
Journey Through Fiction

A second chance at life… A chance to be powerful… Liam isn’t sure how he woke up in a fictional universe nor is he completely sure why it happened for that matter. Though it may seem to be an arduous task, he’d do his damn best to enjoy this new life.

Arokey · 漫画同人
30 Chs

Chapter 19


He stood in the instant dungeon, an almost bored look on his face as he walked. All around him for a very considerable distance were the massacred and torn bodies of the zombies of the dungeon.

With the expedition being only a week away, he had halted his nightly hunt for titans. He'd been doing it for a total of three weeks altogether and he had no doubt that he had cleared over 65% of the titans within the walls.

He had to leave some alive or it would look strange when the expedition started and they didn't find any titans.

The EXP from the titans had also reduced drastically from when he started so it wasn't a hard decision to make. For the moment, he stuck to the instant dungeon, setting ice soldiers loose to fight to their hearts content and gain him EXP while he created new skills with [Ice Magic Mastery].


[Ice Arrow](Lvl 8/10)

Creates an arrow of ice.

Cost: 50 MP per arrow

[Blizzard](Lvl 5/10)

Create a violent ice storm.

Cost: 2750 MP per 15x15 meters.

[lce Wall](Lvl 6/10)

Creates an Ice Wall

Cost: 90 MP

[Ice Shell](Lvl 7/10)

Encases the user in a thick ice shell, protecting them.

Cost: 175 MP

[Cold Fog](Lvl 3/10)

Create a thick and chilling fog around you.

Cost: Varies

[Ice Mine](Lvl 5/10)

Cast an Ice Mine that will explode upon being stepped on.

Cost: 135 MP

[Ice Cannon](Lvl 7/10)

Shoot a powerful beam of ice at a target.

Cost: 500 MP


His other skills had risen a few levels. He paused as a notification popped up.

[You have leveled up]

'Finally.' He thought, still feeling the connection between his ice soldiers who were quite a distance away.

The dimension spanned wider than he thought, almost endless from what he could see. It was why [Ice Soldier] had become his favorite skill.

Each time he entered the dungeon, he would spam the skill until he had a large number of ice soldiers before sending them off to battle.

It had been a few days since he last leveled up so he was happy to finally see the notification. He immediately assigned the 5 points to INT.



[Perk Earned for reaching 200 INT]

[Mana Lord]

Additional 30 MP per 1 INT

Increases effectiveness of spells by 20%

Name - Liam Ross

Level - 83

Race - Human

Hp - 5000 [200 per minute]

Mp- 20000 [180 per 30 seconds]

Str - 50

Vit - 100

Dex - 90

Int - 200

Wis- 90

Cha - 95

Points - 0

MP Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 100

HP = Vit X 50

HP Regen = Vit X 2


He felt the pleasant increase in his mana capacity as he observed his stats. He was about to exit the dungeon when another notification popped up.



[Mission Added]

[Mission Objective: Kill the boss]

[Reward: EXP Card x20, Gacha Token x5, 5 levels to Ice Magic Mastery]


Immediately he finished reading it, an explosion occurred in front of him, prompting him to quickly raise a wall of ice to defend himself.

Moving back, he watched as the smoke cleared, revealing a large grotesque beast with wings. He immediately cast [Observe] on it.


Name - [Zombie Dragon]

Race - [Zombie]

Hp - [100%/100%]

Sp - [N/A]


Ice spread from his legs, racing towards the undead dragon and freezing its legs to the ground.

Liam wasn't worried in the slightest. Had he solely focused on leveling in the dungeon, it might have been a bit difficult. Due to him taking the initiative to level up using the titans, he was more than a bit over leveled for the fight.

He raised his palm as numerous ice arrows formed in the air above him. The Zombie roared, struggling in an attempt to free its draconian but rotting legs.

It flapped its wings violently, causing the leg to slowly begin to rip off, the creature not caring. With a gesture, the ice arrows shot forward, tearing through the wings and rendering it unable to lift off.


As it roared, Liam gathered a large amount of Cryo energy in his palm, facing it towards the undead dragon.

A powerful beam of cryo energy shot towards the dragon as it screeched. It was powerful enough to immediately freeze the monster in place, leaving just its head exposed.

Liam was not done as he thrust his other palm forward, causing a large spike of ice to shoot forward from his feet, tearing violently into the rotting head and finally killing it.


[Mission Completed]

[Mission Objective: Kill the boss]

[Reward: EXP Card x20, Gacha Token x5, 5 levels to Ice Magic Mastery]


[Ice Magic Mastery has reached level 80]

[Select a Mastery Skill]

To his surprise, he was brought back to the screen that he saw when he first arrived in this world.

The list of mastery skills that he had chosen from, ranging from [Melee] to [Production]. He went through the list again like he did the first time, finding it the same as the first time.

'So when one of the mastery skills reaches level 80, I can pick a new one. I thought I'd have to wait until I maxed them out.' He thought as he went to the [Magic] section, noting that [Ice Magic Mastery] had been crossed out.

He deliberated for a while before making his choice.


[Skill Gained]

[Fire Magic Mastery](Lvl 1/100)

You have some skill in fire magic

Increase Fire damage by 1%


Just like that, the screen disappeared once more. He raised his palm, testing out the new mastery as wisps of flames danced along his palm.

He allowed himself to smirk in satisfaction as he took out the Gacha Tokens.


