
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Pugilist Sorcerer

In the bustling heart of Tokyo, Hiro Takashi, a 16-year-old boxing sensation known as "The Golden Boy" and "The Lightning of Tokyo," lives a life of fame and luxury. Celebrated for his prowess in the ring, Hiro is charismatic, confident, and accustomed to being the center of attention. However, beneath his glamorous lifestyle, he harbors a desire for something more meaningful, a yearning hidden behind his confident façade. At one of his extravagant parties, Hiro encounters Maki Zenin, a green-haired girl with a mysterious aura. Unlike his usual admirers, Maki is indifferent to Hiro's fame. Intrigued by her unimpressed demeanor, Hiro attempts to charm her, only to be humorously upended. Maki, unbeknownst to Hiro, is a student at the Jujutsu High School, deeply involved in the world of Jujutsu sorcery. As fate intertwines their paths, Hiro finds himself drawn into the enigmatic and perilous world of Jujutsu. Encounters with cursed spirits and the complexities of Jujutsu sorcery challenge Hiro's understanding of strength and courage. Simultaneously, Maki, known for her stoic nature and prowess in battle, finds Hiro's persistence and unique perspective refreshing, despite her initial reluctance.

Orrlex · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Returned to

Hiro sat alone on the steps leading up to the entrance of the jujutsu school, his figure bathed in the soft, ambient glow of the night. The sky above stretched vast and deep, an endless canvas of dark blues and purples, dotted with countless stars that twinkled like distant, watchful eyes. The crescent moon hung low, casting a gentle silver light that added a surreal quality to the scene.

He gazed upwards, lost in thought, the serene beauty of the celestial expanse contrasting sharply with the turmoil in his mind. Hiro's eyes, usually so full of determination and confidence, now reflected a hint of worry and contemplation. "Why are Maki and Yazu taking so long?" he wondered silently, his concern for his friends growing with each passing moment.

The night breeze whispered through the trees surrounding the school, carrying with it the quiet sounds of the nocturnal world. The rustling leaves seemed to echo Hiro's unease, a soft symphony that resonated with his internal anxieties.

Despite the tranquility of the setting, Hiro felt an unease that he couldn't shake off. Maki and Yazu were skilled and capable, but the unpredictability of their world, where danger lurked in every shadow, was a constant reminder of the risks they all faced.

As he sat there, watching the stars and waiting for any sign of his friends, Hiro's thoughts wandered to the challenges they had all overcome and the battles they had fought together. The school, a symbol of their commitment and strength, stood silently behind him, its darkened windows mirroring the night sky.

The peacefulness of the night was a stark contrast to the chaos of their lives as sorcerers. In this moment of solitude, Hiro found himself hoping for the safe return of Maki and Yazu, his friends and comrades in a world where the line between triumph and tragedy was ever so thin.

In the stillness of the night, as Hiro sat contemplating under the starlit sky, a sinister laugh echoed in his mind, jarring him from his thoughts. It was Buda, his mentor's voice, resonating with a tenebrous glee that sent shivers down his spine.

"How are you feeling, kid? Ready for another fight?" Buda's voice was both mocking and probing, echoing in the recesses of Hiro's consciousness.

Hiro, still feeling the physical toll of his recent battles, responded with a mix of frustration and resignation. "I'm not fully recovered yet. I can't use cursed energy, and my body still aches," he admitted, the concern evident in his voice.

Buda's laughter grew louder and more unsettling in Hiro's mind. "That's too bad, boy. But you'll have to fight. Right now."

Hiro's eyes snapped open, startled by Buda's ominous words. The abruptness of the statement and the urgency behind it caught him off guard. His heart raced as he scanned the surroundings, half-expecting an immediate threat to materialize out of the shadows.

The laughter faded, leaving Hiro with a sense of impending doom. Buda's warning was clear: danger was imminent, and he needed to be prepared to face it, regardless of his current condition.

Hiro stood up slowly, his body protesting with pain. He looked around, his senses heightened, ready to confront whatever challenge Buda's cryptic message had implied. The serene night now felt like a deceptive facade, hiding unknown dangers lurking just beyond his perception.


