
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · 漫画同人
1375 Chs


As Julian had nothing else to do other than look around the city and wait for his fiancées to get here, he decided to continue training his pokemon, his Charmander is very about to evolve and Julian wants to push him a little further.

His other pokemons are already way more powerful than Charmander so he has a lot to do to catch up with others, he went back to the same spot he trainer before and released all his pokemon.

With his main focus on Charmander, he let the others train on their own while Charmander trained under his watchful eyes, Charmander's physic is already in its best condition and Julian made sure to keep it that way.

Now he is making sure that Charmander only focuses on his fire control and nothing else, he has been holding back on his evolution just like Julian has told him to do.

Evolution is aitch and it takes a very tough metal process for a pokemon to force itself for not evolving, luckily for Julian's pokemon, they go through lot tougher challenges which makes them pretty strong, both physically and mentally compared to pokemons belonging to other trainers.

Julian watched as the fire around Charmander's tail got brighter and brighter, his surrounding started to rise in temperature and the color of the flame slowly started to change, the orange color flame started to become yellow.

Julian was happy to see the change but he knows Charmander could do better, he continued to watch as Charmander progressed, soon the flame on his tail started to change again and get a greenish glow around it.

Julian knew that it was time for Charmander to evolve, any further and he might damage himself with the temperature inside his own body.

Julian "Try triggering your evolution, if you can't I will put you through some pressure to trigger it"

Julian said.

Charmander nodded and tried to trigger his evolution, the itch he was feeling could now finally be gotten rid of, he tried to find the itch inside his body and get rid of it, luckily for Charmander he had no trouble finding it, being a species of pokemon that can trigger their evolution very easily, he didn't need to be put through some kind of pressure to trigger it.

As soon as he found that itch and got rid of it, the fire inside his body combust creating a powerful force, the force turned into light and surrounded Charmander's body and triggered his evolution, Julian sighed seeing this and waited for the light to fade away.

He noticed the changes taking place in Charmander's body, his body started to grow, his round snout became a little sharper, he grew a single horn on top of his head, his arms and legs became bigger, and his tail grew longer.

Julian's other pokemon also noticed that Charmander is evolving so they gathered around him to see the changes, once the light faded away Charmeleon was in front of everyone.

He stood around 1.5 meters tall, his yellowish-orange skin glow under the bright sunlight, the flame at the end of his tail looked very bright and had a bright yellow color with a light greenish core to it, it was very clear to Julian that the temperature of Charmeleon's fire has increased permanently.

He no longer has to purposefully increase its temperature through fire control.

Julian is happy with the outcome and got back to training, since he evolved Julian called out some moves to see the difference between now and the past and the changes seem to be exceptional, Charmeleon's power level has increased by leap and bounds.

He will now just have to catch up to Julian's other pokemons, Julian believes that he will be able to battle in his next gym battle against the gym leader of Anistar city.

Julian is looking forward to this battle, the training continues and Julian keeps it light for now, he doesn't want to put too much stress on Charmeleon as he just evolved.

Once the training was done, Julian sent all his pokemon back to his Pokeball, Julian then looked around to find Crystal and saw it sitting next to the Zygarde core who seems to be absorbing the sunlight, Crystal is looking at it and tilting its head in confusion.

Julian has no idea what these two are up to, he quickly calls for both of them and returns back to his hotel room.


Somewhere else in the Kalos region, inside the Team Flare headquarters, Lysander is sitting on his throne looking at the massive screen in front of him, on the screen are several pictures and videos of Zygarde in its 10% and 50% form.

As Lysander smiled with satisfaction while looking at the data presented on the screen, a tall fat man walked towards him and stood right behind him.

"Boss, another Zygarde Core's reading has been located, it's a completely new one, we code-named it Z3"

The fat man wearing the white suit and orange goggles said.

Lysander "Where is it?"

He asked. Lysander already has one core with him and he wishes to capture another one, by now he has discovered two of them, and now that the third one has appeared, this made Lysander more excited.

"Its coordinates were located in Laverre City"

Lysander "I want it captured"

Lysander said and smirked.