
Phase 7: Conversational Gymnastics

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt and Zenin Days) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

(Credit to Thecentipide & quiltedbear for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Stirring awake following his mental torture, Sasuke's eyes sluggishly shot open.

His senses were immediately assaulted with a mixture of smells only an Inuzuka could discern separately, light falling gently on his yet unopened lids through a small hole in the tree he found himself inside of

And, most importantly...

"Unfamiliar ceiling." He grunted with a thin line drawn on his face.

Lifting his upper body, Sasuke couldn't help but feel strange, his eyes shot to the invasive Chakra forced upon him.

The bitter reminder of their humiliating defeat...

His gaze locked upon the strange, burning tattoo now etched into his skin.


For some reason, he was oddly calm.

Tranquil, even.

He did not panic as to his whereabouts... He was, after all... Still alive.

What was important though...

Was where his teammates were - Particularly, the similarly injured Sakura.

His coal eyes scanned his surroundings, a cozy yet messily dug hideout inside one of the large trees in the Forest Of Death.

His ears were assaulted by the steady breathing of other individuals nearby as well as the sound of gentle embers from a fireplace strategically placed to not burn the surroundings.

An odd yet relieving sight appeared before him:

The sleeping figures of Team 8 and Sakura, with the exception of Shino quietly stared down at Sasuke with naught a word being uttered.

Relief crossing his features, Sasuke sluggishly rose to his feet, the injuries he incurred from his fight with Orochimaru seeming to have been treated properly.

A dull edge of pain coursing through them; nothing in comparison to what he endured for hours on end.

"It is good to see you up on your feet, Sasuke. Why? Because you had a dangerous fever - Any hotter and you would have died." Shino's blunt relief didn't come across as a surprise to Sasuke.

"Thank you." Sasuke exchanged a thankful nod of acknowledgment, meeting Shino's eyes through the Aburame's shades.

He's smart enough to know what had occurred when he lost his consciousness to torment.

Taking a few steps forward, Sasuke's eyes narrowed at his pink-haired teammate; her sleep labored from worry as she seemed to collapse from exhaustion and prior injury.

"How is she?" He inquired.

"Just exhausted, with more rest she'll manage. Why? Hinata treated her properly and Sakura was moving fine beforehand." Shino answered simply.

Sasuke nodded, his eyes scanning the hideout as he inquired on their status, "How long has it bee-"

His words were caught in his throat, eyes widening at the unexpected yet much-desired sight before him.

At a separate corner of the hideout, emitting the stark odor that enveloped much of the room and covering the floor with blood was a sleeping figure.

A pair of rabbits at his side nudged him awake; the rugged-looking and bloodied Akira opened his eyes and was met with the sight of Uchiha Sasuke standing before him.

Dull, calm coal met with drained, deep emerald as their eyes met.


A tense silence enveloped the room, only disrupted by the steady breathing of the blissfully asleep teammates.

Akira's words cut sharply through the silence, "I'm surprised at how calm you are, Sasuke."

Sasuke's thin line lowered to a frown, as his fists tightened and much to Akira's surprise...

A Sharingan with three tomoe on each eye met his gaze.

Akira's eyes widened at Sasuke's unconcious growth.

"The only reason I'm not beating you into the ground right now... Is because, for some reason, I still trust you." Sasuke reasoned with biting words, staring down at Akira, particularly his appearance as if he also hadn't had that good of a time.

After scrutinizing Akira's appearance, Sasuke added, "But my patience is wearing thin."

The words seemed to cut deep, as a sad smile masked by amusement covered Akira's features.

"Then... I'm afraid you'll be disappointed... My state and actions aren't graceful or just." Akira shrugged with an exhausted sigh.

Sasuke didn't care, "Let's hear it, then."

"Once everyone's woken up... Why not let Shino retell you the events that happened up to now? I'd like to wash myself off in the meantime." Akira suggested lightly, as he mentally checked up on the state of things and gestured at his less than appealing state.

Turning to Shino, Sasuke was met with a nod of agreement, "No need to rush for it. As far as I am aware, the state of the forest has stabilized with Lord Third's involvement."

Perplexion struck Sasuke's features, "Lord Third?" He repeated.

Akira nodded, adding, "Orochimaru was after the both of us, after all."

Eyes widening, having drawn parts of the picture, Sasuke's fists clenched, "Right... The both of us, huh?" He grunted, sending a glance of sympathy at Akira yet noting no strange mark on his shoulder like the one he had.


"As for your incomplete question. You've been asleep for nearly 24 hours, Sasuke." Shino casually mentioned.

It seems he had a lot to catch up on.


The afternoon sun loomed over the Forest Of Death, casting long, sharp shadows through the dense canopy of trees.

A serene silence enveloped the forest on the height of the 2nd day; the ideal aftermath of a chaotic first day.

Akira stood alone beside the greenery of the hideout, washing himself off with the help of Dumbo in the tall grass.

-Akira POV-

'One of the Sand Teams I helped fought with a Leaf Team and they lost a teammate?' I repeated the information as I took out a pair of fresh clothes.

'Thanks, Dumbo.' I called out to the large elephant that I rarely brought out.