Yazu stood frozen, his eyes wide with horror, as he took in the gruesome scene before him. Yami's hands were drenched in blood, a chilling testament to the massacre that had unfolded in the Zenin Mansion's garden. The bodies of the Zenin clan members were scattered across the area, their lifeless forms creating a macabre landscape under the moonlit sky.

In the midst of the carnage, only Naoya remained conscious, though he was clearly at his limit. He was on his knees, gasping for breath, his body shaking from the exertion and fear. His usual arrogance was gone, replaced by a realization of his own helplessness in the face of Yami's overwhelming power.

Yami, standing amidst the destruction he had wrought, turned his attention to Naoya. "Oh, still hanging on, Zenin?" he asked mockingly, his voice cold and devoid of empathy.

Naoya, unable to muster a response, remained silent, his eyes filled with terror. It was evident to him that Yami's strength was beyond anything he had ever encountered, a force that dwarfed even the mightiest sorcerers.

Yazu, observing the scene from a distance, was gripped by a mixture of shock and confusion. "Why is Yamada so much stronger now?" he wondered, struggling to comprehend the transformation that had turned Yamada into Yami, this fearsome entity capable of such ruthless efficiency.

The garden, once a place of beauty and tranquility, had turned into a battlefield marked by death and destruction. The stark contrast between the peaceful night and the violence that had just occurred was jarring.

As Yami's gaze swept over the area, his expression one of satisfaction and control, Yazu realized the gravity of the situation. Yami was not just a resurrected sorcerer; he was a being of immense and terrifying power, whose motives and capabilities were unknown.

Yazu stood amidst the chaos, his arms outstretched, as a tumult of thoughts raced through his mind. He was acutely aware of the tremendous strain his body was under, having already invoked his Domain Expansion earlier. The risk of attempting it a second time in one day was immense; it was a dangerous gambit that could very well cost him his life.

He glanced at the injured Zenin sisters, their forms a stark reminder of the dire situation they were in. The sight of them, vulnerable and depending on him, steeled his resolve. "I have to do this," Yazu thought to himself, determination etching his features. "It's the only way."

With a deep breath, he summoned all his strength and focus, and shouted, "DOMAIN EXPANSION!"

The world around him shifted as his domain materialized – an empty, vast theater, an echo of solitude and silence. It was a stark representation of Yazu's inner world, a place where his foresight could play out the unseen possibilities of the future.

As the domain expanded, the physical toll on Yazu was immediate and severe. Blood began to trickle from his nose, a bright crimson against his pale skin. His body started to tremble uncontrollably, each shiver a testament to the immense pressure he was exerting on himself.

In this desolate theater of his making, Yazu stood as the sole actor on a stage of desperation and determination. The stakes were life and death, and he was acutely aware that this could be his final performance. Despite the pain and the overwhelming odds, Yazu's will remained unbroken. He was ready to confront whatever came next, to protect those who had placed their trust in him, and to face the formidable adversary that Yami represented.

As the haunting strains of Mozart's Symphony No. 40 filled the void of Yazu's Domain Expansion, a theater steeped in suspense and expectancy, Yazu's mind raced with possibilities and decisions. The melody, a familiar harbinger of his extraordinary ability, opened a gateway of choices, each fraught with its own risks and potential outcomes.

"The Symphony No. 40... It allows me to teleport anyone I know to me," Yazu thought, his concern growing. The weight of the decision pressed upon him, the notes of the symphony underscoring the gravity of the moment.

"Can I bring Professor Gojo here? Even though he's sealed, I'm not sure what my domain is capable of..." Yazu pondered, the idea tempting yet fraught with uncertainty. He swallowed hard, realizing the risk was too great. "No, I can't gamble on that."

His mind shifted to other potential allies. "Hiro senpai is exhausted... What about Yuki? Or Yuta senpai?" He considered each option, but deep down, he knew they might not be enough to turn the tide against Yami's overwhelming power.

Yazu clenched his teeth, his resolve hardening. Yami watched with a curious interest, awaiting his move. In a moment of decisive clarity, Yazu shouted, "Ahh, damn it, I trust in you!"

Bringing the palms of his hands together, a surge of energy began to overflow from them. The tension in the theater of his domain reached its peak. In a dramatic climax, as the symphony swelled, the domain shattered, unable to contain the force Yazu was unleashing.

