
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · 奇幻言情
90 Chs

Chapter 49: An Incident in the Border

Meanwhile, in the City of Themis, darkness, and malice continues to loom.

The Master of the Shadows is currently lounging in his room. Dark curtains prevent the sunlight from coming in, making his chambers gloomy.

He was drowning on his thoughts and played the events in his mind. He swirls a cup of scarlet liquid on his hand.

He can't figure out who protected the Oracle Clan from his assault. He assumes this person is the same one who saved those Holy Guardian Lords the day of his initial arrival.

'Who else can intervene?'

He can only grit his teeth in the annoyance of his existence. He can't believe someone dares to defy him. Only a few can, and he suspects none of them would.

Who is this person who continues to hinder his plans? He just wanted to eradicate the insignificant Oracle Clan and everyone against him.

A sinister smile forms on his lips as he devises a new plan. He can't do anything for now, but it doesn't mean he won't try.

Not long, his younger brother came in to change his bandages and give his medicines. This unknown, potent drug is new to them as they try to remedy its effects.

The Master remains silent as he watches his little brother patiently tend on him. He remains expressionless as he looks at him with an icy gaze.

His younger brother looks at him after carefully tending to him. He wanted to ask if he is doing well but hesitated.

After caring for his brother's injuries, the younger sibling accompanies him in his isolated, gloomy room. He can only smile as he silently wishes for his elder brother's quick recovery.

In the middle of his contemplation, his elder brother broke his silence.

"Can I entrust you to accomplish something?" the elder brother asked.

The younger brother's face lits up as he nods. His elder brother smiles in contentment as he leans to him and discloses his plans.

Meanwhile, in the Hidden Lake, Eu discloses her plans and concerns with her companions.

Despite her abilities, she can't always monitor the Borders and prevent everything from occurring. She still needs everyone's involvement and helps her out.

"Teia, can you make it rain?" Eu curiously asked.

Triteia is a water nymph and can easily manipulate this element. Of course, she can but why did Eu ask as she looks at her quizzically.

"It is so cold, Little Eu. Why do you want to make it rain? Even if I could, I might snow instead…" Triteia responded.

"No worries. If you can, I could take care of the rest." Eu replied.

Eu smiles as she refrains from disclosing the entirety of her plans. Triteia can only agree with her.

Eu nods and smiles in contentment. She pulls a parchment from her wizardry storage and let Trieteia study the spell.

Triteia knits her brows and inspects the diagram. It consists of multiple layers of spells, but she has no idea what it can actually do.

Eu explains that she will cast an enchantment that draws power to her water spell. Water can generate magic by itself, and she will take advantage of that capability.

Meanwhile, Triteia can't comprehend what she is talking about. She just decided to agree and help her with the construction.

Eu pulls another scroll and hands over to Triteia.

She looks at the instructions and knits her brows. Everything seems complicated but straightforward at the same time.

Gwyddien is also there and reads the parchment on Triteia's hand. He can't help himself to be amazed by the woven magic — water, light, wind, fire, and void spell.

Eu's skills are simply peerless.

Triteia's water magic is the core, while Eu creates branches of other spells disguising it as rain. It is phenomenal.

Still, he can't figure out this enchantment's purpose.

It sounds like a conspicuous, magical trick show.

Triteia and Gwyddien wanted to inquire more about the spell.

While Eu wanted to indulge and explain, but she needs to cast it first before anything else. She promises to explain after and the reason for this immediate decision.

Triteia nods her head and agrees to help. She always trusts Eu's better judgment. If she needs this spell to be immediately enforced, she has a valid reason for doing so.

Eu smiles gratefully for her assistance.

Triteia casts the spell Eu requires.

Meanwhile, Eu closes her eyes, and the sky darkened. A cold gush of winds starts to blow, disturbing the once solemn place.

Loose leaves begin to fly and follow the swirling winds. Eu started casting a high-level nature wind spell.

Triteia holds her ground as the wind pierces through her. She can feel Eu is carefully intertwining two spells like her own.

A sphere of wind and water magic is formed.

Eu opened her eyes, and she cast another spell. Her purple amethyst eyes glow while she concentrates on intertwining another set of enchantments.

Eu is casting the spells so efficiently while Gwyddien can't help himself to be amazed by her skills. It looks so simple the way she is doing things.

This is the first time he witnesses her cast an enchantment, and he is awestruck. He never met anyone who can be as skilled as her.

Her graceful, precise movements are simply exemplary. Not even the Divine Witch Circe can do such an impressive feat.

