

Alone in the empty park, Hiro sat on the ground, his back against a tree, trying to gather his scattered thoughts. The weight of recent events pressed heavily on him – the loss of his relationship with Maki, the brutal murder of Yina by her own brother, and the realization that his best friend, Yamada, had become his enemy.

For a moment, Hiro allowed himself to feel the full extent of his despair. "How did it all come to this?" he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible. "Maki, Yina, Yamada... everything's falling apart."

He closed his eyes, feeling the urge to just break down, to give in to the overwhelming sense of defeat. But deep down, a spark of his true self flickered to life, a reminder of who he was.

Hiro Takashi was not one to surrender, not in the face of adversity, not when others depended on him. Slowly, he stood up, his legs shaky but supporting him. He clenched his fists, a newfound determination lighting up his eyes.

"I won't let this be the end," Hiro declared, his voice gaining strength. "Yamada has lost his way, but I won't let him bring further chaos. I will stop him. For Maki, for Yina, for everyone he threatens."

He looked towards the direction of Shibuya, where the final confrontation with Yamada seemed inevitable. "I'll be ready for you in Shibuya, Yamada. This is far from over."

With each step he took out of the park, Hiro's resolve solidified. He knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was prepared to face them head-on. Hiro Takashi, the jujutsu sorcerer, was ready to fight for what he believed in, to protect those he cared about, and to stop a friend who had become an enemy. The battle in Shibuya would be a defining moment in his life, and he was determined to rise to the challenge.

Still walking away from the park, Hiro pondered the inevitable confrontation with Yamada in Shibuya. The uncertainty of when it would happen lingered in his mind, adding to the complexity of his already troubled thoughts.

He stopped for a moment, looking up at the sky, which was gradually transitioning to the hues of evening. "When will this showdown be?" he mused aloud, a mix of anticipation and apprehension in his voice.

After a brief pause, Hiro shrugged off the uncertainty. "Well, I'll find out soon enough," he said to himself, trying to push the worry to the back of his mind.

Hiro knew that obsessing over the timing wouldn't change anything. Instead, he decided to focus on what he could control – his preparation for the battle. With every step he took, he felt more determined to be ready for whatever lay ahead. "No point in worrying about the 'when.' I just need to be prepared for the 'now,'" he thought.

Hiro returned to the Jujutsu school, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming confrontation. As he entered, he found Nanami waiting for him, an unusual expression of casualness on his face.

"I ordered some pizza. Thought you might be hungry," Nanami said, greeting Hiro.

Hiro's eyes brightened a bit at the mention of food. "Pizza? That's my favorite. Thanks, Nanami."

As they walked towards the dining area, Nanami glanced at Hiro with a concerned look. "So, what happened? I heard you went after Yamada."

Hiro sighed, recounting the events in the park, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resolve. "Yeah, I confronted him. He's... he's not the Yamada we knew. He's changed, and not for the better."

Nanami listened intently, his expression turning serious. "And how do you feel about all this?"

Hiro paused, choosing his words carefully. "Angry, confused, determined... It's a mix, really. I can't believe he's gone this far. And now, I know I have to stop him, no matter what."

Nanami nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It's a tough position you're in. But remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here to support you."

Hiro and Nanami entered the dining area, where several boxes of pizza were spread out on a large table. The aroma of melted cheese and various toppings filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

As they approached the table, Nanami turned to Hiro with a look of earnest concern. "You know, you shouldn't put so much weight on your shoulders. You're still young, Hiro. You should be enjoying life, not just burdening yourself with these heavy responsibilities."

Hiro paused, taking in Nanami's words. He picked up a slice of pizza, but his movements were slow, contemplative. "I know, but it's not that simple. With everything that's happening, how can I just step back and enjoy life?"

Nanami grabbed a slice for himself and leaned against the table. "It's about balance, Hiro. Yes, the situation with Yamada is serious, and it demands your attention. But don't lose yourself in the process. Remember to live a little, too."