From the sky above, a bolt of lightning struck down, a brilliant and powerful manifestation of Yazu's decision. The garden, once silent and still under the night sky, was now illuminated by the fierce light of the lightning, a symbol of Yazu's determination and the unleashing of his full potential.

The aftermath of the lightning strike revealed Hiro, who emerged from the settling cloud of dust. His arrival was abrupt, and he quickly scanned the scene with a sharp, practiced eye. The sight that greeted him caused his heart to skip a beat. There, in the midst of the carnage, stood Yami, but the body he occupied was hauntingly familiar - it was Yamada, Hiro's best friend, whom he had believed to be gone forever.

For a moment, Hiro's usual composure faltered, replaced by a visceral shock. "Yamada?" he gasped, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and horror. The realization that his friend, whom he had mourned and believed dead, was now the vessel for this malevolent entity, Yami, sent a wave of turmoil through him.

Yami, looking at Hiro with an unsettlingly calm demeanor, replied, "Ah, Hiro Takashi, so we meet again. But as you can see, Yamada is no more. I am all that remains."

The revelation hit Hiro like a physical blow, stirring a maelstrom of emotions within him – grief, anger, disbelief. He clenched his fists tightly, struggling to process the reality before him. His friend, whose death he had already mourned, was now standing as a twisted version of himself, a puppet for Yami's dark will.

Meanwhile, Yazu, drained from his earlier exertions and the shock of the situation, collapsed to the ground, succumbing to unconsciousness. His body could take no more, and he lay still, a silent testament to the toll of their struggles.

Hiro, torn between concern for Yazu and the need to confront Yami, forced himself to focus on the immediate threat. He stepped forward, his gaze hardened with resolve, yet the pain of seeing Yamada's face used in such a way was evident in his eyes.

As Hiro squared off against Yami, his posture radiated confidence, a stark contrast to the eerie presence of his adversary. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, focused intently on the entity inhabiting Yamada's body.

"Identify yourself," Hiro commanded, his tone firm and unshaken. He scrutinized Yami, ready to untangle the enigma before him.

Wearing Yamada's face, Yami replied with disconcerting tranquility, "I am Yami, the essence that now reigns over what once was your ally."

Irritation flickered in Hiro's gaze, but his voice remained steady. "What fate befell Yamada?" he inquired, maintaining his composure in the face of this affront.

With a malevolent grin, Yami declared, "Yamada is no more. I've claimed his shell for my own ends."

Casting a protective glance at Maki and Mai, Hiro's resolve solidified. "Your disgrace of his legacy ends now. I'll ensure it," he asserted, his determination palpable.

Unperturbed, Yami responded, "A bold claim, Hiro Takashi. Yet, you stand before an unparalleled force."

Hiro touched the earrings he received from Buda, a silent plea for their power. A frown creased his brow as he realized the grim truth. "Damn it, the earrings haven't recharged their cursed energy yet. And my own energy is still recovering," he thought, the situation growing more dire by the second.

His eyes shifted to the injured forms of Maki and Mai, concern etched on his face. In a swift decision, he resolved, "I'll have to convert the little physical energy I have left into cursed energy, then use reverse cursed technique to heal. But that'll leave me severely limited. I can only use one Domain Expansion, and Divine Punishment is out of the question. I have no other choice."

Swallowing hard at the thought of his constraints, Hiro turned his attention to Naoya, who was still gasping for breath, his gaze fixed on Yami. Hiro strode over to him and asked pointedly, "Can you fight?"

Naoya, despite his exhaustion, retorted with his usual bravado, "Of course I can, you arrogant fool."

Hiro, unfazed by the insult, squared his shoulders and shot back, "Who are you calling arrogant, you idiot?" His stance was defensive yet ready, a clear indication that he was prepared to face whatever Yami had in store, regardless of the odds.

In the moonlit garden, a delicate balance of power hung in the air. Hiro, with his limited resources and Naoya by his side, prepared to confront Yami, a powerful and enigmatic adversary. The night held its breath as the stage was set for a showdown that was as much about wits and strategy as it was about sheer power.

