
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 5: Little Changes #4: it all adds up

". " Character dialogues Example: " Hello "

'. ' Character thoughts Example: ' Hello '

Omnipresent dialogue narrator

3rd person dialogue

[Cursed Techniques]


Author's note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancy in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to investigate how it was in the manga. It is a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters)

Perdon por los errores gramaticales, escribo en español y lo traduzco al ingles con un traductor


Flasback: A day after Itadori was accepted into the academy.

Pov 3rd

Knock Knock

A pink-haired boy woke up to the noise of someone knocking on the door. I stretch out his hand, taking the cell phone from the table next to his bed 'What time are they? I think '6 AM!' 

Knock Knock

"¡I'm going!" I scream, as I started to get up.

"¡Oh!" He touched his face, where he had a bruise. 'That damn monkey' he thought, looking at a smiling monkey watching him out the window 'Was he there all night?' 

Knock knock knock

"¡I'm going!" I walk lazily towards the door, shuffling. "What th-" He opened the door, but there was no one, increasing his bad mood.

"Itadori!" A white hair head and black blindfold peeked out the window, with a smile.

'Hell no...' I think, seeing the two monsters watching him out the window, with smiles that would not let him sleep.

"¿What's up Gojo-sensei?" Itadori answered, while rubbing an eye, trying to wake up completely.

"¡Come to the patio, quickly!" He disappeared as fast as he appeared, leaving only a trace of his presence.

He sighed again, as he slowly walked out the door, obeying his new master, walked slowly through the dark corridors, the sun was barely rising.

I walk for a few minutes, until I reach the patio, where a Gojo was waiting for him.

"¡At last, turtle!" Gojo said, pointing to his wrist, where there would be a watch if he had it. "¿What took you so long?"

"¿What's up, Gojo-sensei?" He ignored his teacher's ridicule and his final question. "¿And why at six in the morning?" He whimpered frustrated, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"Because I'm always very busy and it's one of the few moments when I have free time, so I wanted to teach you something." Gojo explained, Itadori only nodded, still sleepy.

Gojo sighed, his breath forming a visible cloud in the cold morning air. He ignored Itadori's encouragement, who seemed more interested in going back to bed than learning. "What I want to teach you is the difference between cursed energy and cursed techniques," Gojo began.

Itadori, who was new to this world of sorcery, straightened up a bit, her interest awakening despite her exhaustion.

"¿Have you played any RPG games?" Gojo asked, his eyes shining with a mischievous glow. "Yes," Itadori agreed, He had played many RPG games in his spare time.

"Ok, think of cursed energy as mana, and spells as techniques," the professor compared. "You know that in RPGs there are some spells that everyone can use, and others that only certain classes can learn, right?" Gojo questioned Itadori again, he just nodded, his mind beginning to process the information. The analogy was simple, but effective, and helped Itadori understand the basic concept.

"There are some techniques that everyone can learn, although it depends on their talent and effort, such as shikigamis and the reverse damn technique," Gojo explained, raising two fingers to emphasize his point. "And others like barriers, with their variations." He lifted another finger, Itadori only nodded in understanding, although he had no idea what those specific things were, he understood the concept.

"Then there are techniques that can only be used by people born with them, such as class spells," Gojo explained. "My technique" He pointed out to himself "the Megumi technique." I point to the shadow of the ground "They are just techniques that we can use, or more specifically, our bloodline," he explained. "And then there is a technique that fuses the barrier technique with the blood technique, but that is a topic that I will explain another day" I finish Gojo

Spoiler: forgot.

"¡Like Naruto!" Itadori exclaimed, the otaku in him coming to light.

"Yes, like Naruto," Gojo laughed, his laughter echoing in the empty courtyard. "You were not born with a cursed technique," said Gojo. Itadori nodded, had already realized that in the explanation process.

"But you can use other techniques other than birth, like the reverse damn technique, a technique that could do you good for your fighting style," Gojo continued, "¿Why?" Itadori asked curiously, his interest completely aroused now.

