
Just Another Dual Cultivator Reincarnation

After losing his character in the virtual life simulator game with permadeath functions, Seventh Heaven, Cyrus went for a walk to clear his head, and wham! Death greeted him IRL, too. Next thing he knew, Cyrus awakened again, only to find himself in a rather crappy situation, but in the world he once knew only as a game. Follow Cyrus, now Gu Yangde, as he pursues heights he knows more about than anyone else around him in the lower heavens. Oh, not to mention a harem. Dual cultivators gotta eat, too. Yeah, this is just another Dual Cultivator Reincarnation story.

TrashHeap · 奇幻
11 Chs

Chapter 8

A/N: Shorter chapter. Some chapters might be a bit shorter if I think I can complete a scene with fewer words. Will be able to post more updates that way. Anyway, hope you like the story so far even though not much has happened yet.


In the center of Gu Chenggang's study, two men stood facing each other with stern expressions on their faces. One was Chengang himself, while the other was a man who looked slightly older, had neat shoulder-length light brown hair parted in the middle, and sharp hazel eyes. His face was long and angular, lending to an atmosphere of astute subtlety. In contrast to the neat martial robes worn by the men of the Gu Family, the man wore a dark green suit vest over a white collared shirt, of which the collar was buttoned to the top and fastened with a thin dark-orange tie. His neatly pressed dress pants were of a similar dark green color to his vest. Altogether, the outfit looked like it had come straight out of a nineteenth century museum.

Behind the visiting man, two men dressed in black suits of similar design stood at attention in silence. Likewise, two of the more powerful Gu Family guards dressed in lightweight metal armor stood behind Gu Chenggang. The four of these men showed strong composure despite the ambient clash of energy between their lords that sent several books and papers flying toward the edge of the room.

"It has been a while, Gu Chenggang," The visiting man coldly greeted without any change in expression. His voice sounded soft and gentle, yet it forcefully reached the ears of every person in the room as though he was standing right next to each of them simultaneously.

"That it has. What brings you here unannounced, Su Jiangwei?" Gu Chenggang replied with only a bare bones amount of courtesy to his tone.

"I have heard that that unbridled offspring of yours returned home earlier."

"And what does that have to do with you?"

Su Jiangwei slightly raised a brow but then straightened his expression and said, "That hooligan was bothering my daughter again before he went missing. If you don't want our business dealings to fall through, then put a tighter leash on him. He is very close to crossing my bottom line in his lack of respect or decency toward my family."

Gu Chenggangs aura briefly faltered, which allowed Su Jiangwei's aura to push forward slightly and knock a lamp off of Chenggang's desk. Both of them slowly pulled back the outward manifestation of their Qi after the light crystal within the lamp shattered on the floor.

"...I'll ask my son to avoid bothering your daughter, then."

"Good," Su Jiangwei said, nodding slightly. He then pulled out a small paper note of currency from his spatial ring and placed it on the desk before adding, "This is for the lamp. Breaking it was not within my intentions."

"If that is all, then please leave."

Su Jiangwei nodded once more before turning toward the door. The two men in suits followed him out. The moment they exited the office, Su Jiangwei turned his head toward two individuals quickly walking toward him. His eyes narrowed upon seeing the younger one, but he quickly erased his condescending gaze and focused on the older man.

"Gu Haoran, it is good to see you doing well."

Gu Haoran, Gu Yangde's great grandfather, halted and warily observed the three men.

"What is your business with my family today, young man?" Gu Haoran replied.

"Just business. You can ask that grandson of yours if you are curious. That being said, I will see myself out since I have already caused you some trouble. Many apologies for that."

"...I see. Have a safe trip back to your end of the mountain, then."

To the side, Cyrus calmly observed the man with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. Something about the man in the green suit piqued his interest and gave him a slight nostalgic feeling despite never having no memory of him. Once the man was long gone, Cyrus asked, "Who was that."

"Su Jiangwei, current patriarch of First Heaven's branch of the Su Family."

'So he's from the Su Family. Maybe it really is the same Su family I used to know since he gave me such a feeling of familiarity.'

"He didn't seem too fond of me," Cyrus probed.

"Well… in the past, you were quite fond of his daughter… perhaps a little too much so. It has caused some problems between our families, to be honest."

'Aha. I see. What is this cliche problem you've caused for me, Gu Yangde? I don't mind dealing with it if I have to, but I hope I don't have to solve too many of your mistakes.'