'Summon. Me. More. Please.' Dumbo requested sincerely.


'At some point.' I promised as I dismissed him, his large figure melting into the shadows.

'Yes. Kabuto Team Caught. Them.' Whiskers answered my prior inquiry.


He's a genuine wildcard... But, as long as that's all the damage he causes to my plan, then that's fine.

I only need a few of the teams I've helped to pass; from Whisker's report that has been going well thus far.

The rest of the teams?


If the Leaf ends up fighting each other in the preliminaries, all the better.


I stared up at the cloud-filled sky.

Chakra's at a tight spot, it was a poor rest and the injuries aren't doing me any favors either...

Although I patched up these annoyances, the dull pain was still irritating.

'What of. Explaining. To your friends?' Whiskers asked freely.


'Half-truths and dodging the questions, I can't let them gleam to my purpose. I don't care if it makes them suspicious or hateful of me. The plan takes priority; I trust they won't interfere too much, especially when they have no clue.' I confidently and swiftly replied to Whisker's inquiry.


'Do you not. Think. This is too. Much burden alone?' Whiskers asked once more.


I lifted an eyebrow, focusing on the more glaring issue, 'You know... I can't help but notice you've been pretty talkative... Smarter.'

His improvisation was one thing.

But he has been exhibiting greater self-expression these past few days.


I have an inkling as to what has caused it, but I hope he can confirm it for me.

'The chain that. Restrained me has. Been broken.' Whiskers confirmed my suspicion.

I nodded, lowering my head in thought.

This is important, then.

'White Hare Of Inaba, right? Do you mean to say that regained your identity? Anything you can tell me?' I quickly and sharply questioned.

Whiskers replied with naught an issue, 'Partly yes.'


'Which means?'

'Fragment of. White Hare. Of Inaba.'

If only he answered in less confusing or metaphoric ways... But I have to get to the bottom of this.

I must realize the truth of my Ten Shadows and seize the power of it in its entirety.

If anything I learn from this in the coming month can make me stronger, it's more than welcome.

'A mere fragment? What IS the White Hare Of Inaba?' I questioned.

'A Deity.'

...Okay, that makes sense.

Though it'd have made things much simpler for me if I could wield the power of a Deity.

A pointless thought, though.

'Then... Is your power a mere fragment of said Deity? Fragmented memories?' I hazarded a few guesses.


Getting somewhere.

'What is your ability in your True Form?' I questioned.

'It is...' He slowly explained in detail the power of his Max Level Form.

...Wow, that's something so useless in my current Chakra level that it's funny.

I'll completely ignore the worldview-shattering aspect of that ability for the sake of my sanity, though.

In favor of that, if he has some fragmented memories then...

'Any profound Deityesque wisdom you can impart on me?' I bluntly inquired.

'Apart from my. Origin. No.' He admitted.

Fantastic... A story for another time then.

'Alright, a final few questions... Does your new memory give you any information on the other Shikigami?'

And, to my surprise...

He did know... Something.

'Their identity is. Eluding even. For me. They are either. Treasure Manifestations. Or Treasure Bearers.'

I took in the information, and puzzle pieces began to align in place.

Jeff is a Treasure Bearer, okay, this helps.


'Anyone an exception to the rule?'

'The Divine General.' Whiskers mentioned.

...Wait, he knows Mahoraga's identity?

'What about him?' I inquired, mentally gesturing for Whiskers to elaborate.

'He is both.' Whiskers confirmed.

Ah, a Treasure Bearer and a Treasure Manifestation simultaneously...

That's fitting.

'Anything else?' I asked Whiskers since he appeared to hold information about Mahoraga.

'He is special. He cannot be. Allowed to perish.'


'Without the General. The Army crumbles.' Whiskers stated matter of factly.

Speaking in metaphors again, I see what he's trying to say, but I'll need a bit more substance to his statement.

'In simpler terms?'

'If the Divine. General perishes. We are. Unusable.'


Well isn't that a pleasant piece of information?

However, it's not like I have Tamed Mahoraga, so it's not really that worrying just yet.

I sighed, nodding and thanking Whiskers, 'Alright, thanks for your help Whiskers. I'll bother you about it later, I've lingered outside too long. I gotta go explain things to the others. Wish me luck.'

'One final thing.' Whiskers mentioned amid my walk towards the hideout with wet hair and clean clothing.


'The Divine General. Is punished.' He mentioned, acting according to my wishes to relay information.

'Punished, how?' I questioned, wracking my brain for any information on Mahoraga.

I recall him being tied by those... Things.

'You mean sealed?'

'Yes.' Whiskers confirmed.

...I see.

'Punished by who?' I asked the obvious follow-up question.

This might... Help me with the Origin of this Ability.

Knowing the roots might allow me to reach new heights.

'He was. Punished by. [***** ** **********]'


'Could you repeat that for me?'

'Punished by. [***** ** **********]'


Well, I'll wrap my head around that incoherent mess later.

I've got more glaring matters to attend to, after all...

Though, one last question.

'Why was he punished?'

Whiskers thought about it for a moment.

'He was Divergent.'

More food for thought later, then...


-Third Person POV-

Entering back into the hideout, Akira was met with the awake figures of everyone.