Hiro took a bite of his pizza, considering Nanami's advice. "Balance, huh? I guess I've been all in on one side of the scale."

Nanami nodded, taking a bite of his own slice. "Exactly. It's easy to get caught up in the sorcerer's world, but you're more than just that. You're a person, too, with your own needs and desires. Don't forget that."

Hiro chewed thoughtfully, the flavors of the pizza bringing a small comfort. "Thanks, Nanami. I'll try to keep that in mind."

As they continued to enjoy the pizza, the atmosphere relaxed yet tinged with the undercurrents of the serious discussions they had just had. Nanami, ever observant, decided to broach another sensitive topic.

"Hiro, if you don't mind me asking, how are you holding up after the break with Maki?" Nanami inquired, his tone gentle but direct.

Hiro paused, a piece of pizza halfway to his mouth. He set it down and sighed, his expression turning introspective. "It's tough, Nanami. Maki has always been a big part of my life, and now... it feels like there's a void."

Nanami nodded empathetically. "Breakups are never easy, especially when the relationship was as deep as yours. But it's important to process these feelings, not bury them."

Hiro leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting. "I've been trying to keep busy, focus on the missions, the training... But yeah, it's hard not to think about her. About what could've been different."

Nanami offered a supportive smile. "It's good to stay busy, but also give yourself space to reflect and heal. These experiences, as painful as they are, they also help us grow."

Hiro picked up his pizza slice again, taking a bite, this time more thoughtfully. "Grow, huh? I guess every experience shapes us in some way."

"Yes," Nanami affirmed. "And remember, it's okay to feel sad, to miss her. It's all part of being human. Just don't let it consume you. You have a lot of good in your life, a lot to look forward to."

Hiro nodded, feeling a bit reassured. "Thanks, Nanami. I'll keep that in mind. And who knows what the future holds, right?"

"Exactly," Nanami replied. "The future is full of possibilities. Just keep moving forward."

As they continued eating, Hiro brought up another topic that had been on his mind. "Hey, what ever happened with Itadori? Did he end up joining the school?"

Nanami paused, his expression turning slightly grave. "Yes, he did join. But... he died."

Hiro's reaction was immediate and visceral. The slice of pizza he was holding fell from his hand back onto his plate. "Died? Itadori is dead?"

Nanami continued, "Yes, but there's more to it. He was revived, thanks to Sukuna's power. Right now, only a few of us know about this – me, Gojo, Shoko. Everyone else thinks he's still dead. It's for his own safety. But he's going to make a reappearance at the Kyoto Exchange Event."

Hiro was visibly shocked, trying to process this information. "Revived by Sukuna? That's... that's insane. But why keep it a secret?"

Nanami took a sip of his drink before answering. "It's a delicate situation. Itadori's existence is a bit of a complication, given Sukuna's involvement. Keeping it under wraps for now is the best way to protect him and others until we figure out a more permanent solution."

Hiro nodded slowly, his mind racing. "I see. And this exchange event... It's going to be quite the revelation when he shows up."

"Exactly," Nanami agreed. "It's going to raise a lot of questions and probably cause a stir. But it's necessary for Itadori's growth as a sorcerer and for him to understand the world he's now a part of."

As they continued their conversation, Hiro felt a sense of gratitude towards Nanami for his insights and support. He looked at Nanami, who was finishing his slice of pizza, and said sincerely, "You know, Nanami, you're a really great guy. I appreciate you being so straightforward and supportive."

Nanami, slightly taken aback by the compliment, gave a small smile and nodded. "Well, it's part of the job, Hiro. But I'm glad I can help in any way. We're all in this together, after all."

Hiro leaned back in his chair, feeling a bit more at ease. "It's good to have someone to talk to about all this stuff, especially someone who understands the craziness of our world."

Nanami laughed softly. "The 'craziness of our world' is an understatement. But I agree, it's important to have people to discuss these things with. Keeps us grounded."

