouded in smoke from the explosion. Then he took out a thumb-sized bomb and placed it precisely on the door, expertly removing it.

But before he could step out, the floor rapidly froze over, and three meters away from the door, a wall of ice formed, with long ice spikes jutting out from it, forcing him back into the cockpit.