Sakura had a pleased and relieved expression on her face, likely from Sasuke's nearly recovered state.

Nevertheless, all eyes turned to him with an almost expectant gaze, minus Shino's more astute knowledge of Akira's circumstances.

Raising an eyebrow, Akira spoke with a light tone, "Did you really wake everyone up to gang up on me?" He asked Sasuke.

While a small smirk would have formed on Sasuke's face in such a situation, his gaze was serious, "I did now start talking." He almost demanded.

A great weight settled on Akira's shoulders, as everyone minus Shino and Hinata were glaring almost venomously at the Nara.

Lifting his arms in a placating gesture, Akira surrendered, "Calm down. I am planning on answering all your questions."

Folding her arms, Sakura barely held back her fury, recalling Akira was struggling himself.

"Quit delaying it, Akira. We want to be done with this as well." She bluntly stated with a huff.

Lowering himself to sit down, he gestured for everyone to sit down.

Everyone has done so, Akira began, "It's a long story, so buckle up... But long story short..."

He paused, admitting with a frustrated and exhausted sigh.

"I fucked up."


Following a whole thirty minutes of uninterrupted explanation of Akira's entire truthful ordeal, everyone lowered their heads to process the information.

Most of them, most notably Kiba, Hinata, and Sakura respectively held trepid expressions.

What Akira had not neglected to mention...

Was that the source of those agonized screams; the result of Foreign Shinobi being surgically crippled, beaten and their scrolls seized...

Was not Orochimaru's doing.

But of the boy who calmly yet tiredly stated his actions with naught a hint of regret or dismay, sitting right beside them.

It was all... Akira's doing.

These three were not that close to him, but they knew him enough to know he had a sadistic streak and some battlelust... Mizuki's embarrassment and Iruka's incident all the evidence they needed.

It was not farfetched to be sadistic in the Shinobi World; in fact, it was quite common.


They did not, however, expect Akira to be of the more extreme and concerning variety, though.

Their views and perceptions of the dutiful and relatively tame Nara Prodigy readjusting in real-time...

Nevertheless, Sasuke's gaze held great suspicion, and Sakura recalled Sasuke's own words so a glint of suspicion crossed her features as well.

The trepid silence was broken through by Kiba's concerned tone.

"So let me get this straight..." He started, lifting his head to meet Akira's tired, almost ashamed look.

Regaining some confidence in his tone at Akira's look, Kiba pressed forward with more boldness in his tone, "You split off from Sakura and Sasuke. To have 'Fun'" He made air quotations with his hands, "Only to accidentally run into Orochimaru and get your ass beaten?"

Humming in thought, Akira nodded in confirmation, "That's pretty much it. After that, I sent Whiskers around to search for everyone after I used them to escape from Orochimaru... I learned of your state of affairs but didn't want to risk Orochimaru going after me when I was with all of you, so I stayed away... Until Shino called, that is."

Lifting his head, and waving his hand in dismissal, "With Lord Third's involvement and ANBU securing the Forest, I doubt Orochimaru's still here or will risk trying anything, which is why I haven't split off again." He pointed a thumb at himself.

Silence once again, as a picture of the situation began to form.

Appearing convinced, yet all the more uneasy, Kiba mentioned, "That's... I didn't expect that from you." He admitted easily, giving Akira a judgmental look.

For a moment, his mother's and subsequently his Clan's prejudiced opinions on Akira resurfaced; finally activating like a slow-acting venom.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Akira huffed, "I wanted to let loose a little. They aren't allies, right? So what's the big issue? I didn't kill any of them unless necessary."

"Bullshit." Sasuke's denial called attention to him, his coal eyes glaring at Akira in accusation.

Lifting an eyebrow, Akira kept a thin line on his face though irritation on his face was clear, "Bullshit?" He repeated.

Rising up to his full height, Akira's eyes firmly locked onto each individual in the room, scrutinizing them one by one:

The furious and unconvinced Sasuke.

The shocked Hinata.

The uneasy Kiba.

The stoic Shino.

And the frustrated Sakura.

He snarled, "Is it so hard to believe? There's no profound reason behind it. No complicated agenda. I wanted to have fun, and still am planning on doing so with the Teams I had assisted."

Lifting his hand and tightly clenching his fist, "The sense of power, the feeling of control over the fate of this Exam. The fact I, alone, am capable of doing what I did for the sake of doing it... It's intoxicating." He shivered, recalling the satisfying feeling.

The similarity in Akira's speech was uncannily familiar to Sasuke.

Prompting the Uchiha to rise up in defiance, his Sharingan activating.

He spat out with barely held rage, approaching and lifting Akira by the shirt, their faces extremely close to one another:

"They may have bought your act, but I sure as hell didn't. Neither would Naruto, Kakashi and Shikamaru." He stated matter of factly.

"I've been with you in the Land Of Woods. We've killed those bastards; we all shared in the fury and need to end those sick bastards... And you mean to tell me you're such a hypocrite?" Sasuke snarled.


Akira paused in thought, a heavy, expectant silence enveloping the hideout.

He nodded, "Yes."

With his agreement, not even an instant later, a sharp pain rang through Akira's right cheek.