"Because it allows you to heal and regenerate, allowing you to fight until you run out of cursed energy, added to your abnormally strong body, it would be deadly," Gojo explained.

Itadori was excited, the idea of being able to heal and regenerate was attractive to Itadori, who had always been the type of fighter who threw himself headlong into battle.

"¡Great, I want to learn that!" Itadori replied with emotion, his enthusiasm evident despite his tiredness. He didn't understand how complicated it was, but he was willing to try.

"It is not that easy," denied Gojo. "It is the most complicated technique that exists," said Gojo, to Itadori's disappointment.

Gojo reminded Hakari, his expelled student, that he had tried to master the reverse damn technique. 'Even sorcerers who achieved dominance did not master the reverse damn technique," Gojo thought. 'Although he is very cheating, if he gets the maximum prize: his body is forced to use the reverse damn technique," he praised his former student.

Gojo observed the disappointed Itadori "But it is not impossible…" 

Capturing Itadori's attention. "The record for the person who mastered the reverse damn technique the fastest, that we have records, is Yuuta Okkotsu, mastering the technique in a couple of months, a true prodigy," Gojo mentioned.

Itadori frowned, confused by the mention of an unknown name.

"¿And why are you telling me?" Itadori asked, his tone full of confusion.

"To motivate you, don't you want to break a record?" Gojo answered with a question, his tone full of challenge.

"¿Do you think I have the talent for that?" Itadori asked, his tone full of hope.

"No," Gojo ruthlessly crushed his dreams, his tone full of brutal honesty. "But you have an advantage that he doesn't have," Gojo said, pointing to his heart, deluding Itadori.

"¿My spirit?" Itadori asked, his tone full of confusion. Gojo denied

"¿My will?" This time I ask Itadori. Gojo denied again

"¿My hard work?" Itadori begged, his tone full of despair. Gojo just denied again

"Ah wait, I got confused of place," Gojo moved his finger to his stomach, increasing Itadori's confusion.

"You ate Sukuna" Gojo cut the illusion of an epic reason."¿And what advantage does that give me?" Itadori asked, his tone full of confusion. "¿Death pressure?" 

"No ..." Gojo denied, but he thought for a moment, his thoughtful expression. "…Well, too," he finally admitted, to Itadori's double disappointment.

But it is not the advantage that was referred. "Over time, all Sukuna techniques will remain etched in your body" Itadori went blank, assimilating the information "All?" He asked again.

"All." I reaffirm Gojo

"And what techniques does Sukuna have?" Curious question Itadori.

"Well, we don't have many exact records of his techniques, after all it was 1000 years ago..." Home "But I know your technique is based on cuts, although I don't have the exact details of how they work" I confess. "But you can be sure that it has advanced techniques, like the reverse damn technique, it would be obvious, since it was the strongest a thousand years ago"

"Who would win between you and him?" Itadori asked.

"If Sukuna regained all his strength?..." Gojo was silent for a moment "It would be a complicated battle" He said.

"You would lose?" I look doubtfully at his teacher.

"Na, I would win" I reply without hesitation, full of confidence, making Itadori look at him with admiration.

"Back to the topic" Gojo organized his thoughts.

"Focus on controlling your cursed energy," Gojo ordered. "That will help your body assimilate Sukuna's cursed techniques more quickly," Gojo explained.

"¿Why?" Itadori asked.

"Because in that way your body remembers more clearly the cursed techniques that Sukuna uses, it is like muscular memory," Gojo said, to Itadori's misunderstanding.

Gojo sighed, "Think of it this way, if you already know how to ride a bike, You can learn to ride a motorcycle more easily because you already have an idea of how to keep balance and how to turn ... "Gojo started. "If you already know how to swim, you can learn to dive more easily because you already have an idea of how to move in the water ..." he continued speaking faster. "If you already know how to draw, you can learn to paint more easily because you already have an idea of how to create shapes and shadows..."