The conversation and the shared meal had created a comforting atmosphere, a brief respite from the usual intensity of their lives as jujutsu sorcerers. Hiro felt thankful for Nanami's presence and the sense of camaraderie that came with it. In a world where uncertainties and dangers were a constant, having allies and friends like Nanami was invaluable.


The next morning, Hiro walked towards the dining hall, his mind preoccupied with recent events. "I've missed quite a few classes... though I doubt Gojo would care much," he mumbled to himself, a half-smile on his face.

Grabbing a tray and piling it with food, Hiro scanned the room. He noticed Panda, Inumaki, and Maki at one table, while Fushiguro sat alone at another. Deciding to join Fushiguro, Hiro approached with a friendly smile.

"Morning, Fushiguro. Mind if I join you?" Hiro greeted, his tone light.

Fushiguro looked up, his expression neutral but respectful. "Takashi-senpai, sure, go ahead," he replied, slightly stiff but courteous.

Hiro sat down, placing his tray on the table. "Been a while, huh? How's everything going with you?"

Fushiguro nodded, his demeanor focused and serious. "It's been alright, senpai. Just keeping up with the training and studies. What about you? You've been away."

Hiro took a bite of his breakfast, considering how much to share. "Ah, you know, just some personal stuff to sort out. Had a bit of a run-in with Yamada, too."

Fushiguro's eyebrows knitted slightly at the mention of Yamada. "I heard something about that. If there's any way I can assist, Takashi-senpai, just let me know."

Hiro appreciated Fushiguro's offer. "Thanks, Fushiguro. Means a lot. But I'm managing. It's given me some time to think, you know?"

As they continued their breakfast, Fushiguro leaned in slightly, a curious expression on his face. "By the way, Takashi-senpai, were you with someone in your room last night? I heard noise and laughter pretty late."

Hiro, who was about to take another spoonful of his breakfast, stopped mid-air, the spoon falling from his hand and clattering on his plate. Across the room, Maki, who overheard the conversation, shot Hiro a sharp, piercing look.

"No, no, it wasn't like that," Hiro quickly clarified, a hint of panic in his voice. "I was just watching a comedy movie. It got a bit loud, I guess."

Fushiguro raised an eyebrow, noticing Maki's reaction. He decided to play along with the misunderstanding, a slight smirk forming on his face. "Oh, a movie, huh? Sounded like you were having quite the party."

Hiro glanced nervously at Maki, who still looked irritated. "Really, it was just a movie! I swear, Fushiguro, you've got it all wrong."

Maki's gaze hadn't softened, and Hiro could feel the tension in the air. He turned back to Fushiguro, trying to change the subject. "Anyway, how's your training going? Any new techniques you're working on?"

Fushiguro, catching onto Hiro's attempt to divert the conversation, nodded and started talking about his recent training progress. Meanwhile, Hiro kept stealing glances at Maki, hoping to somehow communicate his innocence in the matter.


Fushiguro and Kugisaki sat in the shade of one of the small buildings within the school grounds, a somber atmosphere enveloping them as they remembered Itadori. Their conversation was reflective and filled with a sense of loss.

As they were talking, Maki approached them, her expression showing a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "Why the long faces? You both look more down than usual. Are you in mourning or something?" she asked, her tone a bit brusque and insensitive.

Before either Fushiguro or Kugisaki could respond, Panda, who was hiding behind a nearby tree, whispered to Maki, "Didn't you hear the news? A first-year student died. That's why they're like this."

Maki's eyes widened in shock, and she quickly turned towards Panda, visibly upset. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Now I look like a heartless demon!"

Panda replied, a hint of teasing in his voice, "Well, you kind of do."

Annoyed and embarrassed, Maki grabbed her wooden sword and started playfully hitting Panda with it. "You could have warned me, you big furball!"