Sasuke's punch was swift, but not undodgeable, yet he took it.

With a resounding crack, Akira flew to the inner wall of the hideout; the bark was relatively thick, so it held on despite the impact.

Sasuke was quick to the follow-up rushing towards Akira.

Sakura gasped suddenly, "Sasuke?!" She roared out as she rose in a rush to stop the fight.

Only for Hinata's hand to grab firmly onto her shoulders, "What?!" Sakura roared out.

Met with Hinata's hesitant expression, Sakura relaxed her tensed muscles.

The Hyuga expressed, "I-I think they need to settle this on their own... We want to know the truth as well about Akira."

Rising up, Akira spat out a tooth with blood, looking up at Sasuke who loomed over him with a cold glare.

He snickered, "Did you calm down?"

Sasuke's gaze was petrifying, "Do you find this funny?" He repeated.

Akira's eye twitched, "I find it funny you think you know me this much, awfully full of yourself, don't you think Sasuke?"

Sighing, Akira repeated, "Let me make this clear... I am a sick bastard, but I have principles. Why do you think I hadn't targeted teammates and was lighter in my treatment with Leaf Genin?"

Sasuke still appeared unconvinced, so he mentioned a piece of information that struck a hole through Akira's words thus far, or so he believed.

Leaning in to whisper in Akira's ear, he coldly inquired:

"Then why didn't you heal me with your Deer?"

Akira froze for but an instant, but collected himself quickly, whispering back, "I owe you nothing." He emphasized.

He shrugged, "But if it makes you feel any better, I was planning to do so if your state deteriorated. The Deer is a trump card I can't compromise, especially when Orochimaru is after me. If you really wanna deliver 'Justice' go ahead and tell everyone what I can do." He challenged.

Sasuke's frown deepened, as he backed away with a disgusted grimace.

Akira's eyes widened at that look.

A gaze of sheer disappointment came from Sasuke, "Is this the extent of your trust in us? You can keep spouting those lies of yours, whatever agenda you're after... You who told me to not try and handle everything by myself... Disappointing." He turned away from Akira, walking towards the others.

Akira could only bite his lip in silence at Sasuke's words, keeping a thin line on his face as the others only observed the debacle in mute shock.

Stopping in his tracks, Sasuke looked at Akira over his shoulder, "If anyone's arrogant. It's you, believing you can shoulder the burden of what it is you're trying to do on your own. We'll figure it out and deal with your lack of trust as well." He declared.

A haughty smirk appeared on Sasuke's face, "A friend sharpens a friend, isn't it?"

Akira scoffed loudly, "Still arrogant thinking you know me that much. To the degree, that you're even sounding like Naruto."

He smirked, "But sure, waste your time on an imaginary goose chase when I've already given you the right answer on a silver platter."

"Hn. We'll see about that." Sasuke stood his ground, ignoring Akira's dismissive words.


Just when they thought it was over, Akira stood up in spite of the pain on his face.

He could feel it.

Sasuke's disappointed back facing him.

The apprehensive look from both Kiba and Hinata.

Sakura's frustrated and conflicted gaze on his figure.

It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, but it was unpleasant all the same.

Disappointment hurts most when it comes from those you value and care about.

But, this was the lighter load of what's to come, of this, Akira was certain.

Nevertheless, he lied.

He does owe Sasuke as well as Sakura and many others to come something simple yet powerful.

His smirk turned into a genuinely apologetic, almost weak smile.

"For what it's worth. I'm sorry for splitting off on my own." He apologized to Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke froze in his steps, turning to look at Akira with an odd surprised glint in his eyes.

Whilst Sakura stepped forward, facing Akira.

The alienating look in her eye wasn't unexpected.

The slightest whiff of fear was also present.

Nevertheless, the girl pushed herself, asking, "Will you hurt us?"

In hindsight, it was a stupid question with an obvious intention.

...But could one blame her or even the others besides Sasuke for such concern?

Akira blinked, shaking his head and replying with naught a hint of hesitation, "With malicious intent? I would never." He sounded almost offended.


The atmosphere lightened up considerably, the thick tension in the air dissipating nigh instantly.

The immediacy, genuineness, and almost offended tone in his words cleared the smoke of the fear surrounding him.

While he may be much more sadistic, cruel, and scary than they had ever expected or known about him...

Nara Akira was still Nara Akira - The evidence was there, in their faces.

Kiba was the first to exhibit his renewed vigor and boisterous energy, "Hah! Then will you beat up Sakura if it's not with malicious intent?!"

"ARF!" Akamaru barked in agreement.

Blinking once more, Akira's features were crossed with surprise at Kiba changing back to his joking self.

He did little to hide his relief at their acceptance of him, in spite of his actions, playing along with Kiba, "I mean, if it's a spar, then sure."

Sakura smiled, warming the atmosphere even more, "Then will you promise to not do anything that stupid in the future?" Her smile held a threatening edge to it.

"It would have been fine if not for Orochimaru. For real? How do you guys expect me to predict a Sannin in an exam filled with Genin?" Akira stood his ground expressing his thorough frustration.

Sakura's smile froze, as she cringed and face palmed, "It's official... You're a revolting person."

