
Just wanted peace

A leader that tried to get revenge for his fallen friend, slayed the gods that opposed him. Only for him to die by an unknown force. He woke up without his memories, but with the same heart. A protector that swore to protect her team, managing to even block the powers of the gods. Only to see her best friend, and leader dying in front of her, she used her life and protected the only friend she had left. She rebirth without any memories, but swore the same thing. A swordsman, seeing all his friends died in front of him. Took a step back, and trained. Killing those that was related to the gods. Giving up on his humanity for his team. But never giving up on searching for them, even if they couldn't rebirth. A mage, used all his life energy to complete their mission. To protect their homeland. Only to be cursed when he died, never being able to break free of it. He awoke his memories, yet he can't contact any of his teammates. A smiths that helped her teammates to craft all their equipment was left alone. She didn't want to pull them down more, leaving something that will only let them remember her when they grow strong enough. She could only hope for them, to grow stronger. Yet, all of them only wished for one thing. They wanted peace. Will they find peace? Even after all the things they been through? From chapter 3.5 onwards, I have a editor to help me, @Melody_Night Currently chapters is on hold. Due to never ending exams and homework. Thank the teachers for that...

razyro · 奇幻
15 Chs

Chapter 5: Gale Death

Moments ago.

Chase looked at Wilford running into the hospital. Driving away, his car slowly became invisible.

Not long later, it was being parked in the parking space opposite the hospital.

He got out of the car and started walking to a nearby building.

'Active forbidden skill.' He thought, as a green panel appeared in front of him.

'I chose to…' He thought of his answers. 'Ally?' He scoffed, 'I seriously hate you for thinking of us as your ally.'

He disappeared and reappeared on top of another building. Seeing the boy running towards a white building.

Chase glowed for a moment as he saw Wilford running faster and faster.

He looked at the building he was running to. One of it's white walls has a number 3 curved on it.

He smirked and said to himself, "I'll be leaving first then, not like there's anything for me to do here anymore." He sounded proud of himself, yet his eyes were filled with sadness and regret. 'I'm really tired of running now honestly.'

As he slowly sat down on the roof with one leg dangling off the edge, he felt his heart pounding rapidly against his chest. His nose started to bleed and blood shot out from his eye socket, making him almost blind. He felt himself getting pain all over his body.

He heard an irritating buzzing noise in his ears as he was barely keeping himself up. He also felt the cool wind of the afternoon.

Chase felt someone walking closer to him.

A familiar voice came in his head.

"You really can run away from danger. Not really surprising for the escapist"

He turned to look behind, despite the throbbing all over his body, and a woman wearing a light blue jacket and jeans, a face mask. She used a hood to cover her eyes. Something long was striped behind her back

"What are you here for?" Chase thought in his mind.

"I'm here to make sure no one kills you before you die. We both know that you want to have a peaceful death." She voiced out as she looked at him, and slowly sat beside Chase, dangling both feet off the edge.

"Haha. Guess you're right." Chase responded. He felt his throbbing head start to get worse and he moved his vision to the clouds to try to reduce it. Before his head hit the ground due to dizziness, he felt a hand preventing his fall. She then placed him on her lap.

"Remember what the enemy used to call us?"

Chase laughed as blood spilled out of his mouth. After choking on it and regaining posture, he answered her as calmly as he could. "Of course." He slowly glanced up at her, seeing her tears close to falling out.

"He runs faster than the wind, while she was untouchable like the air." He slowly recited. "I'm gale, the fastest escapist, and by my side stand the Windless Thread. We ain't owned by anyone, we follow those who we respect and trust." Chase slowly says, feeling water flow his eyes and onto his cheeks.

She wiped her tears using her left arm as she looked at Chase.

"Even when one of us dies, we are still boundless. Bounded by the force that pulls us together." She recited, remembering what they said a few years ago. At that time, they just said it as a joke.

Yet, fate plays well with it.

She hugged him tightly. Chase felt the warmth in the hug and the coldness he felt from the wind before left him.

She heard his heartbeat starting slowing down, while he felt her heartbeat beating rapidly.

They both cried, as they both knew that the end is getting nearer by the minute

His consciousness was starting to get eaten away. His existence itself was slowly starting to fade from the face of earth.

However, despite that, a smile was plastered on his face.

Chase saw how a sad smile was sitting on her face and in her eyes.

"I love you." They both said in unison.

He felt his world turned dark, and she felt as if she was being drowned in darkness.

She didn't let go of his body. Feeling the last weak beats from his heart.

Thump. Thump. Thu-.

It stopped.

She then felt a stern gaze on her, she glanced and saw Wilford looking at her.

She gritted her teeth tightly, a conflict was being battled out in her heart. But, she knew what she had to do.

She placed the body down and stood up. Using a string to cut up parts of his body, she then threw all of his body parts down.

She took one last look at the person she loved most before turning around and quickly jumped down from the other side.

She then created a breach that was connected to the other building with her string which was invisible.

After that she left the scene.


Target information

[Chase Tracey] {Escapist}

Age: 29

Job: Detective (Runner)

Alias: Gale [Fastest Escapist]


Stamina(0) | Strength(0) | Agility(0) | Intelligence(0)| Wisdom(0) | Dexterity(0)

Special skills

Camouflage(Advanced) Lv Max | Danger sense(???) Lv zero | Lock Pick(Intermediate) Lv zero | Energy transfer(Natural born talent)( ?? ) Lv ?? | Shooting( ??? ) Lv Unknown


Editor: Melody Night