As Kugisaki watched the playful scuffle between Panda, Maki, and Inumaki, a look of curiosity crossed her face. She turned to Fushiguro with a questioning gaze.

"Who are they?" Kugisaki inquired, nodding towards the group.

Fushiguro glanced over at his friends and began to introduce them. "That's Maki Zenin, she's known for her exceptional skill with cursed tools and her strength as a sorcerer. The one she's hitting with her wooden sword is Panda. He's... well, he's Panda." Fushiguro's description of Panda was simple, reflecting the unique and somewhat inexplicable nature of his existence.

"And that's Toge Inumaki. He uses cursed speech. All of them are my senpais, second-year students," he added, giving Kugisaki a brief overview of their abilities.

Kugisaki nodded, taking in the information. "And who's the one missing?" she asked, sensing there was someone else Fushiguro hadn't mentioned.

"Oh, that's Yuta Okkotsu," Fushiguro replied. "He's also a second-year, and he's the one I respect the most. But he's currently in Africa on a mission. He's incredibly powerful and has a special cursed spirit he can control."

As Fushiguro and Kugisaki continued their conversation, Hiro casually strolled into the scene. His presence was noticeable, and Kugisaki's attention quickly shifted to him.

"Who's that? He's quite handsome," Kugisaki remarked, observing Hiro.

Fushiguro glanced at Hiro and replied, "That's Hiro Takashi, another second-year. He's known for his monk-like wisdom and is a Grade 1 sorcerer. He was promoted rapidly within a few months, which is record-breaking. That happened after he defeated a special grade sorcerer."

Kugisaki looked impressed. "Wow, that's quite an achievement."

Fushiguro nodded, continuing his explanation. "And recently, Hiro fought against another special grade sorcerer. The higher-ups watched the fight through cameras, and there are rumors they might promote him to a special grade sorcerer. He's exceptionally skilled. But..."

Kugisaki leaned in, curious about the 'but' in Fushiguro's sentence.

Fushiguro sighed slightly. "Well, sometimes he can be a bit of an idiot. He forgets to flush the toilet, talks with his mouth full, isn't always considerate, can be pretty arrogant, and he's also Maki's ex-boyfriend."

Kugisaki's eyes widened at the last part. "Ex-boyfriend? That's unexpected. Seems like there's more to him than just his abilities."

Hiro, seemingly unaware of their conversation, continued on his way, greeting others as he passed. Fushiguro and Kugisaki watched him, the former with a sense of familiarity and the latter with newfound curiosity.

As Hiro made his way through the group, he paused briefly when he reached Fushiguro. With a confident and somewhat mischievous grin, he addressed him.

"Hey, Fushiguro, I've been thinking," Hiro started, his tone suggesting he had something important in mind. "With the Kyoto Exchange Event coming up, I'm going to take it upon myself to train you. Get you prepared for it."

Fushiguro looked slightly surprised but intrigued. "Really? You're going to train me?"

Hiro nodded affirmatively. "Yep, consider it my personal project. But fair warning, I won't go easy on you. Better be ready for some intense training."

Fushiguro's expression shifted to one of determination. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm ready to learn whatever you can teach me."

Hiro clapped Fushiguro on the shoulder, pleased with his response. "Good to hear. I'm just going to change real quick, and then we can get started."

Kugisaki and Maki sat side by side on the bleachers, taking a break and chatting about the day's heat. As they sipped their drinks, they watched the training field from a distance. Fushiguro was there, going through his warm-up routine, his movements focused and precise.

Suddenly, Hiro joined Fushiguro on the field. He was dressed in his training attire – tight black sports pants and white sneakers, complemented by a white tank top that showcased his athletic physique. The sun gleamed off his toned muscles, highlighting his strength and agility.

Kugisaki, observing Hiro, couldn't help but comment to Maki, her voice tinged with both amusement and disbelief. "Seriously, Maki, why in the world did you let that hunk go? He's total eye candy!"

