
Sneaking away

Juliet didn't ask for advice from Jason mainly because she didn't know how to bring up that conversation and also because she was scared he will ask her not to get revenge.Juliet fell asleep while thinking of this.

The next day,the students were all prepared to go out and view the city they all got ready quickly and soon they were all down.The bus started and took the student to the city's capital.

Their tour guide told all of them to stay together as he showed them round the capital.Most of the students listened to the instructions while the others disobeyed.

Some naughty studens left the group and went to other places.The teacher noticed this and immediately stopped the tour.The teacher was worried because this was a new place,he wasn't sure of were the students could have gone.

He asked the remaining students to stay where they were and left to look for the other students.Juliet used this opportunity to leave the group,she thought no one saw her but unknown to her,her every movement was caught by Jaso.

Jason pov:

I looked over and saw juliet walking away from the group,i wondered where she could be going,i decided to follow her just in case she ran into trouble. I wonder where Juliet could be going,from her movement it shows that she is familiar with this place.

Third person pov:

Juliet walked very quietly,she looked back from time to time " why do i feel like i'm being followed' asked Juliet to no one in particular. She dispelled the thought and continued.

Soon Juliet got to a very beautiful mansion, she hid when she saw the guard moving towards her direction. Juliet felt a wave of different emotions when she stood outside her old house. She grew up in this house, all the memories of her childhood,parents and siblings were in this house. She was surprised by the fact that the house was properly taken care of,the lights inside the house were lit.

She found it odd,then she suddenly remembered the murderer and thought it was him living in the house.She felt angry,all her parents hard earned money was being enjoyed by another person. She wanted to rush in and claim everything but she realized that she didn't have any power.

She just checked the surroundings and left dejectedly. She left the compound and went to a cafe nearby,she sat down and hacked into the surveillance camera of the house trying to find any information.She sat there for 30 minutes before she finally got into the surveillance,however she couldn't find any clue. She just saw the maids cleaning the house.