
Journey Through the Multiverse

The second life of the man who managed Wield the Power of God. Mostly will go to Anime, Manga, or Eroge. Prett much following canon... I already get used to reading fanfic following canon kinda normal and non-canon basically porn-focused novel anyway not story-based. Warning: I just lazy to write new chap, pretty much already do when I feel like it, suck grammar, only writing whatever comes to mind you have been warned If there any similarity that proves that I got some influence from that fanfic and novel that read. AN: Gonna be Harem if you don't see the tag, kinda waste of multiverse if you don't have a harem... well i guess i just have too many waifu to be included lmaooo Disclaimer: I don't own any character or world that will be used and cover image, except OC

FinzRaizer · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Familiar Forest (Part 1/2)

" If the preparation is complete then get ready to teleported to Familiar Forest, I already reserved someone as our guide in that place." Rias said to everyone who stands up on Magic Circle at Occult Research Club including Kamiya, at the promised weekend. After a few seconds magic circles started glowing and swallowing everyone inside the circle.

When the glow for the transport magic circle stopped, Kamiya and Gremory group were in an

unfamiliar forest.

"In this forest, there are many familiar devil users living here. Today, I will have Ise and Asia get their familiars here."

The Forest of Familiars. There are giant trees growing around here, so not much sunlight shines through to the ground.

" Get daze!"

" What!"

" Kyaa!"

Asia and Issei were surprised by the sudden loud voice and it made them jump. Asia even hid behind Issei back. The one who made the sound appeared in front of us is a young man wearing rough clothing.

" My name is Satooji of Madara Town! I'm a devil in training, aiming to become the Familiar Master!"

" Satooji-san, I brought the ones I spoke of."

Rias then introduces us to the so-called Familiar Master.

" So... he is the tour guide in this familiar forest you're talking about huh..."

"Hee. A dull face boy, handsome man, and a blonde beauty huh. OK! Leave it to me! If it with me any Familiar immediately would be 'get daze'!"

"Ise. Asia. He is a professional in terms of familiars. Today we will catch familiars in this forest while receiving advice from him. Okay? Also you, Tendou-san I hope you don't wander around without any supervision."

" " Yes." "

" Ok Ok"

Asia and Issei nod at Rias. While Kamiya just lazily said his confirmation. Issei and Asia are in deep thought about what kind of familiar they want to get. They got interrupted by Satooji-san question in a friendly manner.

"Now, what type of familiar do you desire? Strong one? Fast one? Or one with poison?"

"Don't say something scary like poison type all of a sudden. So, what type do you recommend it?"

Satooji-san smiles at the question and gets out a thing that looks like a catalog. The one he points at is a creature with a great ferocity that is drawn out on the whole page.

"This is what I would recommend! One of the Dragon-Kings! Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat! It's a legendary dragon! It's also the only female among the Dragon-Kings! Even until now, there hasn't been a devil who has caught her yet! That would be obvious! Since it's said to be as strong as a Maou!"

"This doesn't look like the level of a familiar! It's like the super boss! The Final Boss! And no one has caught it yet!? Do you know the meaning of 'recommending'!? I feel as if I was thrown into the last dungeon! "

"That sounds good. It seems like they will get along since they are both legendary dragons. Ise. You are my adorable servant, so it might be acceptable if you can pull that off."

"It's impossible, Buchou! I can tell that we won't be able to get along even from this book."

"It's just your imagination, Ise-kun. Yeah, you can do it."

"Shut up, Kibaaaaaaa! You go and hunt it, damn itttttt!"

" Ho-oh... Something that has the same strength as Maou is inside this familiar forest. I guess that something you must meet when you touring in this forest."

" Tendou-san, don't just talk about meeting something on that level like nothing."

" Well, it's rare chance to meet Maou-class level at least giving some greet seems a good reason."

"Umm, I don't need a familiar like this one, so aren't there any other ones which are friendly and easier to catch?"

"Hahaha! I see, then how about this one? Hydra!"

Satooji-san showed the illustration of a gigantic serpent with many heads. Nothing friendly can be seen in the Hydra illustration shown by him. It has sharp eyes, sharp fangs and there is a poisonous mark of a skeleton on the illustration, There also a skull around the serpent in illustration.