Maki, glancing at Hiro, tried to maintain a nonchalant expression, but a hint of regret flickered in her eyes. "It's... complicated," she responded, her voice trailing off.

Kugisaki leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Complicated? Look at him; he's like a model out of a sports magazine. And he's a top-class sorcerer to boot."

Maki sighed, her gaze still fixed on Hiro. "I know, I know. But relationships aren't just about looks or abilities. There's a lot more to it."

Kugisaki, still watching Hiro, continued with a hint of playfulness in her tone. "A guy as good-looking as Takashi-senpai can probably get away with anything. He could easily be on the cover of Play Girl magazine, and it'd be the best-selling issue of the year. Just look at those big eyes, that hair, listen to his voice. He's got presence."

Maki glanced at Hiro again, a wry smile forming on her lips at Kugisaki's comments. She then turned to Kugisaki, teasingly challenging her. "If you like him so much, why don't you go out with him?"

Kugisaki's eyes widened, and she let out a laugh, half in jest and half in surprise. "Me? With Takashi-senpai? I mean, he's attractive, sure, but I'm not about to step into that minefield. Besides, he's your ex. That's like... against the girl code or something."

Maki shrugged, her expression returning to one of amusement. "There's no girl code stopping you. And who knows, maybe you'll manage to tame him."

Kugisaki shook her head, still chuckling. "Tame him? Now that would be a sight. But no, thanks. I'll admire him from a safe distance."

As Hiro prepared to begin the training session with Fushiguro, he didn't mince words. "You rely too much on your Ten Shadows Technique, Megumi. You're neglecting your physical strength. Remember, a stronger body opens up more possibilities in battle."

Fushiguro listened, a bit taken aback by Hiro's blunt assessment.

Hiro then picked up two weighted vests – one weighing 30 kilograms, which he handed to Fushiguro, and another weighing a hefty 100 kilograms for himself. "These will help build your endurance and strength," he explained as he strapped on his vest.

Fushiguro hesitated for a moment before donning the vest, the weight immediately noticeable. "This is heavy," he commented, adjusting to the added burden.

Hiro smiled and started jogging on the track. "That's the point! Come on, keep up with me."

Fushiguro, with a slight grimace, began jogging behind Hiro. The weight of the vest made each step more challenging, but he was determined not to fall behind.

As they ran, Hiro called back, "Focus on your breathing, Megumi. Keep a steady pace. This is just the warm-up."

Fushiguro grunted in response, concentrating on his breathing and pace. Despite the challenge, he understood the value of what Hiro was teaching him. Physical strength was an essential aspect of being a jujutsu sorcerer, one that he had admittedly overlooked.

The sound of their footsteps and heavy breathing filled the air as they continued their run, a physical testament to their dedication and the rigorous demands of their training as jujutsu sorcerers.

As they continued their run, Hiro brought up the topic of the upcoming Kyoto Exchange Event. Between steady breaths, he explained his absence from the competition.

"I won't be participating in the exchange event this year," Hiro said, his pace steady. "Last year, Okkotsu and Yamada pretty much mopped the floor with Kyoto. The higher-ups don't want a repeat performance from me, so they're giving the first years a chance to shine."

Fushiguro, still struggling with the weight of the vest but keeping up, shot Hiro a glance. "That sounds a bit presumptuous, don't you think?" he remarked, a hint of challenge in his voice.

Hiro laughed, not breaking his stride. "Maybe, but it's the truth. It's important for the first years to get experience in these kinds of events. And who knows, you might surprise everyone."

Fushiguro nodded, taking in Hiro's words. "I guess that makes sense. But it would have been interesting to see you compete."

Hiro smiled. "Well, there's always next year. For now, my role is to help train you guys. Make sure you're ready to take on whatever Kyoto throws at you."

As they continued their run, Fushiguro, curious about the competition they would face, asked Hiro about the strength of the Kyoto team.

