

WHY DID JUDAS BETRAY JESUS? A short question that requires a difficult answer with a long explanations

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Why did Judas betray Jesus?

Here many Christian theologians end up answering that, we cannot be absolutely sure why Judas betrayed Jesus.

Although biblical and Christian scholars have various explanations for Judas and these things put a noose on Judas Iscariot,

Christian theologians claim that, although Judas was chosen to be one of the twelve apostles. but still all the evidence in the scriptures indicates that Judas never believed that Jesus was a God and again probably not even Judas was convinced that Jesus was at least the Messiah,

Unlike the other disciples who called Jesus Lord, Judas never used that name for Jesus and instead called him a teacher, which recognized Jesus as the only teacher. it indicates Judas had his own easy way of interpreting Jesus, secondly Judas not only lacked faith in Christ but also had a weak relationship with Jesus. even before committing the sin of betrayal