After a while of being quiet, Shino finally chimed in, "I, for one was certain of Akira's authenticity. Why? Because he hadn't killed the Leaf Genin and was careful to not cripple them in his fight."

Sakura deadpanned for a moment, recalling the injuries Akira had incurred on them, "Could have fooled me..."

Yet, underneath it all...

Sasuke was frozen with thought, his mind raced.

Akira's genuine apology... It was oddly familiar.

As well as... 'Predict a Sannin in an exam filled with Genin... Why is that bothering me?' Sasuke couldn't help but feel a strange suspicion in his gut.

'Whatever... I'll team up with Shikamaru to figure this out. I'll force him to work.' Sasuke resolved himself, a plan forming in his head.

'But first...'

"What's our plan?" Sasuke inquired loudly, going straight to business.

Hinata questioned, "A-Are all of you feeling okay to move around?"

A collective set of nods was her answer.

She nodded, presenting an obvious next course of action, "We should head to the tower and avoid teams. We all have at least a pair of Heaven and Earth Scrolls, right?" She turned to Akira.

He smirked, "More than enough for a few teams."

A statement that sent a shiver down their spines, a subtle reminder of what Akira had done and was capable of repeating if he so wished.

He expected a strange distance to form from his actions...

A distance he had only experienced briefly before the fog was cleared.

'Weird... But I'm glad.' He admitted with internal relief.

But, he shouldn't expect such flexible acceptance from everyone.

Especially from those who already disliked him.


Evidently, there were no rules against teams forming a larger group together.

Akira himself had experienced that firsthand.

So, with Team 8 and the newly reassembled yet awfully awkward Team 7 not needing any more scrolls and sharing a similar destination.

They left their hideout together as a much larger group.

A hideout that Kiba was especially attached to.

"It's my baby!" He exclaimed loudly with clear dismay on his countenance - given he and Akamaru did most of the grunt work of hollowing it out.

Shino deadpanned, "You're welcome to stay."

With Sakura's familiarity with the Forest of Death, she confidently led the way, keeping a steady pace as the group moved cautiously toward the Tower.

The sun dipped slowly below the horizon, casting long shadows over their path.

A careful, slow travel but they had managed to avoid any Teams.

"It's awfully quiet..." Sakura said, noting that even distant noises were muted or downright nonexistent as they navigated through the flora.

Barring the rustling of leaves, the whistling of the wind, and the chirping of birds and distant roars of tigers...


A silence, that, mayhaps had a perpetrator behind it.

At that admittance, all eyes turned to Akira who had barely uttered a word in this travel, much like Sasuke.

He shrugged, "It is mostly my fault, but it isn't farfetched to say that most Teams are either still navigating the Forest in search of Teams with Scrolls which there aren't many... Or have already passed the Exam and are awaiting in the tower."

Hinata asked, her voice laced with a quiet concern, "T-Then... Could we still run into other teams?"

Akira nodded, "Possible. But we'd crush them, so that's no concern." He waved off her concern immediately.

The disturbing calmness as well as confidence in Akira's tone had calmed her worry a tad bit.

Kiba smirked, "That's right! We're downright overkill with this squad!"

"ARF!" Akamaru agreed with vigor.

Hinata nodded, keeping her Byakugan peeled nonetheless.

They were getting closer, after all.

Without much to add, the conversation ceased and they continued on their road for a few more minutes.

Hinata caught up to Sakura in the front expressing her clear concern, "T-The two of them aren't talking."

She subtly gestured at the two very silent members of Team 7 keeping somewhat of a content distance from each other.

Sakura blinked as she continued on her walk, eyes still peeled for anything fishy, nevertheless, she paid attention to the Hyuga's statement.

Sakura sighed, her tone dripping with frustration as she cast a glance at Sasuke, "Yeah. It's like they're a couple on the verge of breaking up. Akira's much more distant, but Sasuke... I've never seen him this cold. It's... Uncomfortable. Sometimes, I think it'd be better if Naruto were here to fix things."

Blinking, she shook her head, "Can't believe I'm saying that."

At the small insult to Naruto, Hinata glared weakly at the replacement member of Team 7.

"But I can't blame Sasuke... He must feel extremely betrayed, to the point he thinks Akira's hiding something... He might be, but I find it much more likely he's just being nonsensical... Wouldn't be the first time, though last time was an accident." She huffed angrily.

Inner Sakura was practically fuming and seconds from beating Akira up.

...Not that she was confident in her ability to do so.

Sakura mentioned the reason behind her acceptance, "It was a tad easier to accept for me, given I don't truly know him and he's as sadistic as Anko-sensei... Maybe less so." She shivered at the memory of her training.

Adding, "It's not too strange as long as he promised not to hurt us... I just think the best we can do is give the two of them some space to cool down. Worst comes to worst we'll get Naruto later." She admitted.

"He's stubborn enough to get through the two of them eventually, I'm sure." It was one of the only redeeming qualities in Naruto, or so she believed.

Lowering her head, Hinata frowned, "I see... Thank you, Sakura-san."

Frowning herself, Sakura chastised the Hyuga, closing the distance between them, "Now, now... We aren't so distant to call me 'san'."