"This one is amazing! It has deadly poison! There are no devils in this World that can endure its poison! On top of that, it is immortal! The worst creature in the World which even kills its master! See? Pretty useful right?"

" Well, Hydra poison is quite good, they also sell pretty much, If you really need money. so making a farm of hydra is quite profitable. After all, Hydra breathes a potent poison, and their entire bodies are filled with it. Simply standing near an adult one will make a human's lungs begin to rot. Even a deceased juvenile is great enough to harm someone with direct contact. Though the poison not enough to kill someone with divinity, it's still potent enough to give constant torment." Kamiya giving some thought about what Satooji said and give some explanation about Hydra.

"Can I punch him? Buchou, can I punch this guy?"

"Calm down, Ise. Hydra is rare so it would be wonderful. If I remember, there is one deep in this forest….. We would be able to return by the end of today."

Rias looks deep into the forest. She looks like she hoped to get something on that level of strength for some purpose.

Satooji-san puts his thumb up.

"Hahaha, you should experience the adventure!"

"Stop messing with me! I don't want a monster which is more powerful than me!"

" But you're already pretty weak Issei... Just hope you can meet some familiar who want to be with you already enough."

"This boy sure has lots of requests. Then, what would you prefer?"

"Aren't there any cute familiars? Like girl-types." Issei asked what he desired, without any hesitation about what type of familiar he wanted.

After hearing the request from Issei, then Satooji makes a sound with his tongue with an unpleasant expression.

"That's why newbie's don't understand anything. Listen? You have to catch powerful familiars. And each one has different abilities. If you are trying to become a Familiar-Master then you have to catch the same one several times, and then pick the strongest male and female among them. You have the two breeds and make them give birth to their babies with strong abilities. And also---" Satooji started talking about the logic of familiars.

"I also want a cute familiar."

Asia says while hiding behind Issei.

"Okay, I understand."

Satooji-san stopped his logic talks and replied with a smile. ....What is this guy? Looks like capturing a familiar will be a long road ahead.

" So what about you over there, Is there something you looking for?" Satooji asked Kamiya who lean back on the tree.

" I have no interest in finding since I pretty much just asked to come, quite a good thing to spend my time. Also, if there something that took my interest I can pretty much do it myself without any help."

Hearing Kamiya reply Satooji just nodded and start leading all of them to a certain lake.


Led by Satooji they finally arrived at the certain lake within Familiar Forest.

" Listen up, Spirits gather around this lake." Satooji-san says it with a small voice.

There is a spacious clear lake in front of them. It is glittering with sparkles, and it seems like a very sacred lake. The groups are hiding in the shadows near the lake while hiding their presence.

" Yes, the water spirits, Undine, living in this lake doesn't show themselves in front of others."

According to Satooji-san, the water spirit, Undine is a maiden with a pure heart and a beautiful body. Issei who heard the specification of undine go excited.

" B-Buchou, since it would be my familiar, I can do whatever I want with it


" Yes, do as you like. It would become your familiar after all."

" I never thought you are that desperate when you're still at high school. You already have Asia who living at the same house though."

" There no way I'll corrupt the pure Asia-chan!"

" I see, it seems you're still good at heart. My impression of you increased slightly."

" I'm not interested in my impression of the boy."

" Bwahaha... Don't think too much about it since that pretty much impossible, since I woman as well. You can already see it from the girls shown up with me the other day. I can help you get a girl if you needed my help. If you still cannot get any girl, I will give you a discount for custom made sex doll if you want."

" I don't need the pity from the last part!"

" Yes that right, don't entice my servant with something like that."

" Oh, the lake started glowing. Undine should make its appearance." Satooji-san pointed towards the lake. The one that appeared was a being with light-blue hair sparkling like lights, who was wearing a transparent robe over its gigantic body. The insane biceps, the huge calves, and the chest which looks like it has metal inside it, and like a veteran warrior it has many scars on its face.

" That is Undine."

" Undines in this world is kind of over muscular maiden huh... that surprising."

" No no no! No matter how you look at it, it is a martial artist in training. Look, those biceps are meant for destroying a human's body. It seems like it can conquer the World with just its fists. It doesn't even have an opening. It's a man of valor."