"¡Yeah, I got it!" Itadori shouted, understanding the idea.

"And how do I improve my damn energy control?" Question.

"With this little one here" Gojo took a stuffed jumpsuit out of nowhere, to Itadori's horror.

Itadori turned his head, observing another stuffed monkey: The stuffed toy that hit him in the admission test, who watched him with a sinister gaze as he peeked out of a tree in the courtyard, turned again, and watched the monkey held by Gojo, who looked at him with another sinister look

'It's worse than I thought ... it's 2!' I think the poor boy is horrified.

He saw his Sensei, who watched with a growing smile his inner horror 'Even worse ... there are 3!' His horror only increased.

While Itadori was in an internal crisis, Gojo explained "What you have is to constantly supply him with cursed Energia, at all times, except when you are on a mission, that will quickly increase your cursed energy control and also strengthen your concentration capacity, "I comment.

"There is no other way?" Fearful question Itadori, The idea of having to deal with stuffed monkeys was terrifying. "NO" The cruel teacher answered with a firm voice and a wide smile.

Itadori sighed, taking the stuffed animal, which received him with a blow to the face.

And so began his first day at the sorcery academy.

End flashback


Scene change

Place: Conceptual 

2 almost equal people were having a conversation: One had marks all over his body, dressed in traditional white clothes; Sukuna.

The other had no marks, and wore black clothes with a red hood; Itadori.

"You look like you want to kill me," said Sukuna.

"Of course yes, you just killed me," said Itadori angrily.

"¿Aren't you forgetting to thank me for repairing your arm?" Sukuna disappointed sigh, for how ungrateful Itadori was.

"¡But if you ripped my heart out after that!" I shout Itadori, angry at the hypocrisy.

Itadori bent down "Do I have to spend my life after death also trapped with you?" I regret Itadori "If that is the case, then..." I take a bone that was on the floor "I'm going to make you cry!" I screamed as I rushed the object to where Sukuna was sitting.

Sukuna jumped from his position, dodging it without problems the object released by Itadori.

When he touched the ground, an Itadori attacked him head-on with a punch, being blocked by Sukuna's forearms, but by the impressive force of Itadori, he was dragged a few meters back.

"Ha! Not bad, brat, "Admitted Sukuna, observing Itadori, who had moved with great speed to cover his body with cursed energy.

"Better clench your teeth!" Angry scream Itadori

Sukuna did not answer, attacking Itadori head-on, but his attack was dodged, Itadori had gone down his legs.

'I cheated on you' Penso Itadori, but was pushed into the water by Sukuna 'eh?'

"You don't think you would beat me for hitting, do you?" Sukuna scoffed, while Itadori fell.


Itadori fell into the water with great force, rose quickly, covering his body with cursed energy, dodging the falling Sukuna.

Itadori attacked again, being easily dodged by Sukuna.

"We are not dead," he said, saying something that momentarily stopped Itadori. "This is my expansion of dominance." Continuous, further confusing Itadori.

"I do not know what that is!" I answer the brute, while kicking Sukuna's face.

"Think about it as we were within my heart" I explain Master Sukuna, Treating Itadori as a child. "We are not dead yet". I take Itadori's leg and throw it, falling again with great force into the water.

"If you accept my terms..." He smiled "I will fix your heart and revive you" He offered, extending his hand.

Itadori stopped smiling "Look at you, speaking with superiority, but you also want to live" Itadori scoffed, but was ignored by Sukuna.

"I have 2 conditions, One: When I say CONTRACT" You will give me control of your body for a full minute, And two: You will forget everything about this agreement." Sukuna raised 2 fingers.

"No way" Itadori denied "I will never give you my body again" 

"What if I promise I won't kill or hurt anyone during that minute?" I change the Sukuna contract, before the denial of Itadori.

"As if I was going to trust you!" I shout Itadori, as I walked towards the angry one.

