
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor

Bindings, shackles, geas, chains, all things that restrict everything in our universe. Laws must be put into place and punishments need to be handed out to those who do not respect the rules for the world to retain its functions. But what happens when one can escape that punishment? What happens when one can manipulate those rules? A contract cannot bind one who can escape it. So the world cannot bind 'him' to its rules. He runs freely, unshackled by the rules of humanity and world. A God looking down on the world. ------------------------------------- Story is very slow and does not make the MC strong for the first 40 chapters. If you don't want that then I don't recommend this book for you. *I don't own the cover nor the story this fanfic is based on.*

WutDelusional · 漫画同人
94 Chs

Culling Games X

"Damn it!"

Itadori cursed as he saw Sukuna flying away.

Right now, all he wants to do is punch Sukuna in the face and free Fushiguro from being a vessel. But he was powerless to do so, he could do nothing but watch his mortal enemy fly away using his friend's body.

His thoughts were interrupted as a hand placed down on his shoulder. It was the outsider that he didn't know of. Someone that appeared out of thin air and claimed that they were an ally.

"Calm down. We'll get another chance later on. Go to Ieiri and heal your wounds, then we can figure out a plan of attack."

He saw her snapping her fingers and witnessed the shinigami owl owned by Megumi have its head burst apart, spilling its blood in the air, and see Sukuna and his ally fall from the sky.

"But just because we can't win doesn't mean we shouldn't leave a parting gift for them, right?" He saw her have a satisfied smile and walk away.

"Hey, you never told me who you were."

Arai stopped and made a platform of clay that floated for Itadori to step on. 

"I'll tell you later. Right now we'll go to the group and reunite with everyone. I'll bring every one of your friends here as well." 

"Yeah, thanks." Itadori sat and looked down.

Arai picked up Angel and the loud Comedian who was unharmed. Another brat was also picked up but he did not interest Arai.

During the trip, Itadori said no words and didn't initiate any conversation. He just sat there staring blankly where Sukuna flew away. Eyes that made it seem like it was reflecting the void itself. It held an unwritten rage and sadness inside.

Arai did not hope to console the boy, nor did he try. He too stayed silent during the trip.

Hours later after leaving the barrier with the new rule added by the incarnator inside Megumi's sister's body, Arai finally arrived at Jujutsu High grounds.

There waiting for him was someone he was all too familiar with.

Shoko Ieiri looked up at him and smoked her cigar. She had two stretchers next to her and it seemed that she had known what was going to happen.

"Been a while, Arai," Shoko said before throwing away her cigarette and crushing it beneath her heel. 

Arai was momentarily stunned but then smiled. "You recognized me instantly." 

"Of course I did. I've met Eino plenty of times, that's not the kind of face she would put on. Itadori, can you bring those two to my lab? I'll patch them up."

"Yes," Itadori replied in a daze and put both Angel and another high schooler on the stretcher. The comedian seemed to be accompanying him as well and they entered the building leaving Arai and Shoko outside.

"You look a bit more tired than before." Arai could see the droopy eyes of hers and the shades of makeup slowly disappearing.

"With so many injured, it's my job as a doctor to save them." Shoko sighed pointing to the ground.

Arai nodded understanding what she wanted and made a simple domain blocking themselves from the outside. His appearance slowly transformed into his real appearance but the domain's barrier reflected what was outside letting them see the outside world. He created a bench made of clay with his technique to let her sit beside him.

She touched his face and smiled. "Hm, this look suits you better." 

The sunset could be seen on the horizon as the day was nearing its end. Making the location they were watching it from beautiful. The two looked to the sunset not taking their eyes off of it.

"Thank you, Shoko, for everything I mean."

"Saying goodbyes like that never ends well, Arai." She chuckled while still watching the sunset.

"There's a first time for everything." He laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

She accepted the gesture and caressed his hair. "I know, so after everything is over, Arai. I've already got plenty to worry about on my plate."

"Ask what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"So we're playing like that, huh? Fine by me."

"I've already got a broken daughter to take care of. How am I supposed to add another woman to my life?" Arai chuckled, laughing at the thought of doing so.

"Besides, I doubt you'll accept after everything I'll do." Arai whispered to himself.


"Nothing. I'll go wash up. The blood on me is suffocating." He said before brushing off the blood on his clothes.

"I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me." 

"But it does bother me."

The simple domain shattered returning them to reality. His physique changed back to that of Eino's. Shoko said as she looked at Arai's back. His figure seemed to become farther and farther from her. 

Shoko could only look down before taking out another cigarette to smoke. She let out a puff forming a circle with the smoke.