"Is there anyone strong from Kyoto we should be aware of?" Fushiguro inquired, his breathing steady despite the added weight of the vest.

Hiro nodded as he ran. "Aoi Toudo, for sure. He's a Grade 1 sorcerer and pretty formidable. You'll want to watch out for him."

"And anyone else?" Fushiguro pressed, looking for as much information as he could get.

Hiro thought for a moment. "Well, there's Mai Zenin—Maki's twin sister. She's quite fiery."

Fushiguro frowned slightly. "What does that have to do with her strength as a sorcerer?"

Hiro shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face. "Nothing, really. Just thought I'd mention it."

Fushiguro gave Hiro a skeptical look. "You just broke up with Maki a week ago, and you're already eyeing someone else? And her sister, no less?"

Hiro winked, his tone playful yet slightly arrogant. "That's how it goes in the life of the attractive people."

Fushiguro, intrigued by Hiro's approach to self-improvement, asked him about his own plans for becoming stronger. "With all the time you're spending training us, how do you plan to increase your own strength, Hiro?"

Hiro slowed his pace slightly, considering the question. "That's actually one of the reasons I want to see Mai," he began, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Fushiguro looked puzzled. "You're planning to woo her? Is that your strategy?"

Hiro chuckled. "No, not exactly. While Mai is definitely attractive – she is Maki's twin, after all – I have a different reason for wanting to meet her. Her cursed technique involves the materialization of cursed energy. And since I specialize in the manipulation of cursed energy, I'm thinking I might be able to push my abilities further. Maybe even evolve them into materializing my own cursed energy."

Fushiguro's interest was piqued. "Materialize your cursed energy? How would that work?"

Hiro's eyes lit up with excitement. "Well, think about it. Right now, I can manipulate energy to create electricity and fire, right? Imagine if I could take it a step further – create physical constructs or weapons out of cursed energy, similar to how Mai creates bullets. It could open up a whole new range of techniques for me."

Fushiguro nodded, impressed with Hiro's ambition. "That would be a significant advancement. It sounds challenging, but if anyone can do it, it's probably you, Takashi-senpai."

Hiro grinned, pleased with Fushiguro's confidence in him. "Exactly. I always like to aim high. And who knows, learning more about Mai's technique might just be the key I need."

Maki, glancing at her watch, turned to Kugisaki. "Break's over, let's get back to training."

Both of them stood up from the bleachers and made their way towards the training area. As they walked, Maki couldn't help but steal glances at Hiro, who was deeply engrossed in training Fushiguro. His focus was intense, a clear sign of his dedication as a sorcerer and a mentor.

Kugisaki, noticing Maki's occasional looks, nudged her playfully. "So, is Hiro going to train with us too?"

Maki quickly shook her head, her expression firm. "No, we don't need that idiot."

Kugisaki let out a small sigh, half in jest. "What a shame. He's quite the sight to watch, especially when he's all serious like that."

Maki didn't respond, her gaze lingering on Hiro for a moment longer before refocusing on her own training routine. Though she tried to hide it, there was a hint of complexity in her feelings towards Hiro – a blend of annoyance, respect, and perhaps a trace of unresolved emotions from their past relationship.

Hiro and Fushiguro transitioned from their running exercise to doing push-ups, still wearing their weighted vests. The additional weight made the exercise significantly more challenging, testing their strength and endurance.

Hiro, seemingly unfazed by the extra 100 kilograms in his vest, moved through the push-ups with a steady rhythm, his form perfect. Each movement was executed with precision and control, showcasing his exceptional physical conditioning.

Fushiguro, on the other hand, struggled with the 30-kilogram vest. His arms trembled under the strain, and his breathing grew heavier with each push-up. Determined not to fall behind, he pushed himself, but the difference in their physical capabilities was evident.

"You're doing well, Fushiguro," Hiro encouraged, noticing his effort. "Remember, it's about pushing your limits. Keep your form correct, and don't rush."

