
just for two weeks

"Lola, this is getting more serious than you think." He looked up from his stack of files. "You need to have surgery done immediately." Lola took a last glance at the picture before her. She could feel her heart beating faster than normal. How could she be sick at this point?. Pain engulfed her as she remembered her engagement in two days. She sniffed at the tears that welled up in her eyes. "I can't have surgery, and I would never. I have so much to attend to. I can't." She stood up and walked out as the doctor watched her go with a worried look on his face. Lola Xell, at 25, hoped for nothing but a happy life with her fiance and her family. A day came, and she was told that... Still thinking of that, she discovered a shocking discovery about her fiance and decided life wasn't worth living anymore, so she decided to... Jason Davis got back from Chicago only to find out his properties had been seized by his grandfather, and the only way he could ever get them back was by getting married again in two weeks. But how would that be possible?... Having vowed not to be with anyone again after the birth of his son, he ignored what his grandfather said, but something happened, and Jason had to obey at all costs. A wife for just two weeks. Who would be in?

GabrielJoachim · 奇幻
5 Chs

chapter 2

Getting home, she took off her clothes and walked straight into the shower. At least she could have a good bath before death came.

Finally dressed up after the bath, she walked into the sitting room just to see her mom. Taken aback a little bit, she tried to smile.

"Steve called. Why aren't you picking up your calls? And what's all this I heard from him?"

Lola shrugged. "Mum, did you come to my house to argue with me about Steve, or did you come to see me?" I have nothing to say about him, and besides, let him keep ranting. Maybe I sounded or looked too desperate for him; that's why he thinks getting married to me seems like he is doing me a favor." Her wet hair hung on her face.

Mrs. Xell stared at her daughter as if she were crazy.

"Lola, do you realize the implications of everything you might be scheming up in that mind of yours?" What else could Steve be doing to you than a favor, huh? At 26, you still can't decipher the situation at hand. You had better do as Steve wants or else."

Lola yanked off the little towel she was holding. Her eyes were blazing with anger already.

"Or else what, mum?" Force me to marry him by what means? Mom, I am 26 and I know what to do with my life! I am your daughter, not Steve. Whose happiness matters to you? Mine or Steve's?

Mrs. Xell grabbed her bag as she made for the door. "Don't contact me unless you've settled things with Steve. You can't keep acting like a child at such a critical stage of your life. Don't dare contact me." She left.

Lola bit her lips in frustration. She intended to tell her mom about what the doctor said, but who would believe that a crazy bastard would get into her family this way?

A call abruptly interrupted her thoughts.

Seeing the caller, she punched her phone too hard to receive the call.

📞How dare you call me after reporting me to my parents? Are you tired of acting like a great son-in-law already?

Steve grunted.

📞What did you expect me to do when you wouldn't stop behaving like a child? You are making all of my suspicions true about you, Nora.

Lola scoffed.

📞Really? Then why don't you call off this stupid engagement already? Do you think I am going to beg to get married? You have made my life miserable enough, please. I am done with you!

📞 Don't come begging when you've realized you said these words when you were pissed off.

Lola ended the conversation and sighed deeply. Pain racked her head as she thought of that bastard. Sadly, his words were true. She couldn't recall how many times she had said that, and she ended up being with him after all.

Recalling the very first day she met him, she couldn't even decipher if it was love at first sight or just a crazy infatuation, but deep down in her heart, she knew she loved him too much to just let him go. What else was she asking for other than to live happily with the man she'd ever loved? What else?.

Hot tears stung her eyes, and she quickly rubbed them off.

Was she desperate to get married, or was she just placing her priorities wrong?

She sighed and walked to her room. She wished she could just sleep and never wake up, but thinking about her dad, she pushed the thoughts off her mind as fast as she could.




Emelia planted a kiss on Chris's lips as he ran over to her.

"Did you miss me that much? Chris teased, shivering a little. The morning was quite chilly, and I took the next train here.

Emelia smiled. "You know I always would. The home was lonely without you. " She held him tight.

"I thought you would spend the night with Nora instead. Did you two get into a fight?"

Emelia shook her head. "Not at all. I just think at this critical point in her life, she needed space. Steve is kind of giving my girl a hard time, and even if she isn't saying anything, I know she is hiding something from me."

"I read from the newsstand that she is getting engaged in two days then she is supposed to be happy. "

"I don't think she is. She is rather just forcing her poor self to get married, maybe because she thinks she is getting much older every second because she is too deep in love to notice that guy's excesses, or maybe because of pressure from home as well. I just feel something is going wrong with Nora, and she doesn't want to open up at all. I once saw a roll of medications in her office, and the next moment I visited, it was gone. Maybe she realized I almost got to know her little secret. "

"So what are you planning to do?" You can't just stop her engagement for no reason unless you make her see the reason why she needs to take things slow."

"I have an idea already, and I need your help with that."

Emelia smiled mischievously.

Chris stared at her. "No. I would never join you in those crazy tactics of yours. I have more important things to do."

Emelia loosened her grip on him.

"More important than the happiness and safety of my friend?"

Chris sighed. He knew he couldn't refuse her when she seemed adamant about something.

"Okay. Okay. But let it be simple and short, please."

Emelia embraced him excitedly. "I promise." She sighted a mall. "Let's get some things before heading home. "

Chris laughed as they both walked up to the mall.

Lucy took an apple from the basket.

"I can't quite get what you are still doing with that boring hog." Her voice was visibly laced with contempt.

He kissed her shoulders, then her neckline. "I will explain everything later on when I have hit the jackpot, okay?"

She smiled and turned, only for him to clash his lips with hers, and she gave in willingly.

Emelia was picking up a pack of chocolates when her basket fell off her hands at the sight she saw.

"Steve! "She could hear herself scream.