'Eu is simply exceptionally gifted indeed…' he murmurs.

He simply has no other words to describe her.

Eu continues to wave her hand.

Not long, the magic diagram appeared in the heavens, indicating it's activation.

Eu holds the spell for a little longer before releasing it. She seems to cast an additional enchantment to an already elaborate spell. As she opens her palm, the sphere bursts, and the magic flows, creating a colorful drizzle.

The water droplets sparkle as it hits the light. Eu ensures that it won't crystallize and turns into snow.

She sighs as she finally finishes casting this very enchanted spell.

Everyone who witnessed the show looks up in the sky and marvels at it. It is very unusual to rain in Mystic Spirit, and everyone can't help themselves marvel at the magical phenomena.

It may be a common occurrence in other Realms, but rain is a blessing to them. They always celebrate every time the heavens blessed them with rain!

Meanwhile, the hostile men didn't expect that this mere, tiny droplets will injure and dispel their disguise. Everyone looks at them, perplex at their sudden emergence from the crowd.

"Shadows!" someone exclaimed.

The shadows were startled the moment they realize their cover was blown. They wonder what kind of enchantment can null their disguise so easily?

Mystic Spirit Bordertown ended up in confusion while they discover this anomaly. How long have they interacted with them?

A riot is about to break out. Everyone is tainted with malice.

Anyone who gets in contact with a shadow tends to lose themselves. Negative vibration has accumulated around them.

Meanwhile, Eu can assume that the shadows have lingered around town for quite a while. They have once again effortlessly infiltrated unbeknownst the entire Mystic Spirit Realm.

'How are they doing it?'

Before everyone starts the inevitable commotion, Eu waves her hand once again. This time, everyone felt calm and dispelling their negativity.

The water glows like crystal drops dispelling whatever enchantment triggered their savagery.

Eu knits her brows as she watches everything unfold on their water sphere. She only expected these hostiles to infiltrate them and not taint this place with their maliciousness.

Gwyddien can't take his eyes off the sky in amazement. Eu is using a very unusual trick of layering spells.

It is an unheard methodology, but Eu is doing it like she has done it many times.

Then again, she is the only person he knows who can efficiently implement such elaborate enchantment.

The spell changes in accordance with the situation. It can even cast a combination spell if circumstances required. It's like the enchantment has a mind of its own.

It has the ability to evolve and adapt to the situation. Still, it will always respond to its creator, in this case, Eu.

Eu looks at the Blue Sphere of Water Magic supplying the spell. She seems contented while watching things unfold.

"What is happening? What is this spell?" Triteia curiously asked.

"It's my monitor spell..." Eu simply discloses.

She placed the sphere in the middle of the lake and let it use its power to its advantage.

It doesn't require too much magic, but a natural power source is beneficial to any spell. Eu is confident this hidden and secure location will protect the core spell.

Even if she can't be there, a part of her will always protect this place…

Meanwhile, the Shadows in Mystic Spirit Bordertown decided to evacuate without causing trouble. They silently left and disappeared like they were never there.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

How can they possibly do such a thing?

This incident quickly spread.

Even the Divine Lord Foeni was detained. He had to postpone his initial plans meeting Eu. He can only sigh as he assumes this incident also involves her.

The Holy Guardian Lords in their respective territories when the word broke out. They knew Gwyddien is also in the border to meet with Eu. Knowing that they have nothing to be concerned with because he is in good hands.

They can only smile at the girl's prowess that continues to impress.

Meanwhile, Eu conceals the core spell at the bottom of Hidden Lake. That is the only location she can place and secure the magic sphere.

She entrusts Triteia and Gwyddien to protect the secrets of this enchantment. As long as it is protected and untainted, it will always safeguard Mystic Spirit from threats.

Triteia and Gwyddien didn't expect her to entrust them with such responsibility.

"What are you saying, Little Eu? You make it sound you won't be around anymore..." Triteia finally voiced out her concern.

"It is just a precaution. I won't always be around, and someone else needs to take in charge. I am only one person, after all." Eu responded.

Triteia nods as she understood her reasons. Eu can't handle everything, and they also need to take in charge somewhere.

They can't always depend that she will take care of everything.

After their discussions, the group left and continue to head back to Limes Temple, where Gwyddien's magic lessons will commence.


*Water Magic Monitoring Spell- Eu's multi-layer security magic she casts and enforces in the Mystic Spirits Bordertown.

*Hidden Lake- a magic protected and secluded area around Mystic Spirit Realm.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Thank you ~ ^^

Lumicierecreators' thoughts