Smirking teasingly to lighten the mood, "And what's this? Worried about Sasuke and Akira? Do I have competition with the former?"

A shiver went down Hinata's spine, she then expressed a rather sudden and very deadpan response, "Umm, no. I couldn't care less about Sasuke r-romantically speaking." Her tone was as dead as dead could get.

Slightly unnerving Sakura at the sudden shift in tone.

"As for Akira... I'll never forget what he did for Naruto a few years ago." Her voice softened as if the memory brought a mix of gratitude and something else - hesitation, perhaps.

Puzzle pieces fit in Sakura's head at that admittance, "Ohhhhh. I see." She nodded in understanding.

She may be a Sakura, but she's not blind.

As a 'former' fangirl, she can tell when a girl's infatuated.

Even if it was with an idiot like Naruto.

With nothing else to say, the group continued on their weary travel with occasional banter mostly sourcing from Kiba keeping them entertained.

Nevertheless, a heavy, unspoken void hung between the two Strongest Members - One fueled by suspicion, the other by cold, at times amused indifference.


At the dusk of the 2nd day in the Forest Of Death.

The entourage of Team 8 & Team 7 found themselves below a large tower.

Looming over the trees at almost twice their average size - Roughly 200 meters in height.

The tower appeared to be constructed of a mixture of brick and wood.

Architecturally it was a combination of old Warring Era buildings with a modern touch fitting for a developed nation like the Land Of Fire.

Even with the remnants of light left at the time of dusk, the tower acted like a beacon of light-demanding attention.

Surrounding it were multiple gates and a bold red line, it didn't take much thinking through to figure out what it signified.

Walking through the lined out 'Finish Line', the Genin couldn't help but exhale in relief, noting the single ANBU standing guard.

Uttering a single congratulatory sentence, "Well done."

Then, without another word, he kept his vigilance.

Kiba hummed, "Cool... Ya know, I wonder why we didn't get attacked? I heard explosions from afar and when I gave it a thinking through... It's ideal to camp close to the tower to nab some scrolls." He scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"ARF?" Akamaru wondered as well.

For the first time in a while, Sasuke replied briskly, "We're a big group. Any team not missing a few brain cells would think twice before attacking us." He huffed.

Shino nodded throwing his two cents, "I believe a conflict incredibly close to the Tower would be discouraged. My bugs detected two more ANBU hiding in the trees close to us."

Without much else to say, the group of six Leaf Genin pressed forward into the tower, all its smaller entrances and doors blocked, and only a gigantic door leading to a volumetric spacious hall remained.

Entering it, the Genin marveled lightly at the sight.

"So... What now? Aren't we supposed to hand these in?" Kiba vocalized their questions, as he flailed the two scrolls out of three that he had.

"Look over there!" Hinata exclaimed pointing at the large written message boldly plastered on the wall.

The six of them plus Akamaru approached the message, eyes narrowing at what was written.

Sakura read it aloud, a hint of skepticism in her tone, "If Heaven does not exist, enrich your knowledge, and prepare for the chance."

She paused, reading the next line, "If Earth does not exist, run the fields in search of an advantage."

Then she read the final line, her eyes narrowed immediately at the hint, "Open the series of Heaven and Earth, and the perilous way shall be redressed... This is namely the secret of 'The one who guides'."

Sasuke grunted, "Hn. We need to open the scrolls." Immediately vocalizing what most had in their minds.

He turned to Akira.

"Yeah, don't have to tell me twice." He shoved his hand swiftly into the shadows pulling out a pair of Heaven and Earth scrolls.

"Don't you have more?" Kiba inquired loudly as he pulled out his own pair.

"Don't you? I've handed out a couple of my own." Akira retorted and pointed out the extra scroll in Team 8's hands.

Kiba scoffed, "A souvenir." A toothy grin on his face.

The Inuzuka and Nara stepped forward, unfurling both their scrolls.

The kanji for 'Person' is written firmly in a Fuinjutsu matrix at the center.

A familiar matrix.

"Reverse Summoning. It's high quality and rather complex... Condition for activation is being open." Akira mentioned nonchalantly as smoke began to expel from the Scroll.

"THROW IT!" Sakura exclaimed loudly.

Kiba immediately threw his pair in a panic to the wall, as if it were a grenade.

Whilst Akira calmly threw his pair of scrolls aside, hitting the ground with a light thud.

Each pair of scrolls seemed to have a condition to gravitate to one another if, in the vicinity, they combined and a large explosion of smoke covered the two pairs.

The smoke cleared nigh instantly to reveal two Chunin standing, quickly analyzing their surroundings to figure out their next course of action.

Their eyes turned to the two Genin teams in front of them, as well as each other.

A heavy silence enveloped the hall, as each group was uncertain as to the intentions of the other... Or so it seemed.

Exchanging knowing glances with each other, an unspoken conversation seeming to pass between them; the Chunin turned to look at the perplexed Genin staring at them.

"Congratulations on passing the second phase." A tired Chunin announced with a clear lack of enthusiasm.

"Teaming up is a wise choice in this exam. It's a mark of a great Shinobi to take advantage of gaps in the rules to your advantage." A more cheery, younger Chunin of the two exclaimed.