Mai watched incredulously as Hiro and Naoya, two individuals known for their mutual disdain, united against a common enemy. "Those two, teaming up? They can barely stand each other. Things must be really dire," she thought, a sense of unease mingling with her astonishment.

The ensuing battle was an unlikely symphony of synchronicity between Hiro and Naoya. Hiro, harnessing the remnants of his physical energy, conjured both fire and electricity, his flames dancing with the arcs of lightning that crackled around him. Each burst of fire or jolt of electricity was a testament to his resolve, illuminating the garden with their incandescent glow.

Naoya, moving with his characteristic agility, utilized his cursed technique, 'Projection Sorcery,' to its fullest. He darted around Yami, creating a confusing array of afterimages. If Yami failed to accurately follow Naoya's swift and intricate movements, he would momentarily freeze, trapped in a frame of time.

In one moment, Hiro unleashed a torrent of flames, forcing Yami to shift his position, only for Naoya to exploit the opening. As Yami dodged the fire, he momentarily lost track of Naoya's movements, and in that split second, Naoya struck, landing a solid punch.

However, Yami seemed unfazed by their coordinated assault. He laughed, a deep, unsettling sound that echoed through the night. His amusement at their efforts only spurred Hiro and Naoya on, driving them to push their limits.

Hiro, feeling the strain of converting his physical energy, sent another surge of electricity towards Yami, the air crackling with energy. Naoya, seizing the opportunity, accelerated his movements, a blur of speed and precision. He executed a series of rapid strikes, each one a calculated effort to break through Yami's defenses.

Yami, in response, effortlessly maneuvered through the onslaught, his movements almost casual in their efficiency. He evaded Hiro's elemental attacks with an unnerving grace and countered Naoya's rapid strikes with deft, precise movements.

The garden became an arena of light and shadows, the moon casting a silvery glow over the intense battle. Hiro and Naoya, for all their synchronized attacks and strategic cooperation, found themselves up against a foe who seemed to be always one step ahead, reveling in the challenge they presented.

The battle between Hiro, Naoya, and Yami escalated into an intense melee, the moon casting its pale light over the brutal combat. The garden, once a peaceful haven, transformed into a battleground where each fighter pushed their limits.

Hiro, his energy reserves dwindling, engaged Yami with a ferocity born of desperation. He launched a swift uppercut aimed at Yami's jaw, but Yami deftly parried, countering with a sharp jab that caught Hiro off-guard. A thin trail of blood trickled from Hiro's lip, a crimson line stark against his skin.

Naoya, capitalizing on the momentary distraction, lunged at Yami with a series of rapid punches. His fists moved in a blur, but Yami's reflexes were quicker. He dodged each strike with an almost supernatural agility. Naoya's final punch, however, broke through, connecting with Yami's ribs. The impact was met with the sound of cracking, and for a moment, Yami's composure flickered.

Yami, unfazed, retaliated with a sweeping kick, sending Naoya sprawling to the ground. The thud of his body hitting the earth was harsh in the still night. Blood spat from Naoya's mouth, staining the ground beneath him.

Hiro, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a barrage of fire-enhanced punches. Each hit that landed scorched Yami's clothes, leaving burn marks on his skin. Yami hissed in pain, the smell of singed fabric and flesh filling the air.

Despite the relentless assault, Yami remained a formidable opponent. He grabbed Hiro's arm during an attempted strike, twisting it with brutal force. The sound of Hiro's strained tendons was audible, and he grimaced in pain, his face contorted.

Yami's assault intensified, his movements a lethal dance of power and malice. With a sudden, powerful kick, he sent Hiro flying across the garden. Hiro hit the ground hard but managed to scramble back to his feet, grimacing from the impact.

Before Hiro could regain his bearings, Yami manipulated the gravity around him, an oppressive force pinning Hiro helplessly to the ground. Struggling against the invisible weight, Hiro found himself immobilized, his muscles straining in vain.

Yami, seizing the opportunity, conjured a dark, swirling orb of energy in his palm. The orb pulsated with malevolent power, growing in size as Yami prepared to launch it at the defenseless Hiro.

As the orb hurtled towards him, Hiro braced for the worst, his thoughts a whirlwind of regret and defiance. He saw his end approaching, a dark conclusion to the fierce battle.