Fushiguro grunted in acknowledgment, focusing on maintaining proper form despite the burning sensation in his muscles. "I won't give up," he managed to say between breaths, his resolve clear.

Hiro nodded in approval. "That's the spirit. This is what will make you stronger, both physically and mentally."

From a distance, Maki watched Hiro, her eyes unintentionally drawn to his figure. The sight of Hiro, his muscles glistening with sweat as they tensed and relaxed with each push-up, stirred memories in her – memories of passionate nights they once shared. She found herself momentarily lost in those recollections, a mixture of nostalgia and longing evident in her gaze.

Beside Maki, Kugisaki too was captivated by Hiro's presence. She observed his blonde hair playing in the wind, his intense blue eyes shining with a fierce determination, and his athletic body standing out prominently. Kugisaki was visibly impressed, her eyes following Hiro's every move.

After a set of push-ups, Hiro and Fushiguro took a break to catch their breath. Hiro, wiping the sweat from his brow, glanced around and then leaned in to whisper to Fushiguro. "Do you get the feeling we're being watched?"

Fushiguro, following Hiro's gaze, noticed Maki and Kugisaki in the distance. "Well, it seems we have an audience," he replied, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Hiro chuckled, a bit self-consciously. "Guess we're putting on quite the show."

Fushiguro nodded, taking a sip of water. "Seems like it. Especially you, senpai."

As they rested, Hiro turned the conversation to a more serious topic. "Megumi, do you know about the Divine General of the Eight Divergent Sila: Demon Mahoraga?" he asked, his tone indicating the importance of the subject.

Fushiguro nodded, his expression growing more serious. "Yes, it's one of my shikigami. But it's different from the others."

Hiro leaned in, his voice low and earnest. "Right, and despite it being one of your shikigami, you can't control it, can you?"

Fushiguro confirmed with a nod, acknowledging the unique challenge posed by Mahoraga.

Hiro continued, explaining the power of Mahoraga. "Demon Mahoraga is the most powerful of the shikigami under the Ten Shadows Technique. It's said to be invincible due to its 'Auto-Rebirth' ability. This ability allows it to instantly adapt and become immune to any technique or power used against it after experiencing it once. Essentially, it learns and evolves mid-battle, making it nearly impossible to defeat."

Fushiguro listened intently, aware of the immense power and danger that Mahoraga represented. "Yes, summoning Mahoraga is a last resort. Its strength is unmatched, but the inability to control it makes it extremely risky."

Hiro nodded. "Exactly. It's a double-edged sword. Powerful, but unpredictable. You need to be cautious about when or if you ever decide to use it."

Fushiguro, looking thoughtful, posed a question to Hiro. "Do you think you could defeat Mahoraga?"

Hiro paused for a moment, considering the question seriously. "I could definitely give it a good fight," he finally said. "But to be honest, I don't have a powerful technique specifically designed to take it down. My 'Luz Relámpago' could do some damage, sure, but it's more effective against humans than shikigami or curses. It's designed to pierce the heart, which is a different approach than what's needed for something like Mahoraga."

Fushiguro nodded, understanding the limitations Hiro described. "Makes sense. Mahoraga is more than just physical strength. Its ability to adapt and counter makes it a unique challenge."

Hiro stood up, brushing off his training gear. "Exactly. It's a tough opponent for anyone. But let's not dwell on that for now. We have training to focus on."


In the common room, Maki was seated comfortably, scrolling through her phone. The room was bathed in the warm, fading light of the setting sun, casting a serene atmosphere. The door opened, and Hiro entered, carrying a sleeping Fushiguro in his arms.

Maki looked up, surprised by the sight. "What happened?" she asked as Hiro gently laid Fushiguro on the sofa.

Hiro sat down on a nearby chair, letting out a tired sigh. "He trained really hard today. Pushed himself to the limit and just crashed," he explained, watching Fushiguro sleep.

Maki's expression softened slightly. "That sounds like Megumi. Always pushing himself too hard."