Kiba nodded, smirking haughtily, "Heh, as expected of us... But can we get a move on? We need to rest unless there is...?" He inquired impatiently.

"Yeah, I want to get done with this myself." The tired Chunin vehemently agreed with Kiba's notion.

"Dude... We have to explain Lord Third's motto before letting them go!" He chastised in a whisper.

"...You go ahead with that, I'll relay to Anko your great work."


"Really bro?" He grew excited.

"For sure... Though she's a bit incapacitated at the moment so it'll have to wait." He bargained.

"Alright!" The cheery, younger, and much more naive Chunin exclaimed in pure excitement and patriotism.

Sakura deadpanned, "Looks like Anko-sensei has admirers," Her voice tinged with dry amusement, though a small shiver of dread went down her spine.

Hinata frowned, "Is that bad?"

"For the suitors? Extremely so..." She shivered once more.

"Silence Genin! Allow me to relay the wisdom of Lord Third who had led Konoha through Three Great Ninja Wars!" He clapped his hands.

"I'll be off... It's an honor to see you, Akira-sama or whatnot..." It appeared the lazy and tired Chunin was from the Nara Clan.

Akira gave a similarly deadpan response, "Likewise."

The former promptly disappeared in a swirl of leaves, body flickering out of there.

Ignoring the little exchange, the enthusiastic Chunin Proctor lectured.

"This phase of the exam was to test your capability of completing missions and sticking to their parameters. The fact you managed to obtain the scrolls, keep your eyes off of them, survive the perilous forest teeming with danger and competition as well reaching the finish line... Is a testament to your prowess and potential as Shinobi!"

Nodding in approval, Kiba gestured, "Go on."

"ARF!" Akamaru chastised.

"I ain't interrupting, I'm just agreeing?" Kiba lifted an eyebrow at Akamaru's complaint.

"You're interrupting." Shino asserted.

"You're all interrupting." Sakura sighed, pinching her brows.

"G-Guys we should hear him out, he looks like he's about to cry..." Hinata pointed at the young Chunin who appeared saddened by how lightly they were taking his lecture, sympathizing with his struggle.

Coughing, and wiping away a few tears that he tried to hide, the Chunin continued, "If you were to open the scrolls and not adhere to mission parameters... I have been ordered to knock you out!" He gave a thumbs-up as he casually mentioned that scenario.

Sasuke snorted, "That wouldn't have worked out." He smirked.

Akira hummed a gleeful smirk forming on his face, "Most definitely wouldn't have... Maybe he'd have gotten Kiba at least." Considering that scenario for a moment.

"Hinata... Did I ever wrong these guys?" He pointed a thumb at the two bullies who seemed to have made some kind of temporary truce just to bully him.

Considering it for a moment, she flashed a weak yet pacifying smile, "Umm, you did claim to have surpassed them."

He clicked his tongue, mumbling out, "Geniuses and their fragile egos..." He shook his head, mockingly stating his opinion.


"Shut up, Akamaru..."

The Chunin took the pretentious claims at face value, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the two individuals... Specifically noting the one who is behind a considerable amount of dropouts in this phase.

Perhaps there was truth to those claims.

He shrugged, stating humbly, "Well... Then it's a good thing you adhered to the rules so we avoided any uncomfortable situations~!"

Coughing, he called attention back to himself, "Now then... Heaven represents the mind-"

After a tiring lecture of five minutes that the exhausted Shinobi did little to take to heart...

The enthusiastic Genin was done, "And that 'Person' means Chunin! A guide and one who wields both Heaven and Earth!"

"Yay." Kiba faux cheered amid the silence.

"Yay?" Hinata lifted her hand trying to not make the Chunin feel bad.


Awkward, is a simple description.

The Chunin's eye twitched, "Okay. You guys got here decently early. So all of you are to head up the tower to the temporary dorms to await further orders. I'll warn you now, with the current number of teams that have passed and yet to come - A preliminary match is likely to happen for the first time in years."

He turned to look at the weary and injured of the group, particularly Sakura, "Those injured should head upstairs and to the right for medical treatment."

"Food and drink will be served in the general cafeteria. On that note... Rest well. You have a couple of days to cool down." He nodded, looking at each individual present.

""Right/Roger."" Everyone nodded and reciprocated his gesture, accepting his orders.

As a group, the six of them moved past the Chunin, only for all of them to pause at his sudden call out.

"Uchiha Sasuke and Nara Akira. I have been ordered to take you to Lord Third."

Seeing the disapproval and reluctance on both Sasuke and Akira's faces respectively, he added, "It'll only be a short visit."

Sighing tiredly, Akira turned to his teammates with a small smile, "Go on ahead, we'll catch up to you after this debacle."

Sasuke grunted his agreement, "Hn." As he joined Akira in following the Chunin.

Just like that, the two of them went outside as they followed the Chunin to some location on the ground floor of the Tower.

Sakura's eyes lingered on their distancing figures as they left the building, the echo of their steps reverberating loudly "I take it he took Sasuke because of the Cursed Seal." She hazarded a guess.

Kiba frowned, "Like the one you said Orochimaru put on your Sensei, right?"

