
Chapter 66: Quinquennial finale!

Heroic defender, local librarian and the anonymous vigilante investigator who works solely within Chaelb based near North Carolina where his family operates, Alec Williams, known also to his friends and family as Settembre, wakes up to perform his morning routine in the guest room which he's been sleeping for the past few weeks during an event where his friends and family celebrate their bond and accomplishments. Alec slips out of the bed and crawls on the floor until he feels like picking himself off the ground to commit to his tai chi routine that has been memorized, perfected and he is sure to complete every morning before leaving where he slept. After he feels a slight warmth encasing his body and feels his strength after he flexes his arm, Alec wanders into the mansion's bathroom deciding to brush his teeth until he paused for a moment this morning where he caught himself shocked as he heard his mother's voice from outside of his room's door. As she found herself in her bathroom's mirror cuddling her stuffed yelling kitty merchandise and eyeing her messy curly locks and bags, Rue Jepson had decided to clean herself up to impress one man. "Final day of the quinquennial!" Rue Jepson reminded herself as she snuggled her stuffed yelling kitty merch tighter. Amin had woke up at six in the morning and usually will often, earlier than almost everyone, he ambled his way outside before bumping into Jang and shocked but he didn't let it distract for long, after finding himself outside, he was awake and feeling fueled so he grabbed his mech out of his pocket and grew him to regular size. Haoyu Gao Manchester woke up grunting with his loss on his mind before he got out of his bed, throwing left jabs and right hooks ending each session with a different combination, disappointed by his form as he tossed out each into the air aiming to perfect them as he swung with more determination. Ansel greeted his toad companion before entering his room's bathroom to wash up. As she shut her room's curtains to let her light shine the ceiling with stars as though it was her own night sky, Noa lightly sighs before making it out of the bed. Alec inquires from his mother why she even wanted to speak to him before opening his door. She gives him such a shockingly sentimental answer that it gets him to open up his door for her. She entered with hurt and saddened eyes that he refused to look at her as she sat in his chair and as he took a seat on his bed. "You don't want others to sit on your bed still, since going away right?" Alec's mother, Joy Williams, asked as she leaned towards him. Alec realized she ingrained that into him and he refuses to allow Derek to sit on his bed when he often, oftenly visits. "I only have one visitor, the others and I chat online— err, sooo?" Alec answered with a nervous and awkward tone while he leaned away feeling like he's only making the moment even stranger than it has to be in his thoughts. Joy knew she wasn't the greatest at making sentimental or apologetic moments what they ought to be about and instead went in for a hug which Alec reciprocated before informing her son that his father was ready to speak to him whenever he felt ready. Alec found himself shocked by his mother's visit that he thought that it must have been genuine. "If my parents and Wilel never threw me around when I was at my lowest would I have ever reached up as high as I am today and still strive to reach as high as my best friend?" Settembre, vigilante librarian and the second top investigative mind defending Chaelb, asked himself as he watched his mother walk away as he considered what he would have to say to them before he focused his effort on preparing for the finale ritual of the quinquennial with his friends. Reynard held a bored expression on his face as he ambled past his best friend with the other Patriarchs before briefly facing the eldest among the youngest and his Best friend for a moment, momentarily gesturing his boredom towards them. After considerable distance had been made between the Patriarchs and the eldest amongst the youngest, Noa stepped next to Amin and was curious about his friend. "Could you sum that up for me like I'm five?" Aurora-Dawn asked as she struggled to understand. Amin threw his hand up to his chin before nodding. "He definitely promised to lend them his time for some particular reason but can't back out now just because whatever they wanted to see him about turned out way more boring than he imagined, that's just what I'd guess based on my scribbly sign language?" Amin replied with his best answer. Noa nodded her head feeling genuinely impressed that the taller muscle-head in front of her knew such a language. "He looks really far from the kind of fella that cares about keeping any promises or words, with his incredible leather jackets and his black shorts." Noa replied as she continued eyeing him as he was still present within view down the founder's hall. Amin curved one eyebrow as he inched closer to her. "That means what exactly, little girl?!" Amin questioned the eldest of the Hayes' children in the hall. Noa stood in the hall turning her eyes to different objects as she was confused before laughing while he lightly chuckled. "Almost had me fooled, in the short amount of time that we've got to spend together over these few weeks, even I'm aware how out of character that was for you. Almost had me, though." Said Noa as she continued enjoying Amin's joke. Amin rubbed his bald head as he realized Noa's comment wasn't a joke. "Yeah. Glad to know that after Mechanical engineering and police work, that I could have a shot in Hollywood. Anyway, Reynard is one of the most fiercely loyal and dependable friends, one of the most brilliant strategically minded officers and ferocious combatants any citizen could have the chance to meet in JinJunyë. Though he'd rather exchange blows than exchange words, simply walking away is his first choice when he's in a continuously escalating disagreement. He's not this bad boy you ladies seem to fall in love with over and over." Amin replied as he gave his best counter towards Noa's assumptions. Noa pondered Amin's reply as she had found herself staring in the general direction of the steps Reynard and the other Patriarchs went down to leave the house much earlier. "Maybe. And how confident are you that you know him as well as you think that you do?" Noa asked as she squinted. Amin lightly chuckled once more. "We've been through haunted homes and fought against someone close together. We've been beside each other since childhood. A bit before it became something else." Amin replied as he crossed his arms. Noa calmly walked away after his last sentence, Amin couldn't shake a strange feeling from his gut. As Amin tried following her to meet back up with the others, he found his sense of balance feeling disturbed and himself onto his knees the next second. Wilel watched Amin struggle to see as he remembered a meeting with someone important a month prior.

