
Chapter 23: Among the lake of endless depths.

The sun had awakened and rose only two hours before Derek had and he had begun a brand new day with a few more movements that his uncle taught him. He lifted up his right leg as he rotated and pushed his arms relaxedly, breathing in and out while filling his mind with images of intense smoke once more before he noticed the rooftop had a glow. He lost focus and observed his surroundings, he noticed Alec on one knee with his head down and four fingers of his were planted on the ground as he held his eyes shut. The Williams son's energy took the shape of a square that resembled another floor of the hotel on its rooftop. Derek figured by Alec's heavy breathing that he gave his genuine all and applauded until he noticed his best friend's breathing were becoming even heavier, furthering at an uncomfortable pace. Derek approached the youthful Williams and patted before resting his hand on the top of his head which as the youthful Wiley knew would successfully force him to lose focus and cease. "If we die pushing ourselves way too far, we'll fail because we've died. Please, take it easier, Blue." He decided to remind him afterwards. Alec noised his confusion before crossing his arms, turning his gaze towards the ground and resting on the ground lying on his back as his exhaustion was fading. "My dad told me stories of Ryoh's great grand uncle obliterating his limits through a near death experience, Gray." The youthful Williams decided on reminding his best friend. Derek sat near his buddy and enjoyed the comforting warmth that he felt in his palm which invoked a grin on his face. "What is a feat or something you consider great that you'd want to achieve by the time that Jayden becomes the Patriarch?" Derek asked the youthful Williams as he continued staring up at the clouds. Alec pondered the question momentarily glancing elsewhere as he fixed his arms under his head as he laid on his back recovering. "That kind of question deserves an ambitious answer. In the future, retire with South Carolina with a single cold case at the minimum— but I guess in the present it'd be what I've almost passed out for I guess, so were you really going to quit?" Alec answered as he had many other ideas swirling on his mind. Derek sat on Alex's question before sitting up, resting his arm on his bent knee. "Yep. Let's not touch on— that topic right now, Set." Derek's tone shifted towards that Alec didn't like. The youthful Williams sat up feeling his body recovered enough that the aching left. "You're right, sorry— sorry. My curiosity is what's your answer?" Alec asked to carry out his best friend's wishes. An ambitious grin creeped on Derek's face when an answer came to his mind. "Find and apprehend the remaining lackeys of the enenra, Set." He answered with a tone that made Alec uncomfortable stacked with his answer. Alec glanced away mouth agape and feeling astonished but he held in his doubt. "I wish he'd rethink that— out of countless goals that a hero in this world could have that easily finds its way to the top five worst." Alec kept to himself but Derek noticed something strange with his body language. The youthful Wiley softly tapped Alec's shoulder. "I know what you're thinking, we've both been told countless of these stories and my family's notes. It's obvious you're conflicted between telling me that I can't and that's understandable or letting me dream on. Watch me." Said Derek before he picked himself off the rooftop's ground and continued his uncle's exercises. An hour flew past the duo as they cultivated and joked during the extent until Amell returned with a smirk on his face and a bucket full of worms. Derek's eyes widened when he took notice before slowly backing away. "Ew, yuck, no, no!" He shouted before transforming into his gaseous cloud form and soaring behind Alec. Amell paused, filled with confusion. Alec shook his head disapprovingly. "Kind of uncle doesn't know that his nephew has scoleciphobia?!" He asked rhetorically as he approached, wrapping his arm around him to guide him away from the youthful Wiley. Amell nodded as he listened to his nephew's friend and held his index finger on his chin. "I'm just not the riddle master of the family, I'm going to need a definition here." The elder Wiley replied as he looked back towards Derek continuing to slowly fly away in his gaseous form. Alec informed him on what it meant as he questioned how his nephew could join in on the exercise that significantly improved his abilities. He found himself deciding on a compromise and a swift alteration in their plans after a few minutes of sitting in his thoughts. Amell approached his nephew a few moments later leaving the worms behind that was obvious to him after further conversation about the duo's past with the caring Williams son. The elder Wiley walked towards his elder brother's son that still had himself hidden in the form of a gaseous cloud. "I was going to take you to Europe to enjoy a few delicacies and sights but since this training won't work for you, then you can meet your great uncle who will be able to help you take yourself further but he can get— really rough so prepare yourself until then—I'll take this opportunity to train this legendary South Carolinian." Amell informed his nephew before turning his gaze towards the end and informing Alec. The Trio journeyed through districts of the green surrounded, technologically advanced nation until they reached through humongous trees and flora and reached a strangely exquisite lake. Amell performatively tossed his hands in the air as he informed the duo about the lake. "The lake of the realm of NayValis, of endless depths, fellas." The elder Wiley shouted. Derek noticed similar guards they saw back at the border wandered in every inch around this forest and sparkly blue lake, spotting them crouching on top of thick branches in the trees, watching from a distance and he heard disembodied voices asking questions and commenting about them. Alec gently elbowed him before he was too overwhelmed, exchanging brief words and eyes, Derek regained his composure as he remembered his uncle's words from the day prior. 

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