She nodded, "She doesn't like to talk about it." Mentioning Anko's hesitancy on the subject.

"And what about Akira?" Hinata questioned.

Shino chimed in, "It's obvious. The mess he had created is a worrying matter for the upper echelon; especially clans skeptical of Akira... The Hokage's concern is warranted."

Folding his arms, Kiba nodded in understanding and sympathy, "Given my Mom's and Sister's stance on him... The nail that sticks out gets hammered in."

"ARF!" Akamaru threw his two cents.

Kiba grimaced, "Yeah, now that you mention it... He's a major idiot for..." His grimace deepened at the reminder of those loud screams, "Doing what he did when you think about it."

Evidently, Shino seemed to have run out of patience for Kiba, as he dryly reminded:

"That's why he said that he 'Fucked up.' I find it mortifying that your ninken is savvier than you."

"Didn't he mean that about Orochimaru? He didn't seem to regret his actions on those foreign losers one bit! I ain't an idiot damn it! Leave that nonsense to Naruto."

Considering it for a moment... Shino nodded.

"You make a solid point, for once."



"DON'T FIGHT PLEASE!" Hinata roared out.


Being led outside the Tower, Akira and Sasuke silently followed the Chunin, keeping their...

Content silence in place as they followed him, eventually being led to one of the many closed doors at the side of the Tower.

The door creaked open to reveal...

Quite the sight:

It appeared to be some kind of storage room, that was quickly and rather efficiently turned into a makeshift office.

A table, a few chairs.

Obligatory teapot.

The works.

A distinct smell of nicotine, herbs, and even, disturbingly enough... The dull and subtle scent of blood.

The duo of Uchiha and Nara's eyes gravitated to the man sitting in front of the table, donning his Hokage hat and exhaling a breath of smoke from his pipe.

Noting their appearance, he ceased writing on the parchments set on his table, his gaze a mixture of warmth and hardness when it settled on the two Genin.

Clearly, this wasn't a warm visit for a cup of tea.

Akira was the first to bow respectfully, closely followed by Sasuke's own bow.

"Thank you, Jan. You may leave to follow the rest of your orders." Hiruzen nodded gratefully to the cheery and loyal Chunin in front of him.

He smiled, bowing lightly, "At your service, Lord Third." He declared before turning and immediately leaving to continue acting on his orders.

Thus, the Genin were left in a trepid silence, alone with the Hokage.

Hiruzen's aged eyes settled on Sasuke, particularly the Curse Mark on his shoulder, "You look well, Sasuke." His tone was warm.

Sasuke couldn't help but snort, "Of course."

Frowning, Hiruzen questioned, "Any complications or activation of the Cursed Seal?"

Blinking, Sasuke shook his head, "Except for the initial torture... It's nothing bothersome."

Hiruzen's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in an impressed tone, "That is... Impressive willpower, Sasuke. You have done well to endure and not succumb to its influence. Have you partaken in any combat since Orochimaru placed it on you?"

Shaking his head, Sasuke confirmed Hiruzen's suspicion.

Nodding, Hiruzen exhaled another puff of smoke, "I see..."

Then, the temperature dropped significantly, as his gaze turned to Akira.

The old Kage flexed his chakra, causing a great weight to settle on Akira's shoulders firmly.

"As for you, Nara Akira. Mind explaining yourself?" His tone was firm, demanding.

It wasn't a question.

It was an order.

Sasuke was equally uneasy, his eyes darting from Akira and Hiruzen in a degree of uncertainty, his fists clenching in worry and indecision.

Sweat trickled down Akira's face, and his expression paled.

Despite this, he kept his composure, "I adhered to the rules of the Exam. I see no issue in my acti-"

Hiruzen cut him off sharply, "If it's your little play with the Genin of other Villages? I care not about it, not even in the slightest. I am also grateful you had not gone overboard and treated your fellow Genin similarly. It's the only reason I'm going this easy on you, boy." He admitted freely.

"No, my issue with you starts and ends with how you answer this following question."


Akira nodded hesitantly.

"Why did you not remove the Curse Mark from Sasuke nor heal him and your comrades?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi had made many mistakes in his life...

Orochimaru had failed to properly inherit the Will Of Fire.


He will not make the same mistake again...

Even if he has to scare the boy... Hiruzen has to be stern with this batch.

They might be his last.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello my lovelies.

I will be locking in so I'm planning on releasing another chapter for this by the weekend.

Which also means i'm not updating anything else, since all my WRITING POWAH is funneled into this.


Akira and Sasuke have broken up for now (Womp womp).

Sasuke is planning on getting that Shikamaru [STRONG IQ] support to unveil Akira's plan AGAINST HIS WILL.



Next chapter's gonna be a lil drama drama yeah yeah.

How I love those! Teehe~! (I don't but they gotta be written)

After that, i'll be doing a few day skiperuni to the Prelimenary matches.

I've got the Teams but not the match-ups (I gotta spin that wheel yo).

I'm also a lil tired.

So on that note my beloved readers who painstakingly endured 340,000 words of my yapping!

Love ya and cya! Bu Bye!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P. A .T R 3 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:


As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Gojo [STRONG RETURN] In Dandadan Episode 4. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author's Note End-