THIS IS JUST A AU Gabimaru, the outcasted twin who was shamed for being lesser than his twin brother Satoru Gojo. Imagine being put down since birth and finally being tossed away like trash. Would Gabimaru will endure more pain from this toxic sorcerer world and prove he is worthy or would he finally snap and being the cruel monster they painted him to be. This is his journey and only he will wield his future or does he? cover picture from @vksxlyxs on instagram I will re-edit the story once I finish.
Two months later
Author pov
Surprisingly things are going great for Gabimaru which is extremely unusual due to all the bad luck he received in the past yet he was able to finally experience his teenage youth. Aside from doing his daily activities such as training and going on missions, he and Makima were able to go on secret dates and get used to being an item. At first, it was very weird for the young boy to get used to since the red-haired girl is very unpredictable. For example, in one moment the two can be quiet doing their own thing then suddenly she asks for a kiss but in Gabi's pov, it sounds like more of a demand instead of a request. Luckily the two always hide their tracks to make sure nobody sees them because once the news breaks out that the heir of the Saito clan is linked romantically to the embarrassment who dares to have blood of the Gojo clan will cause complete chaos. Apart from that Geto and Yu have been acting strange, Geto has been distant to everyone, especially around Gojo and Shoko which is weird because he is always talkative around them, and that humorous personality Yu always shows disappears every time he is around Gabimaru and Makima. Gabi thought Yu might find out their secret but it was impossible because the couple has been discreet at all times, so they thought. Right now Gabi was coming from visiting Kenji and Ms.Bushida since his mother yelled at him for not visiting her lately. As he was walking back to the dorm rooms he saw a figure he hadn't seen in a while.
Gabi pov
Gabi waved his hand in the air to try to get their attention however the person didn't see Gabi's hand even though the figure was 10 feet away from him.
( huh? Is he blind? )
Gabi walked to the person who might be lost in their thoughts. Gabi taps the person on their shoulders to get their full attention.
" Geto? Are you alright?" Gabi asks his classmate.
Geto faced the curious blue-eyed boy, "Yes, I'm okay. I finished a mission not so long ago."
Gabi motioned Geto to follow him to the benches so they could sit down and watch the lovely view above them.
( Déjà vu)
Gabi let out a small sigh to begin opening a conversation with him, " You have been so busy going on solo missions to the point I kinda miss your long exquisite black hair." He joked
Geto lightly chuckles at him, " Are you perhaps flirting with me, Gabi? I'm sorry to let you down but you're at the bottom of the line to get my attention."
Gabi clutched his chest dramatically, " Oh god. How can you reject my love for you, Geto? " Gabi couldn't take this conversation seriously anymore and busted out laughing and soon Geto followed along. When the laughter died down the atmosphere between them became somewhat tense, " But on a serious note Geto, are you okay? I just feel like you are never here and when you are here it feels like you are in another dimension. What's going on with you?"
At first, Geto didn't respond he just sat there letting the wind flow through his slick black hair then he faced Gabi, "Why do you worry about others when they don't care for you? It seems a waste of time to always be there for everyone." Geto stunned Gabi by asking this and the white-haired boy couldn't reply because he didn't know what to say so he just furrowed his eyebrows trying to understand where Geto was going with this conversation.
"tongue-tied are we? What's your reason for joining the sorcerers? From my knowledge, they always shunned you away and treated you like a mere insect. No, I take that back even the insects had better treatment than you." Geto kept reloading ammunition trying to get a reaction from the boy.
Gabi turned his head away because he didn't want to look Geto in the eyes, those eyes of his are cold and it's unfamiliar to Gabi.
" I want to show the same people who look down on me that I too can be at the top so they could finally respect me" Gabi murmured
"Why must you want validations from people who couldn't care less for you? Why must you put your life in danger every time to just prove a point?" Geto kept questioning Gabi's silly dreams but he really got Gabi in the palm of his hands when he said, "Why must you hide your true powers from them?" when Geto said that Gabi's eyes went flying open and he felt a huge lump stuck in his throat causing the boy not to open his mouth to say anything.
" I don't know all of your capabilities but I do know you are around the same grade level as me and before you say something to try to prove me wrong, well don't. It all makes sense and Makima probably knows your abilities since she covered for you when she fought Toji but it was actually you and at the girl's school when Yu said an ice disaster came out of the school but my gut tells me it was you who caused that." Geto dropped the bomb on Gabi and the white-haired teen couldn't say anything even if he tried to.
( She did cover for me but to this day Makima really doesn't know all my abilities and it's the same way with her. Although we are dating we never told each other what we can do, we only have assumptions.)
" If you think I'm going to tell on you I'm not. I honestly don't care for the higher-ups and I think they are full of shit. They are old people who like running their filthy mouths and ordering sorcerers around and to answer your question from before I started to get off track, I do a lot of solo missions to keep my mind busy because, to be frank, if I just outed my opinion about this world we live in you all might hate me but since it's you I will tell you since I know your secret. To be honest I think it's fair to know where my headspace is at."
( Is this Geto? Why does his presence feel dark?)
"Gabi I don't see why we must save useless people. You see curses only exist from humans and their emotions so if we want a better life why don't we take out the people who caused this issue? This world will be run by the strong and we don't have to worry about others since I know you are in the same grade as me or could be stronger why don't you join me? "
( He basically wants genocide, please tell me it's a joke he's making. I can't possibly do that it's not right.)
Gabi didn't say anything or look at him. He gripped his hands on the bench wondering when this conversation was going to end.
" The higher-ups are just taking advantage of you and you know that. Why don't we eliminate the problem even with the low grades since they are close to being useless like humans? It's only you who can see my vision Gabi because we both know the truth to this world."
( I already know the higher-ups are crappy people but I will never stoop to their level. I will not murder the majority of the world it's just nonsense. )
When Gabi didn't reply Geto knew he wasn't ready for his ideals so he just dropped the conversation. He smacked Gabi's shoulders, "Why do you look so gloomy it's a joke?" Geto started laughing at the white-haired boy's facial expressions " I can't believe you bought that garbage."
Gabi's shoulders began to be light, relieved to hear it wasn't real even began to giggle but it all stopped when he faced Geto's direction and saw his face. Even though Geto is laughing for some reason Gabi feels like his laugh is not genuine and sooner he realizes it is all fake.
Geto got up, "I'm going to bed, Gabi. I will see you around, " The black-haired teen walked away from Gabi and the sitting teen waved his hand at Geto saying his goodbyes. When Geto was a great distance away from Gabi, " One day you will see where I'm coming from and that day when you finally open your eyes that's when peace can finally happen." He muttered to himself as he walked inside the boy's dorms.