"It doesn't matter if you trust me or not" Sukuna commented "This is a binding vote, if I break it, I will be punished..." I explain.

Itadori thought for a moment, approached Sukuna, extending his hand.

I sigh "Okay..." When he was about to take Sukuna's hand.

He gave a powerful right hand direct to his face, spitting it out and almost throwing it away.

"As if I could say that!" Itadori mocked "Revive me unconditionally, after all, you murdered me" Demand Itadori.

Sukuna sighed, proposing another deal "A fight to the death" I mention, capturing Itadori's attention "If you win, I will revive you without condices, but if I win, I revive you with the binding vote"

Itadori went back into a fight pose "Okay" He covered his body with cursed energy "I'm going to kick your tra-" 

Her face had been cut off.


Change of scene.

Place: Infirmary from the Tokyo Sorcery Academy.

"I have a dream" Gojo was talking to his friend and assistant. "A dream?" Ichiji asked.

"Yes..." Gojo observed with apprehension to the body of his student "As Itadori demonstrated, the high command are corrupt, foolish, ancient, arrogant and idiots" Gojo pressed his hand with fury "It would be so easy to murder them..." He said darkly, scaring Ichiji "But that would not work, because they can be easily replaced without any revolution" I regret the movie "And also no one would follow me" I sigh as I crossed my arms.

Ichiji only watched Gojo while he confessed "So I chose education..." He finally admitted Gojo "To form strong and independent comrades" Gojo thought of his 1st and 2nd students. "Everyone is very talented," Gojo said with a little love, perhaps. "Especially Yuuta from 2nd and Hakari from 3rd" Praise.

"It is incredible" Nurse interrupted: Shoko Ieri, seeing Itadori's body.

"What is incredible Shoko?" I ask curiously Gojo, who was sitting a few meters from her, with an Ichiji.

"Come here." Shoko indicated, gesturing.

"What happens?" I ask Gojo, standing near Itadori's body this time, not knowing what to look at.

"Look here" Shoko pointed at Itadori's chest hole. Gojo leaned over, after a few moments he opened his eyes in disbelief for a few brief moments, exchanging his disbelief for a proud smile.

'Tell Gojo-sensei that I almost made it' I remember the words that Megumi had said to him from Itadori.

"HAHAHA!" Gojo took his face with one hand, laughing "Itadori did it for me" He said proudly.

But what was there that surprised Gojo so much?

A half-formed heart, as if Itadori in its last moments of life, in a moment of enlightenment, managed to understand the damn reverse technique in 2 weeks, a fact never seen before, at least in the thousand years of records.

"One every thousand years..." Gojo murmured, Remembering again what he said when Itadori used his cursed energy for the first time.

"Ichiji!" I call Gojo "Yes?" I answer the assistant.

Gojo smiled proudly "Especially Yuuta from 2nd, Hakari from 3rd... And Itadori from 1st." It was corrected. Ichiji just nodded, with a slight smile, he knew that Gojo was mourning the death of his student, and this was his way of paying tribute to him, a form of respect.

Gojo turned around, about to leave "Won't you stay?" Shoko asked, getting closer to Itadori's body.

The peliblanco shook his head, refusing "There is nothing to see here anymore," he said as he walked toward the exit of the room.

"Ahhh!" Ichiji scream, afraid in his tone.

"Oh?" Shoko said, with confusion.

Gojo turned around, confused by what had happened, causing a proud smile to form on his face a second time a day.

"Welcome back..." A naked and very confused Itadori watched him "...Itadori" 

"Thanks, Gojo-sensei!" I answer Itadori with a calm smile.


Quite long chapter.

Sorry for not updating, I was busy and had lost some inspiration, so I decided to see the anime again to decide what to do.

Tell me what you think of history and give me power stones.

I know that some will doubt that because Itadori didn't cure his heart, the reason is that he couldn't. Itadori did not die because he was in Sukuna's domain, which disconnected him from his physical body, the only reason they were still alive is because Sukuna kept them there.