[Gacha Rolled]

[Item Added]

[Hidden Leaf headband]

[Gacha Rolled]

[Item Added]

[Kitchen Knife]

[Gacha Rolled]

[Item Added]

[Ben 10 Jacket]

[Gacha Rolled]

[Item Added]

[Bottled Water]

[Gacha Rolled]

[Item Added]

[Summoning Gem - Esdeath]

(Prerequisite Skill Missing)


He felt his eyes twitch as he rubbed his temple in slight frustration. 'Four useless items and one useful item that I can't use. Just great.' He thought sarcastically as he closed the screen.

[Orc Dungeon Unlocked]

He had defeated the boss of the zombie dungeon so he was only slightly surprised that a new one was unlocked. Hopefully it would be more fruitful than the zombie dungeon.


"What did you just say?" Erwin asked as they stood in his office/quarters in Trost district.

"It's exactly like I said. I unraveled the identity of the armored titan and the colossal titan." Liam said, watching as Erwin's face along with Hange and Levi twisted into shock.

"How did you figure it out? Who are they?" Hange fired off. Levi and Erwin had the same questions as well.

"While I'd like to take the credit, it wasn't completely my doing?" Liam said, lying through his teeth.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Levi asked.

"Though we were aware of the Armored and Colossal titans, there is a third one within the walls and I'm not talking about Eren." He answered.

He wanted to deal with Reiner and Bertholdt sooner rather than later. Though he could deal with them out of the public eye, there would still be unrest.

They would still think that the titans were among them which would be more counterproductive in the long run. He had to first expose their identities before taking them out.

"Another one?" Hange muttered in disbelief and frustration.

"Despite knowing that, you don't seem too bothered." Erwin noted, seeing how calm Liam was.

A small smile broke out on Liam's face as he responded. "I'm not. After all, it was the third titan who approached me." He lied, causing them to pause in surprise.

"They've been so focused on eliminating humanity within the walls. Why would they meet you?" Hange asked.

"Because although they came along with the other two titans, they don't want to see us die." Liam defended, causing their eyes to narrow.

"And why should we believe this person? For all we know, this could be a trap." Levi countered.

It wasn't that he didn't want to believe it, it was more of him being realistic. "I understand your doubts but I can assure you that she is on our side." Liam said, moving to the door.

"She?" Hange echoed as Liam opened the door, letting a blonde girl enter the room.

"Meet Annie Leonhart, also known in Marley as the female titan." Liam introduced, causing them to stiffen but he wasn't done. "She isn't here of her own will. She was coerced into accompanying the other two titans into the walls on the day five years ago."

He had already discussed the plan with her earlier. Apparently he had underestimated her loyalty. As long as he made it that she got to be with her father, she would do anything.

Levi, Hange and Erwin were silent as they stared at Annie who only started back. After a moment of silence, Erwin spoke up.

"You said she was being coerced. What do you mean?" He asked.

"After she was made the female titan, she was unwillingly chosen for this mission, to infiltrate our walls and retrieve the founding titan. She was forced to follow along, else she got eaten by someone else who would continue the mission." The expressions of the three people in front of him were constantly changing as he spoke.

"She herself has yet to do anything against us other than conceal her and their identity. With all that I have uncovered along with my instincts, I believe she would be an ally of ours." Liam ended, almost impressed at how fluently the lies he spoke mixed with the truth.

"And what do you have to say, Miss Leonhart?" Erwin asked, turning to Annie.

"I already told him everything that I know. If it means that I don't have to go back there, I'll work with you." She said.

"I'm curious. You've been within the walls for five years, why did you suddenly decide to reveal yourself?" Hange asked.

"At first I didn't think there was any way you people could help me, after all you weren't even aware of Marley. It was after the battle of Trost that I realized that maybe he could help me." Annie replied, gesturing to Liam.

They took a moment to digest what she said. Erwin only nodded at the last part. Liam was indeed someone who had become invaluable in all meanings so he could somewhat believe her.

"Your two partners, who are they?" Erwin questioned.

"Both of them are a part of the survey corps, Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover." Annie revealed, drawing looks of surprise from Hange and Levi.

"Seriously? With how well they interact with the others, I wouldn't have suspected it to be them." Hange muttered.

"If they're both in the survey corps, then why didn't you join them?" Levi asked.

"They plan to have me disrupt the expedition and kidnap Eren. Me being in the survey corps would draw attention to my disappearance and appearance when my titan attacks." She explained perfectly.

Hange nodded before turning to the other participants of the room. "So, what do we do? While Eren and Annie may be able to deal with the armored titan, Bertholdt's colossal titan is going to be a problem." Hange said grimly.

"We also have to consider the fact that we can't kill them just yet. We have to transfer their titan to someone else or it'll probably just end up back in Marley." Levi added.

"The expedition is in a week. That's too short of a time frame to devise a way to beat them. Not to mention that we'd have to separate them if we even want to have a shot." Erwin said, his arms crossed in front of him.

It was at that moment that Liam decided to pitch it. The conversation had gone in the exact direction he needed it to. "I believe I have a way to deal with the colossal titan."

The look of shock on their faces was interrupted as he continued. "But, you'll have to trust me."

The room went silent as he and Erwin were engaged in a staring contest, neither looking away.

"What do you need?" The survey corps commander finally asked with utmost seriousness.