Hiro nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, but he did great. He's improving a lot."

There was a brief pause before Maki spoke again, her voice tinged with curiosity. "And what about you? How are you holding up after training him all day?"

Hiro stretched his arms, feeling the fatigue in his muscles. "I'm good. It's rewarding, actually, helping him get stronger. It's a different kind of challenge."

Maki looked at Hiro, a hint of the old connection they shared flickering in her eyes. "You're good at this, you know. Training others, leading. It's one of your strengths."

Hiro met her gaze, acknowledging the compliment with a nod. "Thanks, Maki. Means a lot coming from you."

As they sat in the fading light of the common room, Maki turned to Hiro with a sincere expression. "It's good to see you doing well, Hiro. Really."

Hiro, who had been watching Fushiguro sleep, turned his attention to Maki. "Thanks, Maki. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I'm managing. How about you? How are you holding up?"

Maki shrugged slightly, her gaze drifting for a moment before returning to Hiro. "I'm doing okay, I guess. Training's been intense, as usual. And... well, dealing with everything else." There was a hint of unspoken emotion in her voice, possibly alluding to their past relationship.

Hiro nodded, understanding the subtext. "I know it hasn't been easy. For either of us. But I'm glad we can still talk like this."

"Yeah," Maki agreed, a small smile appearing on her face. "I am too. It's nice to know we can still be friends, even after everything."

Hiro smiled back. "Definitely. And I'm always here if you need anything, Maki. Just like old times."

As their conversation progressed, Hiro brought up a topic that seemed to come out of the blue. "Hey, Maki, do you think you could give me Mai's number?" he asked casually.

Maki's expression changed instantly, her eyebrows knitting together in a mix of surprise and irritation. "Why on earth would you want Mai's number?" she asked, a defensive edge to her voice.

Hiro, sensing Maki's annoyance, quickly explained. "It's not what you think. I believe she might help me with my training. Her ability to materialize cursed energy... I think there's a lot I could learn from her."

Maki still looked skeptical, but her expression softened slightly. "You're asking for her number for training purposes? Really?"

"Yes, really," Hiro affirmed. "I mean, she is your sister. I thought you might help me out here."

Maki sighed, still not entirely convinced but willing to give Hiro the benefit of the doubt. "Fine, I'll give you her number. But Hiro, be careful. Mai can be... complicated."

Hiro nodded, appreciating Maki's help. "Thanks, Maki. And don't worry, I know what I'm doing."


Within the bustling environment of Tokyo's Haneda Airport, a critical juncture for both international and domestic flights in Japan, a chilling scene unfolded, hidden away from the public eye. Known for its state-of-the-art facilities and as a hub of activity, the airport's usual atmosphere of organized efficiency was sharply contrasted by the grim tableau in one of its secluded bathrooms.

The scene inside the bathroom was macabre. A pool of blood spread across the tiled floor, its dark red stark against the otherwise pristine environment. In the center of this gruesome scene lay a lifeless body. The man, dressed in an elegant suit, had his hair neatly combed back. Despite the violence of his death, his expression was eerily serene, as if he had met his end without a struggle.

Standing over the body was Yamada, his presence imposing and his demeanor cold. His eyes, devoid of any emotion, were fixed on the corpse. The silence was heavy, broken only by the distant sounds of the bustling airport beyond the bathroom walls.

After a moment of contemplation, Yamada's voice cut through the stillness. "I thought you'd be stronger, Li Wen," he said, his tone devoid of remorse. The words were almost a whisper, yet they carried a weight of finality.

Then, his gaze still locked on Li Wen's body, Yamada's expression shifted to one of resolve, tinged with a dark intent. "This is just the beginning. I will tear down everything... and rebuild it anew."

The echo of his words hung in the air, imbued with a sense of impending doom. The death of Li Wen at the hands of Yamada was not just an isolated act of violence; it was a harbinger of greater destruction to come.