
Jupiter’s Legacy: Son of Utopian(Dropped)

A guy in his late teens transmigrated into original Netflix series Jupiter’s Legacy as Brandon Sampson the next Utopian or so they thought. “Am I dreaming, why is there a floating man in ridiculous tights preaching with a stick up his ass about some code in the middle of the forest!?” Starting as a power hungry 9 year old watch as he uses his cunning to fulfill his ambitions.

VeritasImperium · 电视同人
5 Chs

Training 3 Finale

After the ruckus of my return to the household I realized my father didn't even bother to praise me for my efforts he acted as if this much should be expected of me.

No wonder the old me became such a simp! Old me was just a pitiful child and this guy was expecting the messiah reborn.

The second and final half of my training first consisted of me trying to kill myself and get as angry as possible.

Now you may be wondering how exactly I was planning on doing that..

By jumping off a skyscraper of course!

No I'm not joking in life you take calculated risks to reap rewards if you fail well too bad you were never meant for it but at least you tried.

During the night I used my uncles contacts to order a stealth jet transport to the top of Shanghai Tower.

There I meditated as the low hanging clouds below me passed by. I thought of my old life all the trials and tribulations the experiences and relationships that all evaporated along

with my dreams.

As I thought this I felt something begin to loosen deep inside me as if the world was beginning to break away to reality at last.

Then in my new life being sick of how Brandon's life was turning out having a father and uncle as your rivals and no backbone letting his sister and mother waste away for years till he ends up exploding with feelings being manipulated by Brainwave and dying a villain after helping kill his own father.

An adrenaline rush came over me as my pupils dilated and I began to shake.

Was I going to end up the same? Will my life be just as pathetic? Will I die a dogs death here in pursuit of true power!?

I felt something bubbling to the surface as my muscles contracted and a red hot energy began to pulse through my veins as my eyes shone visibly.

Was I not going to rule over all beings on the planet no in the whole universe! Not because I was worthy no but because I could live out my dreams and there was nothing that could hold me back! Was I going to let this chance slip me by!!?

In a single moment all my grievances with the world began to feel like a mountain weighing over me as my mental shackles over my powers began to shatter one by one.

I let myself fall over the edge as I roared.


Letting out a primal guttural roar with a sonic boom the heavens themselves seem to quake as the clouds above and below shimmered away from me.

All the glass from the buildings nearby shattered in an instant.

I began to float slowly in the air as I continued to scream my mind was blank and all I could see was red.

When I finally came to my senses I was floating higher than ever in the upper atmosphere. If I looked up one could see space and all the stars with higher clarity.

However the clouds seemed to come back with a vengeance as a thunderstorm formed quickly.

Feeling tired beyond belief my body began to plummet to the ground.

It seems I miscalculated how tiring unleashing all my power could be when my body was still weak and pitiful. As I fell rapidly to the ground I thought of everything I've done and and everything I've ever thought. Somehow this all happened in only moments as if the whole world became frozen as my whole life flashed before my eyes with more clarity then any flashback or reflection.

At first I tried to fight it I tried to dig deep into my core for that red hot energy and focused on that feeling of release but all that was felt was a bone chilling emptiness as the last sparks of energy slowed my descent very slightly and heightened my sense of awareness so my death was delayed even more so.

Once I realized I had no way out and was dead I could just die on the spot even without hitting the floor for the mind was more powerful than anything else!

I struggled desperately doing anything I could even resorting to flailing about aimlessly.

Just when the ground finally came to view I started to resign myself with death. I had a good run right? I'd done something nobody could say they tried right? It wasn't all for nothing right? Was I happy? Was I content? My dream was..

Suddenly in a flash the scene of the old man and his final test came into mind. Looking closely at the mans expressions I noticed he wasn't absentminded at all he was looking at me the whole time with veiled disgust!? His thoughts were read aloud to me like an open book.

When does power ever come quick and easy to those who seek it? Do you fancy yourself a god above us mere mortals huh!? Such arrogance I will teach this fool a lesson

"Break this tree and beat me with it."

Seeing his misinterpretation I laughed see you are mortal after all your not special your nobody your just living a lie of your own delusion. You seek power but can't you even do the simplest thing as doing the impossible? I thought not fool!

As incomprehensible as it was the old man was right I was not a god I was but a mere mortal I was prancing about as if the world owed me something as if I was the main character in this story when I'm just me…

As I descended nearly hitting the floor a shockwave burst out before I hit the ground.

I stopped abruptly pedestrians all around shattered into a bloody mist and vehicles flew away as the concrete below me cracked asunder.

Red lightning then came showering from the sky all around me before converging onto my body as I felt reborn.

I stood now a full grown naked man with a dark red lightning flashing horribly all around me like a vortex that was out to destroy the world.

Speaking to no one in particular

"If that's the case then I'll just have to become stronger regardless of everything I am the center now and forevermore."

A rumbling and crackling could be heard in the sky as the thunder seemed to voice its outrage.

"Aliens gods demons titans giants whoever you are I don't care anymore your nothing I'm everything now." I started floating rapidly into the sky somehow my body had transformed into a powerfully shaped Herculean mature adult as red veins flowed steadily yet angrily and my eyes flashed dangerously with a crimson light.

~Law 25 Recreate Yourself

48 Laws of Power~

In that moment I understood everything.

I was an anomaly not meant to exist in this world and this form was attained with all the past and future me's channeling their energy to the best timeline as I had been defeated and eliminated in all other ones like a tumor being removed by the anti-virus immune system so to speak of this world.

It would seem this was my last resort.

This form would not last long and I wouldn't remember anything that happened after this but I needed to do something first.

I needed to break the cycle.

"They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live."

"Me in chains? You may fetter my leg but even Zeus himself cannot get the better of my free will!"