The informant investigating JinJunyë surveillance reached out to his employer, Wilel Williams, as Wilel had been expecting. "I've found him, he was the toughest I've been tasked with in my career but after sleepless nights. I've pinpointed his location utilizing—!" Yet Wilel had put a halt to his informant's rambling before it had the chance to become endless and boring for him. Wilel deviously grinned as he crossed his arms. "Alright, so now send me this guy's coordinates, I'll wire you that hard earned cash and take over operations alone from here on, Coord." Wilel replied over their encrypted call as the youngest son of the Williams family left their home with his gear in his secured case. Meanwhile— in Michigan, Rochester, late at night, Anthony spied on the security hired by a corrupt businessman in his town as he sat in a comfortable chair at a local twenty-four hour downtown restaurant's table that is stationed directly outside. "My parents are from here, my siblings are from here, I'm not going to let him have his way with all of these kind soul's town." Anthony reminded himself as he waited on one of the workers to bring out his order instead, Wilel witnessed another man sit across from him. Wilel grinned as he spied on the unofficial investigator and former journalist. "Game on the informant train too, eh?" Said the fellow private eye. Wilel spied on Anthony and his street informant discussing matters he could not hear until he noticed his target reacting to another unfamiliar man in a clean and pristine suit leaving the building directly next to the restaurant the unofficial investigator had been sitting outside of for an entire hour at this point. Anthony tailed the guy in the pristine and dark blue suit on a 2 hour walk until they arrived at a public storage facility. Anthony watched as his tail walked into the shop yet had been feeling none other than his intuition leading him away. Wilel deviously chuckled, startling the former journalist that he made jump. "As tough to trick you as it's tough to track you. I'm guessing that you were the brains behind finishing the cult some months back." Said Wilel as he held a calm demeanor yet in a way that Anthony's instincts led him to Conclude that he was untrustworthy as he stared daggers into the Williams' youngest son. Ansel had found interest in a book detailing various philosophical stances with a strange name in the present as he heard his friends Noa and Alec discussing the man he's the most curious about since his battle with his cousin. Settembre sat at a table in a public library. Noa rubbed his back warming her hands as she remembered that it formerly helped his brain work sharper, or gave him that feeling. "You've got the sharpest memory out of each of us, well— aside from Ansel himself. Whatever you're trying to find's going to come back. I've got confidence in you, kid." Noa encouraged with the motivational tone that her friends have always praised since they were children. Settembre massaged his temples as his frustration grew far more grand than previously. "Yep. So I could choose either choice here. I can go to Wing things with the others. Accept Grandma Lidia told us that he's ditched us, visiting that girl he obsessively mentions that he met years ago and take my mind off of this strange memory that's been telling me this is something bigger or call her again and find a strand of a lie in her voice. Eventually, she's going to spill it if we stay persistent against her, right?" Settembre abruptly shouted until his alternative choice. Noa shook her head disappointingly with a worried expression on her face. "Which you don't want to do." Noa replied believing that was a low brow choice. Settembre put his head down and inhaled then exhaled deeply as he felt frustrated and a horrible friend realizing the implications. "Which— that's the last thing that I personally want to do but Derek and I learned the hard way that no lead should be disregarded regardless of the morality, ethics or the logic involved. I'd feel bad but he'd understand investigating her if I'm having doubts about her." Settembre responded with his own downtrodden expression. Ansel greeted and approached Noa and Settembre with a book. "I'm gonna buy this as a gift for Derek, I mean— Pep-bouncer themed playing cards for his collection?" Ansel finished with a shocked look on his face before chuckling at the thought of his reaction. Noa turned again towards Settembre on the other end of the Library table and leaned closer. "You and Derek have an obsession over a puzzling case in common with one another. Determined to solve it and thoroughly at that, before you probe his sweet grams, let's investigate the last spot I've seen him. When we were reminiscing around our traditional tree and river in the forest last night— but you don't remember do you?" Noa suggested with her own determination to keep Settembre aggravating grilling away from Derek's grandmother. Settembre's ardor for her idea turned his mood around and upside down.