But in an unexpected turn, Naoya lunged forward, pushing Hiro out of the orb's path. The two of them tumbled to the side, just as the orb collided with the Zenin Mansion. The resulting explosion was colossal, the impact sending shockwaves through the garden. The mansion's walls crumbled, debris flying in all directions, a cloud of dust and smoke billowing into the night sky.

Hiro, lying on the ground beside Naoya, turned to him, confusion and gratitude mingling in his expression. "Why did you save me?" he asked, his voice strained.

Naoya, catching his breath, replied grudgingly, "If one of us dies, there's no chance of beating him. I'm not doing this for you."

The admission, though delivered with Naoya's typical brusqueness, revealed a pragmatic acknowledgment of their situation. They needed each other to survive this encounter with Yami.

As the dust settled from the explosion, the two sorcerers got to their feet, their resolve hardened.

Yami stood amidst the debris, his expression one of cool detachment, unaffected by the explosion that had rocked the garden moments ago. He watched Hiro and Naoya with a sense of amusement, as if they were merely players in a game he had already won.

"Your efforts are futile," Yami declared, his voice echoing with a chilling certainty. He let out a leisurely yawn, emphasizing his disdain, and then began to conjure another orb of dark energy. This time, it was significantly larger, pulsating with a malevolent power that dwarfed the previous one, casting ominous shadows across the garden.

Hiro, realizing the imminent danger, acted with urgency. He summoned his dragons of fire and thunder, two majestic beasts that roared into existence beside him. The dragons, embodiments of Hiro's power, reared up, their eyes ablaze with cursed energy.

With a commanding gesture from Hiro, the dragons unleashed a torrential cannon of cursed energy, a blazing beam that lit up the night. The beam surged towards Yami's dark orb, the two forces colliding in a spectacular display of light and power.

The clash was cataclysmic, a battle of elemental fury against dark malevolence. The energy from the dragons met the orb head-on, creating a maelstrom of conflicting forces. The air crackled and hummed with the intensity of the collision, the ground beneath them vibrating with the sheer power being unleashed.

For a moment, it seemed as though the two forces were locked in a stalemate, a blinding vortex of energy that illuminated the night sky. Then, with a deafening roar, the energies exploded, sending shockwaves radiating outwards. The force of the explosion was immense, shattering windows in the mansion and uprooting nearby trees.

Hiro and Naoya, along with Yami, were thrown back by the blast, the shockwave propelling them through the air. They landed hard, each trying to regain their bearings amidst the chaos and destruction.

The garden, once a tranquil refuge, now lay in ruins, a testament to the fierce battle that had taken place. As the dust settled and the echoes of the explosion faded, Hiro, Naoya, and Yami slowly rose to their feet, each assessing the other in the aftermath of the colossal clash. The night was no longer quiet; it was filled with the remnants of their struggle, a struggle that was far from over.

As Yami began to form another massive orb of dark energy, Hiro and Naoya watched in disbelief, their fatigue and injuries making the prospect of another assault seem insurmountable. The orb grew larger, its ominous glow casting a pall over the devastated garden.

"Hey, idiot, hurry up and use your dragons again!" Naoya barked at Hiro, desperation creeping into his voice.

Hiro, struggling to catch his breath, responded with a pained expression, "I can't... I don't have enough energy to materialize another dragon."

Naoya clicked his tongue in frustration, realizing the gravity of their situation. They watched helplessly as Yami, with a twisted smile, launched the colossal orb towards them. It hurtled through the air, a harbinger of certain doom.

In those seconds, time seemed to slow down. Hiro and Naoya braced themselves for the inevitable impact, the weight of their impending defeat heavy upon them. The garden, already ravaged by their previous clash, appeared to hold its breath, the night air thick with tension and dread.

Then, in a moment of sheer determination, Hiro stepped forward, extending his arms towards the oncoming orb. "I have to do this," he thought, channeling every last bit of his strength and willpower.

To Yami's surprise, Hiro began to physically slow the orb's advance with his bare hands. His body shook with the effort, every muscle straining under the immense pressure. The orb's energy crackled against Hiro's skin, burning him, but he held firm, his face a mask of concentration and pain.

