
just for two weeks

"Lola, this is getting more serious than you think." He looked up from his stack of files. "You need to have surgery done immediately." Lola took a last glance at the picture before her. She could feel her heart beating faster than normal. How could she be sick at this point?. Pain engulfed her as she remembered her engagement in two days. She sniffed at the tears that welled up in her eyes. "I can't have surgery, and I would never. I have so much to attend to. I can't." She stood up and walked out as the doctor watched her go with a worried look on his face. Lola Xell, at 25, hoped for nothing but a happy life with her fiance and her family. A day came, and she was told that... Still thinking of that, she discovered a shocking discovery about her fiance and decided life wasn't worth living anymore, so she decided to... Jason Davis got back from Chicago only to find out his properties had been seized by his grandfather, and the only way he could ever get them back was by getting married again in two weeks. But how would that be possible?... Having vowed not to be with anyone again after the birth of his son, he ignored what his grandfather said, but something happened, and Jason had to obey at all costs. A wife for just two weeks. Who would be in?

GabrielJoachim · 奇幻
5 Chs

chapter 4

Lola's bag fell off her hands as the two continued with their lovemaking even after they saw her at the door.

With trembling hands, she turned to leave without taking her bag when Lucy grabbed her by the collar and pushed her off to the bedside. Taking a rope, she walked towards Lola.

"What are you trying to do?" Let go of me! Let go of me now!" Lola screamed, but it seems her pleas fell on deaf ears, as Steve seemed to enjoy her scream.

"Steve told me a lot about you and even how you can't please him, so make sure you watch us real well then maybe after I am satisfied, then you can go home. " Lucy winked at her devilishly and walked up to Steve on the bed.

Lola couldn't stop the tears flowing from her eyes. Could she have ever expected this from someone she called her lover?

"Did you ever love me, Steve?" Did you?!."

Steve laughed. "I guessed you knew the answer already. You are just trying to make me speak, and I will. I could never have loved such a boring and unattractive lady like you. I could have never done that. "

Steve gulped as Lucy kissed him all over. Taking his lips in, the room was filled with screams of pleasure.

Hours later, Lucy wore her clothes and walked up to Lola, who now looked so pale in the face. She threw her down.

"You can go now, except you still want to learn more." Lucy smiled.

With shaky hands, Lola took her bag and ran off. Getting to her car, Steve's voice stopped her.

"We will meet at the hall by 12 tomorrow, right?" Now that you've learned well, I would love to be yours and yours alone. "

"You bastard! I will make sure I deal with you and that tramp of yours inside! You deceived me, Steve. You deceived me! ..."

Lola got into her car and sped off.




"Big boss, the message is clear. The Davis are back in town, but they are inaccessible. They are hard to penetrate. "

A figure lit a cigarette, and the whole room was filled with smoke.

"Are you scared of the security or me?"

The bodyguard bowed. "I will never be scared of them but their security seems very tight these days when Jason isn't around. "

The figure gave a silent chuckle. "Then the target would be Little Jimmy this time. So sad he has to pay for his father's crimes. "

"Boss, Jim?.. Dont you feel.... "

The figure stood up suddenly, and everyone in the room bowed.

He kicked him. "Don't you think you are being too lenient these days with the Davis?" Have you been working for them behind my back?"

"Never, boss, I would never do anything to risk us. You know that I will never."

"Good. So do as I have ordered for the others. I must get the boy before 4 p.m. this evening, or else I will yank out every one of your fingers from your hands. Trust me."

"Yes, boss." He bowed again and left.

"Ken. Look out for that guy. Any mistake to spill us, waste him."

Someone nodded at the door.


Nora rushed into her home, only to find Emelia waiting for her. How could she keep this from her now? She wanted to deal with this herself.

"You caught him with Lucy, right?" Emelia spoke as Nora's resolve broke fell, already fell, crying.

"How did you know that?" Were you spying on me?"

"No...I wasn't. I caught him with her at the mall yesterday. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I was scared of how you would react."

"You should have, and I wouldn't have to see them myself!" I just want to be alone. I want to be alone."

Emelia tried to embrace her, but Nora yanked her off and left for her room.

"I will come back later to check up on you, okay?" Emelia yelled, but no response came.


Jimmy smiled happily as he embraced his dad one last time.

"Dad, why are you here at this hour?"

"I just missed seeing your face, what's wrong with that? "

Jimmy stared at his dad with sarcasm.

"Everything, Dad, because you should be at the office, not here. Didn't you reconcile with Grandpa already?"

"Well, it seems to be, but I haven't made any decision yet. Jim, i will be away for two days this time and will be back before you blink. "

Jimmy blinked, and Jason laughed.

"You can't be back like that. Can't you take me along with you? I am sometimes scared of being taken away from you in your absence."

Jason patted him lovingly. "Stop whining already. I will see what I can do. "

Jimmy screamed excitedly as passersby watched him from the school gate.

"Hey!.. You don't want the school authorities flinging us both out, do you?"

Jim embraced him. "I love you so much, Dad, and I need you to take good care of yourself. Be happy, okay?."

Jason grinned. "Of course, baby boy."

The closing bell rang early for a Friday. Little Jimmy walked out with the children, oblivious to the masked men who were targeting him from afar.

"How are we supposed to take him away?" We can't alert any security personnel."

"Lure the driver away while I take the child myself. Don't be a chick already." The other said nothing and left.

Jimmy sat on the swing, which was his favorite part of the school, waiting for his driver.

Taking his medications from his bag, he gulped them down with the bottle of water he held.

Ronald removed his gloves quickly and walked straight to Jimmy.

"Hi, I am here to pick up Janice. Do you know where she might be?"

"I don't know anyone called that, and besides, my dad has warned me not to talk to strangers. So if you wouldn't mind...

Jimmy got down and began to walk faster; his hunch couldn't be wrong. This was the same man he saw that night. Should he let his grandpa know first?

All of a sudden, Ronald brought out a container and sprayed it. Before Jimmy could take a step again, he fell unconscious.
