
Judgement Calls

Target audience; Wattpad/Web novel etc. ‘I was originally trying to ask him the question without trying to look clueless but I failed that mission on two accounts. I first failed when I asked the question, obviously a question like that makes you look completely clueless and I was trying to avoid a lecture’ CLUELESS “How old was I? When I realized I could no longer look up into the night sky and stare at the stars. How old was I when I stopped gazing at them with Akira? At some point I realized that when I looked into the sky the stars had disappeared, but how old was I when I realized this? I can’t remember, I don’t want to remember. “Just where in the hell are we?” Will Ed ever escape from the chains of hell, from this god forsaken cause? No one is a stranger to the end of the world, at some point in everyone’s lives as you’ve heard that everything that exists has a beginning and undoubtedly an ending either good or bad. Are you a mythical fan, then Ed is your guy, come with Ed on a journey through hell, and meet different characters along the way. You think you’re the only ones with demons inside and around you…Keep reading. There shall be no cringe scenes whatsoever; this work is purely fictional with a dash of horror thrills. This isn’t your regular protagonist story, this is our story, why don’t you try the first chapter, if you like stories that keep you on the edge and craving for more, gothic, bloody fantasy, this is your book to read. Will Akira ever be saved? Stick around till the end…for judgment calls.

Himoyamaro99 · 奇幻
45 Chs

Revelations of Armageddon: Meeting Achryxous

I had then just noticed that others were in this fire with me and were burning but I felt nothing. I looked at my hands and into the fire and not even my clothes were singed. It felt cold… like I stood inside some river in the early hours of 8 am

"How did I fail to notice this? It feels like I'm just in some yellow-coloured mud but it is cold like water. Shouldn't I be burning with the rest of them"

"Do you like it?"

A strange voice said to me out of nowhere

I turned around as quickly as I could instead of calming down to look around me

"Who's there?!"

"Oh, sweet Eddy"

"Stop hiding and come out to face me!"

"But I'm not hiding Eddy you would know this if you would just calm down and look"

He says with a sinister and condescending voice

I spin around too much and start to lose too much blood

"Damn it!"

"Come on Eddy focus and find me, you can't keep rushing things or you're going to bleed out and die"

He starts to pout

"I don't know why but for some reason this guy annoys me"

Ok, it's simple. All I have to do is breathe and look carefully and there I'll find him. I take in a deep breath and hold my side putting pressure on it to reduce the speed of blood loss. When I focus a bit, I start to hear his voice more clearly and when I look in front of me, far, far off to my front there he is on a throne erecting out of the fire made of stone and is touched up by monster parts

"I knew you would be able to see me. If anyone could do it"

He rests his hand on his chin

"It would be you"

And gives off a devilish smile

From where I'm standing all I can see is a shadow with rows of pure white sharp teeth and nothing more

"Won't you come closer so I can get a better look at you?"

"Oh, how rude of me"

His throne moves closer at a surprisingly fast speed and tramples over all the people burning in the fire. When he reaches me, a stone lifts me out of the fire. And then I get a proper look at him.

He looked like a teenager, somewhere around 19 or 18 with white hair all coming down and most of it covering his eye but, I could still see he had blue eyes, rings on his fingers, two horns coming out the side of his head, light-skinned, with an average body. No muscles but no fat. He was just perfect with a face like one from a fairy tale. He was too beautiful to exist or at least he would be if not for the sharp rows of teeth. He says to me with his face resting on his right hand

"I can't have you down there among them. You can't be treated just like anybody when you're special"

"What do you mean? Where am I?''

"Where do you think you are Eddy"

Looks around

"Is this hell?"

He bursts into laughter

"Hell, he says! Oh, my you're such a character. I knew you would be funny but not this funny. Seems like you don't know a lot. Just as I had suspected"

"What do you mean by that"

"I mean the reason why the earth is a mess, the reason why the sky is red, the reason why the animals, the land and sea are dead and…"

He turns around to give me a menacing look

"The reason why your precious Akira is dead"

I quickly lean in to punch him and he catches my fist with no effort at all

"Humans can be so scary"

He said while looking at me with a sick grin

"Just who the hell are you?!"