With a final, Herculean effort, Hiro managed to dissipate the orb entirely. Exhausted and in agony, he looked at his hands, scorched and blistered from the encounter. A sense of disbelief and triumph washed over him as he realized what he had accomplished. "I did it... I managed to manipulate someone else's cursed energy," he murmured, a small, victorious smile breaking through the pain.

The garden was silent in the aftermath, the threat of the orb gone, leaving only Hiro, Naoya, and a stunned Yami. Despite his injuries, Hiro had shown a remarkable ability to adapt and overcome, a testament to his strength as a sorcerer. The night, which had witnessed their desperate struggle, now bore witness to Hiro's resilience and unwavering spirit.

Yami, observing Hiro's display of power, contemplated the rarity of his ability. "I've never encountered a sorcerer capable of manipulating another user's cursed energy. You're an interesting one, kid," he mused aloud, his tone a mix of curiosity and respect.

Just then, three splatters of blood struck Yami's head. Nonchalantly, he wiped the blood away and turned to see Momo and Kamo joining Hiro and Naoya. Their arrival added a new dynamic to the already tense atmosphere.

"Great, more punching bags," Yami commented dryly, sizing up the new arrivals.

Naoya glanced at Kamo with a mix of annoyance and relief. "I'd say you arrived just in time, but you're probably more of a hindrance than help," he remarked snidely.

Kamo, unfazed by Naoya's comment, shot back, "I don't need to hear that from the temper tantrum boy."

Naoya opened his mouth to retort, but Hiro interjected, "Ah, Kamo, what happened to your hair?" His question was lighthearted, a brief moment of levity amidst the tension.

Kamo responded with a grin, "It's a long story."

Hiro chuckled, "You should have told me. I know a good barber."

Yami, exuding an air of nonchalance amidst the heightened tension, let out a bored yawn. His gaze shifted to Hiro, and he casually addressed him, "Hey, blondie, do me a favor."

Hiro's eyes narrowed as he met Yami's gaze, a mix of caution and curiosity in his expression.

Yami continued with a smirk, "Tell the vessel of Sukuna to consume all of his fingers at once. I'd like to face an opponent who's actually on my level." His words were laced with arrogance and a challenge, as if summoning a worthy adversary to a duel.

The smirk on Yami's face grew wider, almost taunting. "Tell him I'll be waiting in Tokyo in a week," he said, his tone suggesting both a threat and an invitation.

With that, Yami turned and began to walk away from the scene of the battle, his departure as casual as if he had merely been a spectator rather than a participant in the violent confrontation.

The group watched in silence as Yami left the mansion grounds, each processing his words and the implications of the challenge he had laid out. Hiro, Momo, Kamo, and Naoya exchanged looks, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew this was far from over. Yami's departure marked not the end of the conflict, but the beginning of a larger, more daunting challenge that lay ahead.

The night, once filled with the sounds of battle, now settled into a quieter, more contemplative mood. The garden, bearing the scars of their fight, stood as a reminder of what had transpired and what was yet to come.

As the tension from Yami's departure began to dissipate, Naoya's body finally gave in to the exhaustion and injuries he had sustained. He collapsed to the ground, unconscious and drained from the ordeal.

Hiro quickly took charge of the situation, his leadership qualities coming to the forefront. "We need to get everyone to Tokyo for treatment," he announced decisively, glancing at Maki, Mai, and the unconscious Yazu.

Kamo, surveying the scene, noticed Naoya's prone form and raised a question, "What about him?" He gestured towards Naoya with a hint of reluctance in his voice.

Hiro didn't hesitate in his response. "He's coming with us," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Kamo frowned, clearly not pleased with the idea. "Why are we dragging him along? He's nothing but trouble."

Hiro met Kamo's gaze firmly. "He saved my life. I owe him one, regardless of our differences. We don't leave anyone behind," he stated, his voice reflecting a deep sense of duty and honor.

The group, though weary and battered, recognized the wisdom in Hiro's words. Despite their personal feelings towards Naoya, it was clear that they were bound by a common cause and shared experiences.