" Yeah, Undine always have a battle while having their territory on the line. If you aren't strong, you wouldn't be able to get the lake. The World of the Spirit is also about power. But it sure is a strong looking spirit. That is quite rare. I recommend you catch it. Water spirit specializing in punching sure won't be bad."

" Undine which specializes in punching huh... I think you can do it with this spirit Issei.I'm pretty sure this undine will be happy to do what in your mind previously."

" It is bad! It isn't a healing type at all! It is like killing-type! I don't need a healing-type spirit which has enormous punch power! There no way I'm going to do it with something like that!" Issei cried out loud. He seems can't accept the reality he just saw with his own eyes.

" But, that is the female type you know? And it has quite a potential."

" I so didn't want to hear that!"

" Ise, the World is changing now." Rias tried to comfort Issei while resting her hand on his shoulder while nodding her head. Though Issei still failed to remove his own depression.

" But she has pure eyes. I'm sure she is a girl with a pure heart as well." Asia says that with a smile to Issei and makes him cried harder.

" Ah, another one has appeared." Akeno said something which gathers other attention to the spirit inside the lake. What appeared was a light-blue hair color spirit with the same physique.

" U…Uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh…..!"

" I…..Ise-kun, I don't think it's something which will make you cry out that much, you know?"

" Kibaaaa. I had dreams inside fantasies. I was seeking the beauty of the World. That's because Buchou who is a devil is super beautiful. You would end up having hope in fantasies. But, what is that? Why do I have to see some martial artist makes his appearance!? I hate it! I hate fantasies!"

" It's okay. I'm sure there are fantasies that will fulfill Ise-Kun's dream."

" Oh, look."

Satooji-san points at the lake. From the location Satooji pointed, they can see Undine(Female) are glaring at each other. They are able to sense the hostility between two macho undines, and the space between them bent with their 'Touki'.




The thick fist nailed into their opponent's stomach, or the uppercut cracked the opponent's chin. One of them low-kicked the opponent's calves making an explosive sound and the straight punched nailed deeply into the opponent's face. Both of them started bleeding from every part of their body. They started showing an intense battle of hitting each other. The sacred lake now turned into a battle stadium.

" What is this fight about!?"

" It's the fight for the territory. And both of them look like warriors with lots of experience." Satooji-san started shaking his head and seemed very interested in it.

" Fight for the territory... Shouldn't they fight in a more 'fantasy' way? Isn't there any magic used by the spirit and stuff?"

" After all, violence is the answer."

" Buchou, can I go home? I'm about to cry now you know?" Issei who hear Satooji reply and scene in front of him started to cry.

" Hahaha! Look, boy! The victor will be your familiar! The ultimate fight of Undine! It's a wonderful adventure indeed! Oh! They certainly show a rare way of punching!" Satooji-san says it with enjoyment while patting on Issei's shoulder.

" Hahaha... As if! Shut up with the adventure craaaaaap! I don't want an adventure like this!"

" How about we n-name her Dine-chan the Undine?" Asia says that while being scared and watching the battle in front of them.

" Asia, no matter how you look at it, that Dine-chan will be too much for us. If you make that as your familiar, then you would become pregnant if you stay next to her."

" I will bear the baby if it is Ise-san's child!" Asia says that clearly.

" Yeah. What are you saying? That isn't a problem! .....Eh!? You will actually, bear my children!? No, that's not the issue! Forget about that Dine-chan! You won't be able to control it, Asia!"

" B-But, I'm certain that Dine-chan was lonely by herself….. I know it."

" Even if that is the case, that girl would be able to live by herself. Look, she succeeded in building a body that can break her opponents. Let's give up on Dine-chan. Wait, who is Dine-chan anyway!? Don't give her a name! More like, which one is Dine-chan!?" Issei put his hand on Asia's shoulder and tell her. While putting on a smile.

" Hey, boy! Dine-chan is in crisis! She just received a shoulder throw."

" Satoooooooooji! You shut the fuck uppppp!"

" Haaa….. Okay. Let's just move on to another place. At this rate, there will be no progress in this." Rias says it while making a sigh.

The group giving up on the water spirit and moved on to another place.