He says with a disappointed look in his eyes and then throws my fist to his left in annoyance

"After all that's happened you haven't even figured the easy part out. You're letting me down, Eddy"

He sits back on his throne and puts some distance between us. His throne backs me as if he can't stand the sight of me. I'm pissed off

"Stop answering me in riddles and tell me what the hell is going on and how do you know so much about me"

He says nothing to me and just yawns

"Tell me or el….!"

He immediately gets off his throne runs on air and appears right in my face. His eyes have changed colour from blue they had changed to crimson yellow. His eyes were as though they were set on fire and when I looked into them I saw malice, hatred, chaos, destruction. His voice had also changed, he spoke to me with a deeper voice and it sounded as though there was more than one of him speaking like multiple voices were coming out of his mouth. He said to me

"You know I like you Eddy, but you're acting a bit too cocky and stupid for my taste"

His head tilted slowly to the left and he got a better look into my eyes and said


I fell flat on my ass on the pillar he provided for me to stand on and all the confidence I had to talk to him as though we were of the same level had vanished. He walks back to his throne while still on the air and sits down to complain like a little kid

"Honestly kids these days, they always have to make it look like they are in charge and unless you use force they never listen. Now you made my true nature slip out"

He puts his hand on his face raises his hair and looks at me. His right eye changed back to blue but his left was still burning

"And that isn't good for me or you don't you know"

"Just who the hell are you?"

I say while crawling back not realizing I have no place to go. My hand slips off the edge of my pillar then I remember where I am

"I'll get to that part later but first off we have to deal with the moment after your sister left"

"What about it?"

"You're a smart kid eddy, I know and want to believe that but, for such a smart kid you're a real idiot you know that"

"Where do you get off with calling me something like that?!"

"And after I saved you, you even have the nerve to talk to me like I'm some classmate you can bully. Not even a thank you? The nerve"

"Wait… What do you mean you saved me?"

"I mean I saved you. Why did you try to reach out for that hand Ed?"

"Why shouldn't I? I mean it looked like it was going to save me so I…"

The horned kid Palms himself in his face and drags his hand across it pulling his eyes and lips down

"Yeah you're an idiot"


"Shut up! Don't you know not everything that glitters is gold? You're lucky my chains were able to save you in time"

"Wait that was you?"

"Yeah, it was! You're welcome!"

"Then you're also the one who stabbed me"

"Can't blame me you're the stubborn one. I had to stop you somehow but sorry about that. Let me fix that up"

He takes from the lake of fire and breathes into it, she steps forward raises my hand and applies it to my stab wound. The bleeding not only stops but my wound seals up and I'm good as new

"Wow... thanks"

"And the kids learnt how to say thanks. A miracle indeed. Now, I'm sure you have questions like why the world is a mess, why so many people died, who I am, what happened to your sister and parents, why it is you don't burn in this lake of fire, if this is hell and most importantly the hand of salvation you received.

"Yes… yes I do"

Finally, Was the word that kept running in my mind. With each second that was passing us by, the word finally didn't stop playing in my mind. It was like a song stuck on repeat. A part of me hoped this was a dream, a detailed and heavy dream I was having. You know that "It's too good to be true" Feeling but in reverse. Then again… I knew this felt too real for it to be a dream. I couldn't figure out whatever was going on anywhere on my own. I knew if he didn't tell me and I didn't get every bit of info I could out of him I was going to die. Which meant I'd never see Akira again. I looked up at him with a desire to understand everything that was going on. No matter what I had to do I would survive and see My Akira again

"Please! Tell me everything!"

"Then first off let's talk about the world and the state it's in and then we will continue from there. The state the world is in is one your poets, priests, imams, writers and dreamers have spoken of for years. Since the age of Christianity started. It's taken on many names over the hundreds of years since it was first written but this, this is Armageddon. The end of the world and all of humanity

"You can't be serious…"

I said with a touch of disbelief and shock on my face

"The end of the world?"

"That's right. And the salvation that was given to you that I saved you from was false. It was the hand of deception and right now millions have fallen into its grasp collecting the pure white hand believing in its promise of salvation but that hand is not the hand of GOD, but of a ruthless trickster a demon if you will"

"But…But demons don't come from the sky"

"Don't be fooled boy Heaven may be up there but so is hell"

"Just who exactly are you?"

"My name is Achryxous and I am one out of the Nine orders of the celestial choir. A pleasure to meet you… Edward"