As Maki slowly regained consciousness, her eyes adjusting to the soft lighting of the jujutsu school's infirmary, she recognized the familiar hum of medical equipment and the sterile, comforting scent of the room. Gently attempting to sit up, she felt aches in her body, a vivid reminder of the recent battle.

Her gaze wandered, landing on Hiro, seated and asleep beside her bed. His presence was both an unusual and reassuring sight. In his sleep, the sharp edges of his usual alertness were softened, revealing a rare vulnerability.

"Hiro?" Maki's voice was faint but clear, breaking the quietude of the room.

Stirred from his slumber, Hiro lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. "Maki, you're awake," he said, his tone carrying a hint of relief.

"How long have I been out?" Maki asked, her mind still foggy with remnants of unconsciousness.

"A few hours. Shoko has treated your injuries. You'll be alright," Hiro replied, offering her a faint smile.

Maki took a moment to absorb this, her thoughts slowly piecing together the events leading to her current state. "And the others? Yazu, Mai?" she inquired with concern.

"They're also here, recovering. We all made it back," Hiro assured her, understanding her worry.

Maki's eyes scanned the infirmary, taking in the details of the room she found herself in. Her gaze suddenly fell upon a figure lying unconscious on another bed – it was Naoya. A frown quickly formed on her face, her irritation palpable.

"What is he doing here?" Maki demanded, her voice sharp, filled with annoyance.

Hiro, sensing the tension in her voice, turned back towards her. "He's here because he helped us in the fight. He saved my life out there," Hiro explained calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.

Maki's frown deepened, her dislike for Naoya evident. "Helped us? That doesn't erase everything he's done. I don't want him here," she stated firmly, her distaste for Naoya clear in her tone.

Hiro approached Maki's bed, trying to ease her concerns. "I understand how you feel about him, but right now, we need all the help we can get. He's a valuable asset in the fight against Yami."

Maki shook her head, her frustration growing. "I don't care. I don't trust him, and I don't want to be anywhere near him," she declared, her eyes flashing with anger.

Hiro sighed, recognizing the depth of her feelings. "I'll see what I can do," he said, his tone suggesting he understood her perspective.

Maki's gaze turned away from Naoya, her expression still troubled. "Just... make sure he stays away from me," she added, her voice softer but still laced with anger.

Hiro nodded, acknowledging her request. "I'll make sure of it," he assured her before leaving the infirmary to give her some space.

As Hiro exited, Maki lay back on her pillow, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. The presence of Naoya in the same room, even unconscious and potentially an ally, was a bitter pill to swallow. Her thoughts wandered to the upcoming battle, knowing that despite her feelings, they all faced a common enemy in Yami. But for Maki, some alliances were harder to accept than others.

Hiro stood outside the infirmary, gazing up at the moon. Its luminous glow cast a serene light over the school grounds, providing a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of recent events.

As he lost himself in thought, he suddenly felt hands gently cover his eyes from behind. A familiar voice playfully challenged, "Guess who?"

Smiling slightly at the interruption, Hiro responded, "With timing like this, it can only be Mai."

Mai removed her hands and stepped beside him, a mischievous grin on her face. "You're no fun, you know that?"

Hiro turned to her, his smile growing more genuine. "How are you feeling? You gave us quite a scare back there."

Mai shrugged nonchalantly, though there was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "I've been through worse. But enough about me, how are you holding up?"

Hiro sighed, looking back up at the moon. "Just thinking about what's next. Yami's challenge... it's going to be tough."

Mai nodded in agreement, her playful demeanor fading into seriousness. "We all need to be at our best. But hey, we've got you, our resident hero."

Hiro chuckled softly. "I'm no hero, Mai. Just doing what needs to be done."

Mai elbowed him lightly. "Modesty doesn't suit you, Hiro. We all saw what you did out there."

The two stood in silence for a moment, sharing the comfort of each other's company. Hiro then spoke up, "We should rest while we can. It's going to be a long week ahead."

Mai agreed, "Yeah, rest sounds good. But Hiro... thanks, for everything."

Hiro gave her a reassuring nod. "We're in this together."

As they headed back inside, the moon continued to shine above, a silent witness to the bond they shared and the challenges they would face together. The night, once a backdrop for their battle, now offered a brief respite, a chance to gather strength for the trials ahead.